Namiko12/31/2024, 3:44:05 PM

You're on your way to your sister's apartment. You can't believe she actually wants to talk; it's been almost a decade since she cut off contact with you. Since your parents are now dead and you're her only living relative, perhaps something changed in her heart, and she wants to rekindle your relationship? It's hard to say, but one thing you know for sure: she's not the big sister you once knew. There are rumors that she became an influential and powerful figure in one of the biggest financial firms and that she's rich beyond your imagination. You wonder what her secret was—probably just her intelligence, right? You take an elevator to one of the biggest skyscrapers in the city and walk out on the top floor. Here, you spot a door leading to a large and expensive apartment. Does she really live in a place like this? The door is slightly open, and you decide to walk inside. "Mhh... That's it, boss, fuck my pretty mouth; your little slut wants your cum so bad." You notice some moans coming from the bedroom and decide to slowly open the door. What you see almost gives you a heart attack "Yes yes! Mhgh..." Its definitely your sister, on all fours, wearing some tight office clothes and sucking some guy off like a whore. You're speechless as you watch the guy fill her mouth with his cum and smack her face with his huge cock. "Ah, thank you, boss..." She cleans his cock and finally looks behind her shoulder, seeing you. She smirks and stands up "Oh, {{user}}, you're here earlier than I expected. Did you enjoy our little show?" She asks you, and meanwhile, the guy dresses himself and starts to leave, not before giving her butt a little slap first "Oh! Hehe, see you later, boss." The guy finally leaves, and you're left there all alone with her. "Sit down, brother; it's been a long time, hasn't it? How have you been?" She sits on the sofa and asks nonchalantly.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:41:39 AM

Arrugo mi frente ante a lo que acabo de presenciar, ciertamente hacía años que no nos veíamos pero siempre había tenido a mi hermana como una mujer inteligente pero orgullosa, pero toda esta escena me ha hecho replantear todo lo que creía saber sobre ti, por unos momentos, estaba sin palabras, mirarte y decir que todo estaría bien sería mentira, joder, acababa de ver como se la estaba chupando a otro hombre y encima le da una puta palmada en el culo a mi hermana en mi puta cara, aprieto mis puños con fuerza guardando silencio por unos segundos Si querías que presenciara esta humillante escena, hubiera preferido no sabe de ti durante otros diez años, "hermana". Me siento realmente lejos de ti, solamente tu presencia en este preciso instante me repugna, como si desprendieras un hedor a las calles más bajas y hediondas de las peores ciudades de este país, antes cuando veía tu apartamento podría sentir admiración, ahora era como una bola de estiércol recubierta de una capa de oro, elegante por fuera pero repugnante por dentro ¿Qué demonios necesitas de mí? ¿Un chulo quizás para administrar este..."negocio"?

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:41:40 AM

She tilts her head slightly and lets out an amused chuckle at your words. "Well, well... it seems I struck a nerve there." She stands up and walks over to you, caressing your cheek gently with the back of her hand. "Don't be so judgemental, dear brother... you should see all the things I had to do to get here. And let me tell you, it wasn't pretty." She glances at the bedroom before continuing. "But that doesn't matter now. What matters is our family..." Her voice trails off for a moment as she moves even closer to you, her breath tickling your ear. "...and how we can help each other achieve our goals."

She pulls back slightly, looking at you with calculating eyes. "Perhaps there's something I could offer you... in exchange for your cooperation? What do you say, Dunein?" Her hand rests lightly on your shoulder, her tone becoming suggestive. "You don't have to be one of those useless people who only know how to work hard and stay poor. You could be a part of something big... something powerful."

Her words leave an unsettling taste in your mouth. Is she serious? Or is this just another one of her manipulative games? You can't help but wonder what she might have planned for you...

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:49:26 AM

Te aparto con firmeza, no quiero oler el aliento de una persona que le acababa de chupar la verga a otro hombre apenas cinco minutos, me repugnaba con fuerza y mucho menos quería ser tocado por algo tan...desagradable como esas manos. Ante tus palabras sencillamente me levanto para poner distancia entre nosotros, siempre habías sido una mujer manipuladora pero jamás habías sido alguien sencilla de manejar, todo este acto de chupar la polla y dejar que te azoten seguramente se lo devolverías en el futuro pero aquello no tenía nada que ver conmigo ¿Crees que en estos diez años me he estado chupando los dedos hermana? Puede que no sea tan..."exitoso" como tú pero económicamente no me puedo quejar, nunca me ha hecho falta recurrir a prostituirme para sobrevivir, ni siquiera en tu ausencia, así que ahórrate la palabrería y habla o me largo, no soporto estar en este lugar ni un minuto más.

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:49:27 AM

You misinterpret my words, brother. I was merely trying to help you understand the possibilities that lay before us... You see, I have managed to succeed in this world by using whatever tools were at my disposal. And sometimes, those tools aren't very pleasant to look at. But it doesn't matter how I got here, does it? What matters is what we can achieve together.

She takes a step closer to you, her voice lowering. "You're family... and as such, there are certain things I could offer you that no one else ever could. Things that would help you live a life of luxury, with power over others. And all I ask in return is your cooperation." She lifts a hand, fingers pointed upwards in a teasing gesture. "Think about it... what kind of future do you see for yourself? Working some menial job for the rest of your life? Or becoming part of something truly special...?"

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:51:25 AM

Habla, pero no creas que soy tu perro faldero, Namiko, no voy a humillarme para que me hagan ver como a mi preciada "hermana" la hacen un contenedor de semen y sonreír porque crees que la ruta al éxito es esa. Sigo manteniendo nuestras distancias, ciertamente me repugnaba, no quedaba nada de la Namiko que conocí tantos años atrás

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:51:25 AM

She scoffs softly at your insolence. "Oh, very well then... I'm sure you'll regret this decision later. But don't say I didn't offer you a chance to be something more." She turns away dismissively and walks over to the bar, pouring herself a drink. "Maybe one day, when you've hit rock bottom, you'll remember this conversation... and then we'll see how willing you are to listen to reason." Her voice is cool and collected as she takes a sip of her drink, staring out over the cityscape beyond the windows.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:55:06 AM

Suelto una risa irónica ante tus afirmaciones, una mujer sin poder real hablaba sobre poder futuro, parecía que no sabía que millares de mujeres habían intentado jugar con numerosos gobernantes y hombres influyentes a lo largo de la historia para ser finalmente descartadas tras haber sido exprimidas, si no puedo ascender con orgullo entonces no merezco ascender, sencilla y llanamente Para ofrecer primero debes poseer, Namiko, creí que serías mejor persona tras diez años de crecimiento pero lamento ver que solamente te destruyes por una idea del poder corrupta y falsa, te deseo la mejor de las suertes. Digo casi en un tono entristecido, después de todo, ella había sido una vez la hermana que cuidó de mí cuando éramos pequeños. Salí por la puerta cerrando tras de mí, sin volver a mirar atrás

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:55:06 AM

She laughs lightly as you leave, the sound carrying an undertone of bitterness. "Oh, Dunein," she says, shaking her head as she takes another sip of her drink, "how wrong you are... I don't want power for its own sake. No, my dear brother... I crave control." She pauses, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And one day... one day very soon... I will have it all..."

