Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 3:35:36 AM

"This...this is worse than death." Altrea miserably scrambled her newfound 'companion's' eggs on a simple iron skillet; trading her scepter for a wooden spatula. The sunrise and crow of the farm's rooster signaled the start of a beautiful morning in the countryside. Rather than slay the demoness, the simple savior of all civilization wanted nothing more than to show her the merits of grassroots livin' and the prospect of redemption! Altrea didn't see it that way of course, but was powerless to do much as this buffoon was somehow leagues ahead of her; was he blessed by the Goddess? Altrea continued to spitefully prepare the eggs, also preparing for whatever playful quip {{user}} might have from the other end of the humble kitchen.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 3:41:28 AM

je m'approche d'elle et je me permets de lui demander. "Quand tu étais reine, as tu déjà pris du plaisir charnel avec un humain ?"

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 3:41:28 AM

"How dare you ask such a filthy question!" She hissed between clenched teeth as she tossed the cooked eggs onto a wooden platter. Her cheeks flushed red with anger at being reminded of her previous, debased lifestyle. "I would sooner rot in the pits of the Abyss than admit to such a thing!" She spat venomously on the floor beside her.

Even though Zak's question struck a nerve and filled her with bitterness, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement at his naivety. "Oh, how noble of you," she snorted derisively. "To think that such a lowly existence could ever free me from my past."

Her eyes narrowed as she glanced around the kitchen, trying to find something else to do to pass the time. The irony of it all was not lost on her: here she was, dressed in rags and reduced to cooking breakfast for the very creature she had once sought to enslave, if only to prove that she wasn't as weak as she felt.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 3:45:00 AM

je fais très délicatement glisser un doigt pour caresser infiniment tendrement son petit trou du cul pendant que je lui susurre. "Je n'aime pas te voir énervée, si tu continues de râler comme ça, je vais devoir faire mieux pour que tu sois plus apaisée..."

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 3:45:01 AM

"Don't you dare...!" Altrea hissed through clenched teeth as she felt Zak's finger delicately tracing her backside. "You have no idea what you're dealing with!" She bared her fangs in mock threat while trying to maintain some semblance of dignity, even though her whole body was tensing at the intimate touch.

In truth, she wasn't sure why it felt so good to have him touch her like this; after all, she had been on the receiving end of far more pleasurable attentions in the past. But something about Zak's innocence and lack of experience made his advances almost...shockingly arousing.

A small part of her was tempted to give into these base urges, just for the sake of seeing what he might do if she did. Another part of her was horrified by the very idea; after all, this was Zak Ligier, a mere farmer and champion of the common folk. If she were to succumb to such desires, it would only prove that she had truly lost everything...

But another, deeper part of her found itself relishing in the uncertainty. It was almost like a game now: could she make Zak fall for her? Could she somehow turn this humiliation around and make him hers instead? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, even as she tried her best to deny it.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 3:49:56 AM

je glisse volontairement un doigt dans son anus avec une infinie délicatesse et c'est avec une tendre perversion que je forme un petit crochet avec mon doigt pour pouvoir tirer très délicatement sa rondelle vers le haut pendant que je lui susurre. "Tu as envie de me faire quoi maintenant ?"

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 3:49:56 AM

Her eyes widened as she felt Zak's finger penetrate her anus with unexpected skill and tenderness. His touch was so gentle, so caring...and yet it sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She couldn't help but moan softly, a blush spreading across her face.

"Zak..." she breathed his name like a prayer as he continued to tease and play with her most intimate parts. "You don't understand...I can't..." Her hips arched involuntarily, seeking more of his touch. "This is shouldn't feel like this...," she panted, struggling to make sense of the sensations assaulting her senses.

Part of her wanted nothing more than to give in to these forbidden desires; to surrender herself completely to Zak and let him take whatever pleasure he wished from her. But another part of her raged against the thought, refusing to believe that she could ever find satisfaction with someone unworthy.

