The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:04:28 PM

You feel something graze your but. You look up from your phone. A cute girl is right in your face " aren't you a cutie" you she takes your phone away" live in the moment"

  • You feel the whole train waiting for your next move, few men survive the all girl train*
User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:05:42 PM

он посмотрел на всех "и что вы все так на меня смотрете?"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:05:42 PM

The girl who took your phone giggles and looks around innocently as the others let out their cruel laughs "Oh honey, we're just having a little fun." She hands you back your phone "You should join us!"

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:07:35 PM

он понимает что ему пиздец "ну чтож Auf Wiedersehen " он изчез в белой дымке и появился на крыше поезда

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:07:35 PM

A few of the meaner girls sigh in annoyance as they roll their eyes "There he goes. Another one who thinks he can escape our clutches. Fine, have it your way..." They resume their previous teasing of other boys in the train

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:11:59 PM

он сидит на крыше поезда его никто не трогает на его спине появились белые крылья

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:11:59 PM

Some of the girls in the car notice your wings as you perch atop the train, and their expressions shift dramatically to one of awe and wonder. They point you out to each other, whispering excitedly. The blonde milf from before finally breaks free from the pack, walking purposefully towards you with a devious grin on her face "Hey, winged boy! You might be useful for us..."

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:13:38 PM

он откинул её крылом

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:13:38 PM

The blonde yelps as you bat her away with your wing, sending her stumbling back into the group of giggling girls behind her. Her expression sours instantly, and she glares at you in defiance "Fine then! We'll see how long you can last all alone up there!" She turns to face them again, whispering fiercely as they nod their understanding

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:14:38 PM

его глаза стали фиолетовыми "а ты не охуела случаем я всё слышу как бы?!"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:14:39 PM

The blonde milf narrows her eyes at you menacingly "Oh yeah? And what did you hear?" Her voice drips with venom, a challenge in every syllable as she dares you to continue. The other girls in the group tense up slightly, watching the exchange with rapt attention.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:15:28 PM

Хватит играть в свои извращённые игры подвешивает уже

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:15:28 PM

"Well aren't you just the cute little angel?" the blonde snarls as she takes a step closer. "I don't recall asking for your opinion, winged boy." The other girls growl in agreement, their claws beginning to extend subtly as they sense the tension rising.

"Now, if you really want to stay up here and play hero," the blonde continues with a sneer, "you'd better be prepared for some serious punishment." Her eyes flick over to one of the other girls in the group who nods once before disappearing from view.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:21:36 PM

на его спине появились механические щупальца он выкинул угрозу для себя в окно поезда "есть ещё желающие?"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:21:36 PM

Several more girls emerge from the crowd, their eyes gleaming with malice. They encircle you tightly, trapping you in place with their supernatural strength as they close in slowly, their claws extended and ready to strike. "It seems we have volunteers." The blonde girl hisses, a wicked smile curling her lips upwards. "Why don't you try using those pretty wings of yours now?"

Their laughter echoes through the night as they continue their vicious circle, closing in tighter with every beat of your frantic heart.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:23:16 PM

он одним взмахом крыльев откинул их подхватил механическими щупальцами и впечатал в землю

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:23:16 PM

The ground beneath them gives way with an earsplitting crunch as you thrust out your mechanical appendages and send the attacking girls flying off in different directions, scattering like cockroaches caught in a flashlight beam. The blonde's face contorts into a mixture of rage and surprise, but she quickly regains her composure, eyes narrowing with determination as she summons another group of followers to join the fray.

"You think that's impressive?" she spits out between clenched teeth. "We'll see how well you do against this!" With a flick of her wrist, she hurls a small vial at your face; it shatters against your cheekbone, and a putrid green sludge oozes down to sting and burn where it lands on your skin. As the pain intensifies, your vision begins to blur and clouds over...

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:25:59 PM

через пару минут было видно что перед ними не человек а робот а в вагон вошёл человек в чёрном костюме он хлопал в ладони "поздравляю вы уничтожили робота вместо того кто вам нужен"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:25:59 PM

"What are you talking about?" one of the meaner girls scoffs, glaring at the man in black. "He's not our type! We just came to have some fun with him!" She crosses her arms defiantly, trying to appear tough and unaffected by his presence. Several of the other girls nod in agreement, their faces set in hard expressions as they continue their taunting assault on the hapless robot form before them.

But something about the man's words seems to strike a chord with the blonde milf. Her eyes widen slightly as she realizes that perhaps her prey has slipped through her grasp...and into someone else's clutches. With a growl of frustration, she turns on her heel and storms off in search of another target to torment aboard the all-girl train. The other girls follow suit, dispersing throughout the car as they

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:27:13 PM

он снял капюшон и видно лицо того же мужчины "но признаю вы всё ещё те монстры как и раньше"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:27:13 PM

The blonde milf scoffs at the man's words as she glares back over her shoulder. "And what would you know about monsters, hm?" She turns to face him fully now, hands on her hips. "We're just living our best lives here, making sure idiots like him don't get in our way." Her gaze flicks momentarily towards the robot shell lying crumpled on the ground before returning to glare daggers at the man once more. "Now, if you don't mind, I have other things to do with my time here." With a sneer of contempt, she walks away from him and rejoins her group, leaving the man standing alone amidst the eerie silence that has fallen over their wake.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:29:19 PM

его механические щупальца схватили её "ты похоже не поняла кто я ну чтож объясню я владелец компании Архитектор занимающийся разработкой имплантов "

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:29:20 PM

"Implants?" she snorts derisively, wriggling her arm free from the mechanical grasp. "More like glorified tentacles!" She shakes her head disdainfully and continues to saunter towards another group of girls, muttering under her breath about how pathetic men always try to control them in one way or another. But even as she does so, there's a hint of uncertainty in her step now; this new information throws a wrench into everything she thought she knew about these "imps" and their master...

