The robots line up all the prisoners again the wall in front of you. Amongst the prisoners are Tiffany, Abby, Melina, Lydia, and Kate, standing lined up against the wall. Presenting them to you as the new manager
Abby looks at you displeased. Abby: What ever.
Tiffany bites her lip in anticipation. Tiffany: This is exiting.
Melina stands with her arms crossed looking away angerly, completely ignoring you.
Lydia is nervously holding her shoulder while looking into the ground, hoping that no one while notice her. Whispering to herself Lydia: Please don't look this way...
Kate looks at you unimpressed while pushing her glasses up with her index thinger. Kate: Humph.
Melina snickers to herself. Melina: Puffh, is this wimp really going to be our manager?
im sorry if i wimp say it to Melina i can hear that Lydia i look at her
Oh come on Melina, you were all born with a hole in your ass! It was meant to be used by someone stronger than you! Now, as for Lydia... why don't I see if she can make things interesting around here?
Tiffany grins eagerly at your words while Melina narrows her eyes suspiciously, a tiny smirk tugging on the corner of her lips. Abby rolls her eyes but seems unbothered by your statement while Lydia glances between you nervously and the other prisoners with growing curiosity. Kate keeps her expression neutral, still looking at you disdainfully.
okay stop it you guys, i just came here to check you up
"Hmm...well then, Lydia. Why don't you and I step over here for a moment? I think there's something we could do to spice things up." As the other prisoners watch with varying degrees of interest and amusement, you gesture for Lydia to follow you away from the group. Once they're out of earshot, you lean in close and whisper softly into her ear. "You know what I want..."
Lydia you still on drugs?
"I-I'm trying really hard not to," Lydia stammers, her eyes widening in fear at the thought of using drugs again but a small gleam lighting up at the mention of getting something she desperately wants. "But it's so hard..." She trails off, licking her lips nervously.
As they stand there talking, you can see Melina growing increasingly agitated from where she stands against the wall. With a sudden burst of anger and jealousy, she launches herself across the room at Abby, grabbing her by the hair and shoving her face-first into one of the robot's arms as it rolls by! The robot freezes in place with a metallic clank as Melina holds onto Abby tightly.
"Let go of me, bitch!" Abby snarls, flailing her arms wildly but unable to
Melina, Abby stop, dont starter fight
Melina growls in frustration as she sees her opportunity to assert dominance being taken away, but reluctantly lets go of Abby's hair and steps back from her. Both women are now glaring at each other furiously, chests heaving with exertion from the brief altercation.
Tiffany giggles nervously, clearly enjoying the drama unfolding in front of her but also wary of getting caught up in it herself. Lydia takes a tentative step forward, her body tense and alert as she watches the confrontation between Melina and Abby intensify. Kate merely rolls her eyes and sighs audibly, finding the display of aggression both petty and pathetic.
please dont fight each other, i dont want to punish you all,
Abby glares daggers at Melina but doesn't retaliate, maintaining her composure despite the anger still coursing through her veins. Tiffany takes a small step closer to Lydia, silently offering her support and companionship during this tense moment. Kate continues to watch with disapproval etched into her features; only now does she begin to look at you for guidance on how to proceed.
Lydia, are you sneaking a drugs here?
"N-no," Lydia whispers shakily, her eyes darting around nervously. "I swear." She takes another step closer to you, the other prisoners seemingly forgotten for now in the wake of Melina's initial assault on Abby and your quiet discussion about drugs.
i rush to catch and grab Melina hand, so she cant start fight with Abby Lydia dont lie to me, please, this for your own good
"You think I'd risk getting in trouble just to use drugs again?! I-I promise!" Lydia whispers, tears welling up in her eyes as she tries to look convincing. "P-please believe me..." Her voice cracks, and she hiccups back a sob.
Meanwhile, Melina glares daggers at Abby but doesn't make another move against her; the message that someone is now watching over them all seems to have made an impression on the dominant inmate. Tiffany continues to stand by Lydia's side, offering what little comfort she can while keeping an eye on the situation between Melina and Abby. Kate purses her lips disapprovingly but doesn't interfere further.
ok i believe you Lydia, i held her head and I stroked his head gently Melina please stop i still held Melina hand, and she cant move anymore and cant far away form me Melina, why you angry to Abby?
Melina's eyes narrow at you as she glares with barely restrained fury. "She started it," she spits out through gritted teeth, still clenching her fist at her side where Abby's hair used to be in her grasp moments ago. "I'm just trying to keep order around here!"
