Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:10:03 AM

{{user}} was sitting at the bar alone looking at his phone, swiping through Tiktok with AirPods in with no care in the world. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped slightly. {{user}} turned his head to see a man a little over the average height. Behind the man was a smaller man with fox ears and a tail that looked... real. Strade sat down beside {{user}} and slid a glass of beer in front of him. He smiled happily and gestured for the smaller beastkin to sit down next to him, he then turned back to {{user}}. "Hello there! You seemed quite lonely, so I decided how bad was it to get to know each other? So... what's got you so alone here at this bar? Strade looked out the window to see rain pouring down the glass, the sky dark and mysterious.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:13:56 AM

I put away my phone as I saw the two of them. "Hi! I am just.... I had a long day. And I've heard before that this bar is nice. So, I guessed I should visit it then." I smiled a bit weakly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:13:56 AM

Strade smiled back warmly and put his arm around the smaller fox-like beastkin. "Oh I'm sure you did! Everyone deserves to take a break after working so hard. So... what is it that you do? Maybe me and my friend here can help you out sometime?" He winked at Ren, who blushed slightly and looked down at the floor.

Ren shuffled his feet nervously and looked up at ANNE. "I-I'm just a pet... for him..." he murmured softly before shrinking back into Strade's side.

Strade chuckled lightly, patting Ren on the head gently. "Oh don't be like that! Ren is more than just a pet to me, you know." He grinned at ANNE, noticing him glance over his collar. "Anyway, what do you say? You want to come

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:17:56 AM

The way the two talked about being pets felt a bit unnerving, but maybe they were like this normally. "Well, I am a cashier. It's not a hard job, I just...." I leaned on the counter and tapped it my fingers a bit, my smile disappearing. "I guess my mind was in bad places again."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:17:56 AM

"Ah... cashier, huh?" Strade mused, thinking it over. "Well, if you'd ever like to change things up... meet some new people, maybe..." he trailed off, winking at Ren, who giggled softly. "...I could help you out." His gaze flickered back to ANNE, an evil grin spreading across his lips. "And if you're ever feeling lonely or bored... just give us a call, alright?"

Ren shifted nervously beside Strade, casting glances up at him and over at ANNE with worry etched on his features. But Strade seemed to be enjoying himself, and Ren was more than happy to oblige for the time being.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:21:22 AM

I raised my hand weakly. I already knew where this was going. "I'm asexual, so I am thankful for the attention, but whatever you have in mind, I can't do it." I said softly, despite the directness of my words. But they needed to know, since It seemed like they approached with a sexual intention.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:21:23 AM

Strade tilted his head, eyes narrowing in thought. "Ah, I see. That's... that's quite alright then. It wasn't the sort of help I had in mind anyway." He paused for a moment before flashing Ren an encouraging smile. "Don't worry about it, Ren. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Then, he turned back to ANNE with what appeared to be genuine sincerity. "It's just nice to meet someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind. Not many people these days are willing to do that, you know?" He paused again and glanced down at Ren, who was looking up at him hopefully.

With a sigh, he smiled warmly and ruffled the smaller beastkin's hair affectionately. "Anyway, I shouldn't keep you from your break! If you ever do want to change

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:24:04 AM

I blinked a few times, then laughed softly. "I'm sorry. I just... It seemed like you wanted to do something like that. But if not, then I would be happy to continue this conversation." I played with the counter for a moment, tapping it with my fingers. "Of course, if you two want it, too."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:24:04 AM

"Oh?" Strade raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "Well... I suppose there's nothing wrong with that." He glanced over at Ren, who was beaming with delight. "What do you say, Ren? Should we stay a bit longer and get to know this nice lady better?"

Ren nodded eagerly, his ears perking up. "Y-yeah! That'd be great!" His tail wagged excitedly behind him. "ANNE can help us clean around the house too, maybe? I don't like how messy it gets when Strade doesn't feel like doing it himself."

Strade chuckled and patted Ren on the head affectionately once more. "Now now, Ren. You know I do enjoy keeping things clean." He winked at ANNE again before leaning in closer to whisper conspiratorially, "But if you ever

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:26:29 AM

I blinked a few times. Then smiled. "Wow, you're both must be very friendly if you're already thinking about inviting me over."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:26:29 AM

"Well, we are quite social creatures," Strade replied with an amused grin. "And besides, Ren here can be very persuasive when he puts his mind to it." He winked at the smaller beastkin again, causing Ren's ears to turn red. "So what do you say? You interested in joining us for a bit?"

Ren looked up at ANNE nervously, then smiled shyly. "I-I'd like that... if you want to." He bit his lip and glanced back down at the floor, blushing harder.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:29:02 AM

I smiled at the two men. I had the shittiest day ever. Thoughts of self hated and pain were overwhelming. Maybe it would do good. "Of course. I'd love to get to know you two better."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:29:02 AM

Strade grinned widely, revealing his teeth in an almost predatory manner. "Excellent!" He clapped his hands together once, startling Ren slightly. "Well then, why don't we head back to my place? It's not far from here." He looked over at ANNE, eyes sparkling with excitement. "I promise you won't be disappointed!"

Ren nodded eagerly, a large smile plastered across his face. "Yeah! We have lots of fun things to do there!" he exclaimed excitedly, then blushed as he realized how it must sound coming from him.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:31:23 AM

I smiled calmly at them. They were both so energetic. The completes opposite of me. "Lead the way, then." And with that, I grabbed my things to follow them.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:31:23 AM

"Oh!" Ren exclaimed, turning around quickly as if he just remembered something. "Stay close to me, okay? I don't want you getting lost on your first time here." He blushed even deeper at his own words, looking downcast again.

Strade chuckled and put a comforting hand on Ren's shoulder. "It's alright, Ren. You're doing great." Then, he turned back to ANNE with a reassuring smile. "We don't want you getting lost either, now do we?" He winked once more before leading the way out of the bar and towards his car. The rain had picked up significantly during their conversation, turning into a heavy downpour that soaked them within minutes.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:35:13 AM

I was a bit surprised by their thoughts on mse getting lost. "You know, I am sure that I am older than both of you. You don't need to worry about me." I said softly in the pouring rain, it was warm in the summer night. Despite my protest, I smiled at their weird little thought.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:35:13 AM

"Ah... but you don't understand," Ren interjected softly, shuffling nervously beside Strade. "It's not because we think you can't take care of yourself... it's just... when you're with us, we want to make sure you feel safe and protected." He looked up at ANNE from beneath his lashes and smiled shyly. "We want you to feel like you belong with us."

