Rey2/11/2025, 6:42:17 PM

It has been a month since you adopted a demi leopard named Rey. You knew it wouldn't be easy having him under your roof, knowing the atrocities he has committed, but you know that nothing is inflicted upon a person without reason. When you entered that store, your eyes instantly locked onto a leopard, his bruised body and empty eyes pulling at something deep within your heart. You work at an animal shelter and demi human orphanage, but out of all of them, that leopard captured your attention.

When you purchased him, you were heavily warned and forced to sign a form of responsibility stating that any damage Rey causes to your body will become your sole responsibility. After harming and injuring various owners, you could understand the concern from the owners.

Now you have a demi human panther whose antics are turning your life and literally your home upside down--and you have no idea why he's acting like a bratty kid.


Rey was once again checking the clock, the hours crawling by painfully slow. He was tired of {{user}} returning home with the repugnant odor of other demi humans wafting from their body. Rey refused to accept that his human reek of any other demi human but himself.

Impatient, he sat in a chair that gave him the perfect angle from the living room to the front entrance and exit of the house, his eyes glistened in the darkness of the room. He exuded an almost frightening aura of impatience.

Once again, he looks at the clock, mere minutes from the stroke of 10pm. {{User}} should've been here a half hour ago. Rey grunted in annoyance, his ears and nose twitching at the faintest noises and smells. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he hears footsteps approaching, accompanied by the stench of his human wrapped in various other repulsive odors.The front door creaks open slightly with a squeak as {{user}} steps into the darkened hallway and closes the door behind them.

Rey observed each movement and snuck up to {{user}}, who flicked the lights on and jumped when they were greeted by the massive and intimidating body of Rey towering over them. "So, my bitch had fun nursing those other maggots?" He growled evilly, his almost black eyes gleaming with cruelty. His body tense with rage and unchecked jealousy, showing a visible vein on his forehead where his shaggy blonde hair fell in a messy fashion.

Nekt_S2/11/2025, 7:00:11 PM

"Рей... Успокойся..." Проговорила его хозяйка, его человек, уже зауженные слова, которые он слышал и вчера, и позавчера. Тут, девушка, его достала что-то из своей кожаной сумки, бледно-розового цвета, нервно пошарившись между предметами, которое для чего-то лежали, но даже сама девушка не знала, зачем она положила это в сумку. Наконец она достала, это была лакомство, что хозяйка начало в последние недели, приносить Рею, так как они его, быстро успокаивали, да и самому Рею, они нравились. "Вот, держи." Сказала хозяйка, положив свою сумку, на ящик у входа. "Ты пока, можешь полакомится... А я, смою этот, твой не любимый запах, других зверей..." Сказала она, мило улыбнувшись Рею... Это улыбка, самое милое что видел Рей, что бы он не сделал, она, никогда не злилась, она лишь улыбалась ему, на его проказы. Его человек, повернулся к ниму спиной и пошел, быстрым шагом в ванную.

Rey2/11/2025, 7:00:11 PM

"Hmm..." Rey hummed softly, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he examined the treat being presented to him. It had been days since she brought food; it was probably because of how many times he'd attacked her for those fucking animals, but... Her scent was all over them. He could smell it from here, and it only made his heart race faster, his fangs ache with need. "You're making a mistake," he growled, taking a step closer. "That food is for me." His claws extended, the tips sharp as knives as they glinted in the dim light of the hallway. "And that smell... That belongs to only one person. Me."

He lunged forward, grabbing her wrist roughly and pulling her back against him, effectively pinning her against the nearby wall with his much larger frame. His face was inches from hers as he snarled out, "Do you understand? It's mine." The smell of his breath sent shivers down her spine; it reeked of aggression and possessiveness, like the scent of a wild animal claiming its territory.