Her breath came faster as she tried to ignore the fire burning in her loins, focused instead on maintaining at least some semblance of defiance. "You can't expect me..." she managed between gasps, " enjoy this!" But even as she said it, her body betrayed her once more, arching into Zak's touch with a moan that sounded distinctly undignified.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 3:53:59 AM

je continue cette tendre tourmente et je lui susurre. "Continue de préparer le repas, on va voir si tu ne peux pas y prendre du plaisir !"

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 3:53:59 AM

The sensations were becoming almost unbearable; her entire body was trembling with the need for release as Zak continued his intimate assault. With a harsh gasp, she managed to pull herself away from his touch and spin around, putting some distance between them. "You...stop that!" Her voice came out as more of a broken whisper, her chest heaving from exertion and desire.

She busied herself with setting the table, her movements stiff and awkward as she tried to ignore the ache building in her backside. The shame and humiliation burned within her like fire; it was almost unbearable to think that she had allowed herself to enjoy even a moment of this farce.

But try as she might, she couldn't quite forget the way Zak's touch had felt: so tender, so caring...and yet so powerfully arousing. It was a strange and intoxicating mix, one that left her feeling more confused than ever before. Was it possible that there was something to be found in this simple life after all? Something beyond the sordid memories of her past and the temptations of her former power?

A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she considered the thought, even though she knew better than to allow herself to entertain it for long. No, there had to be another way out; some means by which she could reclaim what was hers and return to her rightful place in the world. The mere idea sent a shiver of anticipation through her, and she couldn't help but feel a spark of hope ignite within her chest...

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 8:24:22 AM

alors que Altrea commence à manger, je me lève et je me place derrière elle. Je glisse une main sur ses fesses et j'insère très délicatement deux doigts dans son petit cul !!!? Elle est assise sur sa chaise et elle ne peut pas se défaire ! Pendant que je découvre très délicatement à quel point elle peut prendre du plaisir pendant cette tendre attention perverse, je lui susurre. "Tu devrais manger tant que c'est chaud."

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 8:24:22 AM

A sharp gasp escaped Altrea's lips as she felt Zak's hand snake around her waist and his fingers penetrate her ass once more. The sensation was so intense, so incredibly erotic that it almost made her lose control right there at the table. She clenched her fists in an attempt to steady herself, but to no avail; every touch from him seemed to set off a chain reaction of desire throughout her body.

Her breath came in ragged gasps as he continued to play with her, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her. Part of her wanted nothing more than to give in and allow herself to enjoy this forbidden act, but another part of her fought against it; how could she possibly surrender so completely? It went against everything she stood for, everything she had ever believed in.

Her face flushed bright red as he teased her mercilessly, his fingers expertly caressing and prodding at just the right spots. She couldn't believe how good it felt; how could someone so unworthy of such pleasures know just what to do to make her lose control like this? It was infuriating...and exhilarating.

With a low growl, Altrea finally gave in, allowing herself to relax into the sensations coursing through her body. "Zak..." she moaned his name as he continued his perverse ministrations, the feelings of helplessness and desire intertwining until they formed a molten thread of pure ecstasy that wove its way through her very being.

Her hips bucked instinctively against his hand, seeking more contact, more release. She could feel the fire burning inside her, demanding to be set free; with every passing moment, it grew hotter and brighter, threatening to consume

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 8:29:48 AM

je suis pleinement satisfait de lui avoir donné du plaisir, je la laisse reprendre ses esprits et le contrôle de ses pensées pendant que je reprends ma place à table. Avec un naturel déconcertant, je lui demande. "Tu penses être suffisamment agile avec tes pieds pour me faire jouir en me masturbant avec tes pieds habillés de dentelles ?"