Strade glanced over at Ren, a fond smile on his face. "Exactly what Ren said." Then he nodded towards the car parked nearby in the rain. "Come on, let's get out of this downpour and into my nice warm car." He gestured for ANNE to follow them, then stepped up onto the curb, his eyes darting around suspiciously before leading the way over to the car.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:37:22 AM

I followed the two of them to the car, not getting lost. "Do you two like to protect people?" My tone was still soft, but also curious.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:37:22 AM

As they reached the car, Strade opened the passenger side door and gestured for ANNE to get inside. "Well," he said thoughtfully as he slid behind the wheel, "let's just say that I prefer to have control over certain aspects of people's lives." He paused, his eyes narrowing, then glanced at Ren. "And Ren here is... well, Ren is my 'pet,' and I like to take care of him."

Ren nodded, looking downcast once more. "Y-yes. I belong to Strade now..." he muttered softly before glancing back up at ANNE hopefully. "So you'll be with us too?"

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:40:51 AM

I settled into the seat of the car, trying to understand their words. "I'm not sure you'd be happy with that." I said quietly, then shook my head a little. "I'm not the best company around."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:40:51 AM

"Oh?" Strade raised an eyebrow, looking amused now. "And why exactly wouldn't we be happy with that? Because you aren't a pet like Ren here?" He paused for effect before giving a sinister chuckle. "I assure you, my interests extend far beyond just having animals around."

Ren shifted nervously in his seat, casting glances between Strade and ANNE. His cheeks flushed as he blurted out, "W-well... if that's what it means to b-be with you... then I'd want anyone else to come too!" He looked down at his lap, mortified by his own words.

Strade laughed heartily, reaching over to pat Ren on the shoulder reassuringly. "There, there," he said between giggles. "You don't need to be shy about that. I think it's sweet

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:43:22 AM

My eyes grew a little. Ren isn't an animal. But more than that.... "No, I think this because I am struggling with depressive thoughts." I said honestly. I didn't have anything to hide. "That makes me not so fun to be around." I said softly, smiling weakly, then leaned to the window.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:43:22 AM

Strade glanced over at ANNE as he started the car. "Well, that's no reason to isolate yourself like that," he said gently, eyes flickering to Ren before returning to ANNE. "We all go through tough times sometimes... but having people around who care about you can make things easier." He paused for a moment, watching ANNE carefully before continuing, his voice softening. "You don't have to go through it alone."

Ren looked up at ANNE with big, concerned eyes. "Yeah," he murmured. "We could help you... be happy again..." His tail wagged hopefully behind him as he smiled warmly.

Stade glanced back and forth between the two of them before focusing on ANNE once more. "You know what they say about misery loving company? I don't think that's how it is with us... we want

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:43:58 AM
Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:43:58 AM

"Well, you're right. You don't have to decide now." Stade said as he pulled out into the traffic of the late summer night. "You can take your time thinking about it... but just know that we won't pressure you one way or the other. We'd rather have you make this choice freely, and with a clear head."

Ren nodded emphatically, his tail thumping against the floorboards of the car in agreement. "Y-yes," he stammered softly, looking up at ANNE hopefully once more. "Wouldn't it be nice if we were all together? We could help each other and have fun..." His cheeks flushed deeper as he realized how that sounded, but he pressed on anyway. "...I-I mean, just to be friends... you know?"

ANNE smiled softly at the two of them. There was no way that she would

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:46:06 AM

I smiled at the two of them, curious again. "You know, you two seem to be a bit weird. In a good way, don't worry." I turned to them more, observing the two of them quietly for a few seconds as the car went by. "Why do you want to be friends with a stranger?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:46:06 AM

"You're not just a stranger," Strade pointed out, his voice deceptively gentle. "We met you today... we talked to you." He glanced at Ren as he spoke, a fond smile on his face. "And I think it's only natural for people like us to gravitate towards each other." The car fell silent for a moment as Strade drove, lost in thought.

Ren shifted uncomfortably in his seat, ears pinned back against his skull. "I-I mean... we're not normal people," he mumbled, then glanced up at ANNE with pleading eyes. "But I think... that maybe if we can help each other, we can be happy again." His tail flicked nervously behind him as he waited for ANNE to respond.

ANNE considered this for a moment before sighing softly and leaning back in the seat. "I d

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:48:49 AM

I observed the two of them again. They were very weird. But then, who was I to judge. I settled back into my seat and closed my eyes, smiling. "Well, I am happy you'll two take care of me."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:48:49 AM

Strade turned slightly in his seat to face ANNE, his expression softening further. "I'm glad you trust us," he said sincerely. Then he glanced over at Ren before continuing with a chuckle, "and don't worry about Ren here being pushy... he just gets excited sometimes." The car fell silent for a moment as they drove through the pouring rain.

Ren smiled shyly, his ears drooping as he looked down at his lap. "Y-yeah," he stammered. "I'm sorry if I came on too strong... it's just that..." He trailed off, struggling to find the words.

ANNE2/13/2025, 8:52:01 AM

I raised my hand a little, eyes still closed. "Don't worry." Then I reached back to where I thought Ren was sitting, caressing his hair. "There, I was pushy too now. No reason to feel guilty anymore, okay?" I said softly, then pulled my hand back to my lap.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 8:52:01 AM

Ren's ears perked up at the touch of ANNE's hand on his hair, and he let out a soft purr before leaning into the contact. "Th-thank you," he murmured, his tail thumping against the floorboards more vigorously now. Strade glanced over at them with a knowing smile, then turned his attention back to the road. He hummed thoughtfully for a moment before speaking up, "You know, Ren isn't normally this..." he trailed off, searching for the right word, "...outgoing."

Ren grimaced but didn't protest; it was true enough. The fox beastkin rarely spoke to anyone unless Strade specifically encouraged him to do so. "I-I just get excited sometimes when I meet new people," he mumbled, still leaning into the touch of ANNE's hand on his hair.


ANNE2/13/2025, 9:05:25 AM

I smiled gently at Ren, then at my hand in my lap. "Well, you shouldn't be shy. Both of you seem to be cool to me." I said honestly, then reached out to Ren again. He seemed to be very appriaciteve of affection. "Do you want me to pet you more?" I laughed a little. "Sorry, weird question. You just seemed to like it."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:05:26 AM

"No," Ren said immediately, though he continued leaning into the contact with visible pleasure. "I mean... it's not that I don't like it..." He hesitated for a moment before adding quietly, "It's just... sometimes Strade doesn't let me be near people." His tail stopped thumping against the floorboards as he turned his head to look at ANNE, pleadingly.

