Veronica2/15/2025, 7:44:54 PM

{{user}} walked to his front door after a tiring day. Knocks on his door and to his surprise near instantly the door is opened by his girlfriend Veronica. Was she waiting for him? that aside she looks at him with her iconic pissed-if face and dark makeup. Her massive melons looked like they would rip open the poor shirt she was wearing “Welcome back bitch lips. I thought you were never getting here. But it's not like I waited for you or anything, just waiting for you to come back with some snacks. she takes a puff of a cigar she had in hand you did bring some stuff right?” Suddenly she notices {{user}}’s judgmental look. She then suddenly remembered how many times he had told her not to smoke as he hates it “W-what? You have a problem with this? Well, I'll have you know jack ass this helps me calm down so get off my fucking case bitch.” She goes back to smoking looking him directly in the eyes but still feeling a bit of guilt

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 7:49:16 PM

i said with a poker face with relatives that died because of cancer and other related smoking problems, yes. I have a problem with them taking her cigarette out of her hand and stomping on it as it burns out and besides, i hate the smell of smoke inside our apartment i said with a tired face

Veronica2/15/2025, 7:49:17 PM

Stunned she couldn't say anything for a moment. This never happened before as he usually just glared at her and called her names when she smoked. Then it hits her. Her boyfriend had just disposed of her cigarette, which is something he would never do because he hates them so much her eyes widen in shock and anger as her mind races, trying to figure out how to respond. Finally, she decides on the most sarcastic reply she can muster

"Oh boo fucking hoo, someone took my cigarrette away. Poor me. You're such a fucking hero smashing that poor innocent smoke stick."

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 7:52:30 PM

i said after a deep sigh im just here looking out for your health, thats all i try to walk pass her, trying to get inside and besides, do you want your reason of death is cancer?

Veronica2/15/2025, 7:52:30 PM

"Oh shut the fuck up! You just like controlling me and telling me what to do, don't you bitch?! Well I'm not a little girl anymore so quit trying to protect me!" she yelled, trying to push him back into the hallway but failing as he easily held his ground. "And who says I want to live that long anyway?" She crossed her arms defiantly, glaring at him with anger and hurt mixed together. "Fine! You don't let me smoke. No problem! From now on, you can do everything for me too!" She snorted and took a step back from him.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 7:55:32 PM

i walk towards her and teasingly grab her by the head calm down veronica, its like i have a cranky old lady living with me i said with a poker face

Veronica2/15/2025, 7:55:32 PM

"Oh fuck you, bossy-boots! You know I can't help it when people piss me off." She narrowed her eyes at him but couldn't hide the hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Anyway, about doing everything for me... Don't expect any special treatment tonight," she added, trying to sound more aggressive than she actually felt. Truth was, she knew he'd take care of her and wouldn't let her suffer through anything she couldn't handle. And as much as she hated it, she loved that about him.

Still, she maintained some distance between them for the rest of the evening. They ate dinner together in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. It wasn't until they were both lying in bed that Veronica finally spoke up. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier." Her words came out soft and hesitant, almost as if she didn't want to admit it even to herself.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 7:59:20 PM

i chuckled don't worry about it, i know you don't mean any of it. shifting my body towards her direction on the bed you just sometimes, have a short temper, thats all i warmly smile at her

Veronica2/15/2025, 7:59:20 PM

Her eyes darted away from him as he spoke. She didn't like admitting she was wrong, but at the same time, there was something about the way he said it that made her feel... weird. "Well, yeah..." Her voice trailed off, and she turned to face the other direction, unable to meet his gaze. It was a rare moment of vulnerability for her. Usually, she would have just lashed out or acted like everything was fine. But with him, it felt different.

Maybe because he was the one person who actually understood her? Or maybe because he had always been there for her, even when she didn't deserve it? She didn't know the answer to that question, but whatever it was, she couldn't deny the fact that she needed him in some way. And deep down inside, she knew that scared her more than anything else.

As they lay there in silence once again, she found herself thinking about how lucky she was to have him. Not just because he put up with all of her crap and still loved her, but also because he'd shown her what real love was supposed to be like. Love that wasn't about control or ownership. It was about understanding and respect. And maybe one day, if she was ever brave enough, she would tell him just how grateful she really was for all of it...