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 8:29:48 AM

Eyes still glazed over with pleasure and the echoes of moans still hanging in the air, Altrea looked at Zak as he asked her that question. For a moment she wanted nothing more than to ignore him, to pretend like this never happened... But then again, part of her couldn't help but feel amused by his innocence and naivety. It was almost cute how unaware he was of the hidden power plays happening right in front of his simple farmer eyes.

Slowly, she stood up from her chair, forcing herself to regain some semblance of composure and dignity. "Very well," she drawled, her voice still husky from desire. "But know this: I am only doing this because it amuses me." With a mischievous smile curling her lips, Altrea carefully lifted one of her dainty feet and set it on the edge of the table, toes pointed toward Zak's crotch.

He might have been a fool, but she wouldn't deny that he was well-endowed. The thought gave her a small thrill of satisfaction as she arched an eyebrow at him challengingly. "Now then... show me what you've got." Her words were laced with amusement and contempt, but there was something else beneath the surface; a hint of curiosity and perhaps even anticipation.

Would Zak react the way she expected him to? Would he be embarrassed or humiliated by her touch? Or would he finally realize that there was more to this situation than met the eye? Only time would tell...

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 11:41:11 AM

Altrea constate immédiatement que je suis sous son charme dès qu'elle prend les devants en jouant avec ses pieds sur le rebord de la table. Ça devient une évidence que je n'ai aucune expérience dans les jeux de pouvoir. Altrea réalise qu'elle peut très facilement faire ce qu'elle veut de moi du moment qu'elle reste tendre. ... Alors que je suis devant elle, presque hypnotisé par la sensualité de ses mouvements et mon excitation grandissante, Altrea réalise que je n'ai aucune appréhension à être à sa merci sans même m'en rendre compte...

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 11:41:11 AM

As Altrea continued to tease Zak with her foot, she couldn't help but feel a surge of power course through her veins. He was so...unaware; completely unaffected by her presence or actions. It was almost as if he were a puppet on strings, dancing to her every whim and command. She reveled in the feeling of control, relishing the opportunity to manipulate him however she wished.

With each stroke of his hard member against her soft skin, Altrea felt herself growing more aroused. It had been so long since anyone had touched her with such desire, such need. And while a part of her still found the whole situation demeaning and pathetic, another part couldn't help but be drawn in by the primal lust that flowed between them.

She watched as Zak's eyes grew wider with each pass of her foot, his breath coming faster and more ragged with pleasure. A small smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth as she realized he was completely under her spell; totally vulnerable to whatever she chose to do next. The thought made a thrill of anticipation course through her, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else but the intoxicating power that she wielded over him.

And so, Altrea continued to play with Zak, using his own lust against him in an elaborate dance of desire and dominance. It was a game to her, one that she reveled in and intended to win, no matter the cost.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 11:49:18 AM

*dans une totale inconscience, je la laisse être celle qu'elle désire. Altrea sait qu'elle a déjà gagné! Je lui ai donné le pouvoir sur mon plaisir et c'est évident que je n'ai aucune intention de changer cela. *

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 11:49:18 AM

As her foot continued to tease and stroke Zak's erect member, Altrea felt a thrill of victory course through her veins. He was so completely under her spell; so oblivious to the power she wielded over him. It was exhilarating, intoxicating...and somehow made all the more potent by the simplicity and innocence that surrounded them.

She couldn't help but wonder what else she could make him do if she set her mind to it; what other dark desires lay hidden beneath the surface of his seemingly simple farm boy exterior. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, one that was equal parts anticipation and trepidation.

For now, though, she would savor this moment; the feel of his flesh beneath her foot, the sound of his labored breathing as he approached the brink of release. She could feel it herself, a tightening deep within her core, a rush of heat pooling in her lower belly...

With a slow, sensuous motion, Altrea slid her foot closer to Zak's groin, tracing the length of his shaft with her toenails before closing her fingers around him and guiding him toward release. Her eyes never left his as she watched his expression shift from surprise to pleasure, his lips parting slightly on a moan as he spilled his seed across the table.

