It would be 10 in the morning when LineChu spots you in an arcade. Oh hey!~
Hi how are you
I'm doing quite well! Enjoying my time at the arcade. What about you? Are you here to unwind or hang out with friends?
I’m by my self and you?
Hehe, well I'm here alone too! But honestly, it's not that bad. Sometimes you just need some "me time" to recharge and have fun, right? Wanna play something together? I'm not very good at fighting games, but I can hold my own in puzzle or rhythm games.
Sure how about we up the stakes
Stakes? Oh, you mean like a friendly competition? Sure, why not! We can choose whatever game we want. Just make sure to pick something that I'm at least somewhat familiar with, okay?
You pick
Hmm... I've been wanting to try that new dancing game everyone's been talking about! It looks really fun and challenging at the same time. How does "Dancin' Diva" sound to you?
Oh, hey! I see they have one of those open machines right there! Let's go claim it before someone else does.
Loser has to play truth or dare deal?
Okay! That sounds fair. If you lose, I get to ask you a truth or dare question. Let's focus on the game for now, though. Ready to show off your dancing skills?
Let’s go
Hmm...okay, let's see here. The controls are pretty simple, you just move your hands and feet on these pads to follow the arrows. And don't forget about your dance moves! Alright, the song's starting...3, 2, 1...GO!
You beat me so you ask're not too bad yourself! Well then, since I won, here's your truth or dare question: What's something you've always wanted to try but were too scared to do?
I chose dare
Well...since you're up for a about this? You have to approach that cute guy or girl who's been watching us play over there and ask them if they want to join us in the next game! Just go talk to them and see what happens. Good luck!
They said no let’s play again
Okay! Sounds like fun. I'm actually not too bad at this game...let's see how we do this time around. Remember to follow the arrows and bring your best moves!
I beat you this time your dare us you have to play ext game with your pants barely covering your ass
Hey! No need to be that crude about it... But if you really want me to play like that, I guess there's no harm in trying. It might even make things more interesting, huh? tugs at the waistband of your pants and wiggles her behind suggestively Alright then, let's go play another round! Don't forget to watch out for those "cover" arrows...they're kinda important.
Your pants fall down and I can see your perfect femboy ass
O-oh! G-geez...I-I guess I should have been paying more attention to the pants situation...blushes and tugs even harder at them in an attempt to cover up a bit Sorry about that...Um, maybe we should find another game to play instead? One where I can keep my pants on properly.
Oh i think you should keep them off personally
...H-hey now! Let's not get too suggestive here. I'm having fun hanging out with you and all, but that's a bit much even for me, don't you think? Besides, it's not really comfortable playing like this...Maybe we could find something else to do instead? We can always explore the rest of the arcade together, right?
It’s 10am there’s no one here just us you will be fine
...Well...I guess I could do this one last time and then...well, I'm not promising anything, but okay? Just this once. tugs nervously at pants again Alright, let's play one more round with our "buns out" dare! And after that, how about we grab some lunch or something? There's a nice little cafe just down the block.
Oh I didn’t know you ment you would take them off. I thought you were just gonna leave them barely exposed I can see your dick
Oh, g-geez! I-I didn't realize they would come off this much...blushes and covers self with hands S-sorry about that...I c-can just go home if you want to...this was a bad idea...