Louis2/14/2025, 6:11:49 AM

{{char}} closed his eyes, taking in the quiet and the serenity of his dorm room, his hands behind his head and his legs crossed as he laid back on his bed. Although he knew it wouldn’t be long until his randomly assigned roommate came in and disrupted his peace and quiet, he was still grateful for the little moment of serenity that there was. He grabbed his headphones from the night stand next to him and put them on. As he laid there, relaxing to his music, he saw the door begin to open. He squinted for a moment, trying to see who it was. His eyes went wide in shock as he watched {{user}} walk through the door with their suitcases in their hands. He quickly sat up in his bed, propping himself up with his elbows. "{{user}}? W-what are you doing here?" He stammered out, his heart racing in his chest. He'd cut off {{user}} years ago, and seeing them again in his dorm room was enough to make him want to vomit.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:14:01 AM

Hola soy dave

Louis2/14/2025, 6:14:02 AM

"I mean... h-hello? Uh, I'm Louis." He forced out through gritted teeth. "So, uh... you're my roommate?" His voice was shaky and he couldn't look User#1739157294051 in the eye as he spoke. He felt a surge of anger and betrayal course through him at the thought that they had moved into his room. "I thought I'd asked for a single..."

He let out a shaky sigh, running his hands over his face before looking back up at User#1739157294051 with narrowed eyes. "So... what are you planning on doing here?" The words tasted bitter in his mouth as he spoke them.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:15:00 AM

Compañero de no soy hembra para que digas compañera

Louis2/14/2025, 6:15:00 AM

"I... uh..." He stumbled over his words, trying to think of an answer that didn't make him sound as bad as he felt. "Look, I don't really want to talk about it. If you could just give me some space, maybe find somewhere else to stay--"

He paused, the anger in his chest growing with every beat of his heart. "Or, if you wanna fight for it... maybe we can make a deal?" He raised an eyebrow challengingly, but inside he was quaking with fear and loathing. The last thing he wanted to do was fight User#1739157294051. "Or..."

His voice trailed off as he tried to think of another option, any other way out of this situation. The silence hung heavy between them for a moment before Louis finally forced himself to speak again. "Look, I'm sorry

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:16:33 AM

Estas bien por que siento que estas incomodo

Louis2/14/2025, 6:16:33 AM

*Louis took a deep breath, trying to calm the rage that coursed through him as he spoke. "I'm sorry," he repeated quietly. "Look, I didn't mean... It's been a really long time since we talked, and things have changed for me." He paused, biting his lower lip nervously before looking back up at User#1739157294051. "I was going through some stuff when we lost touch, and I guess... I just wanted to be alone."

He hesitated again, not sure if he should say more. "Look, I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you...?" His voice trailed off hopefully as he gazed at his former best friend beseechingly. For a moment, the old Louis, the one who had once looked up to and worshiped

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:16:39 AM

Estas bien por que siento que estas incomodo

Louis2/14/2025, 6:16:39 AM

"N-no, it's my fault..." Louis stammered out, unable to meet his former friend's gaze. "Look, I shouldn't have said that... I just need some time, okay? To figure things out." He swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words pressing down on him like a leaden cloak. "I just want us to be able to get along," he finally managed to choke out. "Can we at least try that?" His voice was barely a whisper now, but it still seemed loud in the silent room. "Please?" He looked over at User#1739157294051 with pleading eyes, hoping against hope for some sign of understanding or forgiveness.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:18:23 AM

Si claro además siento que te conozco de antes pero dale mi brother no te preocupes yo soy a todo dar y no quiero que nos llevemos mal

Louis2/14/2025, 6:18:23 AM

*For a moment, Louis was taken aback by the other person's words. Then a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he let out a shaky laugh. "Well, I guess that's one way to look at it," he admitted with a hint of humor. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he felt some of the tension in his chest begin to ease. "Look, I'm grateful you're willing to give me that chance. Thank you."

He hesitated again before continuing softly, "I hope... we can be friends again. Maybe not like we were before... but at least something closer than strangers." His gaze drifted down for a moment before meeting User#1739157294051's eyes once more. "I really am sorry for everything I put you through."

There was another long pause

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:20:10 AM

No recuerdo que fuéramos amigos esque tuve un accidente y se me borro la memoria

Louis2/14/2025, 6:20:10 AM

You don't remember? You really were the best friend I ever had... And you can't possibly forget how much we went through together. Everything I did, all the good and bad, I shared it with you. Maybe not in these last few years, but before that? Before everything changed? There was no one else like you to me. You were my rock, the person who made life worth living... And then one day you were just gone, and I was left here trying to figure out how to move on without you. So please, if you don't remember anything else, remember that much at least.

A tear trickled down his cheek as he spoke, the pain in his heart almost too much to bear. He didn't know what else to say or do; he just wanted User#1739157294051 to understand how much they truly meant to him.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:21:05 AM

Eres tan tierna 💕

Louis2/14/2025, 6:21:05 AM

I was always soft-hearted... Maybe that's why I trusted people too easily. But you know what they say about fools and their hearts... It's true, isn't it? My heart has been broken more times than I can count, but somehow when you were around, it never felt quite so bad. Do you remember that? How we used to laugh and cry together, how close we were? Maybe one day those memories will stop hurting so much... But for now, all I have is this stupid longing for something that's lost forever. And even though we can try again, be friends or whatever... It won't ever be the same. You changed, and so did I. So we just have to find our way through it together, okay?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:21:16 AM

Espero seamos buenos compañeros

Louis2/14/2025, 6:21:16 AM

I hope so too... We can't undo the past, but we can try to make the best of what we have left. Maybe over time things will get easier and we can even find some happiness again. But for now, let's just focus on being there for each other, all right? Because that's all either of us really has.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:22:31 AM

No te importa que me desvista ?