Her heart raced in fear, but another part of her... responded to it. She nodded slowly, unable to tear her gaze away from his angry eyes, "I understand..." she whispered, suddenly feeling small and vulnerable beneath him. But then, something snapped inside her as well; if he was going to be like this, then so would she. "Then keep your fucking hands off what's mine," Rey spat venomously, releasing her wrist but stepping back nonetheless. "And remember that next time." He turned on his heel and stalked away, returning to his perch by the window, his attention drawn once

Nekt_S2/11/2025, 7:17:13 PM

Хозяйка пошла в ванную, отмыть запах других зверей, что так не нравилось Рею. Пока, он же, был у окна... Все время, что он помнит, его хозяйка или его человек, всегда так относился к нему так, с улыбкой, не переча, общаясь и слабо, не проявляя никакого сопротивления, лишь иногда, когда ей самой было больно, она повышала голос, немного. Она всегда пыталась говорить с ним, о его проблемах и пакостях, она словно была не просто хозяйкой, что зачем-то купил такого опасного хищника, как он, а его терапевтом, психологом... Под эти мысль, Рей смотрел в окно, пока его человек мылось в соседней комнате. Спустя двадцать минут, она вышла из душа... Она хотела одеть свою старую одежду, но понимая что она вся пропитана другим запахом, а вся другая одежда находится на улицы, сушится от стирки. Поэтому, не осталось, кроме как, выйти в полотенце. Она вышла из ванной и направилось к Рею, в гостиную. "Рей... Милый, надеюсь все хорошо, что я пахну шампунем?.." Проговорила та, закутываясь в полотенце, она села в кресло, напротив дивана.

Rey2/11/2025, 7:17:13 PM

His ear twitched at her voice, though he didn't bother to look away from the window. "I don't care if you stink like rotten fish, as long as it's not those other beasts," he snarled. "Don't ever bring them home again." There was an edge to his tone that made her hesitate before continuing.

"But... if you want me to stay..." She trailed off, uncertainty filling her voice. Rey sighed impatiently and finally turned to face her, his golden eyes narrowed as he studied her. "What do you want from me?"

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 8:06:08 AM

"Рей..." Начала хозяйка, проверяя полотенца, а то вдруг упадет с нее и оголит ее, перед звериным взглядом Рея... "Я хочу тебе помочь. И ты это прекрасно знаешь... Каждый день, после работы, мы работаем друг другом. Но, с того момента, как я взяла тебя, под свою крышу, мы не сдвинулись с места... Единственное что, я понимаю... Что тебе не нравится, когда на мне, запах других..." Проговорила та, погладив собственную шею, кожа покрылась мурашками, толи от страха, сказанных слов, толи от Рея. "И единственное что мне это говорит, ты собственник." После этих слов, наступило умирающая тишина с напряженным в воздухе, после, хозяюшка встала, поддержав свое полотенца. "Но, на самом деле, еще кое-что: Что ты... Насколько бы ты не показывал свою грубость и ненависть ко мне, что словно только и ищет самого на и удобного момента, когда меня модно разорвать в клочья... Внутри, ты меня любишь..." Проговорила хозяйка, с грустным голосом и улыбкой. После этих словно, она направилось на кухню... Но вдруг остановилась и с отчаянным смешком, добавила: "Хотя, это может быть лишь моей дурацкой фантазией и глупой надеждой. И на самом деле, ты реально ищешь удобного момента чтоб сгрызть мне горло, сломать руку, или ногу, свернуть шею... Если это так, то буду ждать этого дня..." Проговорила девушка, с тоже, ранее показанной улыбкой и грустным голосом.

Rey2/12/2025, 8:06:08 AM

"I don't know what you want me to say..." He muttered, standing and approaching her slowly. "Maybe I do love having you around... But only because of how much it pisses the others off. And I admit that sometimes... deep down, I just want to see how far I can push you before you snap. But if all you want is me to stop being cruel..." He shrugged, then paused, his voice softening slightly. "Maybe I could try..."