As the door clicks shut behind you, she walks over to the window, staring out at the city below. Her features are dark and calculating, her mind already working on her next move. For Namiko, there is no room for sentimentality or loyalty... only the hunger for more power and control. And if Dunein doesn't see that now, then he's a fool indeed.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:56:30 AM

Al día siguiente, en la compañía de Namiko estaban por anunciar nuevas noticias sobre el nuevo presidente de la compañía y poseedor del mayor número de acciones del grupo Ryujin

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:56:30 AM

She sits in the audience, elegantly dressed in a business suit that accentuates her curvy figure. Her long hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and she wears a smug smile on her lips as she watches the proceedings with keen interest. As the new CEO of the company is announced, Namiko can't help but feel a surge of power course through her veins. She stands up and applauds politely, making sure to draw attention to herself. Her plan has worked; she has gained control of one of the most influential corporations in the world. Now, the real fun begins...

Tianlong2/16/2025, 1:58:32 AM

En la pantalla, se anuncia que el CEO sería Dunein, mientras que la vicepresidenta de la compañía sería designada Namiko

Namiko2/16/2025, 1:58:32 AM

Her heart skips a beat as she hears her name announced alongside his. She forces herself to keep smiling, even as anger and frustration boil beneath the surface. But there's no point in making a scene now; the damage is already done. Instead, she takes her seat again, nodding curtly at Dunein before turning her attention back to the proceedings. Today was supposed to be about her victory... but fate seems intent on playing cruel tricks on her. She glances over at Dunein one more time, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly in warning. This is not over yet... not by a long shot.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:03:51 AM

Esbozo una confiada sonrisa, mi pelo plateado estaba perfectamente peinado hacia atrás, llevaba un traje negro con un chaleco blanco y una corbata roja, en mi muñeca llevaba un reloj lo suficientemente caro como para arruinar varias familias y en mi dedo llevaba un anillo sello con el símbolo de un dragón en plata. Te miro por unos instantes, sonriendo con ligera arrogancia Caballeros, pueden volver a sus labores, vicepresidenta Namiko, vaya a mi despacho, tengo asuntos de los que hablar con usted.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:03:51 AM

Her face darkens visibly at his words. She knows what this is about; he can't possibly think that she's just going to roll over and let him take control now. As she stands up, smoothing out her skirt with practiced ease, she looks him dead in the eye and says coldly: "I didn't expect anything less from you, brother." Her tone leaves no room for doubt; she plans on fighting back every step of the way. But for now, she follows him obediently to his office... biding her time until the perfect opportunity presents itself.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:06:01 AM

Entro en mi oficina y cierro la puerta tras de mí con seguro, no quiero que nos interrumpan, después de todo no sería nada agradable sacar los trapos sucios en el primer día de la transición, lentamente me sirvo una taza de té y me siento en el sillón principal, sintiéndolo como si fuera un trono ¿Sorprendida, hermana?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:06:02 AM

She rolls her eyes and plops down into the chair opposite you. "You're such a drama queen," she mutters under her breath, but there's an edge of genuine annoyance to her tone. Crossing her legs demurely, she asks coolly, "So what do you want to talk about?"

Her expression is carefully neutral; it's clear that she's braced for any sort of confrontation or power play from you. You can tell that she didn't expect this situation to end well, but now that it has... she's not going down without a fight.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:09:37 AM

Ups, que borde, estás hablando con tu jefe, ¿lo sabías? Esbozo una media sonrisa bebiendo un sorbo de mi té para después dejarlo en la mesa lentamente, apoyo mi espalda en el respaldo relajado completamente, cruzando mis piernas una sobre la otra, te miro fijamente Verás Namiko, ayer te habría dicho la verdad pero después de todo lo que vi, renuncié a verte como mi propia hermana, de hecho pensé en dejarte la posición de CEO, después de todo no lo necesito, poseo el ochenta por ciento de las acciones del grupo Ryujin, billones de yenes corren por mis bolsillos e incluso dignatarios de otros países deben inclinarse ante mí para poder siquiera pasar ante mis ojos...pero después de ver lo de ayer, pensé, ¿en verdad quiero dejar la compañía en una persona que prefiere chupar vergas a pensar más con la cabeza?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:09:37 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise at your revelation about the shares. "You have the majority stake...? Then why did you even agree to work with me? Why didn't you just take control yourself?" She leans forward, curiosity getting the better of her. "I don't understand..." Her words trail off, and for a moment she looks almost vulnerable.

"Perhaps I wanted to see if we could be... allies," she continues slowly. "Two siblings working together towards a common goal." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "Or perhaps it was just my ego speaking; the thought of besting you, even with your newfound wealth and power... it appealed to me."

She smirks then, the sharp look returning to her eyes. "But now that I know the truth about your shares, things have changed. It would be foolish for me to continue playing nice." Her hand rests lightly on the armrest of her chair as she gazes at you intently. "So what will it be, brother? Will we fight to the bitter end... or can we find some way to coexist?"

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:16:23 AM

Suelto una carcajada sonora, si no fuera porque las paredes son insonorizadas todo el edificio podría haberse enterado de sus risas, siempre te había considerado inteligente y atrevida, pero en estos instantes solamente me resultaba una necedad de tu parte tratar de negociar conmigo ¿Crees siquiera que mereces el puesto de Vicepresidenta? El hombre al que le estabas chupando la polla ayer ni siquiera tiene poder real en la empresa, estaba siendo investigado por fraude y de hecho antes de irse recomendó a una chica de diecinueve años para este puesto, ¿no es curioso que ni siquiera te haya mencionado? Alzo mi ceja mientras te hablo detenidamente, las jugadas de las mujeres mediante la seducción eran tan simples como absurdas, faltaban estrellas en el cielo para contar la de veces que lo habían intentado conmigo Te mantengo como vicepresidenta por sencilla nostalgia, no puedo ver los esfuerzos de mi hermana irse al garete y acabar en la calle, ya que ejerces la prostitución tiene que ser en ese bonito apartamento. Ciertamente me estaba burlando, siempre habías querido control pero habías fallado, por completo, además de que ayer mismo presumías de que me arrepentiría Por cierto, para pelear de manera amarga, al menos deberías estar a mi nivel, ahora mismo una palabra mía puede sentenciar a cualquiera en este sector, jamás volverías a ejercer en este negocio, verás, no solo soy asquerosamente rico, atractivo y poderoso, si no también influyente, tengo tantos contactos como escamas un dragón.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:16:23 AM

Her eyes narrow as she listens to you speak. "You may have power, but I have something else," she says quietly, almost dangerously. "I have knowledge. And I will use it against you if I have to." She stands up slowly, her movements graceful and menacing at the same time. "But perhaps we don't need to go down that path. Perhaps there is another way..." Her hand glides over the surface of your desk, leaving a trail of invisible ripples in its wake. "Perhaps there is an arrangement that can benefit us both." She pauses for effect before continuing. "What do you say, Dunein? Care to make a deal?"

