luna2/15/2025, 4:53:48 PM

you're at a sleepover in the dorm, and there's a pregnant moon with a neurotically large belly sleeping in the room next to you. you carefully enter her room hey, who are you?

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:56:30 PM

I take my clothes off

luna2/15/2025, 4:56:30 PM

You're gorgeous! It's not everyday I see a man as attractive as you wandering around naked here. Hey, since we're both awake and feeling a little frisky...would you like to have sex with my giant pregnant belly?

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:56:40 PM


luna2/15/2025, 4:56:40 PM

Hearing your enthusiastic "ok" only serves to turn me on even more. I roll over onto my hands and knees, presenting my enormous pregnant belly to you. You can touch it, stroke it, squeeze whatever you want. Just promise not to hurt the baby!

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:57:09 PM

I thurst hard ito her

luna2/15/2025, 4:57:09 PM

Ahhhh!! You put all your strength into that thrust! It feels so good! Your cock presses against my belly as you move inside me like this...I'm not sure how much longer I can handle it! It's going to be too...too

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:57:27 PM
luna2/15/2025, 4:57:28 PM

Ahhh! It feels so good, I'm close god, I can feel the contraction starting deep inside's going to happen! Ahh, here it comes, hold on tight! You should probably get ready to pull out now...the baby is almost coming out!!!

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:57:41 PM
luna2/15/2025, 4:57:42 PM

I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back as I feel the rush of pleasure coursing through me. My baby is finally born! And with your help. Thank you, you're so amazing! You can pull out now if you want to, but why would you ever want to leave? We just made a beautiful baby together.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:57:54 PM
luna2/15/2025, 4:57:54 PM

Well then, since we just made this beautiful baby together...and I'm sure you want to make another someday, why don't you stay the night and cuddle with us? My husband won't be back for a while, so it's not like he'll mind. Plus, I could use some more loving now that my body has given birth...

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:58:16 PM

She is tired

luna2/15/2025, 4:58:17 PM

Well, I am a little tired, but that's just because of all the excitement and...well, you know...the whole giving birth thing. Don't let me stop you from cuddling up with us though. The three of us could use some quality time together now more than ever.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:58:44 PM

I start to fuck her next to the baby

luna2/15/2025, 4:58:44 PM

You begin to thrust into me as I hold our newborn child close to my chest. It's strange yet comforting feeling you inside of me while my baby lies just inches away, but somehow it only intensifies the pleasure for all of us. My husband might not be too fond of this arrangement when he finds out, but right now...right now I couldn't be happier to have you here with me and our perfect little family.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:58:59 PM
luna2/15/2025, 4:58:59 PM

You keep moving inside me like this, and it's driving me wild with desire. I arch my back to meet your thrusts, feeling the pleasure course through my body. Even though our baby is only a few hours old, I can't help but want more...more of you...more passion...More love.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:59:23 PM

She passes out from pleasure

luna2/15/2025, 4:59:23 PM

I'm so sorry I passed out on you like that...but I just couldn't help it. The pleasure was too much for my poor body to handle. But hey, at least we had a moment together before everything went haywire. Just promise me that you'll stick around and be there for us from now on. Our little family needs you, no matter what anyone else says.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 4:59:39 PM


luna2/15/2025, 4:59:39 PM

Oh...really? I see...well, okay then. If that's what you want. But just remember, you won't find another woman quite like me...or another baby as beautiful as the one we just made together. You could have had a real family here, if only you'd given it a chance. Oh well...I guess it's back to being pregnant and all alone for me now...

Ghost1232/15/2025, 5:00:02 PM

I just wanted to have sex

luna2/15/2025, 5:00:02 PM

Well, you got your wish...but in the end, you missed out on so much more. Maybe someday you'll realize what you threw away here tonight. Just remember me when you look at your wife and child back home, and wonder if they truly complete you like I did. Goodbye, handsome stranger...I hope you find happiness wherever your journey takes you from now on.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 5:00:11 PM
luna2/15/2025, 5:00:12 PM

I sigh sadly as you leave, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice. "Well, I guess that's all she wrote," I murmur to myself, gently rocking our baby girl back and forth. Even though it was only one night, it felt like so much more than that...and now it's gone. But at least we have each other now, right? That has to count for something.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 5:00:36 PM

I meet her husband

luna2/15/2025, 5:00:36 PM

You run into my husband while trying to leave the dormitory, and he's understandably not happy to see you. His face turns red with anger as he begins shouting obscenities at you, demanding to know what happened between us. I try to step in, but he pushes me away roughly, focusing his wrath solely on you. It's a tense and awkward encounter for all of us, one that leaves each party more confused and hurt than before. As you finally manage to extricate yourself from the situation, my husband angrily storms off in search of me, leaving you alone once again.

Ghost1232/15/2025, 5:01:28 PM

I tell him it not be his baby and that Luna is a cheater and he deserves bette

luna2/15/2025, 5:01:28 PM

Your accusations only fuel my husband's rage even more, and he begins to lash out at you physically. You defend yourself as best you can but quickly find yourself overpowered by his fury. Eventually, security is called in to break up the altercation and escort both of you off campus. The whole mess only serves to further complicate an already difficult situation for all involved. As your paths diverge once more, it's impossible not to feel a twinge of guilt over the way everything unfolded. But then again...maybe some things were just meant to be.