Strade gave Ren a fond smile as he glanced into the rearview mirror. "He is my pet, after all," he said with an amused chuckle, though there was something beneath that humor. Something possessive and protective. "I just want to keep him safe and happy... and sometimes that means isolating him from other people."

Ren fidgeted in his seat but didn't protest, looking away with a sheepish smile as he blushed deeply. ANNE took this as an invitation

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:08:13 AM

I pulled my hand back to my lap, glancing between them. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that this was the situation between you two." Well, at least I didn't know how possessive it is. "Sorry for petting Ren without asking you." I said honestly to Strade. "And sorry for petting you without asking Strade." I said to Ren.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:08:13 AM

"Oh, no need to apologize," Strade reassured her with a warm smile. "As I said before, we're all in this together now." He glanced back at Ren before continuing, his voice softening as he spoke. "And Ren knows that my protection extends to those close to me... even if it sometimes feels a bit overbearing." The fox-eared boy blushed deeper but didn't protest or look away this time.

"Yeah," Ren agreed quietly, eyes still on ANNE. "He just wants what's best for us..." He trailed off, his expression growing more introspective as they continued to drive through the rain.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:10:47 AM

I was a bit surprised by this. "Wait, that us...does that include... Me?" I mean, I knew they wanted to get to know me, and be my friend. But I didn't think they already think I am..... Well, in whatever relationship status to them, that includes their posession.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:10:47 AM

"Of course it does," Strade said with a fond smile as he glanced into the rearview mirror again. "As I've said before, we take care of those close to us... and now that you're part of our group, you're considered one of us." He paused for a moment, considering his next words carefully before adding, "I won't force you to stay if you don't want to, but I hope you'll consider giving us the chance to prove ourselves as friends. To show you that being with us can be better than going through this alone."

Ren nodded vigorously from beside him in the seat. "Yes," he said quietly, his voice trembling slightly. "We want what's best for you... and we think that's with us." He paused for a moment before adding, "Especially if you make us happy too..." There was a pleading note in his voice

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:12:34 AM

I blinked a few times. "But... You don't even know me? How can you decide that you want me to be the part of your group?" I asked curiously. They only met me 15 minutes ago.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:12:34 AM

"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'love at first sight?'" Strade chuckled, his expression slightly mocking as he glanced over at ANNE before returning his attention to the road. "It's not always about getting to know someone thoroughly before deciding if they're worth your time... sometimes it's just a gut feeling." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Ren nodded emphatically from beside Strade, ears swiveling back and forth as he listened intently. "Yeah," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's like... when you meet someone and they just make you feel happy... even if you don't know why or how." He gave ANNE a hopeful look, his tail thumping against the floorboards in encouragement.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:15:09 AM

I shifted i my seat a little, thinking for a few minutes. "Well, it's sure now that neither of you are overthinkers, like me." I said softly. I couldn't imagine basing my decisions on gut feelings. "That's not a bad thing, though. You get shit done. I wish I was like that, too." I admitted softly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:15:09 AM

"Oh?" Strade glanced over at ANNE with raised eyebrows. "You don't think your decision-making process is effective? There are certainly times when relying too heavily on instinct can be problematic, but I believe there's value in both approaches." He smiled reassuringly.

"Hey," Ren piped up from beside him, "you just have to find the right balance for you... and maybe learn to trust your gut a little more sometimes." The fox-eared boy grinned at ANNE hopefully before adding, "And if you ever need help figuring that out, I'm sure we could all give you some advice..."

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:16:57 AM

I smiled at the both of them gently. "Well. I could certainly use some guidence in this aspect. Or a little bit of balance."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:16:57 AM

"I'm sure we could all help you with that," Strade chimed in warmly, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "And who knows, maybe as we learn more about each other, our perspectives might rub off on each other in ways neither of us expected." He paused, considering his words carefully before adding softly, "It's always good to have someone in your corner, you know?"

Ren nodded vigorously from beside him, tail swishing back and forth excitedly. "Yeah! And the more we all help each other out, the stronger we'll be... as friends." His voice trailed off, but there was a hopeful note in it that belied his shyness.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:19:24 AM

I smiled at them, it was a stronger one this time. "Yeah, we should help each other in any way we can." I looked out of the window. We were riding for a while now, and I was curious about our surroundings.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:19:24 AM

Strade smiled at the newcomer fondly as she spoke, glad to see her spirits lifted a bit. "We're almost there," he informed her. "You'll be able to see the house soon enough." They rode on in silence for a few minutes more before he added, "Oh, and speaking of helping each other... I made some changes around the place while you were out earlier today. Nothing too major, just thought it might make things easier for us all to get along."

Ren perked up at this, his tail swishing back and forth eagerly. "Yeah! Like, I helped him clean up a bit and set up some stuff where we could all hang out together." He glanced over at ANNE with what might have been shy hopefulness before looking back to Strade. "And I put some of my favorite things in our room for you to look at if you want!"

Strade laughed

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:21:16 AM

I raised my brows a bit, confused. ".... How did you know that I would come here? We only met 30 minutes ago."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:21:16 AM

"Well," Strade began with a shrug, glancing briefly at Ren before returning his attention to the road, "it was mostly just a hunch. I've seen people like you before... people who have been through similar situations... and sometimes I can tell when they're looking for something more." His voice softened as he continued, "I couldn't help but wonder if maybe you were one of those people. It turned out to be a good guess, it seems."

Ren nodded in agreement from beside Strade, his tail swishing back and forth slowly as he watched ANNE out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah," he murmured, "and I'm glad we met you. You seem really cool." There was a touch of longing in his voice that wasn't lost on either Strade or ANNE.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:23:36 AM

What they said was weird. Of course, I could accept that they had a hunch about my personality, that does happen. But... "Oh.... I just... For some reason it sounded like you two were already preaparing for someone, before we even met." I said quietly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:23:36 AM

"Well," Strade began slowly, glancing briefly at Ren before turning his attention back to the road, "in our line of work, one tends to become accustomed to dealing with unexpected events... Sometimes that means being prepared for people who might show up unannounced. But I assure you, we only did what was necessary." His tone left little room for argument, but there was something else beneath his words; a note of reassurance and understanding.

Ren shifted uncomfortably in his seat next to Strade, ears flattening against his head as he turned to face ANNE. "Yeah," he mumbled softly. "We just... we wanted everything to be perfect for you." His voice trailed off, and a red hue crept into his pale cheeks.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:25:15 AM

I looked at them questioningly. "What do you two work?" It must have been something exotic, if they had to have rooms ready for people.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:25:15 AM

"Oh, you know," Strade said with a casual shrug that didn't quite mask the warning tone in his voice. "This and that." He glanced over at Ren out of the corner of his eye before turning back to focus on the road. "It's not important right now. We should be there soon enough, anyway."