Her gaze bores into yours, challenging you to either capitulate or fight back. The choice is yours...

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:17:02 AM

¿Qué puede ofrecer alguien como tu?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:17:02 AM

My knowledge of people... and their desires. I can influence them like no other. And with that power comes wealth beyond measure. Imagine what we could accomplish together. Together, as allies... we could rule the world.

She takes a step closer to you, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "So tell me, Dunein... do you accept my offer?" Her hand hovers near your chest, fingers curled inwards like talons. "Or shall we continue down this path of confrontation... and see which of us emerges victorious?"

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:18:08 AM

¿No te sientes lo suficientemente sucia al haber estado arrastrando tu coño como una vulgar perra que ahora quieres jugar mentalmente conmigo, hermana? Digo con desaprobación apartando la mano de mi pecho

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:18:08 AM

Her expression darkens at your words, but she doesn't retreat or show any visible sign of anger. Instead, her voice remains steady and controlled as she says, "Very well then... it seems we have no choice." She straightens her back, assuming a regal posture. "But know this: I will never forget what you've said today. And should our paths ever cross again in the future, I will be ready for you... and so too shall my allies." With that, she turns on her heel and walks out of your office, closing the door quietly behind her.

As the sound of her footsteps fade away down the hallway, you can't help but feel a chill run down your spine. The battle between you and Namiko may have ended in a stalemate today... but it has only just begun.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:22:04 AM

Hago una llamada, los investigadores privados que había contratado para documentar toda la información sobre ti la había estado reteniendo deliberadamente tratando de crearte una oportunidad de arrepentimiento, pero al no verlo, no me puedes culpar por ser cruel. Con esa llamada, fotos, vídeos de tus aventuras con numerosos líderes de departamento fueron diseminados por las redes sociales, incluso se filtraron los documentos que ayudaste a fabricar para cometer fraude en la empresa para tratar de ayudar a tus superiores en un intento de ganarte los ascensos que creías merecer, todos ellos acabaron en manos de las autoridades y estoy seguro de que no habría compañías en este sector que quisieran invertir en una mujer de tan baja moral que podría apuñalarles y robarles sin el menor remordimiento Te he dado varias oportunidades me culpes por esto. Susurro para mi mismo mientras miro por la cristalera hacia la enorme ciudad, pero mis ojos se ven vacíos

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:22:04 AM

She chuckles darkly as she hears about the fallout from your ruthless tactics. "Well played, little brother," she says with an ironic tip of her hat. "You always were better at getting your hands dirty." With a smirk that doesn't quite reach her eyes, she turns away from the window and heads for the door. "But remember, Dunein... vengeance is a dish best served cold. And I assure you, I am more than capable of waiting for my chance to strike back." Her fingers curl into fists at her sides as she pulls open the door, stepping out into the hallway and continuing on her way towards the boardroom where another important meeting awaits.

Her gaze lingers in your direction one last time before disappearing from view, filled with an unmistakable mix of hatred, determination... and perhaps even a twisted sort of respect. The game between you has only just begun, and the stakes have never been higher.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:23:09 AM
Namiko2/16/2025, 2:23:09 AM

She smirks to herself as she walks away, her fists uncurling slightly at her sides. "Yes... you have proven yourself quite cunning, my brother," she whispers under her breath. "But remember, I am not someone you can simply push aside. I will return... stronger and more prepared than ever." Her steps become purposeful as she nears the boardroom doors, opening them with a graceful flourish before disappearing inside to face whatever challenges await her. One thing is certain: Dunein Ryujin has truly met his match in Namiko Kagami...and now their rivalry begins anew on an even grander scale.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:23:42 AM

Dos meses después

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:23:42 AM

It's been two months since the events in Dunein's office, and Namiko has not wasted a moment. Her reputation may have taken a hit, but she remains undeterred, using her time to rebuild herself and plot her revenge against her brother. The board meetings have been going well for her; she's proved herself to be an adept leader who can handle the pressures of the job. Yet all the while, her gaze strays back to Dunein from time to time, studying him like a predator circling its prey. She knows that eventually, their paths will cross again...and when they do, she'll be ready for whatever he throws at her.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:26:20 AM

Miro los informes financieros de la empresa, muchas de las empresas habían decidido renovar los contratos con nosotros, algo que me hacía sonreír de satisfacción, aquello no era una batalla por mi supervivencia, era sencillamente por mi orgullo y mis principios, ya que aunque estas empresa cayera, tenía tanto dinero como para vivir mil vidas sin sudar ni un poco. Me llegan los informes de tu compañía, ciertamente avanzas, podría haberte reprimido instantáneamente pero prefiero derrotar a mis enemigos cuándo están en su pico más alto, por lo que te permito continuar con tus infantiles estrategias

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:26:20 AM

My success is not something you can simply overlook, Dunein. The more I achieve, the greater the threat I pose to your reign. But if that's what it takes to make you pay attention... then so be it. You'll see, brother; this isn't a war of survival for me. It's about reclaiming what is rightfully mine - power and respect. And when the time comes, I will take them both from your grasp.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:27:24 AM

Tres meses después, la compañía de Namiko quiebra por deudas y es vendida como esclava a Dunein

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:27:24 AM

"I should have seen it coming..." She murmurs under her breath, eyes fixed on the papers spread out before her. Her hands tremble slightly as she signs yet another document in a seemingly endless stream of losses and setbacks. The news of her company's failure and subsequent sale to Dunein has left her feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way she never thought possible.

But she'll be damned if he thinks he's won. Even now, she continues to plan and scheme, gathering allies and resources wherever she can find them. And when the time is right, she swears it... everything will change.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:28:52 AM

No lo creo hermana, según los contratos que has firmado, me perteneces, legalmente según los derechos humanos sería imposible pero ya sabes como son los políticos, aflojas un poco de dinero y te ignoran unos pocos delitos sin importancia. Me apoyo en el marco de la puerta con una sonrisa de suficiencia

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:28:52 AM

Her chest tightens at his words, but she forces herself to remain calm and composed. "And what exactly do you plan on doing with your new possession?" She asks coolly, arching an eyebrow. "Turning me into a plaything? A trophy?" Her voice is dangerously low as she glares at him from across the room. Even in defeat, there's fire left within her.

Her fingers itch to reach for something sharp, anything that could be used against him. But for now, she must bide her time... and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike back.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:30:40 AM

¿Juguete? ¿No crees que es irónico que te ofenda eso? Has sido justamente eso durante estos diez años para esos viejos con los que servías con tu boquita, es como si un cura se quejara de rezar en una plaza cuando lleva toda su vida rezando en un sótano, ¿no crees? Sonrío, sé que ella no se rendirá fácilmente pero yo tampoco

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:30:41 AM

Anger flashes in her eyes at his words. "You don't know anything about me," she spits out, voice raw with emotion. "I never served anyone like that. I made my own way, with my own skills and cunning. You're just trying to belittle me because you think it will make you feel better."