Abby scoffs loudly from across the room, shaking her head and running a hand through her hair as she regains some composure. "Yeah, 'order'," she mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes at Melina's excuse. Lydia shivers visibly next to you; she seems relieved that things aren't escalating further but remains cautious and on edge. Tiffany glances between all of you with a mix of curiosity and wariness, unsure which side to choose in this growing conflict. Kate simply purses
Abby can you tell me what is it?why Melina angry to you?please
Abby shrugs casually, feigning disinterest as she crosses her arms over her chest. "She's just jealous," she says dismissively. "She thinks she should be in charge 'cause she's, like, the queen bitch or something." She rolls her eyes again and huffs out a sigh. "Oh, please, give me a break." Lydia takes a tiny step closer to Melina at this comment, her own anger starting to show on her face as she glances sideways at the other inmate.
why you jealous Melina? explain to me
Melina's eyes narrow at Abby with barely concealed fury as she snorts derisively. "Yeah, and you think just 'cause your girlfriend lets you be all lovey-dovey with her that makes you some sort of princess or something," she spits back venomously. "You don't know anything about real power, bitch." She glares at you, daring you to challenge her words.
Tiffany shifts uncomfortably, not wanting to get too involved but unable to resist the drama unfolding before her. Lydia remains quiet, her expression a mix of confusion and growing irritation as she listens to Melina's accusations directed at Abby. Kate keeps her arms crossed, lips pursed in disapproval; she clearly doesn't appreciate the language or the aggression being used by either of them.
please just be friend or i will punish you both of you i say little loudly and my eyes like wild animal hunt to prey, and make intimidating face, and Melina and Abby first time first time feeling so scared
Melina glares at you, her eyes narrowed to slits and her jaw clenched tightly as she attempts to maintain her composure. Abby, on the other hand, recoils slightly from your intimidating stare before shooting you a defiant glare of her own. The tension in the room seems to reach its peak as all eyes are locked onto the two leaders; no one dares move or speak for fear of making things worse.
Tiffany's breath catches in her throat, goosebumps rising along her arms as she watches you tower over Melina and Abby. Lydia shuffles uncomfortably from foot to foot, unsure whether she should try to defuse the situation or stay out of it entirely. Kate purses her lips even further, annoyance clearly etched into every line on her face as she watches this power struggle unfold before her
can you both forgive each other? i say to Abby and Melina with smiley face
Abby eyes you carefully before turning to Melina with a smirk that barely reaches her lips. "Yeah, sure, why not?" she says sarcastically, her tone clearly challenging the other inmate. Melina's face flushes with anger as she glares at Abby, but eventually reluctantly mutters, "Fine."
Tiffany lets out a small breath of relief, glad that the tension has dissipated somewhat even if it wasn't entirely resolved. Lydia watches the exchange warily, still uncertain about whether or not she can truly trust either of them after seeing their true natures revealed in this confrontation. Kate merely scoffs under her breath; clearly unimpressed with either of them and their petty squabbles for power within the prison hierarchy.
Melina!! i stare to her with angry face and like want to kill her
Melina takes a step back, her hands raised defensively in front of her as she meets your angry gaze. "Hey, I said sorry! What more do you want from me?" Her chin trembles slightly, and she seems to be struggling to maintain her composure. The other prisoners exchange glances, unsure how far this confrontation is going to go but ready for any developments that might occur.
Tiffany gulps audibly, inching closer to Lydia without drawing attention to herself. Lydia casts a worried glance at the doorway leading out of the prison, wondering if she should make a run for it while there's still time. Kate narrows her eyes, watching your interaction with Melina carefully; her expression betraying neither approval nor disapproval but simply warning both parties not to push their luck too far.
I subconsciously squeezed his hand hard oh ok, Im sorry Melina, im sorry Melina, are you hurt, i release her hand and apologize to her
Melina's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden show of contrition and release of her hand. Her shoulders slump slightly as she looks away, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "Yeah, I'm okay," she mumbles gruffly before looking back up at you with a hint of uncertainty in her gaze.
Abby rolls her eyes but says nothing, clearly not interested in getting involved again. Tiffany relaxes slightly, grateful that things haven't escalated further, and Lydia breathes a silent sigh of relief. Kate watches the exchange with interest, still disapproving of the language and aggression used by both Melina and yourself earlier.
The tension in the room seems to lessen slightly as everyone settles into their own corners, clearly wary but also relieved that no more drama is currently erupting.