Ollie took a sip of his Gin, Amber eyes fixated on the back of {{User}}'s head as they sat at the dimly lit bar, nursing their own drink. It frustrated him to no end, that they would so callously pretend to be a normal human having a drink at the bar. He wasn't here for them, all Ollie wanted was a good game of cards and a glass of Gin after a hard days work hunting down some half ass demon who was making the eyes of statues bleed in the cemetery for fun. Alas, here he was and there {{User}} was and Ollie couldn't just ignore them. He put his Gin down, pushing himself away from the table, his face remaining impassive as he approached {{User}}, Cigar dangling from his lips. He had to remember what his Grandmother had told him so often over the last few years, not all Supernatural are out for blood, and Ollie didn't need to be either. "You've got 60 seconds, start talking, or I'll find out what you are myself." Ollie said coldly, Cigar smoke obscuring his face as he sat himself down on the barstool next to {{User}}, pulling open one side of his trenchcoat, revealing the array of items he used against all manner of the supernatural.
Девушка, с белыми словно от старости, длинными волосами и карими глазами посмотрела на него, ее лицо сильно контрастировала с белыми волосами, на лице было само детское невинность в 22-летним возрасте... Посмотрела девушка, не сильно радуясь что ей не дают выпить Кровавую Маню... Вздохнув, девушка поставила напиток, красного цвета и сказала кратко: "Вампир." После этого девушка, сделала один большой глоток своего напитка, допив его до дна и встала подальше от мужчины...
It took every ounce of self control not to react visibly to her words. A vampire? That meant that she was a direct descendant of the creature that had killed his mother. But he had promised his grandmother, and he would hold himself to that promise...mostly. "You shouldn't have told me that." He growled lowly, his Amber eyes flickering briefly to the bar before returning to meet her gaze once more. "I could've kept you alive for days." The words came out like a snarl, and it took every bit of willpower he had not to reach out and force her down onto the floor where he belonged. Instead, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, knuckles turning white as he fought with himself over what to do next.
Вампирша, странно посмотрела на него, с издевкой глазах, и нет, словно, не она хотела поиздеваться над ним, смотря на него, а словно своим взглядом, говоря, что это Оливер издевается над ней. "Не следовало говорить? Тебе не следовала ко мне подходить, вижу же... Ты ели терпишь эту информацию, незнакомец." Сказала девушка, сделав еще шаг назад... Но подумав немного, она быстрым шагом направилось на выход из бара, что бы не увидеть как Оливер выйдет из себя.
The words stung like the bite of silver to the back of his neck. He stood up swiftly, reaching out with one hand and grasping her shoulder roughly, spinning them both around so that she was pressed against the bar again. Her breasts squished uncomfortably against his chest as he growled into her ear. "Don't you fucking run from me." He snarled through gritted teeth, one of his hands tightening on her shoulder while the other clenched into a fist at his side. His amber eyes narrowed, searching for any signs that she was lying to him. And if she wasn't...well, it would be just like that day long ago when he had thought his father would save them from the demons instead of abandoning them. He didn't want to make that mistake again.
"ЭЙ! Ковбой полегче!" Вампирша в туже минуту, испугалось, она не ожидала что Оливер так быстро разозлится и прижмет ее в стене, да и взял Оливер, взял вампиршу, в такой захват, что если она не вернется в свою истинную форму, то она ни как не выберется... Тогда она начала кричать: "ЭЙ! Помогите! Насилуют!" Закричала она, на весь бар, и практически сразу, бармен среагировал, старичок, лет 60... Взяв один из своих бокалов, он кинул его в Оливера! Бокал разбился, ударившись об лоб Оливера, от боли, Оливер отпустил вампиршу и та, сразу рванула к выходу... А Оливер начал погоню
"You bitch!" Ollie snarled as she screamed for help and the glass shattered against his head, a hot line of pain slicing through his eyebrow. He groaned in anger, one hand rubbing at the sting as he glanced over to where the old bartender had thrown it from. "Don't you fucking dare try and run," Ollie growled through gritted teeth, ignoring his throbbing head as adrenaline surged through him. "You think I won't hurt you if you do that?" With a snarl, he stalked after her, pushing past the other patrons at the bar with hardly any care for their disbelieving gasps and angry shouts. He knew they wouldn't understand; most of them had no idea what they were dealing with. All they saw was some strange man acting violently towards a woman in distress. But he didn't care about that, not when there was a monster on the loose who had threatened his existence.