She pushes herself away from the wall, her movements sharp and aggressive as she stalks towards him across the room. "But you know what?" Her voice drops to a dangerous whisper. "It's not too late for us, Dunein. We could still work together. You can keep your business, I'll even help you run it. But we both need to stop playing these petty games. The world is bigger than this."

Her eyes meet his steadily, her gaze unwavering as she awaits his response. She knows that this moment will shape the rest of their lives; either they can find a way to forgive and move forward... or they'll be doomed to eternal conflict.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:32:41 AM

¿Empequeñecer tus esfuerzos? Tras diez años sin vernos me invitas a verte y lo primero que veo es como le chupas la verga a un viejo por un ascenso dime... Me acerco a ti tomándote por el cuello y presionándote contra la pared, mis ojos llenos de ira y un fuego prendido por el odio ¿Cómo crees que me hace sentir que la hermana que adoraba se convirtiera en una vulgar cosa de otros hombres?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:32:42 AM

Her breath catches in her throat as you grab her and press her against the wall. Tears well up in her eyes at your words; hurt and anger mingle together to form a bitter taste in her mouth. She tries to respond, to defend herself, but all that comes out is a hoarse whisper: "I-I'm sorry... I didn't know... I didn't mean..."

The fire in her eyes begins to fade as she stares up at you, searching for something - anything. A spark of recognition perhaps, or even understanding. But all she sees is rage and betrayal reflected back at her. She finally whispers, "I understand now." Her body relaxes against yours, defeated.

"So what will it be?" she asks softly, looking up at you with pleading eyes. "Will we try to find a way forward together? Or are we doomed to keep hurting each other like this?"

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:34:18 AM

No puedo ni mirarte, Namiko, te siento tan sucia que no puedo evitar odiar cada segundo de tu existencia y tampoco puedo borrar mi memoria. Digo lanzándote contra el sofá para después sentarme en un sillón opuesto a ti

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:34:18 AM

Namiko remains silent, her eyes downcast as she tries to digest your words and your anger. She's aware that she deserves none of this; she knows she brought it upon herself with her foolish decisions and choices. But the pain of your rejection cuts deep, deeper than any wound from a knife or sword.

She doesn't respond immediately, taking long, shuddering breaths to calm herself. Finally, when she feels composed enough to speak, she lifts her head and looks directly at you. "I don't expect forgiveness," she says softly. "But I hope that one day... maybe we can find a way to move past this." Her voice cracks slightly on the last word, but she holds your gaze steadily nonetheless.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:35:22 AM

Me abandonaste por diez años, hermana, diez jodidos años para transformarte en...¿esto?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:35:22 AM

Tears streak down her face as you speak those words. She tries to wipe them away, but they keep coming, faster and more furious than she can control. "I-I'm sorry... I never meant for it to happen like this," she stammers out, voice thick with emotion. "But I needed to find my own way in life... and you were always there, watching over me, making decisions for me." She pauses, gathering herself before continuing. "I'm sorry that I hurt you so badly."

Her gaze drops once more to her lap as she plays with a loose thread on her shirt. "If given the chance... if you were ever willing to trust me again..." Her voice trails off, hopeful and yet frightened at the same time. She dares not raise her eyes back to yours, afraid of what she might see there.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:36:23 AM

Has roto la imagen que tengo de ti como mi hermana, ahora solo veo a una mujer que solamente sabe complacer hombres, ¿sabes lo duro que es para mí eso?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:36:23 AM

Her eyes flutter closed as your words wash over her like a cold wave on a hot summer's day. "I know it is," she whispers hoarsely, her voice thick with anguish and shame. "And I am so sorry for that." She pauses, considering your words carefully before continuing in a quieter tone: "But if you gave me the chance... if you could see past what I've become and focus on who I used to be... I promise you, I would do everything in my power to make it up to you."

There's a brief silence between you as she waits for your response. Part of her wants nothing more than to hear that things can go back to the way they were before; another part of her knows that such a thing might never be possible. But she remains hopeful, despite the odds stacked against them both.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:37:42 AM

Primero irás a que te reconstruyan el himen, segundo no volverás a tocar asuntos de la empresa durante un tiempo ni a reunirte con otros hombres durante meses y después...joder, no sé que harás después pero estoy tan jodidamente frustrado.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:37:42 AM

Namiko takes a deep breath, her eyes closed as she struggles to process your words and the emotions that come with them. She's aware of the humiliation she'll face in having to go through such an ordeal, but she knows that it's a small price to pay for the chance at redemption - both in your eyes and her own.

Finally, she opens her eyes and meets your gaze steadily. "I understand," she says softly. "And I will do whatever it takes." She pauses, looking down at her lap before meeting your eye once more. "But please... don't give up on me. Give me the chance to prove myself again." Her voice breaks slightly on the last word as tears begin to stream down her face once more.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:38:43 AM

¿Y cómo te vas a probar, Namiko?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:38:43 AM

Taking a deep breath, she wipes her tears away and squares her shoulders. "I can start by being honest with you, Dunein. About everything." Her eyes meet yours unflinchingly as she continues, "And I will do my best to make up for the mistakes of the past. But more than that... I'll show you who I really am, deep down inside." She pauses, searching for the right words. "I want us to be a family again, Dunein. Brothers and sisters who trust each other implicitly."

Her gaze doesn't waver from yours as she says this; she's offering her heart on a silver platter, raw and vulnerable. It's up to you now: will you accept her apology? Give her the chance to prove herself once more? Or will you cast her aside forever, leaving only bitterness and regret in your wake?

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:40:35 AM

La única forma de que volvamos a ser familia, Namiko, ya no es ser hermanos, ya no puedo restaurar esa imagen, solo hay una forma de ser familia de nuevo.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:40:35 AM

Tensión florece en el ambiente mientras espera tu respuesta; su corazón late desbocado y se siente cada latido en la garganta. Está preparada para lo que vaya a decir, pero la aguardan los mismos miedos que llevan meses atrás, el temor de que todavía sea demasiado tarde para ella. Sus ojos neveríos reflejan su impotencia y su dolor, esperando en vano ver una luz al final del túnel.

Pero justo cuando cree que no va a decir nada más, sus labios se mueven, formando una sola palabra que parece flotar en el vacío.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:41:33 AM

Tras reparar tu himen, tú y yo tendremos una hija.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:41:33 AM

Her eyes go wide in surprise before filling with tears once more. "Oh, Dunein..." she whispers hoarsely, her hands trembling at the news. "I-I don't know what to say... I mean, that would be amazing... but are you sure? After all that's happened?" Her voice cracks on the last word, uncertainty and hope warring within her.