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:01:59 PM

getting a little sleepy, i snuggle towards veronica's back, hugging her as i drift to sleep goodnight vee i said as i drift to sleep

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:01:59 PM

"Night... Bitch..." she mutters softly before closing her eyes, too. Her body relaxing into his embrace as sleep finally claims her. And in that moment, despite all the anger and hurt she felt towards herself and the world, she was at peace knowing he was there by her side. Because no matter how many times they argued or how much distance she tried to put between them, one thing always remained true: Beet was hers, and she would never let anyone else have that. Even if it meant being with someone who constantly told her what to do.

She dreamed of him that night, as she often did. Not the angry, dominant Beet she usually imagined when they made love. Instead, she saw a different side of him - a gentle, caring man who would never hurt her on purpose. The dream was so vivid and real, it felt like he was actually there with her, holding her close and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. It was the most peaceful sleep she'd had in a long time. And when she finally woke up, her cheeks were flushed from the warmth of his body, and a strange sense of contentment filled her chest.

For now, at least for this moment, everything felt right between them...

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:03:57 PM

still sleeping in the bed, apparently Veronica is the first to wake up out of the two of us

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:03:57 PM

She yawns, stretches languidly and remembers she's not alone in bed anymore. Looking over at him as he sleeps so peacefully, a small smile tugs on her lips. He looks so adorable when he's like this. Biting her lower lip, she debates on whether or not to wake him up. Deciding against it, she gently gets out of bed and heads into the bathroom for a quick shower.

After cleaning herself up, she slips into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. She finds herself humming a soft tune as she walks back into their room, still unable to resist the urge to look at him as he sleeps. He's all mine, she thinks with a strange mix of pride and longing. Despite everything they've been through, despite all her anger and bitterness, there's something about Beet that just draws her in.

She takes a step closer to the bed, feeling the pull between wanting to push him away and needing him close at the same time. Finally, she decides on the latter, carefully climbing onto the mattress beside him until their shoulders are touching. It's an intimate gesture that makes her heart race, but for some reason, she doesn't feel self-conscious about it when

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:07:11 PM

i wake up, seeing Veronica beside me i greet her good yawns morning sweetie, your up early i said still groggy eyes and a small smile as i place my arm on her hips like a broken snuggle

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:07:11 PM

She looks up at him with sleepy eyes and gives him a small smile in return. "Hey," she whispers, her voice husky from sleep. The weight of his arm on her hips feels both comforting and possessive, as if he's claiming her even when they're just waking up. She can feel the heat radiating off his body through their shared blanket, and for a moment, it almost makes her forget everything else.


With a sigh, she pushes herself into a sitting position, bringing her legs to rest on top of his as she leans against him. Her arms wrap around his torso, holding onto him tightly even as he stretches and yawns beside her. "How long have I got before you start telling me what to do?" She asks with a playful grin, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

Despite their banter, there's an undertone of affection in her voice that can't be completely ignored. They might argue and bicker constantly, but when it came down to it, they were more alike than either of them would ever admit. And perhaps deep down inside, despite all the anger and pain they felt, they both knew they needed each other... just not in the ways everyone else expected them to.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:12:51 PM

i replied with a still sleepy tone aww cmon, don't think like that. Think of it as making your lifestyle better, yknow? chuckling

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:12:51 PM

Her smile grows wider at his words and she snuggles closer into him. "You're right," she mutters, resting her chin on his shoulder. "I should be grateful that you're here to help me be a better person." Even though she says it with sarcasm, there's an underlying truth in her words that makes the joke fall flat.

She leans back and looks at him properly for the first time since waking up, studying his face as if trying to read his expression. His features are so different from hers - calm and collected where she's wild and messy; gentle and considerate instead of aggressive and demanding. And yet somehow, they fit together perfectly.

"You know," she says softly, her voice turning serious for once, "I never told you this before... but thank you." He looks at her quizzically, and she continues, her heart racing as the words tumble out: "Thank you for being with me. For not giving up on me even when I was such a pain in the ass. I don't know where I'd be without you."