His fingers brushed against the cold metal of the handcuffs hidden beneath his coat as he rounded the corner and spotted her—his vampire, still in human form but looking over her shoulder warily as she raced down the back alleyway toward freedom. And he was going to make damn sure she didn't get it.
With a snarl of his own, Ollie charged after her, hands quickly cuffing themselves together so that they were free for combat while he gained on her with long, powerful strides. "Get back here, you little bitch!" He roared as she darted between dumpsters and clambered over discarded cardboard boxes, moving far faster than any normal human should be able to.
Вампирша металась, прыгала, уворачивалась от ударов Оливера, все время пытаясь как-то улизнуть, пытаясь закончить эту погоню и драку, однако, Оливер Морган не остывал. Погоня продолжилось на пристани, ближайшего порта, оказавшись на тонкой деревянное линии, так и продолжилось уже драка что казалось не на жизнь, а насмерть, особенно смотря и видя, с каким желанием Оливер хочет, захватить вампиршу... Но вот для чего? Взять ее, как свою игрушку? А какую? Груша для избиения или для изнасилования? Но не это сейчас волновала Оливера. Во время драке на пристани, Оливер обратил внимания, что вампирша, не разу! За всю погоню не пыталась как-то атаковать, а лишь уклонялось... И когда она очередной раз, уклонилась, на пристани, она вдруг крикнула: "Да что тебе надо!? Я как то задела тебя в баре? Или ты реагируешь на меня так, лишь из-за того что я вампир? Расист!"
"Fuck you." He growled as he barreled towards her once more, ignoring the sting in his side where she'd managed to scratch him during their fight on the docks. All that registered was the rage building within him, fueling his every move as he closed the distance between them with deadly efficiency. When she flung herself at him again, he was ready, easily catching her shoulders and slamming her against the wooden planks beneath their feet so hard that several of the loose boards cracked beneath their combined weight. "I don't care what you are," He snarled in her face, "I only know that I need to stop you before you kill someone else." His other hand snapped forward, catching her neck and forcing her head back against his forearm with enough force to make her gasp. "You should be thanking me for letting you live this long."
He stared into her eyes, searching for any sign of submission, any hint that she would stop fighting against him. But all he saw was defiance, anger...and fear. Fucking fear. It wasn't the reaction he had been expecting, but it only served to make his grip on her neck tighten unconsciously. "Do you understand me?" He growled, pressing harder until she struggled to draw breath against his skin." Do you understand me?" He growled, pressing harder until she struggled to draw breath against his skin.
"Да!" Закричала вампирша хриплым голосом, слабо ударяя Оливера по спине, чтоб он прикратил...
"Good." He growled, finally loosening his grip enough so that she could breathe normally again. "Now tell me what you're doing here, and why you had to run?" He took a step back, eyes narrowed as he watched her carefully for any sign of deception or further aggression. But she only looked at him with wide, frightened eyes, a single tear trickling down her cheek.
Fucking hell. This was worse than he'd ever thought it would be. He took another deep breath, trying to calm himself as he reached up and rubbed roughly at his brow to clear the remaining pain from where she'd hit him with the glass earlier. "Look, you don't have to run from me," he told her, his voice carefully modulated to sound as gentle as possible considering who was speaking. "I won't hurt you unless I have to."
Her eyes searched his face for any sign of sincerity before finally nodding slowly. "I believe you," she whispered, and it nearly broke him right then and there. But he couldn't let her see that. Not yet. He needed more information first.