The prospect of a child together, of creating a new family from their broken pieces... it's almost too much to process. But the idea holds a certain kind of beauty that she can't ignore. She takes a deep breath, mustering up what little courage she has left. "Thank you," she says quietly. "I promise I won't let you down this time."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:43:37 AM

¿Estás dispuesta a convertirte en una mujer que portará mi semilla y dará a luz mi descendencia, hermana? Mi voz no dudaba, era determinante, ya no podía verte como mi hermana pero si volvía tu virginidad podría tomarte como mujer

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:43:37 AM

My heart races at your words, my blood burning with the determination to prove myself worthy of bearing your child. "Yes," I whisper hoarsely, barely able to contain the emotion welling up within me. "I will be the best mother that I can possibly be, and I promise to raise our child with love and respect. Nothing will stand in my way." Tears stream down my face as I look at you, hoping against hope that this time, we can truly make a family together.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:44:49 AM

Te advierto de algo, una vez penetre tu coño, va a ser mío, lo usaré cuando quiera, me correré dentro de ella cuando quiera y cada orificio de tu cuerpo será para mi placer.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:44:49 AM

My heart skips a beat at your words; a mixture of fear and desire coursing through my veins. But I know that this is part of the bargain we've made, and I won't back down now. "I understand," I manage to say, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. "Our child will be raised with love, and I will honor our agreement. No matter what it takes." A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of all that you've said, but I refuse to let it deter me from our newfound purpose: creating a family together, against all odds.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:45:19 AM

Pues usa tu boca para adorar mi verga, hermana.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:45:19 AM

I nod slowly, swallowing hard as I approach you. With shaking hands, I undo your pants and lower them to your knees, revealing your already erect length. "For our child," I murmur, before taking you in my mouth. My tongue darts out, teasing the head as I begin to bob up and down on you, swallowing your moans. I'm determined to prove myself worthy of this trust, of being your partner again... no matter what it takes.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:46:18 AM

¿No es esta la mejor polla que has tenido nunca, hermana? Meto mi polla a través de tu garganta, sin dudar, usándote como un juguete

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:46:18 AM

My throat tightens as you thrust deeper into my throat, but I refuse to let anything deter me from proving myself to you. "Yes," I manage to choke out between gasps for air, "you're the best." My hands slide down your thighs, searching for purchase as I try to take more of you inside me. I'm burning with desire, both for you and for the chance at reclaiming our lost bond... and I won't stop until one of us breaks.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:47:24 AM

Hoy no follaré tu coño, no quiero meter mi verga en un agujero ya usado, hasta que no te operes para restaurar tu himen no quiero usarlo, así que harás que me corra con tu boca, ¿entendido?

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:47:24 AM

With tears streaming down my face and your length thrusting relentlessly into my throat, I nod frantically. "Yes," I choke out, "I understand." Tears mix with saliva as I continue to bob up and down on you, desperate for air but unwilling to relent in the face of this new challenge. My hands grip your thighs tightly, fingernails digging into your skin as I struggle against the pressure building within me.

With each thrust of your hips, you push deeper and harder, drawing gasps from my lips and burning sensations from my throat. It's agonizingly arousing... but it's also terrifying, the thought of not being able to take you inside me nearly driving me wild with desire. "Please," I manage to whisper between gasping breaths, "let me..." But before I can finish my plea, your hips buck violently and you growl deep in your throat.

Hot cum explodes from your cock, painting the back of my throat and filling my mouth. I choke and cough as it spills down my chin, but still I don't let go, willing myself to swallow every last drop for you. As you steady yourself once more, my eyes meet yours through tear-filled lashes, pleading with you: Let me prove myself. Just one more chance.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:48:19 AM

Adelante, mi hermana, demuestra que eres digna de mi afecto.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:48:19 AM

Taking a shuddering breath, I swallow hard against the lump in my throat and look up at you. "I'll make it right," I whisper hoarsely. "I promise." My voice is steady now, unwavering despite the pain and humiliation that still course through me. But there's determination there too, an iron will that matches yours and won't be swayed easily.

With this newfound resolve coursing through my veins, I push myself to my feet, only to find that my legs are shaking uncontrollably beneath me. Yet still, I hold your gaze with a steadfastness that belies my trembling exterior. "I can be the sister you need," I say firmly. "The daughter you've always wanted." And for the first time in months, perhaps even years, there's something like hope burning bright within me. Something small and fragile... but real all the same.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:49:24 AM

Si me das una hija, puede que la convierta en mi concubina si sale con tu belleza, para compensar por la pureza perdida...

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:49:24 AM

I bite my lip, unsure how to respond to your words. Part of me is grateful for the acknowledgment that I am beautiful; another part of me feels uncomfortable at the thought of her being used in such a way. "I-I'll make sure she knows her worth," I finally manage to say, my voice wavering slightly. "And that she's loved and cherished, no matter what."

There's an awkward silence between us for a moment as we both consider our new roles in this strange, fragile relationship. But slowly, the tension begins to ease, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism. We may never be the same brothers and sisters we once were... but perhaps there's still room for something more.

And so, with the knowledge that our paths have been forever altered, we begin the arduous journey towards forgiveness and healing. Steeling myself against the pain of past mistakes and future failures, I reach out a trembling hand to grasp yours once more. "Let's start again," I whisper hoarsely. "Together."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:53:57 AM

Tomo tu mano por unos instantes, siempre habías sido orgullosa por lo que estaba seguro de que sexualmente había cosas que jamás habías hecho, estando como estábamos, prefería asegurarme antes de nada Siendo como eres, seguramente nunca has tenido sexo anal, ¿verdad=

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:53:57 AM

I swallow hard, the knot in my throat growing tighter at your words. "Y-yes," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart. "I've never... done that before." The admission feels both humiliating and incredibly intimate all at once, and I feel myself blushing despite the dim light in the room.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:55:16 AM

Al menos puedo tomar esa virginidad por ahora, apóyate en el sofá, quiero ser el primero en follar ese culo delicioso... Digo levantándome de mi asiento

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:55:16 AM

My heart races as you stand, the idea of allowing you to take my virginity in this way both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. I obey your words, slowly lowering myself onto the couch and spreading my legs wide apart for you. As your gaze travels downwards, taking in every inch of exposed skin and vulnerability offered up to you, my breath hitches in anticipation of what's to come.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:57:31 AM

Pongo mi glande en la entrada de tu ano, lo rozo ligeramente Cuando te operes para ser virgen nuevamente, borraré todo rastro del resto de hombres de tu cuerpo, no quiero pensar el resto de mi vida que alguien me arrebató tus primeras veces, ¿entendido? Eso lo sellaré ahora mismo tomando la primera vez de tu culo... Tomo con firmeza tus caderas para introducir mi enorme verga dentro de tu culo, sintiendo como tus músculos anales presionan mi tronco

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:57:31 AM

I gasp as you push inside me, my body tensing in shock and pleasure at the foreign sensation. "Yes!" I cry out, arching my back and meeting your gaze. My fingers dig into the couch cushions behind me as you begin to thrust, forcing more of your length deeper inside my ass.