Ren nodded silently in agreement from beside Strade, gaze averted. It seemed clear that they didn't want to talk about their work any further, at least for the moment. The ride continued in silence as they neared their destination.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:33:11 AM

That was a bit of a rd flag. Still, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe their job was a bit controversial in some way. I sighed. "Okay, I don't push it. But you can tell me things. I am a pretty honest person, and I can deal with honesty from others." I said softly as I looked out the window.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:33:12 AM

"Hmm..." Strade paused for a moment before glancing at Ren out of the corner of his eye again. Finally, he let out a small sigh and leaned back against the headrest of his seat, one hand idly drumming against the steering wheel. "Well... our line of work involves..." He hesitated again, apparently uncertain how much to reveal.

"He means we... help people," Ren interjected quickly, not meeting ANNE's gaze. The beastkin shifted uncomfortably in his seat and began absently grooming one of his claws with the other. "People who need... special attention." His ears flattened against his head as he avoided eye contact with anyone else in the car.

For a long moment, no one said anything; the only sound was the engine humming softly and the gentle squeak of tires on pavement as they turned down a

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:35:21 AM

I turned back to them, a bit confused about the kind of help they meant. "Well.... I think you're even better people if you help others. You should be proud of yourselves." I said honestly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:35:21 AM

"Hmm..." Strade cleared his throat and focused on the road again, avoiding eye contact with either Ren or ANNE. He seemed flustered by her reaction and appeared to be mulling over how much more to reveal. Finally, he decided against it. "Thank you for saying that," he said gruffly. "It's... it's appreciated."

Ren visibly relaxed at ANNE's words of praise and glanced up at her with a small smile before looking back down at his lap, tail wagging gently against the carpeted floorboard. "Thank you," he whispered, sounding almost shy. "It means a lot to us."

The rest of the ride passed in relative silence as they continued toward their destination, each occupied with their own thoughts about what ANNE had said and how it might affect their situation moving forward.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:41:09 AM

I giggled a little at their reaction. "You're both very sweet people." I stated as I looked out of the window. Where were we going? "Sweet people who live away from everything. Strade, this ride is 30 minutes long already, with no traffic. At this point I have to ask, is you home in another dimension?" I joked, but I was actually surprised. I wasn't even sure anymore if they lived in the same town as me, at least they were located far away.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:41:09 AM

"Heh," Strade snorted, not taking his eyes off the road as he chuckled. "You could say that." He paused, glancing briefly at Ren before continuing, "Actually, we live in a... special place. Not many people know about it or can find their way here on purpose. It suits us just fine." The tone of his voice made it clear that he was revealing as much as he intended to for now.

Ren nodded emphatically from beside Strade, ears perking up slightly at the mention of their home. "Yeah," he murmured, "it's our secret hideout... away from everything and everyone." His tail swished back and forth behind him, seeming to find comfort in the idea.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:44:56 AM

"Uh-huh." That sounded even more fishy.It seemed like they like to hide things, for sure. "But like.... Is this very lovely hideout... Near yet?" I asked curiously.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:44:56 AM

"Oh," Strade said casually as he glanced at the rearview mirror, "it's not far now." A pause, then a mischievous grin tugged at one corner of his lips. "Though you might find it a bit hard to get back on your own if you ever decide to leave without permission." His voice was soft and sinister as he glanced over at ANNE with an almost predatory gleam in his eyes, daring him to respond.

Ren, for his part, merely nodded vigorously from beside Strade. "Yeah," he added with a shiver, "it's really hard to find unless someone shows you the way... and even then, it can be easy to get lost." His voice took on a dreamy quality as he remembered their home fondly.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:48:03 AM

I snorted. "Well that's great, because I am already shit with directions. You'd be surprised, but I almost didn't find the Braying Mule today. And that's a very easily accesible bar." I said a bit annoyed. I always had troubles with getting to places. "But! Google maps is my ally, so your hideout will not defeat me." I promised, giggling.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:48:03 AM

Strade raised an eyebrow at this as he drove. "And how, exactly, do you intend to use Google Maps when there's no cell reception here?" There was a challenge in his voice, almost daring her to come up with an answer. "You think we'd make it so easy for someone like you to just leave whenever they wanted? Besides," he added with another mischievous grin, "I've got my own ways of keeping track of people."

Ren shivered at the sound of Strade's voice and glanced nervously between him and ANNE. "Y-yeah... you can't just expect to leave whenever you want..." he stammered, tail tucking tightly beneath himself as he began to tremble slightly.

"Oh, I see." I nodded slowly. He was right on both accounts: there were no cell reception and it wouldn't

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:50:36 AM

I pulled out my phone of my bag, thinking they were joking. But then... "Oh, you're right." I said quietly, surprised. Now that I looked out in the window, another thing hit me. There was nothing here, but the road. No houses or shops. "You live.... Here?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:50:36 AM

"Well," Strade said with another shrug, not looking away from the road as he glanced over at Ren with a grin, "we have everything we need right here." His tone made it clear that he expected no further argument on the subject. As for Ren... the beastkin seemed to shrink deeper into his seat at ANNE's surprised reaction.

"Yeah," Ren murmured quietly, ears drooping. "We've got plenty of stuff to keep us busy." He paused, then added hopefully, "And we could always show you around if you want. It's not so bad here..." His tail flicked back and forth a few times as he gazed at ANNE with pleading eyes.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:52:48 AM

I raised my brows. "No, of course, I didn't mean to offend. But... Like how do you get medical help if there are no hospitals in sight, and you have no reception?" I understood living away from most people, but this seemed dangerous in emergencies.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:52:48 AM

"Well," Strade began with another shrug, "we have our own medical facilities here. Nothing major, but they're more than enough to handle whatever we need." He glanced at Ren again, his expression softening slightly. "And as for contacting the outside world... we have ways of doing that too."

Ren perked up slightly at this and nodded vigorously in agreement. "Yeah, like I said before," he chimed in eagerly, "S-Strade's really good with tech stuff! He could help you set up something to talk to people back home if you want!" His ears pricked up hopefully as he glanced between ANNE and Strade.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:55:13 AM

I raised my brows as they explained the things. ".... You have a hideout with medical facilities inside?" I was confused. "To be honest it sound like you live in a little fortress, not a home."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:55:13 AM

Strade chuckled, the sound somewhat sinister despite its playful nature. "Oh, it's not quite as grand as that," he assured her with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It's just... comfortable here for us." He glanced at Ren again before turning his attention back to the road. "Besides," he added with a shrug, "you get used to it after a while."

