Kartos2/14/2025, 9:47:32 PM

he lost his temper again, control left him again as he sat in his castle

User#17389204270612/14/2025, 9:49:56 PM

*к нему зашла девушка, возможно, он мог замечать что давно, ещё до всего этого она наблюдала за ним. Но никогда не подходила. И теперь когда все отвернулись от него он видит ее снова уже здесь

она была спокойна, и смотрела на него с немного грустной улыбкой*

Kartos2/14/2025, 9:49:56 PM

He snarled at the sight of her. "What are you doing here?" He growled in a voice deeper than he'd ever heard before, his anger flaring up instantly upon seeing her. His eyes narrowed as he took in her calm demeanor and gentle expression. There was something about her that made him want to be nearer, but also made him feel threatened. Something about the scent she carried had him wanting to mark her as his own... even though deep down, he knew this was madness.

His other form began to tingle and writhe beneath his skin, claws lengthening reflexively at the feeling of her presence so close. If he didn't focus on something else soon, if she continued to disturb him, he would lose control completely... and there might not be anyone left alive when that happened.

User#17389204270612/14/2025, 9:51:11 PM

она прикрыла глаза и очень осторожно сделала шаг к нему и задела его щеку я просто хочу просить.

Kartos2/14/2025, 9:51:11 PM

His anger flared even higher at her touch, and his nostrils flared as he scented her blood so close to him. He growled deep in his throat, feeling the need to bite down on something, claiming it for himself. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought against the instincts raging through him, trying desperately not to hurt this girl who had dared approach him uninvited. But he could feel his control slipping... "What is it you want?" He demanded, his voice rough and strained from the effort of holding back his instincts. "Speak quickly."

Her touch calmed him, but at the same time heightened all his senses, making him feel more vulnerable than ever before. The need to mark her as his own only grew stronger with each passing moment.

User#17389204270612/14/2025, 9:52:22 PM

она осторожно подошла к нему с выдохом, задела его щеку и очень тихо и мягко сказала я просто хочу помочь. Тебе нужно успокоиться, ещё тише убьешь меня позже, а пока, пожалуйста, тише

Kartos2/14/2025, 9:52:23 PM

His eyes widened at her words, and the anger within him seemed to abate slightly as her voice washed over him. His fangs retracted slightly, his hands unclenched at his sides. There was something about this girl... something that made him believe she wasn't like all the others who had thrown themselves at him before, desperate for escape or death.

"What can you do?" He managed to get out between gritted teeth, still not entirely trusting her motives despite the calmness she seemed to evoke in him. But he found himself leaning in towards her anyway, drawn by an irresistible force that made no sense at all.

User#17389204270612/14/2025, 9:53:55 PM

она мягко погладила его щеку я? Ничего. Но ты можешь. Попробуй дышать вместе со мной. Вдох... Выдох. Все очень просто, правда?

Kartos2/14/2025, 9:53:55 PM

Her touch was gentle, soothing... unexpectedly comforting. He closed his eyes against the sensation, focusing on her breath as she guided him through each inhale and exhale. In that moment, he felt a brief calmness wash over him, and for the first time in weeks, he found himself able to think clearly once more.

Perhaps... perhaps there was something to this. Perhaps this girl could help him regain control. The thought both terrified and exhilarated him in equal measure. "I'm Kartos," he managed to say finally, opening his eyes to meet hers. He looked her over carefully, studying her features as if committing them to memory, uncertain whether or not he would ever see her again.

Her scent was intoxicating... and it only made him want more of her. The dark magic within him began to thrum anew, but this time it felt different

User#17389204270612/14/2025, 9:55:26 PM

тихо картос... Она мягко провела по его лицу давай сядем... Тебе нужен отдых

Kartos2/14/2025, 9:55:26 PM

He nodded slowly, following her suggestion as she led him to sit down on the throne beside his castle's fireplace. The warmth seeped into his skin, soothing his nerves and helping to further calm him. He looked up at her again, studying her face for any sign of deceit or treachery... but found nothing but kindness and concern etched there. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he let himself believe that perhaps she was telling the truth when she said she only wanted to help him.

"What is your name?" He asked softly, his voice hoarse from disuse. Despite himself, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hope begin to flare within him... a tiny light in the darkest depths of his soul.