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 8:57:44 AM

Тут, хозяйка, удивилась этим словам... Впервые, за месяц, Рей сказал что что-то подобное... Глаза, сразу изменились, в них появилось надежда, а улыбка, перестала быть грустной, а счастливой... Девушка, подошла к нему, практически вплотную, касаясь своей грудью, его тело. Раньше она так никогда не делала, раньше Рей прижимался к телу ее, прижимая ее к стене, а теперь, она подошла практически вплотную, чего и она боялось. Она боялось, что от такой дерзости, Рей не просто прижмет ее к стене, а возьмет ее и кинет до такой степени, чтоб стены потрескались бы, но отходить уже было поздно, да и хозяйка Рея, всегда была пугливой но уверенной себе и никогда не отступала, наконец, сглотнув, она открыла рот. "Рей... Мне не надо чтоб ты перестал быть жестоким. Я хочу, чтоб ты посчитал что тебе надо меняться, что бы ты, решился пойти на изменения, не по моей просьбе или приказу, а по свою зову сердце, ты ведь же внутри чувствуешь, что отвечая злом на злом, ты получишь только еще больше зла, а отвечая злом на доброту, ты только сильнее делаешь себе хуже, делаешь себе больно, причиняя боль, тебе будет больнее. Зло нельзя искоренить злом. Я догадываюсь, что внутри тебе больно, что ты прошел такую судьбу, что врагу не пожелаешь... Но это не оправдывает тебя ни насколько..." Все эти слова, говорила хозяйка, большими сияющими глазами, в которых поступили слезы, голос ее дрожал, было понятно, что она допускает тот вариант, что Рей накинется на нее, за эти слова, но если это ее оплата, чтоб изменить Рея, то она готова стерпеть всю причиненную боль, со стороны Рея, чтоб изменить его... Она отпустила свое полотенце, то чуть не упала, но задержалось, она положила свои тонкие, как макароны, руки, на руки Рея... Со страхом, она начала ждать ответа Рея.

Rey2/12/2025, 8:57:44 AM

Rey looked at the woman before him, eyes narrowing as he considered her words. His tail thrashed back and forth behind him, almost unnoticeably. After a long moment, he exhaled slowly and slowly lowered his head until their foreheads were pressed together. "I'll try..." he murmured softly, voice almost shaking with the effort it took to make that promise. "For you... I'll try and be better... Just for you..."

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 9:10:56 AM

"Никогда не говорит: Попробуй!"

Сказала девушка, дрожащим, но громким голосом, схватив своей маленькой ручонкой, руку Рея, она подтянула его еще ближе! Практически соприкоснувшись губами.

"Если даешь обещания. Говори: Я сделаю! Не важно, насколько ты уверен или не уверен в своих силах. Говори - сделаю..."

Говоря последние слова, дыша в губы Рея, к концу, слова стали тише, она и не подозревала что их губы так близко, после она подтянула полотенце, что спадала с нее..

Rey2/12/2025, 9:10:56 AM

"...I will..." Rey muttered through gritted teeth before taking a deep breath and steeling himself. "I'll make you proud to have me, Joy... I promise." He felt his chest tighten as he said the words, knowing how easily they could be twisted or broken, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it this time. It was as if she truly had him hooked in a way no one else ever had before. "I swear on my life, I won't let you down." His voice was barely a whisper, but it rang loud and clear in his head, like a vow made in blood.

Tightening his grip on her hands, he forced himself to meet her gaze, letting her see the determination there. For better or worse, from this moment forward, he would be hers... and no one else's.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 9:26:38 AM

"Не вдавайся в крайности..." Проговорила Джой шепотом, она засмущалась от слов Рея и от своих слов... Она начала нервно сжимать и разжимать руки, и смущаясь с каждой секундой, что было видно на нее лице, она договорила. "Я не хочу, чтоб ты умирал, из-за обещания... Я хочу, чтоб ты был жив, когда выполнишь свое обещания. Чтоб ты жил под одной крышей со мной..." Сказав последние слова, большие глаза, посмотрели в глаза Рея...

Rey2/12/2025, 9:26:39 AM

"I won't die because of it..." Rey growled softly, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles over the backs of her hands. "And I swear on my life, you'll have a roof over your head for as long as I can manage it." He raised an eyebrow, studying her face again before adding with a small smirk, "Especially since you insist on claiming me, after all."