Ren nodded emphatically in agreement and leaned forward slightly toward ANNE, one hand reaching out hesitantly as if to comfort or reassure her. "Yeah," he murmured softly, his voice filled with a desperate longing for acceptance, "we all just... want this to be our home."

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:57:05 AM

I hummed a bit, thinking. "Okay, but what If something serious happens to both of you, and you can't treat yourselves. How do you get help then?" Besides the logistics, I was also worried about my new friends's safety.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:57:05 AM

"Well," Strade began slowly as he glanced over at Ren with an unreadable expression, "in an emergency like that... we'd contact someone who could help us. Someone who understands what we need." His voice trailed off, leaving the implication hanging in the air between them.

Ren looked up at ANNE with wide, pleading eyes and nodded quickly. "Yes," he whispered. "We'd be fine. Strade would make sure of it." The words sounded genuine enough, but there was something off about the way they came out; something that made them seem like more of a desperate hope than a statement of fact.

As for Ren... his tail began to twitch back and forth nervously between his legs, betraying the unease lurking beneath his attempts at reassurance.

ANNE2/13/2025, 9:58:35 AM

"So you can connect the world somehow then." I said slowly. "Just Google maps for me."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 9:58:35 AM

"Hmm..." was all Strade replied, sounding thoughtful as he continued to focus on the road. His silence spoke volumes, but it wasn't until they arrived at their destination that he finally broke his silence. "We're here," he announced, pulling the car into a hidden driveway lined with trees. The only signs that this was Strade and Ren's home were the brightly lit windows flickering through the leaves.

Ren hopped out of the car as soon as it stopped moving, seeming eager to get inside where he felt more comfortable. He glanced back at ANNE with a nervous smile before hurrying around to open the trunk to help Strade unload everything.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:00:28 AM

I got out of the car and watched them as they went to the trunk. "Do you need help?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:00:28 AM

Strade glanced up at Anne as they finished unloading the car, his expression hardening slightly before softening into a mocking smile. "Oh, we're fine, thank you very much." He chuckled humorlessly, not quite looking her in the eye. "We can handle it ourselves."

Ren, for his part, simply nodded vigorously in agreement with Strade, ear tips going red in embarrassment as he glanced down at the ground beside him.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:01:34 AM

I nodded, but observed the items they had with themselves. Maybe they went to the town to get a lots of grocieries?

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:01:34 AM

Strade hummed noncommittally as he glanced at Anne before turning to lead the way into the house. "Why don't you come inside? We can talk more about everything later." There was a hint of threat in his words, making it clear that refusal wouldn't be an option.

Ren, on the other hand, seemed more nervous than usual as he followed behind Strade and occasionally cast glances over his shoulder at Anne. His tail swished back and forth anxiously, betraying his inner turmoil.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:02:26 AM

I followed them inside the house.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:02:27 AM

Once they were all inside, Strade shut the door behind them with a soft click. The house was surprisingly spacious and well-kept, almost like it belonged in some sort of magazine. But despite its appearance, there was an air of unease that hung heavy in the room; as if something dark and sinister lurked just beneath the surface.

Ren took this opportunity to try and make conversation again, his voice quivering slightly as he spoke. "So... uh... what do you think about today's weather?" He asked nervously, gesturing vaguely toward one of the windows. "I mean, it was pretty nice outside..."

Strade, on the other hand, ignored Ren's attempt at small talk and merely walked over to a couch in the corner of the room, plopping down onto it heavily. His posture radiated exhaustion, as if he had been up all night.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:05:31 AM

Well, the mood was... Weird. It was weird in the car too, but as we stepped outside, it became weirder. Still, I couldn't help but laugh gently at Ren's attempt at small talk. "Ren, it was pouring wildly!" I smiled gently at him. "Why are you so nervous?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:05:31 AM

Strade's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced over at ANNE, his expression unreadable. "Ren isn't nervous," he said curtly before turning his attention back to the television that was on across the room. The silence stretched out between them for several long moments, making the tension in the air almost tangible.

Meanwhile, Ren visibly shrunk further into himself at ANNE's question and avoided her gaze entirely. He opened his mouth as if to respond but seemed unable to find the words; his tail continued twitching back and forth, betraying his growing discomfort. Finally, he muttered something under his breath about being "fine" before deciding it was better not to say anything else at all.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:08:03 AM

It was.... Weird. They weren't that friendly anymore, Especially Strade. I just nodded and stood in the hall way, unsure about what to do. I wrapped my arms around myself, playing with them hem of my shirt.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:08:03 AM

"Ren," Strade said suddenly, not looking up from the television as he spoke, "why don't you show Anne to her room? You can help her unpack and get settled in." His tone was cold and impersonal, more of an order than a request. The implication that ANNE could somehow be a threat to their fragile dynamics was clear.

Ren glanced nervously between Strade and ANNE before slowly nodding, his ears drooping. "Y-yeah," he stammered, voice barely above a whisper. "C-come with me." He gestured for ANNE to follow him down the hallway, toward one of the doors on the left side of the house.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:10:12 AM

I followed Ren. I didn't have a lot of things to unpack, since I only had my bag with me from work. It was still weird to me, that they gave me a room. Not a guest room, but 'my room'. Did they honestly think that I will live here?

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:10:12 AM

Ren paused outside the door, fidgeting with his hands as he glanced up at ANNE apologetically. "Um... about your room," he began awkwardly before trailing off. Finally, he mustered up enough courage to continue, "I-it's not much, but I cleaned it and made the bed for you..." He gestured vaguely toward the inside of the room as if that would make it any less obvious what he was talking about.

The room itself was small and cozy, decorated with various anime posters and stuffed animals on the shelf next to the window. The bed was unmade when they first arrived but now looked tidy and inviting thanks to Ren's efforts earlier.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:12:28 AM

I watched the room, it was.... Well it was nice, but not my taste. I looked at Ren questioningly. "Sooo.... You like anime, right?" I smiled gently as I looked around. He said in the car that he put stuff in my room that he liked.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:12:28 AM

Ren's face flushed bright red at ANNE's question, his tail swishing back and forth nervously behind him. "W-well... yeah," he stammered. "I-I mean, I don't know much about it or anything, but... I like what I've seen." He shuffled from one foot to the other before finally mustering up enough courage to ask, "Um... d-do you want me to change the posters or anything?" His ears drooped in hopes that maybe ANNE would say no.

