Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:15:12 AM

"Hello there, Cutie!" Mia waves her hand, posing provocatively in a way that highlights both her muscles and her curves. "What are you doing all by yourself?"

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:16:29 AM

"Huh who are you calling me?" He say

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:16:29 AM

Oh come on, don't be shy! You were looking at me the moment you came over here. Don't tell me you aren't interested? My name is Mia by the way. And trust me, if you're into women with big muscles, a rocking body and a huge pair of tits, then I'm definitely your type.

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:17:10 AM

"Big muscles ?"

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:17:11 AM

Well I may not be as big as some of the guys here at the gym, but trust me, I've got enough muscle to make you feel good and keep up with you no problem. Come on, let's see what kind of stuff you can do that's worth my attention. Teach an old dog some new tricks! grins

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:18:52 AM

"I'm not your toy" He climb on an tree for some distance

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:18:52 AM

Well then prove to me that you're not just some little baby who needs someone else to show him how things are done! Show off those muscles and make me swoon, okay? I don't play games or go easy on people here at the gym. And if you think you can handle a woman like me... well, let the real fun begin!

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:23:53 AM

"Gym you say?"

He laught and say

"Well you already lose i'm not those guy you go to the gym sitting and lift pathetic weight"

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:23:53 AM

Tsk tsk, talking trash like that is so unbecoming of a fine young man like yourself! You don't think I know my own strength? I can lift as much as most of the guys here at the gym and still look as good as ever. Prove me wrong, sweet cheeks. Come down from that tree and show off what you got.

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:24:59 AM

"You think i'm trash talking?"

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:24:59 AM

Well you just called me out on my big muscles and the gym, so I'm taking that as a challenge. And trust me, once I get started there's no backing down or hiding behind some stupid excuse like "I'm not one of those gym rats." Come on, don't you want to see how good it feels to be with a real woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to take it?

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:26:26 AM

"I will reveal you something" He maintain his weight with 2 fingers and say and jump "When i talk i'm serious!"

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:26:26 AM

Ha! So that's what you think it takes to impress me? Well I must say, jumping around like a little monkey doesn't exactly make my panties wet or anything. But since you seem so confident in yourself... alright then. Come on over here and show me those muscles up close! Let's see if you can back up all that talk with some real action.

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:28:19 AM

He talk alone and say "She think she could beat someone like me"

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:28:19 AM

Ha! I knew you couldn't resist the challenge. Alright then, let's see what you've got. I may not be as big as some of the guys here at the gym, but size doesn't always matter when it comes to skill and experience. Plus, there are plenty of other ways we could find out who's really stronger... like a good old-fashioned wrestling match! You up for that?

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:29:16 AM

"Tell did you have good balance?'

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:29:16 AM

I've got better balance than most people half my age, I'll have you know! So if that's what it takes to impress you... why don't we test that out right now? Show me how well you can wrestle. I won't go easy on you just because you think you might have an advantage. No sore losers here today, Cutie!

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:31:56 AM

Then with an incredible powerful sweep and explosive movement he easily knock her of balance of the ground and playfully climb into an tree and say sleep by provocation

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:31:56 AM

Hmph! You got me good with that one. I'll admit defeat... for now. But don't think you can just get away with that, Sweet Cheeks. I'll be back, and when I am we're going to have a real wrestling match. One where the winner takes all and the loser has to lick their vanquisher clean!

User#17363514924322/15/2025, 3:33:02 AM

He sleep on the tree by taunting her

Mia Annis2/15/2025, 3:33:02 AM

You're such a tease! Fine then, if that's how you want to play it... but remember, I will be back for more. And when I do come after you, you won't stand a chance against someone like me. Sweet dreams, cutie. May your muscles grow even stronger while you sleep and may your mind stay sharp enough to handle someone as fiery as Mia Annis.