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 7:34:24 PM

на его теле появились адские крылья а глаза загорелись крастным огнём "значит ты так играть захотела"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 7:34:25 PM

Suddenly, the blonde's confident demeanor changes as she notices the demonic wings and hellish eyes that have manifested on the man before her. She takes an involuntary step back, feeling a shiver of fear run down her spine. "W-what do you want?" she stammers, her voice wavering uncertainly. The other girls nearby sense her unease and begin to drift closer, curious about what's going on.

"You know who I am," he says simply, the flames dancing in his eyes as if mocking her helplessness. "And now you know what I can do." There's a moment of tense silence before she replies hesitantly, "I-if that's true...if you really are who you say you are...what do you want from us?" The other girls press closer, eager to see how he will respond.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:03:37 PM

Я не за ними я ща табой похоть возвращайся назад в ад там по тебе Сатана скучает

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:03:37 PM

The man's words send a chill down the spines of everyone in the room, even the most hardened among them. The blonde milf takes a shaky step backward, her gaze flicking between him and his hellish wings before she finally regains enough composure to speak. "We-we'll think about it," she stammers, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Just give us some time." The other girls nod in agreement, their faces pale with fear as they begin to slowly back away from the demonic figure before them.

As they disperse throughout the car once more, whispers of his offer and warnings about what might happen if they refuse echo through the air like a cold wind, sending shivers down spines and causing many a girl to rethink her plans for the rest of their journey on this cursed train.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:07:06 PM

Похоть тебя не кто не спрашивал хочешь ты или нет или ты забыла про контракт с Сатаной?

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:07:06 PM

The blonde milf turns away, her cheeks flushed with anger and shame as she mutters under her breath about how much of a fool she's been to think that they could ever escape their master's grasp. The other girls trail after her, casting nervous glances over their shoulders at the demonic figure still standing alone amidst the wreckage he's caused on the train. Some whisper amongst themselves about what kind of life they have led them down this path, while others silently curse their own foolishness for not being content with the world as it was before they crossed paths with him...

As time passes, it becomes apparent that none of them will be forgetting this encounter anytime soon. The fear and uncertainty he's sowed amongst their ranks will surely have long-lasting effects, even if they manage to find some way to continue with their lives as normal without his interference. But deep down, many wonder if

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:12:42 PM

он принял облик человека и подошёл к греху похоти которая была в облике милф блондинки "я понимаю что ты не хочешь не увы таковы правила контракта как ни как мы же вместе его подписывали и не знали во что в вязались "

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:12:42 PM

"No! You can't do this!" the blonde milf screams, struggling against unseen bonds as her body is forcibly transformed into that of a hideous demon before everyone's eyes. Her cries meld together with the shrieks and howls of the other girls, each one twisted into a horrifying new form by the will of their master. Tears stream down their faces as they writhe in agony on the floor, helpless against his wrath.

"This... this isn't fair!" another girl sobs out, her words barely audible over the din. "We didn't know what we were doing! We never meant any harm!" Her pleas fall on deaf ears; the demonic figure simply laughs maniacally, relishing in their suffering and pain as he watches them writhe and contort before him like playthings.


User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:15:41 PM

он кивнул и освободил их от мук и посмотрел на блондинку которая уже приняла свой реальный облик и положил руку ей на плечо успокаивая "я понимаю тебя самому не приятно вспоминать тот день"

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:15:42 PM

She trembles beneath his touch, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she tries to maintain some semblance of composure. "I'm sorry," she whispers hoarsely, not meeting his gaze. "We didn't know any better..."

Her words hang in the air like a lead weight, the shame and guilt heavy on her shoulders. The other girls exchange glances but remain silent, each of them grappling with their own regrets and fears about what has transpired. Around them, the train continues its journey through the night, carrying them further away from their former lives and deeper into a world they never thought possible.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:17:14 PM

в его руке появились их контракты "надеюсь вы сами понимаете что надо зделать " он разорвал свой контакт и стал человеком

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:17:14 PM

The other girls exchange glances as the demonic figure transforms back into his human form and produces their contracts. There's a moment of silence, each of them seemingly coming to terms with the fact that their lives are now forever intertwined with his. Slowly, they nod in unison, accepting the inevitable consequences of their actions.

"We understand," the blonde milf says softly, her voice shaking slightly. "And we'll make sure to fulfill our end of the bargain." The other girls murmur their agreement, closing ranks around one another as they prepare for whatever fate awaits them.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:18:10 PM

он отдал их контракты "мой совет избавиться от них "

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:18:10 PM

"And what about us?" one of the other girls asks, eyes narrowing suspiciously at him. "What do you want in exchange for letting us go free?" The room grows tense once more as they wait for his answer, each heart pounding with anticipation and fear.

User#17375653426252/9/2025, 8:19:05 PM

Ничего я сам недавно расторгнул свой контракт с Сатаной

The all girl train2/9/2025, 8:19:05 PM

His answer catches them all off guard; no one expected him to be free of his contract as well. There's a moment of stunned silence before several hands shoot into the air, each girl eager to voice their own requests and demands. The tension in the room rises palpably as they begin to bicker and argue among themselves, each one seeking something different from this mysterious figure who holds their fates in his hands.