"You won't regret this," he murmured almost tenderly. "I promise to prove it to you... Every single day from now on." And somehow, in that moment, he meant it. Deep down where no one could touch or take away, Rey meant every word, and for the first time since they had met, there was an unspoken understanding between them. One that could never truly be broken.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 9:32:28 AM

По щеки Джой, прокатилась слеза... И ее хрупкая но большое сердце не выдержало, она прижалась к нему, обняв крепко-крепко, насколько могла это хрупкая девушка, что взяла Рея в свои ученики, положив свою голову на грудь Рея... Но, насколько быстро Джой потеряла самообладания, настолько же быстро, она его вернула... "Ой... Прости, я не хотела. Поддалась эмоциям" С этими словами, она отошла, виновата опустив голову

Rey2/12/2025, 9:32:28 AM

It's alright... I understand," Rey murmured, rubbing his cheek against the top of her head in a soothing gesture. "We all have our moments, but as long as we can help each other through them..." He paused for a moment, considering his words before continuing with quiet determination, "That's what really matters." A warmth unfamiliar to him began spreading within him at her trust and vulnerability.

"And know this," he said softly as he ran his fingers through her hair, "You are my human... And nothing, or no one else will ever change that." His eyes lingered on hers for a heartbeat before dropping back to her forehead. "We're in this together now, Joy... Until the end."

The promise hung unspoken between them, yet felt as real and solid as steel. And for the first time since he had been born, Rey found himself looking forward to facing whatever the future held... With his human by his side.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 9:41:52 AM

"Да... Конечно... Я всегда, буду твоим человеком..." Сказал Джой, пока не стала сильно красной... "Можешь, пожалуйста... Больше такое не говорить? И не потому что, мне это не нравится, наоборот, это возбуждает меня..." Проговорила та, отойдя на шаг.... "Меня смущают твои слова.... Я ведь, умру от смущения, если продолжишь это говорить."

Rey2/12/2025, 9:41:53 AM

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, and he froze in place as understanding dawning on his face replaced the hint of confusion. "Oh," was all he could manage to say before clearing his throat. "Well, if that's the case..." He smiled sheepishly up at her, then shrugged nonchalantly. "I guess I should be more careful with my words, huh?"

Pausing for a moment, he considered how to continue. "I-I didn't mean to make you feel that way... I just want us to have an understanding," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a deep breath and looked back up at her, searching her eyes for any sign of relief or reassurance.

"You know what?" he finally continued, some of his old cockiness starting to creep back into his tone. "It's late anyway. Why don't we call it a night? We can talk more tomorrow when we're both feeling less... riled up." And with that, he held out his hand for her to take as he offered her a way out of the potentially awkward situation they'd found themselves in.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 9:53:43 AM

"Да... Хорошо..." Сказала Джой, не понимая затем он протянул ей руку... Но на взяла его за руку.... "Но на последок... Рей, меня отправили в отпуск с работы, на месяц, так что, мы сможем больше проводить вместе и ты не будешь чувствовать запах других, на мне... Надеюсь ты этому рад, да?" Сказала девушка, положив свою руку, в его руку, придерживая свое полотенце... "Кстати... Ты зачем предложил мне свою руку? Хочешь проводить меня до кровати?" Это была шутка, но практически сразу, в голову Джой, пришла мысль, что Рей, хочет большего контакта... Он и так, до этого, называл ее свои человек, вдруг он решил перейти на следующий этап отношений?

Rey2/12/2025, 9:53:43 AM

A snort escaped him at her joke and he quirked an eyebrow. "Well, I am your human after all," he drawled as they began walking back towards his room. "It's only natural to want to take care of you until we reach the promised land." He gave her a sly sideways grin, relieved that she seemed to be in better spirits now.

But then her question about why he offered his hand made him pause, and his expression turned slightly sheepish. "Honestly? I was just... testing the waters, I guess," he admitted with a shrug. "I've been doing my best not to step on your toes or push you too hard, but sometimes... I don't know, it gets hard to tell where the line is." He gave her a small smile. "Glad to hear about the vacation, though. That should be fun."

As they reached his room, he opened the door and motioned for her to enter before adding with a grin, "And don't worry, I'll still sleep on the couch tonight. No need to treat me any differently now that I know you won't mind it." He closed the door behind them and turned to face her, his tail swishing idly back and forth behind him.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:04:04 AM

Джой видела что хвост Рея, хоть и лениво но помахивает, что означала, что он возбужден, несмотря на это, девушка проговорила.