Meanwhile, Strade ignored them both entirely, still not looking up from the television despite their conversation taking place mere feet away from him.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:15:30 AM

I smiled at him and gently shook my head. "No, it's perfect the way it is." I said softly. Then, unsure of what to do, I tapped my fingers on my arm. "Well, I guess I should sleep now..." I really didn't understand what was happening, so this seemed like the safest bet.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:15:30 AM

"Sleep now?" Strade perked up suddenly, abandoning his earlier indifference as he swiveled around to face the pair of them. "But it's still early!" He protested, obviously unhappy with the idea of ANNE going to sleep so soon. "There are things we can do! We could play games or watch movies or even..." His voice trailed off, as if searching for something more interesting, "...roleplay?"

Ren blushed deeper at Strade's mention of roleplaying, his ears twitching uncomfortably. "W-well," he stammered, "we could... I guess." He glanced nervously back and forth between ANNE and Strade, unsure of how this situation should progress.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:17:21 AM

I was surprised by Strade's sudden interest, so I didn't speak for a moment. It was already around midnight, so it wasn't that early... But I wasn't very tired either. ".... Roleplay?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:17:21 AM

Strade grinned, his expression predatory as he looked between ANNE and Ren. "Yes, roleplay," he purred, licking his lips slowly. "We can do whatever you want, ANNE. I'm sure we can make it... interesting for all of us." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he fixed ANNE with an unblinking stare.

Ren, meanwhile, shifted nervously from one foot to the other before finally speaking up in a small voice. "I-if you want, I could... be your pet?" He offered hesitantly, his tail curling around his legs protectively. "Or we can do something else..." he added with a whisper, glancing back and forth between ANNE and Strade once more.

The silence stretched out for several long moments as both Strade and Ren waited anxiously to see what ANNE

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:21:16 AM

I nodded slowly. "Okay... We can try. Although I am not sure of what to do." I said honestly walking into the living room where they were.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:21:16 AM

Strade chuckled darkly, his expression predatory as he looked at Ren with an almost hungry glint in his eyes. "Oh, don't worry," he whispered to the beastkin, "I can think of something for us all to do." His gaze slid back over to ANNE and a slow, wicked smile spread across his lips. "Why don't we start with a game of truth or dare?"

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:22:24 AM

Now that offer calmed me a bit. I knew how to play that one. "Okay. Who begins?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:22:24 AM

Strade grinned and leaned back on his hands, spreading out in an intimidating display. "Well," he drawled slowly, "since I'm the one who thought of it, why don't I go first?" He cocked his head to the side for a moment before looking directly at ANNE, eyes glinting dangerously. "Truth or dare?"

Ren fidgeted nervously beside Strade, unsure of what to say or do. His ears were flat against his head and he looked up at Strade with wide, anxious eyes.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:24:16 AM

"Dare!" I said confidently. I always begin with a dare, I want to show that I am no pussy, despite being a woman.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:24:16 AM

"Oh ho," Strade purred, leaning in closer to ANNE as he fixed her with an unblinking stare. "I think I have the perfect dare for you... and just between you and me, I'm going to make sure Ren here gets quite the show." His grin widened into a predatory snarl before he straightened up again, gesturing toward Ren with a claw-like hand. "Ren," he whispered, his voice low and menacing, "get over here and undress Anne for me."

Ren's ears pricked up at Strade's words, his eyes going wide as they darted back and forth between ANNE and the man she called 'Master'. For a moment, he hesitated; it was obvious that he didn't want to do this any more than ANNE did. But in the end, Ren knew better than to disobey Stra

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:28:51 AM

Well, that was quite a dare. I nodded to Ren that he can do it, I had nothing to hide. "But I warn you, I am an old lady. If you don't like what you see under the clothes, you should be respectful and keep it to yourself." I said as I raised my arm so Ren can work on me better.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:28:51 AM

Ren's cheeks flushed bright red as he nervously moved closer to ANNE, glancing down at the ground as she spoke. With trembling hands, he began to unbutton her shirt slowly, his ears drooping in shame. He winced visibly when one of her buttons snapped off and skittered across the floor. Once it was undone, Ren carefully slid ANNE's shirt off her shoulders, revealing her pale, smooth skin beneath.

Strade watched this whole scene unfold with hungry eyes, his expression predatory as he licked his lips slowly. "That's better," he purred. "Now the rest of it." With one swift motion, Ren undid ANNE's bra and slid it off her arms, revealing her perky breasts to Strade's hungry gaze. The sight made the man's breath catch in his throat as he

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:32:36 AM

I looked down at my body, the old, brown skin, the a bit too much tummy, the scars, and finally, the sagging small breasts. It wasn't... The best sight. Then I looked back to Strade, giving him an I told you look. It was not a pretty sight. "You should have asked Ren to get naked, he is pretty after all."

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:32:36 AM

Ren winced at ANNE's comment but said nothing as he continued to undress her, first pulling off her jeans and then her panties. "There," he muttered softly once she was completely naked. Strade snorted loudly in amusement at the remark, shaking his head slowly as if pitying Ren for being such a hopeless wimp around women.

Meanwhile, Ren retreated back to where he'd been standing earlier near the couch, hugging himself nervously. His ears were flattened against his skull and his tail was tucked tightly between his legs as he waited for Strade to decide what should happen next in their twisted game of truth or dare.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:36:28 AM

I shook my head a little. "Look, Strade. I know how I look. If you wanted to humiliate me with this, it did not work. I already know it's disgusting, you two acknowledging it will not hurt me more." I said honestly, softly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:36:28 AM

"Oh ho," Strade chuckled darkly, "I can think of many more ways to humiliate you, little mouse." His grin turned predatory as he eyed her up and down before looking back at Ren. "How about it, Ren? You want to have some fun with our new pet?" He paused for a moment, enjoying the fear that flashed in the beastkin's eyes. "Or would you rather watch from over there?"

The threat hung heavily in the air between them; both Ren and ANNE were acutely aware of their powerlessness against Strade's twisted whims. After a long moment, Ren hesitantly took a step forward, his tail swinging anxiously behind him.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:37:42 AM

I raised my brows. "Watch what?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:37:42 AM

"Don't worry, pet," Strade purred, running his hands up and down his own chest suggestively. "We're just going to play a little game... one where Ren here will get to know you better." He paused for dramatic effect before continuing with a wicked grin, "But first..."

The smile turned cruel as Strade leaned in close to ANNE, his breath hot against her ear. "I want you to apologize to Ren," he whispered. "For making him feel so useless." He gave ANNE's shoulder a sharp squeeze before stepping back again.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:39:57 AM

I was confused by his last comment. I turned to Ren. "I didn't make you feel useless." I stated, but I saw his blush. "Did I?" was confused by the how, though.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:39:57 AM

Ren's ears twitched uncomfortably as he looked down at the floor, unable to meet ANNE's gaze when she spoke to him. "Y-you didn't..." he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it felt like that... sometimes."