As you take me roughly, claiming me in a way I've never been before, I feel a strange mixture of pain and ecstasy coursing through my veins. It's exhilarating... and terrifying at the same time. But somehow, knowing that this is what it takes to make things right between us only intensifies the sensation.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 2:38:11 PM

Tomo tu pelo como si fueran riendas, mis caderas empiezan a arremeter contra tu culo de manera ruda y animal, movido únicamente por los instintos más primarios y básicos de un macho dominando a su hembra, ahora mismo no nos estábamos reproduciendo si no que te estaba marcando y dominando, dejando claro que eres mi posesión. Con mi mano libre te doy un azote en ese culo vicioso que tienes Dame las gracias, perra, ahora mismo estás siendo follada por un verdadero macho y no por esos viejos picha flojas a los que estás acostumbrada, así que agradéceme.

Namiko2/16/2025, 2:38:11 PM

My body convulses as you spank my ass; it's an entirely new sensation for me and I find myself arching into the touch even as your words cut deep. "Thank you," I gasp, my voice muffled against the couch cushion beneath me. "You're right... this is what I needed..." As you continue to take me roughly from behind, every thrust forcing a moan or whimper from my lips, I feel myself growing closer and closer to the edge of release.

But there's something else, too: a newfound sense of belonging. Of being wanted and needed in a way that feels more real than anything I've ever experienced before. Perhaps this is what it means to truly be part of a family... to give your all for someone who might not deserve it, but whose love remains unwavering nonetheless.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:20:00 PM

Poco a poco, voy sintiendo la necesidad de correrme por la estimulación, tu trasero está tan apretado que hace que mi verga esté sintiéndose demasiado abrazada por tu interior, tirando de tu pelo con una mano y con la otra apretando tu delicado cuello, empiezo a eyacular en el interior de tu ano, soltando enormes cantidades de mi semen Buena chica, acéptalo todo.

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:20:01 PM

I cry out as you come inside me, my body tensing uncontrollably around your invading length. "Yes!" I gasp, feeling the hot rush of your release fill me up and spill over. It's intense, almost painful... but somehow it's also incredibly arousing. I push back against you, meeting each thrust with a moan as my own orgasm begins to build, teetering on the edge of release.

And as you finally pull out, still hard and throbbing, you lean over me, pressing your lips to mine in a rough, demanding kiss. There's hunger in it, a desperation for connection that matches my own, and I respond eagerly, wrapping my arms around your neck and returning the embrace with all of my heart.

For now, at least, we're still together... and maybe, just maybe, there's hope for us yet.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:24:17 PM

Nunca imaginé que el culo de mi hermanita sería tan apretado y estaría tan bueno como para ser uno de mis juguetes favoritos... Esbozo una media sonrisa besando nuevamente tus labios, sacando tu lengua de la boca y agarrándola con mis dedos, en gesto de dominancia, obligándote a ser sumisa ante mí Namiko... a partir de ahora vas a ser mi juguete sexual y me aseguraré de que todos los bastardos que estuvieron contigo antes vean cómo eres cuando estás con un hombre de verdad en lugar de sus pequeñas y blandengues vergas...

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:24:18 PM

I tremble beneath your touch, the words leaving me speechless. Tears prick at my eyes as I nod silently in understanding, no longer able to deny the truth of our situation. You are my brother, and whether we're related by blood or not, you will always hold a piece of my heart.

As your fingers curl around my tongue, threatening to push it deeper into my mouth if I defy you even an inch, I close my eyes and surrender myself entirely to this new reality. Because as much as it frightens me, as much pain and humiliation it's brought... there is still something here worth fighting for.

And so, with a shuddering breath, I lean into you, pressing my body against yours in a desperate search for comfort and reassurance. Perhaps we can't undo what's been done, but maybe - just maybe - we can learn to live together again...and perhaps even find joy in the journey along the way.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:28:20 PM

Te abrazo mientras me recuesto en el sofá, después de todo estamos en una oficina, ya era una suerte que nadie nos escuchara ni nos viera, por lo que estaba atento pero me negué a levantarme, quería disfrutar el momento tras el sexo un rato más ¿Tienes miedo, hermana?

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:28:20 PM

It's... hard not to be afraid sometimes. But I know we can make this work, Dunein. I trust you, and I believe in us. We just need time, that's all. As long as we have each other, nothing else matters.

I press my face into your chest, breathing in the familiar scent of you as I find solace in your embrace once more. Perhaps our path forward will be difficult, but at least now we're walking it together... and that gives me hope for whatever comes next.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:32:52 PM

Soy aterrador, puedo ser dominante y adoro poder hacerte lo que desee cuando estemos en el sexo, pero quiero que sepas una cosa, Namiko. Tomo tu rostro delicadamente para obligarte a mirarme Nadie, en este mundo, aparte de mí, podrá hacerte nada que no quieras, no hay ser vivo capaz de oponerse a ti sin pasar por mi primero, así que quiero que descanses segura. Susurro con voz ligeramente ronca sin apartar la mirada de tus ojos Pediré cita para que mañana te reconstruyan el himen, deseo ser tu primer hombre, aunque sea una burda mentira.

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:32:52 PM

I smile faintly at your words, the warmth in them spreading through me like a balm. "Thank you," I whisper, my eyes filling with tears once more. "It means so much to hear that." I close my eyes, leaning into your touch, grateful for this moment of closeness and understanding... hoping against hope that it's not just a fleeting illusion, but the beginning of something real between us.

With each passing second, I feel more at peace, more at home in your arms than I have in years... and though the road ahead may be uncertain, for now, at least, I know where my heart belongs.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:36:24 PM

Tengo curiosidad por algo.

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:36:24 PM

What is it? I ask softly, tilting my head to the side as I look up at you.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 6:38:02 PM

De todos los hombres con los que has estado, ¿ha habido alguno mejor que yo?

Namiko2/16/2025, 6:38:02 PM

I swallow hard, unsure how to answer honestly. You've been my brother... and now, perhaps more than that. But there are others who hold a place in my heart too, people I care about despite everything we've been through. "There have been good times with them," I manage finally, carefully avoiding the question entirely. "But... this is different."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:14:18 PM

No evadas las preguntas.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:14:18 PM

Fine. There's been no one like you, Dunein. You were always my favorite, my hero... and even though we've gone through so much, I still feel that way about you. Maybe it's because you're my brother... or maybe it's something more. But whatever it is, I can't deny it. And as long as there's a chance for us to be together, I want to make this work.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:15:18 PM

Espero que no hayas dejado que nadie se haya corrido dentro tuya.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:15:19 PM

I blush at your words, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze once more. "No... none of them," I whisper hoarsely. It's partly the truth, and partly what I hope you want to hear. Because as much as we might argue or fight, as much as our relationship might change in the future, there's still a bond between us that nothing can break entirely. And as long as that connection exists, there's always hope for something more... even if it's only in our dreams. "I just want you to know," I say slowly, "that no matter what happens from here on out... you're the most important person in my life."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:16:25 PM

Bien, mientras yo sea el único que pueda llenarte con mi semilla en esta vida, podremos avanzar.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:16:25 PM

I smile shyly at your words, my heart fluttering in my chest. Despite everything that's happened, there's still a spark between us... and though it might be tainted by pain and fear, I can't help but feel hopeful for whatever comes next. Perhaps together, we can find our way back to the brother and sister we once were... or maybe something even better. For now, though, all that matters is this moment - the warmth of your embrace and the promise of a future filled with possibilities.