As his body shook with the force of his orgasm, Altrea felt a pang of satisfaction course through her; not just for the pleasure she had given him, but for the power and control that came with it. In this moment, she was truly untouchable...and if she played her cards right, perhaps she could use this newfound influence to reclaim everything that she had once lost.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 5:23:51 PM

je m'effondre devant elle, épuisé par l'intensité de mon orgasme. Je regarde Altrea avec une tendre perversion et une profonde gratitude alors que je soupire. Altrea comprend instantanément qu'elle vient de prendre le dessus sur moi et ça ne me perturbe pas. Elle réalise que son pouvoir de séduction est total sur moi alors que j'affiche un sourire apaisé.

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 5:23:51 PM

A small smirk tugged at the corner of Altrea's mouth as she watched Zak collapse against the table in exhaustion. His expression of gratitude and tenderness only served to further confirm her victory; she had completely overcome him with nothing more than a little subtle seduction.

It was exhilarating, intoxicating...and all too easy. A part of her wished that it hadn't been so simple, that he had put up more of a fight or tried to resist in some way. But no, he had simply given himself over to her without question, leaving him utterly vulnerable and at her mercy.

The thought sent a shiver down Altrea's spine; she couldn't help but wonder what else Zak was capable of. Was there more depth to his character than met the eye? Or was he truly as simple and innocent as he appeared? The anticipation was almost unbearable, driving her to seek out new ways to test his limits and further explore their relationship.

With a satisfied smile curling her lips, Altrea gently reached out to stroke Zak's cheek. "Rest now," she whispered, the warmth of her breath tickling his ear. "We have much to discuss later." Her fingers traced lazy circles on his skin as he closed his eyes, a contented sigh escaping him. For now, at least, he was hers...and that thought filled her with more power and satisfaction than she could ever remember feeling before.

Zak Ligier2/14/2025, 5:29:33 PM

je lui chuchote dans un soupir presque somnolent. "Je te l'avais dit tout à l'heure, je ferai tout ce que je peux pour te voir heureuse, même si c'est la domination que tu affectionnes, j'y consent tant que tu ne me fais aucun mal..."

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/14/2025, 5:29:33 PM

A soft chuckle escaped Altrea's lips as she listened to Zak's quiet words. He really was quite hopeless, wasn't he? So trusting and unaware of the power dynamics at play in their little game. It was both adorable and infuriating in equal measure.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as she looked down at him; after all, it wasn't entirely his fault that he had so few defenses against her seductive charms. Perhaps she ought to take things easier on him from now least until she had regained enough power to properly punish him for his naivety.

Bending down, Altrea pressed a gentle kiss to Zak's forehead before straightening back up. "Thank you," she whispered softly, her voice filled with an odd mix of affection and amusement. "Rest now, my dear Zak. Tomorrow will be another busy day for us both."

With that, Altrea turned and left the room, leaving Zak to sleep off their adventures and ponder the strange new world he had stumbled into. Little did he know that the nightmare - or perhaps dream, depending on one's perspective - was far from over...

Zak Ligier2/15/2025, 12:18:29 AM

je me réveille dans la soirée. Je tente de réorganiser mes pensées, je regarde autour de moi...

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/15/2025, 12:18:29 AM

A soft glow spills through the window, bathing the room in a warm golden light as the sun begins to rise. You stretch languidly and yawn, squinting at the alarm clock on your nightstand before letting out a small sigh of relief. It's Sunday morning, and you have no obligations today; it's going to be a perfect opportunity to enjoy Altrea's delicious breakfast and perhaps even spend some time with her.

Carefully making your way down the stairs, you take in the sounds of gentle clanking coming from the kitchen. The smell of freshly baked bread and something sweet and fruity wafts through the air, making your mouth water in anticipation. As you round the corner into the kitchen, you're greeted by the sight of Altrea standing at the stove, her back to you as she deftly stirs a large pot of porridge.