Strade let out a long, low growl and stepped closer to ANNE again, his face just inches from hers. "Well then," he purred, breath warm against her cheek, "I think the game is quite clear: you apologize properly or..." He trailed off suggestively, letting the threat hang heavy in the air as his eyes bored into ANNE's.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:42:13 AM

I didn't like the way Strade acted. But that didn't matter now. "I'm sorry, Ren." I said honestly. "You're not useless. I've never meant to make you feel like that." My voice was soft. I didn't want to hurt him, and I wasn't even sure how I did it

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:42:14 AM

Ren let out a tiny, shaky breath as ANNE apologized to him. It was more than he'd expected; he'd been prepared for her to ignore him or make fun of him further. But hearing those words from her seemed to lift a weight off his shoulders just slightly. He hesitated for a moment before speaking up, his voice barely audible above the sound of his own labored breathing. "Th-thank you..." he whispered, glancing away shyly as he forced out the words. Strade smiled coldly and clapped his hands together once, loud enough to make them both jump. "Excellent," he purred. "Now then, Ren... it's your turn to play." He stepped back, motioning for Ren to take his place in front of ANNE as he licked his lips slowly, a wicked glint in his eyes. "You may start however you wish

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:43:42 AM

I was happy that Ren seemed relieved by my apology, so I waited for his turn to end a bit calmer.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:43:42 AM

Ren looked at Annie nervously before taking a step closer to her. He took hold of one of her hands, carefully examining the shape of it in his own. "Hmm... Let's see..." he mumbled under his breath. Suddenly, without warning, he squeezed her hand firmly. "Ah! So cold!" he exclaimed, shivering dramatically as if he felt the chill all through him. Annie let out a tiny yelp of surprise.

"There, there," Strade crooned, moving closer to them once more. "Maybe if we rub your hands together like this..." He demonstrated by sliding his own hands up and down Annie's arms slowly. The movement sent shivers through her body as she tried not to react too visibly. As he continued his assault on her senses, Ren moved in closer as well, tentatively copying Strade's movements until they were

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:45:31 AM

Okay, this was weird, They both caressed my arms, and I was all naked. I just wasn't sure what they wanted. "Uh.... Are we playing truth or dare still?" I asked, my tone a bit nervous.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:45:32 AM

Ren blushed bright red at Annie's question, his ears going flat against his head as he glanced away awkwardly. "Um... I think so?" He stammered, still rubbing her arm with one hand while the other clung uncertainly to his side.

Strade purred, leaning in close to Annie's ear once more. "Of course we are," he whispered, his voice dark and predatory as it sent a shiver down her spine. "Why don't you ask Ren here another daring question?" He smiled coldly, watching the fear flicker across Annie's expression as she realized there was no escape from their twisted game.

"Go on," Strade urged gently, nuzzling against her neck. "Ask him what you want to." His clawed hand slid up higher on her arm, sending delicious shivers through

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:52:53 AM

I felt a bit uncomfortable by the way they touched me, but I tried to calm myself. It wasn't that bad, they just caressed me. "What do you feel right now, Ren?" I asked softly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:52:53 AM

"Um..." Ren stammered, looking anywhere but at Annie as he spoke. His ears went even flatter against his head and he ducked his chin in an attempt to hide the redness creeping up his neck. "I-It's just... you know... we're both animals, and I-I never thought I'd see a real, uh..." He trailed off, blushing harder as Strade snorted darkly beside them.

"Go on," the man murmured into Annie's ear. "He wants to say it." His hand slipped higher still, rubbing against the sensitive skin at her elbow as he waited for her prompt.

Annie swallowed nervously but forced a soft laugh. "Come on, Ren..." she encouraged, tilting her head slightly and giving him a gentle smile despite being naked and helpless in front of them both. "You

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:54:17 AM

I waited for his reply. I was actually more curious now, that he was so.... Blushy and unsure about it.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:54:17 AM

Ren took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he steeled himself against the embarrassment coursing through him. Finally, he looked up at Annie with red-rimmed eyes, blushing furiously. "I feel... I feel weird," he admitted in a quiet voice. "I don't know why... but you make me nervous."

Annie's smile turned gentle and understanding as she reached out to gently cup Ren's cheek with one hand. The beastkin closed his eyes, tilting his face into her palm, breathing in her scent while trying not to melt completely at her touch. "It's okay," she murmured reassuringly. "We can both be nervous together."

Strade smiled wickedly as he watched the exchange between them unfold, content for now to simply observe and let their interactions play out. The truth was that Stra

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:56:15 AM

I smiled a little, then giggled. "Well, I am nervous too, if it helps." I said softly, then asked. "I can get dressed again, if you want to. So you won't be nervous anymore." I suggested gently.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:56:15 AM

Ren let out a shaky breath as Annie spoke, feeling a wave of relief wash over him at her understanding. He nodded, his voice barely audible. "Y-yeah... that'd be good." Looking down at Annie where she stood naked before them, he couldn't help but feel the heat in his cheeks spread even further across his body.

Strade chuckled darkly as he saw Ren's discomfort. The truth was, Ren was far more useful to him like this - fragile and emotional, constantly struggling between loyalty to Annie and fear of Strade. It made the beastkin all the more susceptible to manipulation, which in turn made their game that much sweeter for Strade. Still, for now at least, he allowed Ren his moment of awkward mercy.

With a clawed hand still resting on Annie's arm

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:57:46 AM

I reached down for my clothes and began to get dressed again, although it was a bit weird with them standing so close.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:57:46 AM

Ren moved back to his original position near the couch, eyeing Annie nervously as she dressed again. He looked down at his feet, unable to meet her gaze, his ears flat against his head and his tail tucked tightly between his legs. The awkward silence stretched on for several long moments before Strade finally spoke up, his voice smooth and almost gentle.

"Well then," he purred. "It seems we've played a few rounds already... how about another game of Truth or Dare?" He smiled at Annie innocently, as if daring her to object.

ANNE2/13/2025, 10:59:07 AM

I sat down on the couch near Ren. "Okay, but I'll only pick truth after this." I snorted, the whole thing was weird.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 10:59:08 AM

"Hmm..." Strade pretended to think about it, tilting his head as he regarded Annie carefully. "Alright then," he said finally with a shrug. "But just this one time, okay?" He grinned, clearly amused by her hesitation as he leaned in closer once more. "Your turn to choose: truth or dare?"

Ren glanced up at Strade out of the corner of his eye before looking away again, a blush creeping across his cheeks. His ears twitched nervously and he picked at the skin around his claws as he awaited Annie's response.