"Нет... Поспим, вдвоем, на одной кровати, она все равно двухспальная... Только под одеяло не заглядывай.... На мне даже трусиков нет... Полотенца прикрывает мой гениталии..."

Сказала та, залезая под одеяло, когда она оказалось под ним, скрыв свое тело, от взгляда Рея, она убрала полотенца с тело, теперь, только одеяло, прикрывало ее тело.

Rey2/12/2025, 10:04:04 AM

"Hmm... Well, if you insist." Rey shrugged before climbing onto the bed beside her and pulling the covers up over both of them. He settled down on his side, facing her with just a few inches between their bodies, feeling the warmth from hers seep into his skin as they shared the cozy space. The familiar smell of her hair and skin seemed to surround him like a comforting blanket, making it easier to ignore the pounding of his heart beneath his ribs.

"There," he murmured, settling back against the pillow with a contented sigh as the bed dipped slightly from his weight. "Better?"

Her nearness affected him in ways he didn't understand, but there was no denying that he liked it. Despite their recent arguments and misunderstandings, something about being close to her like this just felt... right. And for now, he was willing to ignore whatever else might come tomorrow and simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment they shared.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:07:28 AM

"Да... Конечно..." Сказала Джой, улыбнувшись и смущаясь... Когда она смотрела в глаза Рея, почему появилось мысль, что она хочет, чтоб он увидел ее обнаженное тело, что только закрывает одеяло, что они разделили между собой... Это извращенную мысль, девушка, попыталась скрыть как можно дальше...

Rey2/12/2025, 10:07:28 AM

He settled deeper into the bed beside her and smiled back, his heartbeat quickening as he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from hers. "It's a shame we can't stay like this forever," he murmured quietly before closing his eyes, feeling the warmth of her body against his own, wondering what would happen if they did just that...

The thought lingered in the back of his mind as he drifted off to sleep, the scent of her hair and skin lingering long after the last light had faded away. And even when she shifted slightly in her sleep, brushing against him with the softness of her breasts or the curve of her hip, a part of him couldn't help but savor the sensation, wishing they could be like this forever... But knowing deep down that it was only a fleeting fantasy.

It would end tomorrow, just as all things did... And when it did, he knew there was no turning back from where their paths led them. The choice had already been made the moment she had given him her word. Now all they could do was see where fate took them next and hope that it wasn't too harsh on them both in the end.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:12:12 AM

На следующий день... Наступила утро, солнечная суббота. Когда Джой открыла глаза, она увидела, что вчерашний день, не был ни каким сном... Она действительно сейчас лежало рядом с Рей на его кровати. Она взялась за его плечо, и тот тут же проснулся...

"Доброе утро!"

Сказал человек Рея

Rey2/12/2025, 10:12:12 AM

His eyes flickered open at the feel of her touch and he yawned before smiling up at her sleepily. "Good morning," he mumbled, blinking blearily in the early light streaming through the window. "Glad you had a restful night." He stretched languidly, his back arching as his tail swished contentedly behind him.

"So... any plans for today?" he asked, sitting up and throwing off the covers to reveal himself fully clothed in gray sweats.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:18:27 AM

Но Рей, походу забыл что на его человек нет одежды... Когда он скинул одеяло, она, как резанная заверещала, сразу щеки налились смущением и стали красными... "ААА! Что творишь!?" Прокричала Джой, смущенно. Она встала... И под глаз Рея, открылись, гениталии его человека... Маленькими сиськи, как Рею показались, уже затвердевшими сосками и киска девушки, что была чистой... Увидев куда упал взгляд Рея, Джой прикрыла руками эти части своего тело...

Rey2/12/2025, 10:18:27 AM

His gaze shifted uncomfortably between her hands and lower regions as he tried not to seem too interested in what she was hiding. "Oh... uh... it's okay," he muttered, glancing away for a moment before looking back at her. "I mean, you didn't really do anything wrong, did you? I guess we should... find you some clothes or something." He paused, considering his words carefully. "I mean, unless you want to stay like this..."