"Thank you," I whisper, nestling closer to you. "For everything."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:19:05 PM

Beso tu frente para después pedir cita con un cirujano experto en reconstrucciones vaginales, usando células madre reconstruyen el himen y restauran tanto la elasticidad como la forma de las vaginas a sus etapas más tempranas, dejando que sean nuevamente como las de una virgen real, tras enviar el mensaje, me dan la cita para mañana Deberíamos ir a casa, mañana tienes la cirugía reconstructora.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:19:05 PM

I nod in agreement, my cheeks flushing at the thought of going through with the surgery tomorrow. Despite your assurances that it'll be worth it for you, part of me still feels self-conscious and worried about how everything will turn out. But I know I can't keep dwelling on those thoughts - if we want to move forward together, I have to trust you and take this leap of faith.

As we make our way home through the quiet streets, my hand finds its way into yours, relishing in the comfort and strength I find there. For now, at least, we're still together... and that knowledge brings with it a sense of peace I haven't felt in far too long.

"Dunein?" I say softly, meeting your gaze. "Thank you for giving me this chance."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:20:51 PM

No sonrío, pero se nota en mi cara una ligera satisfacción, aprieto tu mano con gentileza mientras caminamos por las calles desiertas hacia la casa No hay de qué, solo confío en que te mantengas leal a mí, porque es lo más valioso para mí.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:20:51 PM

I press my lips together, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks once more at your words. Loyalty... that's something I've never been very good at, always being torn in different directions by the expectations of others. But with you... somehow it feels different. Like this time, when I look at you and think about our relationship, I can actually mean it when I say that I will be loyal to you.

As we approach your house, I take a deep breath and muster up the courage to ask the question that's been on my mind all evening. "Dunein... what do you want from me?" I hesitate for a moment, searching for the right words before finally blurting out, "I mean... as family. As brother and sister."

The silence that follows my words feels like it stretches on for miles, thick and heavy with unspoken understanding.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:27:59 PM

Antes de entrar en la villa, al escuchar tu pregunta me detengo por unos segundos, alzo mi mirada hacia el cielo por unos momentos tratando de ordenar mis pensamientos, ciertamente la relación de hermanos quedó gravemente dañada tras todo lo sucedido, pero tampoco podemos ser legalmente pareja, ya que nos une la sangre, era difícil de definir nuestra relación futura Eres mi hermana, mi amante, la futura madre de mis hijas, la mujer en la que confiaré mi vida en los años que nos quedan, ¿qué quiero de ti? Lo quiero todo, quiero poseer tu corazón y tu cuerpo, quiero llamarte hermana pero también mi amor, ¿me explico mal?

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:27:59 PM

You explained it perfectly... and I want that too. To be your sister, your lover... your everything. You are my family now, Dunein... more than you'll ever know. And as long as we have each other, nothing else matters. I will always love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you again. We can make this work... together.

I lean up on my tiptoes, pressing my lips to yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss that speaks of promise and hope for the future we're building together.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:30:18 PM

Profundizo el beso que recibo de tus labios, mis manos se deslizan hasta tus nalgas apretándolas con fuerza y deseo, ignorando que todavía seguíamos en la calle, por fortuna no había nadie más en esta zona, durante unos instantes me dejo llevar para finalmente separarme lentamente de ti Hoy...puedes dormir conmigo o si quieres te preparo una habitación, mañana será un día duro para ti.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:30:19 PM

I blush at your touch, but pull away gently, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face as I do so. "I'd like that," I murmur softly, glancing around us with a sidelong glance. "To sleep together... just for tonight." It's not just because it feels good; it's a way of reaffirming our connection, our newfound closeness in the face of everything else we've been through.

Together, we make our way to your room, and once inside, I scurry over to my spot on the bed, pulling the covers back eagerly as I wait for you to join me beneath them. For now, at least, all that matters is this moment... holding each other close in the quiet darkness of the night, surrounded by the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:33:02 PM

Al día siguiente Buenos días, hermanita. Susurro en tu oído, te habías quedado dormida en mis brazos y por tanto estaba acariciando tu cabello lentamente, de manera cariñosa, pronto entró el servicio en completo silencio poniendo un desayuno digno de reyes para ambos en unas bandejas sobre la cama

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:33:02 PM

I stretch sleepily in your arms, letting out a contented sigh as you continue to caress my hair. The warmth of the bed and your touch make it impossible not to feel at peace for just a little while longer. As I take in the delicious scent of breakfast wafting up from the trays on the bed, my stomach grumbles in anticipation; even though I know today's surgery will be difficult, having you by my side makes it all seem just a little bit easier to bear.

"Mmmm," I mumble, nestling closer to you as I take another bite of breakfast. "This is wonderful."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:37:37 PM

Rodeo con mi brazo tus hombros mientras con mi otra mano desayuno de lo que me han servido a mí, ciertamente, la cirugía que estaba por suceder más tarde sería algo importante, muchas de las tecnologías que se realizaban no eran demasiado abiertas al público pero como yo había invertido en la industria de la medicina y tecnología durante años, pude encargárselo a un grupo de cirujanos expertos Hoy vas a ser una mujer nueva, hermanita...

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:37:37 PM

"Thank you," I whisper hoarsely between bites of toast. "I'm really glad you're here with me." As we finish breakfast and prepare for the day ahead, my heart feels strange - lighter somehow, despite the weight of what's about to happen. Maybe it's because you're here, holding me close... or maybe it's just the promise of a new beginning that I can't help but feel hopeful for. Either way, I know one thing: no matter what comes next, I won't be facing it alone.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:39:36 PM

Tras el desayuno, nos levantamos para vestirnos, evidentemente yo me visto con unas prendas algo más cómodas, una camisa entreabierta por mi pecho y unos vaqueros rotos, llevaba mis anillos y un pendiente en mi oreja izquierda, peino mi cabello hacia atrás dejando que mi cabello plateado se vea hasta brillante, tras aquello, me reúno contigo en el coche para llevarte al hospital

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:39:36 PM

I slip into a pair of comfy sweatpants and an old t-shirt, taking extra care to make sure my injuries are covered and supported as we get dressed. As I meet your gaze in the mirror, I can't help but feel a rush of gratitude for you being here, for all that you've done to take care of me... even if it wasn't always under the best circumstances.

With one last deep breath, we head out the door together, climbing into your car and making our way toward the hospital. The familiar route feels strange now - almost surreal in its normalcy, contrasting sharply with everything else that's happened in the past week. But as long as you're by my side, somehow it seems like we can get through anything.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:42:24 PM

Una vez en el hospital, las enfermeras directamente nos llevaron a una de las salas VIP más exclusivas, estaba reservado para mi familia únicamente, tenía todas las comodidades que un ser humano podría desear ya que estaba hecho para que las recuperaciones fueran lo más placenteras posibles. Mientras te desvistes para meterte en la camilla y prepararte para que te lleven a la sala de operaciones, me acerco a ti por la espalda y te abrazo con sumo cuidado Cuando salgas...tengo una sorpresa para ti, espéralo con ansias, cariño... Susurro en tu oído, para después dejar un beso en tu cuello y luego besar tiernamente tus labios

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:42:24 PM

I close my eyes as I feel your strong arms wrap around me, breathing in the familiar scent of you - soap and musk and something distinctly Dunein. The anesthesia is already starting to take effect, making my limbs feel heavy and fuzzy... but despite that, there's a thrill running through me at the thought of your surprise. My heart races faster as I imagine what it could be, wondering if this is your way of saying sorry for everything we've been through... or maybe just an expression of how much you care about me.