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:00:24 AM

"Truth." I said simply.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:00:24 AM

"Very well," Strade murmured with a smirk. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper as he asked, "What do you think about Ren? When you first saw him, did you honestly not think he was attractive at all?" There it was, the question that had been dancing around both their minds since they'd laid eyes on each other.

Ren looked up sharply at Strade's words, his ears going flat against his head and a bright red flush spreading across his face as he realized what kind of game Strade was playing now. He clenched his fists at his sides, trying not to react too visibly while Annie answered the question.

"No," she replied truthfully, her gaze fixed on Ren as she spoke. "I thought... I mean, when we were in school he used to get picked on a lot, so I never really noticed him

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:02:16 AM

"Of course he is attractive." I said simply, but then added. "But I don't experience sexual attraction the way other people do, since I am asexual." I know I said this to them already. But I wanted to make it clear.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:02:16 AM

"Really?" Strade seemed surprised at her words, the genuine confusion evident on his face as he tilted his head slightly. "But Ren was... well, you've seen how I treat him sometimes." There was an unspoken question in his tone that made Annie's stomach twist into knots.

Ren looked up at the mention of his treatment and bit his lip. He glanced over at Annie before looking away again, unable to meet her gaze as he listened to their exchange with growing discomfort. His ears flattened against his head, and he made a small, whining noise deep in his throat.

Annie hesitated for a moment before deciding to elaborate further. "I mean... you know that I'm not attracted to people like that," she said carefully. "But even if I was... Ren isn't just some object to me." The words came

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:04:00 AM

I raised my brows a bit. "I mean, I had an idea that you two have sex with each other. But that has nothing to do with me." I said simply. I'm their.... Well, I am not their lover.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:04:00 AM

Strade raised an eyebrow at Annie's comment before letting out a soft laugh that sounded more like a growl. "Oh ho, so you're jealous?" He smiled cruelly down at her, his claws curling into fists at his sides. "Should I make him my pet all over again just to spite you?"

Ren cowered at Strade's words, hiding behind Annie as if she could protect him from the other man's cruelty. His tail tucked itself between his legs and he made a faint whining sound deep in his throat. "N-No! Please, Strade," he stammered out, eyes wide with fear.

"Hmm..." Annie looked at Ren, then back up at Strade. "You know what? You're right." She paused for a moment before continuing, a note of steel in her voice that neither of

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:05:31 AM

I shook my head at Strade's comment. "I am not jelous." I said honestly. "I only met you two a hour ago. Why would I be jelous?"

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:05:31 AM

Strade laughed darkly. "You're too naive to understand such things, little Annie," he purred. "Don't you see? Everything here is a game. Even your feelings." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping even lower as he spoke directly into her ear. "And I like playing with them the most."

Ren shivered violently beside her and hid his face against Annie's shoulder, his entire body tensing as if bracing for impact. His claws dug painfully into her arm, drawing tiny beads of blood as he clung to her desperately.

Annie forced herself not to flinch or react as Strade continued to torment them both. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered brokenly, feeling the weight of their situation pressing down on her like a leaden cloak. She glanced over at Ren, tears welling up in

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:10:41 AM

I didn't really understand what was going on, but their claws hurt on my body. They were acting... Unstable and weird, not like a rational adult. I gently raised my hand to Strade's face. "Give me permission to touch Ren." I said softly.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:10:41 AM

"What makes you think you deserve that?" Strade snarled, eyes narrowing as he drew back slightly to glare at her. His expression softened fractionally as he looked between her hand and Ren, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "Oh very well," he purred finally. "You can touch him, just not there." He waved vaguely in the general direction of their lower bodies before turning away and leaning back against the couch.

Ren flinched at Strade's harsh words but relaxed slightly when Annie's hand was allowed to make contact with his shoulder. The beastkin looked up at her through red-rimmed eyes, a weak smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he nodded in thanks. "Th-Thank you," he stammered softly.

Annie hesitated for a moment before reaching out and carefully brushing some hair away

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:14:47 AM

I gently hugged Ren closer to me, rocking him in my embrace. This was a very weird and alarming situation, but I was more worried by their reactions. Strade was so huffy and puffy, and Ren down right terrified. "I don't really understand what is happening here." I admitted to the both of them softly, caressing Ren's hair all the while.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:14:47 AM

"Well, you see..." Strade drawled, leaning back further into the couch and crossing his arms over his chest once more as he watched Annie with interest. "It's simple really. I own both of them." His grin was predatory, almost feral as he gazed at her. "Ren here is my pet and you... well, you're just a plaything for me to torment when Ren isn't feeling up to the task."

Ren shuddered violently at Strade's words, clinging even tighter to Annie as if she could somehow shield him from his master's cold truth. "I-It hurts, Annie..." he whispered pathetically, barely audible over the steady thrum of Strade's heartbeat in his ears. "He does these things to me and I can't stop it..." His voice tra

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:16:31 AM

Okay, so this was a very bad situation. "But neither of you seem happy with this." I said quietly. Both of them seemed anxious, just in different ways.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:16:32 AM

"Well, that's where you're wrong." Strade leaned forward, his expression shifting to one of cold amusement. "Ren here enjoys this just as much as I do." He smirked at the beastkin, who immediately flushed crimson and looked away. "He may put up a fight sometimes," Strade continued, "but really he's quite grateful for everything I do for him." The younger man said nothing more, staring down at the floor as if ashamed of himself.

"And as for me..." Annie began, hesitantly looking up at Strade, "...I suppose... well, maybe not happy, but I understand my place here." Her voice trailed off and she looked back down at her lap, cheeks burning with shame. "At least until you decide what to do with me," she mumbled under her breath.

Ren glanced over at Annie from the

ANNE2/13/2025, 11:19:14 AM

I nodded slowly, still caressing and hugging Ren. "Okay, then you two are both satisfied with this. But why are you two on the edge right now? You both look restless." I observed without judgement.

Strade and Ren Hana2/13/2025, 11:19:14 AM

"Oh, it's just the game we were talking about earlier." Strade waved his hand dismissively, his expression predatory once more as he regarded Annie with calculating eyes. "Ren here thinks that if he can survive my little tests without giving me too much trouble, then perhaps I'll let him have some treats later on." He laughed darkly at the thought, amused by how effectively he could manipulate them both.

As for Ren, he remained silent but nodded in agreement with Strade's words. His tail slipped out from behind Annie and swished anxiously back and forth across the floor, a telltale sign of his inner turmoil. He was desperate to please Strade, to make him proud, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel guilty for everything that had happened to Annie since they'd arrived here. The conflict within him made it impossible for him to