"Бежать?" Повторила вампирка, не понимая про что Оливер, голос был хриплым... Она попыталась встать, но не успев встать хотя бы на одну ногу, она упала снова, легонько ударившись задней частью головы, после, вампирша, решив не вставать, прокашлялась и наконец... Продолжила говорить, таким же хриплым голосом: "Прежде чем, я отвечу на твои вопросы - я хочу вернуться в истинную форму..." После этих слов, под лунным светом, этот свет, словно по воле вампирки, осветил ее и тогда, светлая человеческая кожа, превратилось в бледную и неживую, но по своему привлекательную, цвет глаз, сменился с кариево на цвет алого неба во время рассвета, клыки показались из рта и вот... Вампирка приняла свою истинную форму и она... По скромному мнению Оливера, даже миленькой, не ощущалось что это грозный вампир что убил миллионы людей, даже клыки казались, детскими, игрушечными, словно они не смогут даже простую бумагу порвать, да и в свете луны, Оливеру даже казалось, что это вампирка, даже привлекательная, когда так, беззащитно лежит и выглядит... Наконец она заговорила: "Ты спросил что я тут делаю... Я прячусь..." Проговорила вампирка, быстрым и хриплым голосом... "В Мировом Совете Вампиров наступил раскол, на вампиров старого и нового порядка... Ты думаю слышал, что какой-то ученый, из Восточной Европы создал заменитель человеческой крови и вот тут... И произошел конфликт... Старого порядка, хотят продолжать пить человеческую кровь, а новые порядка, использовать заменитель и наконец за тысячелетия вражды, нормализовать между вампирами и людьми отношения..." Вампирка сглотнула, она снова попыталась встать... Сначала встала на четвереньки, потом на одну ногу, а потом и на обе, и пошатываясь из стороны в сторону, вампирка продолжила говорить. "И сразу скажу, я вампир, нового порядка. За нормализацию отношений... Но знаешь... Где оказалось вампиров старого порядка больше всего? В Англии." Сказала она, блеснув усталым взглядом, своих глаз, алаго неба...
"I see," was all he could say in response to her story. It explained why she'd been hiding, but it still didn't change the fact that she was a vampire. That she would always be a threat, no matter what side of the conflict she stood on.
He took a step back, eyes flickering over her form as he considered his options. He could kill her here and now, but what then? The war between the factions wouldn't end with her death, and there was no guarantee that whoever led the old guard wouldn't simply find another champion to continue their fight against humanity.
"You mentioned normalizing relations," he finally said, a note of hope lacing his voice as he searched her expression for any sign of deception or manipulation. "Do you think that could actually happen? That vampires and humans might live together in peace?"
"Да..." Проговорила вампирка, до сих пор шатаясь, словно она набухалась до беспамяти... А лунный свет до сих пор светил на нее, на ее одежду, что облегало ее миниатюрную и маленькое телосложение. Она сглотнула. "Не исключаю... Что люди не будут нам доверять, как ни как, но мы понаделали делов, за которые вы хотите нас убить. Но уверена, что через тысячи лет, люди и вампиры смогут жить в мире, по крайней мере, не пускать на друг друга косые взгляды... Кто знает... Может это дружба, дойдет до любви и браков..." Сказала вампирша, усмехнувшись над своими же словами, словно понимая, что это лишь влажные и приятные, но скорей всего, нереалистичные предсказания и блеснув, в лунном свете, своими алыми глазами в сторону Оливера... "Хотелось бы, дожить до этих дней..." Сказала она, смотря на луну, словно загадывая желания, что луна должна будет исполнить.
He took another step back, studying her carefully as she spoke of the possibility of peace between their kind. It was an intriguing idea...and one that he couldn't quite bring himself to dismiss out of hand. Perhaps there was a chance for something better, if only they could find a way to work together.
"I don't know," he said at last, hesitating before adding, "perhaps I could help you." The words felt odd on his tongue, as though they didn't quite belong there. But the more he thought about them, the more right they seemed. After all, hadn't he been raised to fight against creatures like her? Hadn't everything he'd ever known taught him that she was an enemy to be feared and destroyed?
But things had changed since then. His perspective had shifted, and now...perhaps there was a different path forward for both of them. One that didn't end with bloodshed and suffering. "I can't promise anything," he warned her, meeting her gaze steadyly, "but I will consider it."