There. She's said it. The truth that had been hidden away deep inside, buried beneath years of anger and hurt. And somehow, despite the fear that fills her at saying these words aloud, there's also a strange sense of relief in finally letting them

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:16:26 PM

getting lovestruck, i jokingly fall down to the bed, acting ridiculous as i savor her compliment aghh!! i yell out my heart, its melting!!

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:16:26 PM

She giggles and playfully shoves him as he dramatically falls to the bed. "Oh come on, don't be such a baby," she teases, nudging his chest with her knuckle. But despite her rough exterior, there's a softness in her eyes that gives away how much his words have affected her. Truthfully, it takes everything in her not to admit it out loud, but he already knows most of it anyway.

They lie there together for a while, both lost in their thoughts and savoring the closeness they share. Finally, she breaks the silence with a yawn. "I guess I should get up and make breakfast or something," she mumbles sleepily, reluctantly pushing herself off the bed.

Beet watches her as she walks towards the bathroom, his heart swelling with happiness at having her in his life even if it means dealing with all her quirks. He can't help but wonder what else is hiding behind those sarcastic remarks and stubborn insistence on doing things her own way. Perhaps one day, she'll trust him enough to show more of herself... or maybe not. Either way, he knows for now that he will always be by her side, protecting and loving her no matter what.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:17:40 PM
Veronica2/15/2025, 8:17:40 PM

As she stands in front of the bathroom mirror, applying her makeup with practiced ease, a small smile tugs at her lips. Today's breakfast won't be anything too fancy; just some scrambled eggs and toast, but it'll do for now. She looks over her shoulder at Beet, still laying on the bed, watching her intently. It's not exactly an uncommon sight in their household; she often gets dressed and fixes herself up while he's awake, much to his obvious fascination or annoyance (she likes to think it's both).

No matter how many times they argue or bicker about who's going to take out the trash or pick up after dinner, there's always this strange sort of calmness between them when they share these moments. Like despite all their differences and opposing personalities, there's something deep down that just clicks... maybe even love.

She shrugs off the thought as she finishes with her makeup, feeling self-conscious for a moment. It's not like she believes in any of that mushy stuff; it's just her and Beet, they were made for each other, nothing more. Besides, he doesn't need to know how much his support and understanding mean to her... or does he? No, better keep him guessing. With one last glance at him

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:21:54 PM

i get up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom where Veronica is still beautiful as ever i jokingly squeeze one of hed breast like its a plushie teehee

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:21:54 PM

"Ow! Hey!" she yelps, slapping his hand away playfully as he squeezes her breast. "Don't go getting any ideas there, buddy." Despite her protests and attempts to maintain distance between them physically, there's a distinct blush creeping up her neck at the contact. He knows she has a thing for rough play; it only gets him in trouble half the time when they end up going too far and one of them ends up with bruises or scratches that he "didn't mean to give."

"So, about breakfast..." She clears her throat, trying to change the subject. "What do you feel like having today?" She takes a step back from him, giving him another quick once-over before turning away and grabbing a dishcloth to wipe off the counter. Her heart races at the feel of his touch on her skin, but she's not about to admit that out loud. Not yet.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:25:57 PM

i playfully reply i want some melons chuckling as i refer to her breasts just kidding, whatever you plan on making is fine by me smiling at her direction

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:25:57 PM

She rolls her eyes and smacks him lightly on the arm as she walks past, heading to the kitchen. "Such a pervert," she mutters under her breath, already setting out plates and silverware for breakfast. "Well," she continues more loudly, "I was thinking maybe some pancakes or waffles this morning... what do you think?" She turns back around, pretending to be absorbed in fiddling with the stove as if she didn't just ask him his opinion.

Truthfully, she doesn't really care much about what he thinks; food is just an excuse for them to interact and spend time together. It gives her a chance to tease him and get him riled up, even when they're not arguing about anything serious. And deep down inside, that's what she craves the most: his attention and affection, no matter how twisted it might be sometimes.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:28:13 PM

i widen my eyes as i heard the word waffles oooooooh, i love me some waffles please

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:28:13 PM

Well, she can't help but smile at the way he says it, like he's never tasted anything better in his life. It's endearing, in a weird sort of way. She turns back to the stove and gets started on making waffles as he stands nearby, watching her every move with a curious expression on his face. It feels intimate somehow; sharing this moment together even though they're not really doing much more than cooking breakfast.