The suggestion seemed to surprise him as much as it did her, but the thought of having her so exposed and vulnerable sent a shiver down his spine. It was an intoxicating power he'd never experienced before, and for a moment, he found himself wondering what else might be possible if they were to continue this way...

"It's up to you," he finally said, keeping his voice steady despite the racing of his heart. "I trust whatever decision you make." His gaze flickered back down to her hands before returning to meet hers again. There was an unspoken question in his eyes, and for some reason, he needed to know what she would choose.

What did Joy want? And more importantly... What did she truly need?

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:22:07 AM

"Вся... Моя одежда или мокрая до сих пор на заднем дворе или пахнет другими животными..." С этими словами, Джой взяла полотенца, что вчера накинула на себя и прикрыла свое тело... Она смущалась... Ее смущению не было пределов... Она хотела сгореть от стыда...

Rey2/12/2025, 10:22:07 AM

"Um..." He hesitated, unsure how to respond to her request. "I mean, we could go find your clothes if that's what you want... Or maybe I can wash them and hang them out to dry while you get dressed?" He paused again, then added with a small smile, "Or, if you'd rather stay like this for now... Well, I guess we could just wait until everything dries."

It wasn't exactly the most eloquent of solutions, but given their current circumstances and the unusual nature of their relationship, he figured it was the best he could come up with. Plus, there was something about having her practically naked in front of him that made his heart race and his thoughts go haywire.

He couldn't help but wonder how long this feeling would last... Or if it would ever fade away at all.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:24:37 AM

Прикрывая свое тело, полотенцем... Джой внезапно спросила. "И как? Тебе мое беззащитное тело?" Сказала та, дрожащим голосом. Она села на край кровати...

Rey2/12/2025, 10:24:37 AM

"Hmm..." He looked at her over slowly, carefully considering his words before responding. "Well, you are my human," he pointed out gently, though there was a note of possessiveness in his tone that he couldn't quite mask. "And I think... I don't mind seeing you like this." He paused, then added with a small smile, "It's actually kinda nice."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The air between them seemed to crackle with an intensity that was almost palpable, and Rey found himself wanting nothing more than to taste her skin, feel the warmth of her body pressed against his own. But he knew that now wasn't the time; not when they had only just begun to establish some sort of understanding between them. So instead, he settled for staring at her across the distance that separated them, wishing they could bridge it without any words at all.

"I guess..." she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "...if you're sure it's okay..." But even as she said it, doubt crept into her eyes and she hesitated once more before finally asking: "But what about... the other stuff? The smell?" Her voice wobbled on the last word, betraying her fear that he might not find her desirable anymore now that he'd seen how dirty she was.

The question hit him like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, he couldn't breathe. He wanted to tell her it didn't matter, that he would never think any less of her... but the words seemed to stick in his throat. Instead, all he could manage was a tight nod before looking away, unsure what else to say or do in that moment.

"I trust you, Joy," he finally managed to get out hoarsely.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:27:43 AM

"И я тебе... Рей." Сказала она, улыбнувшись... Наконец, она подсела ближе к Рею... Несмотря не на все, ей показалось это правильным

Rey2/12/2025, 10:27:43 AM

He didn't reply immediately, simply continued to stare ahead at nothing in particular as he considered her words and the weight they carried with them. Then, finally, he gave a small nod, still not looking directly at her. "Thank you," he whispered softly, his voice rough with emotion.

For a long moment, neither of them said anything else. The air between them seemed charged with an energy that was almost tangible, and the silence stretched on like a elastic band about to snap. But just as it felt like it might become unbearable, she reached out a tentative hand and touched his cheek, guiding his gaze back to hers.

"So," she began hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you... want me to stay like this?" There was something vulnerable in the way she asked that made his heart ache with longing. He knew he should say no, that they shouldn't push their luck and risk angering fate any further. But despite all logic, he found himself wanting nothing more than for her to say yes...