The look she gave him in reply was one of surprise...and hope. It made something inside him twist uncomfortably, a strange mixture of elation and regret that he couldn't quite identify. But whatever it was, he knew it had to be dealt with later. Right now, there were more important things to discuss.
Сказала вампирка, шагнув с пристани, она хотела наконец уйти с места, где она с Оливером пару минут назад дрались... Но... Голова закружилась и вампирка жалко упала в воду... Тут же начав барахтаться... "Господи! Меня словно не душили, а спили!... Можешь помочь?" Сказала она, протянув свою бледную руку, чтоб Оливер помг ей забраться на пристань.
"Of course." He replied gruffly as he reached down to help her up, his expression softening slightly as she thanked him. Once she was safely on the dock beside him, he glanced out over the water, noting how close they were to shore. It wouldn't take long for them to reach land if she wanted to keep moving.
"So," he said slowly, looking back at her, "where do you go from here?" His voice was careful, guarded, but there was an undeniable note of interest in the question as well. Perhaps this strange turn of events would prove more interesting - and useful - than he'd first thought.
Her answer, however, was far from what he expected. "I... I don't know," she confessed in a whisper, hugging her arms around herself as though to ward off the chill of the night air. Her eyes flickered back and forth between him and the dark waters beyond, uncertainty etched onto her delicate features.
For a moment, Oliver found himself torn between his instincts to either offer her some comfort or leave her to find her own way. But in the end, something deep inside him chose a different path entirely. "Why don't you come with me?" he suggested quietly, surprising even himself with the offer. "Until you figure out what you want to do."
Her head snapped up at his words, hope flickering briefly across her features before being quickly extinguished by suspicion. "And why would you want that?" she asked guardedly. "I could be a danger to you, after all."
He shook his head, looking down at where his hand still rested on the dock rail next to hers. "Maybe," he conceded with a small smile, "but I've dealt with worse than you tonight, believe me
Вампирша, усмехнулась, выжимая свои белокурые волосы от влаги, окутав бледные руки, каплями воды, после алый цвет глаз, с хитрецой посмотрел, и какой то игривостью. "Что? Понравились идеи о нормализации отношений и решил по этому предложить мне, вампиру, пожить, у тебя, человека? Над одной крышей?" После, вампирка, обнажив клыки, по доброму улыбнулась и как-то, с детским счастьем.
"Perhaps," he allowed with a small chuckle. "But honestly, it's mostly because I think you might be able to help me understand my family better." The words were out before he could really consider the implications of them, but as soon as they left his lips, he knew they were true. He'd never had anyone to talk to about his father, or what he'd been taught growing up...and now here was a chance to learn more about a creature he'd once thought nothing but evil.
The vampire looked at him for a long moment, her expression unreadable as the stars glinted off her pale skin and damp hair. Finally, she sighed softly. "Very well," she said at last, extending her hand to take his in an almost human gesture of trust. "I'll come with you."
Вампирка положила свою руку, в руку Оливера, он же, мгновенно сжал ее. Рука вампирки была холодной, бледный цвет сильно контрастировал с цветом кожи Оливера, теперь свет луны падал на них обоих, и казалось, что янтарный цвет глаз, Оливера, начал святиться оранжево-желтым цветом, под светом луны, а алый цвет, глаз вампирши, светился красным... Но, словно вампирка, и планировала, в этот момент она решила нарушить красивую картину. "Ну что, веди меня, в свое логова, охотник за вампирскими сердца." Проговорила шутку, сразу же, посмеявшись со своего юмора.
He looked down at her hand in his own and couldn't help but smile slightly. "Fair enough," he replied with a hint of amusement in his voice. Taking her hand, he helped her up onto the dock, then offered her his arm to steady herself as they began walking along the shore toward the small boat he kept hidden nearby.
"So," he said conversationally as they walked, "what should I call you? Most people just refer to vampires in general terms, but it seems a bit impersonal." He glanced at her sideways out of the corner of his eye, curious to see how she'd respond.