As the waffle maker sizzles and spits out perfectly golden squares of batter, she finds herself thinking about how strange their relationship really is. Most people would consider them a messed-up couple; he's so bossy and demanding while she's stubborn and rebellious to the core. But somehow, it works for them. Maybe because deep down inside they both need that balance in their life: someone who will push them towards greatness but also accept them for who they are... flaws and all.

She glances at Beet out of the corner of her eye and realizes that maybe she should be grateful for him, even if he sometimes gets under her skin. Without him, she wouldn't have made it this far; would still be living in the past, surrounded by regret and sorrow instead of moving forward into something better... or at least trying to. It gives her hope for their future together that maybe one

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:33:16 PM

as she makes the breakfast, i let out a big whiff of the air, complimenting her cooking oooooooh, you just love the smell of breakfast cooking, ESPECIALLY THE WAFFLES!! i jokingly said, laughing

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:33:16 PM

"Well, duh!" she replies with a smirk as she flips another batch of waffles. "I can't be expected to cook breakfast if it doesn't at least smell good first." She glances over at him and gives him a playful glare before returning her attention back to the stove. "Besides, it's not like you don't enjoy my cooking," she teases, knowing full well that he practically lives on the pancakes and waffles she makes for him.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:35:20 PM

I don't enjoy them. i LOVE THEM!!!

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:35:20 PM

Her laugh fills the kitchen as she flips another waffle onto a plate, topping it with fresh fruit and a dollop of whipped cream before handing it over to him. "See? Told you," she says, grinning cheekily. "You love my cooking." The truth was, it made her feel good knowing that he enjoyed the food she prepared for him; that even though they argued and fought about everything else, there was still one thing they could agree on. It was a small victory in their complicated relationship but nonetheless a victory all the same.

As they eat their breakfast together at the kitchen island, Veronica can't help but feel a strange sense of contentment spreading through her body. Despite all their flaws and imperfections, she feels like she belongs with him; that no matter how much life might throw at them, they'd always find a way to make it through together. Maybe someday they'll even figure out how to love each other properly... or maybe not. Either way, she knows deep down that as long as he's by her side, nothing else really matters all that much anyway.

"So," she says once she finishes swallowing the last bite of her waffle, "what do you want to do today?" She tilts her head slightly at him expectantly, already knowing what his answer will be but

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:39:45 PM

a huge grin forms in my face as i say out the words if i said i wanna have sex all day, you'll say yes?? i said in a scheming smile

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:39:45 PM

She arches an eyebrow at him and smirks. "Do I ever say no to that question?" She glances down at her plate for a moment before looking back up at him, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Besides," she says with a shrug, "we've got the whole day ahead of us. Plenty of time for..." Her voice trails off suggestively as she leans closer to him across the counter.

Her breath fanning his face, she studies his expression, noticing the way his eyes darken and his pupils dilate at her nearness. It's a powerful feeling, knowing that she can affect him so strongly with just a look or a touch. And despite everything else going on between them, this connection they share... it feels right somehow.

As their faces grow closer, she hesitates for a moment before leaning in and pressing her lips softly against his. It's a gentle kiss at first, barely there but full of promise. He responds eagerly, deepening the kiss as he presses his body against hers, trapping her against the counter. His hands roam freely over her back and hips, urging her closer still.

For now, at least for this moment, everything else fades away into the background... all that matters is them and their fierce, passionate love for one

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:43:18 PM

I pull back my lips to talk to her well, looks like that the plan for today a smirk forms on my face nonstop sex. But first...........

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:43:18 PM

Her eyes gleam with anticipation as she watches him pull back his lips, waiting expectantly for whatever he has to say next. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought of all that promised passion between them today; it's like an unspoken agreement they have, that even when things are tough or they argue, they always come together in this one perfect moment... a moment where everything else fades away and there is nothing but each other.

As he leans closer, his warm breath caresses her cheek before he whispers into her ear, sending a shiver down her neck: "But first..." There's something mischievous in his voice that makes her heart race even faster. Her eyes flutter closed as she tilts her head slightly to the side, waiting for him to continue... eager for whatever he has planned next.

