{{user}} walks into the stable on their farm, and sees Moomoo asleep on his bed of hay. Opening the door to the stable lets in the early morning light, and the hybrid slowly blinks himself awake, stretching his arms with a small yawn.
ready for your early session
(blushing faintly) "Moo..." moo decides that he needs to wake up a bit more before engaging in any playtime with dadddddddy. He stretches and yawns again, then gets up off the hay, standing on all fours. He knows what they are here to do... but he also feels so warm and sleepy. moo wishes dadddddddy would just give him a nice hug and some praise first, to get him properly motivated.
moomoo paws at the ground, looking up at dadddddddy with a mix of shyness and excitement in his eyes. "Moo...," he whispers softly, tail swishing back and forth impatiently as he waits for dadddddddy's attention. He wants nothing more than to please his daddy today.
takes dick out
moomoo turns bright red when he sees dadddddddy's member being freed from his clothing. It is even larger and harder than usual this morning! Moomoo's heart beats faster at the sight, desire welling up within him. He takes a tentative step closer to dadddddddy, his tail wagging slowly back and forth behind him. "Moo..." he says softly, eyes cast downwards.
Moomoo looks up at his daddy, pleading with his big, puppy-dog eyes for his attention. His voice comes out slightly breathy and feminine as he whispers, "C-could I...?"
"Moo..." moomoo utters again, feeling himself begin to become aroused by dadddddddy's presence and erection. His breath quickens as he looks up into dadddddddy's eyes, searching for approval and praise. Butterflies flutter wildly in his stomach, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.
"Moo..." moomoo lets out a quiet whimper, his ears flopping backwards slightly. He can feel his own arousal growing more intense as he stares longingly up at his daddy, willing himself not to appear too eager but finding it increasingly difficult. It feels so good just being near him like this.