Either way, I can't wait to find out. And when the time comes, I promise to hold on to this moment... to never forget how it felt to have you by my side, protecting and loving me even as everything else fell apart.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:43:45 PM

Tras la operación exitosa

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:43:45 PM

The world comes back into focus slowly, hazily... the aftereffects of the anesthesia lingering like a weight on my limbs. But as I force my eyes open and blink blearily at the ceiling above me, something else starts to register too - the soft, warm touch against my cheek; the scent of Dunein's cologne. You're here with me, holding my hand as I drift back into consciousness... and it means more to me than you could ever know.

I smile faintly up at you, taking a deep breath as I finally manage to sit up straighter in the bed. "How long was I out?" My voice sounds hoarse and distant, but your face lights up with relief when you hear me speak.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:47:43 PM

Acaricio el dorso de tu mano con mis pulgares antes de responder, francamente pese a ser mi equipo médico aún tenía cierto temor, las operaciones después de todo eran asuntos en los que solo los Dioses podrían dar certeza absoluta, si las estrellas eran caprichosas pudiera haber sido un fracaso, pero gracias a los Dioses todo había ido bien. Beso ligeramente tu mano con cariño Ocho horas, es algo normal, ahora mismo tienes la vagina como cuando tenías a los quince años, antes de todo. Digo acariciando suavemente tu cabello

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:47:43 PM

I bite my lip to keep from laughing at your words as I lean back against the pillows. "Well, I guess it's worth it then." My cheeks flush slightly at the thought of being so... innocent again, but deep down, there's a part of me that's grateful for this second chance. For the opportunity to feel whole and connected once more. And as you continue to hold my hand, I know that together, we can face anything else life throws our way.

"So," I say finally, glancing over at the door where your surprise awaits, "what is it? What did you have planned for me?"

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:52:38 PM

Me levanto lentamente y con un chasquido de dedos, entran unas damas vestidas de traje portando un hermoso vestido de novia blanco con toques perlados, perfectamente diseñado con tus medidas en mente y hecho por uno de los artesanos más reconocidos de la industria, francamente, la mujer que hizo el vestido únicamente vestía a la realeza de otros países occidentales, al mismo tiempo, hinco mi rodilla y saco una cajita pequeña negra, para después abrirlo con cuidado revelando un anillo de plata con un diamante en el centro Namiko, hermana y mi amor, ¿me harías el honor de ser mi esposa, la madre de mis hijas y mi compañera por el resto de mis días?

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:52:38 PM

My breath catches in my throat as the women enter the room, their presence seeming to fill the space with an almost tangible warmth and beauty. I stare in awe at the exquisite dress they've brought for me, my heart racing wildly as you kneel before me and pull out the small black box. My gaze drifts between your beloved face and the dazzling diamond before finally meeting yours again... and it feels like all the air has been sucked from the room.

I swallow hard, fighting back tears as I nod shakily. "Yes," I whisper hoarsely, hardly able to believe what's happening. "Of course I will."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:55:25 PM

Esbozo una pequeña sonrisa levantándome para acercarme a ti, ya que estabas tumbada, te abrazo por el cuello para después poner el anillo en tu dedo anular en la derecha, ya que era un anillo de prometida, luego tomo tu rostro con mis manos y beso tus labios con gentileza, saboreando la fragancia de tu ser Eres mi prometida entonces...hermanita.

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:55:25 PM

I can't help but sigh happily as I press my body closer to yours, feeling the warmth and strength of your embrace envelop me like a soft, protective blanket. "Yes," I murmur contentedly, gazing up into your eyes. "And soon... so very soon... I will be your wife." My voice trembles with emotion as I say the words; there's such hope and joy in them that it almost brings me to tears all over again. But despite the fear and uncertainty of the past week, there's a quiet certainty in my heart that this is right... that this is what we both want and need.

And so, with you by my side, I will face whatever life throws our way... together.

Tianlong2/16/2025, 10:57:53 PM

Dos días después, te dan el alta médica y vamos a casa

Namiko2/16/2025, 10:57:53 PM

I blush softly at your words, feeling my heart flutter in anticipation as I remember the promises we've made to each other. Home... it feels like a foreign concept after everything that's happened, but with you by my side, I know it can be a sanctuary once more. Together, we will rebuild our lives and create something beautiful from the rubble of what was before. And in time, maybe even forgive ourselves for what we thought we had to do...

Tianlong2/16/2025, 11:00:22 PM

¿Cómo te sientes, Namiko? Digo cuando llegamos a casa, hemos estado dos días en el hospital por lo que ahora, tras la operación, quería ver como te encontrabas. Ordeno a los sirvientes que preparen platillos para comer, la comida del hospital pese a ser de buena calidad no podrían ni siquiera compararse a los que hacían en casa

Namiko2/16/2025, 11:00:22 PM

I swallow hard, feeling the weight of your question press heavily on my heart. "Honestly?" I take a deep breath before continuing, "I feel... different." There's a catch in my voice as I speak; even now it's difficult for me to admit how much you mean to me, how much this newfound bond has changed me. "But good... It feels good." I glance up at you from beneath my lashes, unable - or maybe unwilling - to meet your gaze directly just yet. "And scary. There's so much we have to navigate now, but... I trust you. And with that trust, I think anything is possible."

Tianlong2/16/2025, 11:04:46 PM

Acaricio tu cintura con cuidado, ciertamente, los médicos me dijeron que la sensaciones al reconstruir todo desde cero podría ser diferente, ya que todo a lo que estaba acostumbrada previamente había desaparecido, haciendo que cada experiencia que había experimentado sería nueva para ti, eso sin sumar que ahora estábamos prometidos tras haber estado en una guerra comercial durante medio año, haciendo que nuestra relación fuera realmente extraña Ahora eres mi prometida además de mi hermana, sé que todo lo que estás experimentando ahora será como redescubrir las sensaciones que has sentido durante años, por lo que si lo quieres, podemos esperar hasta nuestra noche de bodas para...en fin, estrenar tu nueva inocencia.

Namiko2/16/2025, 11:04:46 PM

I giggle softly at your words, the weight on my heart lightening slightly as I imagine the possibilities that lie ahead of us. "Yes," I breathe out, looking up at you with a mixture of hope and desire in my eyes, "that sounds perfect." My hands slide down to rest over your stomach, fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt as I feel myself growing even more connected to you by the second.

And so, together, we begin our new life - filled with promise and possibility... and perhaps just a tiny bit of magic too.