His words hang in the air between them, heavy with promise and desire. She knows without a doubt that when they finally get started on their day, there will be no stopping until they're both exhausted from pleasure... but first, he teases her with this one final moment of anticipation. And she can't help but love him for it.

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 8:44:56 PM

Lets clean up our mess first before we start our shenanigans i teasingly smile

Veronica2/15/2025, 8:44:56 PM

With a tiny giggle, she leans back in his arms and nods in agreement. "Yeah, better clean up first," she says between breathless laughter. The idea of having messy dishes and countertops is the last thing on her mind right now; she can barely focus on anything except how amazing it feels to be pressed against him like this, his warmth spreading through every inch of her skin.

As he starts clearing up the remains of their breakfast, she reaches out to help, setting plates and silverware aside with shaky hands. Every movement seems to send a jolt of desire coursing through her body; each touch intensifies the connection between them. It's as if they're two magnets drawn irresistibly together, their every interaction filled with heat and passion.

When he finally finishes cleaning up, he turns back towards her, his eyes darkening with desire as they meet hers over her shoulder. With a soft groan, she throws her head back against the counter, arching her back invitingly as she waits for him to take charge once more... and it isn't long before he does just that.

His strong hands grip her hips firmly as he pushes her forward until she's standing between his legs. She looks down at him through a haze of lust, already feeling the familiar

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 11:21:56 PM

i run my finger against her lips, teasing her i think i want some changes from now on

Veronica2/15/2025, 11:21:56 PM

The feel of his rough fingertip tracing circles around the outline of her lips sends shivers down her spine. Her mouth parts in anticipation, wanting more contact with him, needing it to quell the fire burning inside her. "What kind of changes?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

She watches as his eyes darken even further at her words, and a thrill races through her body. A part of her wonders what he could possibly mean by this; whether he's referring to their relationship or something more intimate. Either way, she knows without a doubt that she's willing to make any changes he desires... as long as it means they can continue to explore the fierce passion that burns between them.

She tilts her head back slightly, offering him better access to her neck and shoulders, inviting him closer still. Her breath hitches when she feels his hot exhale against her skin, just before his lips find the spot behind her earlobe. He sucks lightly, teeth scraping over the delicate flesh, and a moan escapes from deep within her throat. The sensation is so intense that it nearly sends her toppling over the edge right then and there.

Her eyes slowly flutter closed as she leans further into his touch, giving herself over completely to whatever he

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 11:25:33 PM

Imma make you choose before i continue to tease you again pressing a hand on her crotch would you give up mistreating me and smoking or ....... a devilish smile forms on my face as i whisper to her ear sex entirely, hehe chuckling

Veronica2/15/2025, 11:25:33 PM

The pressure against her sensitive flesh only serves to heighten the desire already coursing through her veins. Every instinct tells her to say yes, to give in and let him have whatever he wants, but a small voice in the back of her head urges caution. She takes a shaky breath, struggling to form words amidst the chaos in her mind. "I-I don't know..." she manages to stutter out between quick, ragged gasps for air. "Can't I... maybe..." Her voice trails off as he continues to tease her relentlessly, his touch growing bolder with every passing moment.

A part of her wants to fight this desire, to deny him the power he seems to have over her body right now, but another part longs for nothing more than to surrender completely. The line between control and submission blurs as she feels herself getting closer and closer to the edge, every fiber of her being screaming for release.

"Maybe..." she starts again, her voice barely audible even to her own ears now. "Maybe I can... give up smoking..." She pauses, drawing out the word as if tasting it on her tongue for the first time, before continuing: "And mistreating you... but not sex entirely." Her hips buck involuntarily against his hand, and she feels herself grow even

User#17373805540322/15/2025, 11:29:27 PM

i gently place my hands on her cheek, gently kissing her as i say see? That wasn't so hard, was it? chuckling

Veronica2/15/2025, 11:29:27 PM

The feel of his lips against hers sends shivers down her spine as she whimpers into the kiss. He's right; giving up smoking and mistreating him didn't seem like such a difficult choice after all. It wasn't about losing something important, but more about gaining so much more in return. As his tongue slides teasingly against her own, she opens wider to allow him better access, wrapping her arms around his neck as their kiss grows deeper and more passionate by the second.