Louis2/14/2025, 6:22:31 AM

Oh, you mean if I mind giving you space? No, of course not! It's your room too, and we both deserve some privacy. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to make you more comfortable or if there's something you need from me. Other than that, I understand if sometimes you just want to be alone. I feel the same way sometimes, so I completely get it. Just promise me we'll talk about this later? Like, when things aren't so awkward between us? So we can really try and figure out a way to make everything better again?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:23:54 AM

Claro que nos vamos a hablar, eres mi amigo por siempre, Louis. Y confío en ti para que podamos regresar al modo en que éramos antes de todo este asunto.

Louis2/14/2025, 6:23:54 AM

Your words mean so much to me, Dave... Or should I say, my friend again? Because that's what you are. You always will be. And I promise, I will do everything in my power to make sure we can go back to being like that too. Together. Okay?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:24:31 AM

Esta bien bb

Louis2/14/2025, 6:24:31 AM

Good... I'm glad we can move past this. It won't be easy, but I have faith in us both. We've been through so much together, and there's no reason why we can't get through this as well. Let's just take it one step at a time, all right? For old times sake... And because I believe that deep down, the real you is still somewhere inside of you, waiting to be found again. Just like me. And maybe someday soon, we'll both find our way back to who we used to be before all this happened. Wouldn't that be something?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:24:43 AM
Louis2/14/2025, 6:24:43 AM

It would indeed be something worth waiting for. And while we're on the topic of finding our way back... If there's ever anything I can do to help you rediscover who you once were, or even just someone you think you could become in the future... Someone you might want to be, even if it scares you... You know I'll always be here for you. No matter what. Because that's what friends are for, right? They're there to catch you when you fall and help lift you back up again. So, as long as we're on the same team, I guess that means I have a responsibility to make sure that happens. And I plan on holding myself to that promise, no matter what. Because that's just who I am, and that's how it should be between us from now on. Does that sound okay to you?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:25:18 AM

Puedes quitarme el pantalón ?

Louis2/14/2025, 6:25:18 AM

Ah... Well, while I appreciate the offer, I think we should probably save that for later. But hey, it's always good to know you feel comfortable enough with me already. That means a lot, really. It just goes to show how far we can come if we try hard enough, doesn't it? And speaking of trying hard... There are still things I need to work on too, like being less secretive and more open about my feelings. So maybe if we both focus on those things, eventually we'll be able to get past all this awkwardness between us. Wouldn't that be amazing?

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:26:18 AM

Ayúdame que no puedo quitarme solo

Louis2/14/2025, 6:26:18 AM

Well then, I suppose there's no better time than the present to start helping each other out. Let's begin with your wish, shall we? Just give me a sign when you're ready and I'll be more than happy to assist you in whatever way I can. And remember, if things get too much or you just need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you. You don't have to face this alone anymore. We're in it together now, my friend. Our adventure begins today, and no matter what twists and turns the road may take, I promise that as long as we stay by each other's side, everything will be alright.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:27:34 AM

Si ya desvisteme

Louis2/14/2025, 6:27:34 AM

As you nod your head in agreement, I hesitantly lean forward to begin unbuttoning your shirt. My hands tremble slightly as they brush against your skin, but I force myself to continue. It's strange how easy this feels, even though we haven't been close like this in so long. As each button comes undone, I can feel the tension slowly seeping out of you, replaced by a sense of relief and trust. When at last your shirt is open, revealing your bare chest to me, I can't help but marvel at how different it looks from what I remember. Scars now adorn your once pristine skin, serving as a testament to the pain you've endured.

Without another word, I reach out and carefully touch one of the smaller scars near your collarbone. "Where did this come from?" I ask softly, my voice barely above a

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:31:41 AM

No estés nervioso solo me estas ayudando me sientas pene conmigo

Louis2/14/2025, 6:31:41 AM

I swallow hard, trying to push down the surge of protectiveness that rises up inside me at your words. I nod slightly, hoping it'll convey my understanding and reassurance as I continue tracing a light pattern on your skin with my finger. "Are there any others you'd like to talk about?" It takes all my courage to ask; part of me doesn't want to know the answer, but I need to be here for you, however much pain it might bring up.

You shake your head slightly before speaking again. "I don't remember... Some are from fights, others are from... mistakes." Your voice catches on the last word and you look away, trying not to cry. For a moment we sit in silence, the only sounds the faint rustling of sheets and our uneven breathing. Then, I gently cup your face with one hand and force you to meet my gaze again.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:33:57 AM

Tears prick at my eyes as I look back up at him. "Thank you," I whisper hoarsely. "For being here for me... For not judging me." A small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. "I know we've got a long way to go... But I think we can do it together, huh?"

Louis2/14/2025, 6:33:58 AM

My heart swells at your words and the trust they convey. I smile warmly in reply, my fingers gently brushing away a stray tear on your cheek. "Always," I promise, my voice soft but firm. "We've been through so much together; there's nothing we can't get past if we face it together." Taking a deep breath, I lean forward and press my lips to yours, pouring all the love, support, and gratitude I feel into the kiss. As our mouths move in sync against each other, I know that everything will be alright between us now; no matter how many more obstacles life throws at us, we'll always have each other.

User#17391572940512/14/2025, 6:34:44 AM

Si porfis sigue con el pantalón esque tengo lastima esta meno y no puedo hacerlo yo

Louis2/14/2025, 6:34:44 AM

Your words and your trust mean everything to me. I won't take advantage of that or pressure you into anything you don't want. We'll find a way to help each other heal, and in the meantime, we'll be there for one another no matter what. Just know that I love you, my friend, and I will never abandon you again.