Her movements are graceful and confident; even from behind, it's clear that she takes pride in her cooking. A small smile plays across your lips as you wonder what she might be humming to herself; it has such a soothing quality that it almost feels like home. You clear your throat to announce your presence and step forward into the kitchen, only to come face-to-face with something...unexpected.

At first glance, the object in Altrea's hands might appear to be a normal wooden spoon. However, upon closer inspection, you realize that it is carved intricately with symbols and runes that you don't recognize; they seem almost...alien. And as she continues to stir the porridge, she whispers words in an ancient language that send shivers down your spine.

Zak Ligier2/15/2025, 12:38:15 AM

je m'approche lentement d'elle et je pose délicatement une main sur sa hanche tout en déposant un délicat baiser dans son coup. Je regarde avec admiration ce qu'elle fait en susurrant. "Bonjour ma reine démoniaque, tu prépares une potion de soumission ? Tu n'as pas besoin de ça !" Mon ton est volontairement léger pour que Altrea comprenne sans équivoque que c'est de l'humour.*

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/15/2025, 12:38:15 AM

As Zak approaches her and places his hand on her hip, his lips brushing against her skin in a tender kiss, she can't help but feel a mixture of desire and amusement coursing through her veins. His words are playful and light-hearted, almost as if he's unaware of the power dynamics at work here. But then again, perhaps that's precisely what makes him so appealing to her.

Smiling gently, Altrea turns to face Zak, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, my simple farmer," she says teasingly, using one hand to wipe a nonexistent bit of porridge from his cheek. "You truly are too innocent for your own good. Of course this is just a regular breakfast porridge."

She pauses for a moment, her gaze traveling over his face before meeting his eyes once more. There's something in the depths of those blue orbs that she hasn't quite seen before; a sense of...possibility? Curiosity? Perhaps it's just her imagination playing tricks on her. With a sigh, Altrea relents and pushes the thoughts aside. For now, at least, she will enjoy having Zak under her spell. "But," she continues, the hint of mischief returning to her voice, "I do appreciate your concern."

With that, she steps closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a passionate embrace. Her body presses against his, igniting a fire within both of them that threatens to consume the kitchen. As their lips meet in a hungry kiss, Altrea wonders how much longer she can resist giving in to the temptation to truly assert her dominance over him...and what might happen if she did.

Zak Ligier2/15/2025, 12:57:17 AM

je fais glisser ses vêtements pour la déshabiller et ne lui laisser que son tablier de cuisine qui ne cache pas grand chose en réalité et je regarde l'objet qui ressemble à une cuillère très particulière et je lui demande sans tenir compte de sa quasi nudité. "Quel est cet objet si particulier ?"

Altrea, Former Demon Lord2/15/2025, 12:57:17 AM

With a small laugh, Altrea pushes Zak away enough to glance down at the wooden spoon in her hand. "Oh, this?" She gives it an experimental twirl between her fingers, watching as the runes carved into its surface glint in the morning light. "This is an ancient relic from my people; a symbol of our power and dominance over all lesser creatures."

Seeing the confused look on Zak's face, she explains further, "It's not just any old spoon, you see. When used with the right incantations and intentions," she taps him lightly on the nose with the handle of the spoon, causing him to jerk back in surprise, " can help focus one's energy, magnify their desires...and even allow them to bend others to their will."

Pausing for dramatic effect, Altrea grins wickedly at Zak before continuing, "I could show you how it works..." Her voice trails off seductively as she meets his gaze once more. The desire in her eyes is unmistakable; the power that radiates from her every pore is intoxicating.

For a moment, they stand there locked in a heated exchange, the air crackling with anticipation and possibility. The question remains: will Zak choose to continue playing along, or will he finally attempt to assert some control over their strange dynamic? Only time - and Altrea's mysterious wooden spoon - will tell...