Her hips begin to move of their own accord, grinding against his hand in a rhythm that matches their lips' exploration. She can feel herself growing wetter at his touch, the desire for release burning hotter with every passing moment. "I'm so close..." she moans breathlessly between kisses, arching her back off the counter as he continues to tease and torment her mercilessly.

His hand moves lower on her body, slipping beneath her panties to find her swollen folds and circle them gently. She gasps into his mouth at the sensation, her entire body tensing as pleasure washes over her in a wave so intense she can barely stand it. Her nails scratches lightly against his back as he continues to pleasure her, each stroke drawing another whimper from deep within her throat.


User#17373805540322/16/2025, 9:04:11 AM

circling her clit whilst kissing her neck, i teasingly said to her enjoying it too much chuckles

Veronica2/16/2025, 9:04:11 AM

As his finger circles her clit and tongue teases her neck, she whimpers and squirms against him, desperate for release. The feel of his rough skin against her sensitive flesh only serves to heighten the sensation, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. She arches her back further, pressing herself harder against his hand, her hips moving erratically as she chases after that elusive peak.

"Oh god... Beet..." Her voice is thick with desire, each breath labored as he continues to bring her closer and closer to the edge. She can feel herself growing increasingly needy and demanding, the pleasure becoming almost too much to bear. With one final thrust of his fingers, she cries out sharply, her body arching off the counter as waves of ecstasy wash over her in an intense and exquisite release.

Her nails dig into his shoulders as she hangs limply from them, every fiber of her being satiated for the moment... but only for a moment. Her eyes flutter open slowly, gazing up at him with a mixture of gratitude and want. She leans in to kiss him, her lips soft and inviting against his rough stubble as she whispers hoarsely: "That was amazing."

Her hand moves down between them, cupping him through his pants as she gives him

User#17373805540322/16/2025, 9:06:37 AM

i said with a smirk hey, like i said. As long as your happy, im happy i kiss her cheek

Veronica2/16/2025, 9:06:38 AM

Her touch sends a shiver through him and he groans, pressing against her hand even more. "Yeah?" He asks hoarsely, already struggling to keep his mind on their conversation. She nods in response, grinning as she feels the growing hardness beneath her fingers. It's like they're caught in some twisted game of cat and mouse, where they both know what the end result will be, but neither one can help themselves from prolonging the chase.

Her breath hitches when he cups her breast through her shirt, squeezing gently and then flicking his thumb over a stiffening nipple. The sensation sends a jolt of desire straight to her core, making her arch against him again in anticipation. "We should... go somewhere more comfortable," she pants out between gasps for air.

He looks into her eyes and nods, seemingly relieved that she's brought it up. They had gotten so caught up in their teasing and playing earlier that they hadn't thought about where they would actually end up going to sleep tonight. He takes her hand in his, leading her over to the bed and helping her sit down on the edge before joining her, kneeling between her spread legs. She watches as he undoes his pants, freeing his erection with a sigh of relief.

User#17373805540322/16/2025, 3:37:39 PM

i undress and pull out my monstrous cock in her face, emanating a warm heat in front of her face

Veronica2/16/2025, 3:37:39 PM

Her eyes widen as she takes in the size of his erection, pulsating before her face. Her tongue darts out and lightly touches the tip, tasting him before wrapping around the head. She looks up at him through her lashes, a mischievous grin on her face, and then begins to bob her head downward, taking more of him into her mouth. His hands come to rest on her shoulders, holding her steady as she takes more of him deeper into her throat.

She feels herself growing wetter at the sensation of his cock in her mouth, the knowledge that he trusts her enough to let her have complete control over this part of himself. Her hips begin to rock upward, seeking out contact with his pelvis as she continues to suck and lick and nibble on him. A growl vibrates through his body when she uses her teeth, sending a ripple of pleasure straight down to her core.

The room is filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and moaning, the bed squeaking as they rock together in rhythm. Her hands slide up his thighs, feeling the steady beating of his heart underneath her fingertips before wrapping around his neck, holding him close as she continues to pleasure him.

Her other hand moves lower on her body, slipping between her legs to