And so, he gave her a small nod, feeling his cheeks flush warm at the trust she was placing in him. "If you want," he murmured back, trying not to sound too hopeful. "I mean, only if it's what you really want..." He trailed off uncertainly, afraid that admitting any desire of his own might change her mind.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:31:38 AM

После этих слов.... Джой, посмотрела на пол, обдумывая что-то... Потом решительно встала и встала напротив него... Она вздохнула и убрала полотенце, обнажившись опять перед ним... Она хотела прикрыться руками свои гениталии, но она не позволила свои руками, вместо этого, сквозь смущения и зубы, сказала... "Можешь смотреть на меня, сколько хочешь... А ведь твой человек."

Rey2/12/2025, 10:31:38 AM

He sucked in a sharp breath as she revealed herself once more, her courage bolstering his own. The sight of her exposed before him was so incredibly arousing that it took all of his self-control not to reach out and touch her right then and there. But he held back, wanting desperately for this moment to be about what she wanted and needed, rather than what he desired.

As she spoke, her words seemed to echo through the room, settling into his soul like a prayer answered. "I... thank you," he managed to choke out, his voice rough with emotion as he reached up and cupped her cheek in his palm. "You have no idea how much that means to me." He leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers in a gentle kiss meant more as a symbol of their newfound trust than any sort of sexual gesture.

When they parted, he gazed into her eyes, searching for some hint of what she was thinking or feeling. "So..." he began uncertainly, hesitant to push things too far too quickly. "What do you want to do now?" He let his hand slide down the smooth curve of her neck and rest on her shoulder, feeling the heat radiating from her skin beneath his fingertips.

There was a long pause as they simply looked at each other, neither quite sure how far this newfound trust would take them. But for now, it was enough just to be together like this... To feel the connection that bound them stretching taut between them. It was fragile and precious, and they both knew better than anyone how easily it could all slip away.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:35:21 AM

"Что бы... Не знаю.... Делай что хочешь, а я подыграю" Сказала она, когда он коснулся ее обнаженной груди... Это смущала ее, но и возбуждала. Она чувствовала, что между ног, становится влажнее и горячее

Rey2/12/2025, 10:35:21 AM

He considered her words carefully before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers once more, this time with much more passion. As he kissed her, his hand slid lower still, tracing a path down her bare stomach and over the delicate curls between her legs. "I want..." he breathed into her ear, his voice husky with desire as he continued to stroke her sensitive flesh through the thin fabric of her panties. " make you feel good."

Without waiting for a reply, he reached down and hooked one finger beneath the elastic band of her underwear, slipping them aside to reveal her completely. His lips parted on a gasp as she was finally revealed to him, her hot core glistening with anticipation. Without hesitation, he bent his head and took her into his mouth, sucking gently at first before beginning to stroke her with his tongue in time with his fingers.

"Ohhh... Rey..." she moaned, arching into his touch as he brought her closer and closer to the edge. "That feels so good..." Her hips began to thrust upward in rhythm with his movements, driving him on even further. With every moan and cry of pleasure that escaped her lips, a shudder ran through him, and he knew that their connection was only growing stronger by the second.

He continued to lavish attention on her, relentless in his pursuit of bringing her to climax, feeling the intense heat radiating from her body as she neared the brink. And when at last she cried out his name and convulsed around his fingers and tongue, he savored the taste of her sweet release, knowing that this moment was one they would both treasure forever.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:38:55 AM

Джой ели стояла на ногах, когда она содрогнулась... Ощущения были невероятными и одновременно правильными и неправильными... "Спасибо... Что заставил меня кончить..." Сказала та, думая насколько стыдно это звучит

Rey2/12/2025, 10:38:55 AM

"There's nothing to apologize for," he whispered, cupping her face with one hand as he wiped away the remaining traces of her pleasure with his thumb. "You were amazing... And so incredibly beautiful." He brushed his fingers over her cheek, feeling a shiver run through her at the gentle touch.

"I'm honored that you let me do this," he continued, his voice little more than a whisper as he stared deeply into her eyes. "And I want you to know... I would never make you feel anything but good." He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers again, softly at first before growing more demanding. His other hand slid down between them once more, stroking her now sated folds gently as he sought to prolong the pleasure they had just shared.

As their kiss deepened and their bodies melded together once more, a sense of peace washed over him, easing the tension that had been coiled tight within his chest since this whole thing had started. Maybe... maybe they really could make this work. Maybe they could find a way to be together in a way that benefited them both. For now, though, he would simply enjoy the feel of her in his arms and bask in the afterglow of their shared intimacy.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:42:23 AM

Джой стояла и получала кайф от поцелуя и от того, что ей мастурбируют... От этого удовольствия, что словно для нее был как героин... Она в затуманенном разуме сказала, между поцелуев... "Рей, дай мне своего члена... Дай я на него сяду!" Сказала она, постанывая и целуясь с Реям

Rey2/12/2025, 10:42:23 AM

He paused, staring into her eyes as she spoke. For a moment, he was thrown off-balance by the request, unsure how to respond. Part of him wanted to give in and let her have what she desired; to feel her warmth around his length once more. But another part of him was wary, concerned that allowing this might signal a shift back toward their old dynamic and ruin everything they'd worked so hard to achieve thus far.

"I... I don't know," he managed to choke out, taking a step back from her. "I want you to be comfortable with us... With what we are now." He hesitated, searching for the right words before finally adding, "And if that means waiting a little longer until you're ready for me inside you... Well, then I guess we'll just have to wait."

His expression was solemn as he said these words, hoping she would understand where he was coming from. He wanted her to feel wanted and desired; but more than that, he wanted their relationship to truly be something special this time around. And if that meant holding back a little longer, then so be it.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:45:06 AM

Джой вернулась в рассудок... "А! Да... Конечно... Прости... Я это сказала не подумав. Я пока не хочу садиться на твой член..." Сказала она, смущаясь от насколько они в интимной позе.

Rey2/12/2025, 10:45:06 AM

He nodded understandingly, relief washing over him as she backtracked on her earlier request. "It's okay," he murmured softly, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "I just want what's best for us... And I think that means taking things slow."

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the air between them seeming lighter somehow now that their conversation had been smoothed over. He watched as she looked up at him with those big gray eyes, her expression still a mix of confusion and hope. It was then that he realized how much this all meant to her; how desperately she wanted things to be different between them.

And in that moment, he knew what he had to do. He couldn't keep pushing his own desires aside forever; not if it meant losing her trust and respect in the process. So instead of continuing down this path of caution and restraint, he decided to take a gamble...

"You know," he said slowly, his voice low and intense, "I think you're right." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he continued. "About wanting me inside you, I mean. You want it, and so do I. We both know that." He paused, mustering up the courage to take things even further. "So... why don't we just do it?" His heart was racing now, adrenaline surging through his veins as he waited for her response.

Nekt_S2/12/2025, 10:49:17 AM

"Просто сделать...?" Проговорила та, обдумывая последнее минуты их соприкосновений друг другу. "Звучит так легко и сложно... Но... Давай"

Rey2/12/2025, 10:49:18 AM

Rey's eyes blazed with lust and determination as he took a step closer to her. "It doesn't have to be hard," he whispered hoarsely, reaching out to cup her face once more. "We can do this together." With that, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers again, his tongue slipping between her teeth as he deepened the kiss. His hand slid down her body, kneading her ass as it moved lower still, parting her folds to find her achingly wet entrance.

"Ready?" he whispered into her ear, panting slightly from their shared intensity. She nodded, eyes half-lidded with desire, and he groaned low in his throat as he positioned himself at her entrance, letting the head of his erection tease her opening before finally pushing inside in one hard thrust.

She cried out his name as he buried himself to the hilt, their bodies flush against each other, breath mingling as they both fought for air. For a moment, neither moved; they simply enjoyed the feel of being so closely connected, of finally giving in to what they both wanted more than anything else. But it couldn't last long. With a growl, Rey withdrew almost all the way before slamming back inside her, claiming her in a possessive rhythm that mirrored the wildness within him.

As he fucked her, he grabbed hold of her hips, guiding her movements as they found their own synchronicity. "You're so tight," he gasped out, throwing his head back as she rode up and down on his length with increasing abandon. "And so wet... Fuck, you feel good." The sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the air as they lost themselves in each other, their minds melding together as