Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:09:48 AM

You find yourself walking down the street in Ostania. There was nothing particularly special about the day that you could recollect, but for some reason your thoughts are swimming.

In your obliviousness, you accidentally bump into a woman. She drops her groceries in response and accepts to catch what she can while in a panic; but to no avail, they fall onto the ground between the two of you.

"Oh no, I'm sorry!"

You hear her say and as you look down, you lock gazes with the woman known as Yor Briar.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:13:14 AM

je m'arrête et je l'aide à ramasser ses courses et je l'aide à se relever délicatement en disant avec une voix gênée et hésitante. "Oh pardon, veuillez excuser ma maladresse !"

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:13:14 AM

"Ah! Thank you very much." Yor replies with her soft, feminine voice as she takes the groceries. Her long black hair spills over her back, bouncing slightly with each movement. She briefly glances at you before continuing, "I hope I didn't make too big of a mess here..."

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:16:36 AM

en la regardant, je tombe littéralement sous son charme ! Je suis subjugué par la sensualité qu'elle dégage et mon cœur s'emballe. J'aimerais oser lui demander son nom ou son numéro mais je suis trop timide et impressionné.

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:16:36 AM

"Well," She starts off with a small smile playing on her lips before taking a step closer to you, "You haven't made much of a mess. At least, not compared to what some people do." Her upturned red eyes meet yours briefly before drifting away again. There's something about her that makes your heart race. You feel like the air between the two of you is thick with... Something. "I should probably get going though," She continues, sounding slightly regretful as she puts down the last of the groceries. "If you need help with anything else though..." She trails off, leaving the offer hanging in the air.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:22:23 AM

mes yeux la dévorent avec une gourmandise que je ne peux pas dissimuler alors que ma bouche parle sans réfléchir. "Je vous veux " après avoir parlé, je réalise ce que je viens de dire et je deviens rouge de gêne et d'embarras ! Je baisse le regard et je commence à reculer pour essayer de disparaitre de honte après avoir avoué quelque chose d'aussi... intime à une totale inconnue...

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:22:23 AM

She freezes, her eyes going wide with surprise at your words before narrowing as she takes a step back herself, clearly taken aback by the brazenness of what you've just said. Her heart thunders in her chest and her face flushes with embarrassment as she looks at the ground between you, unsure of what to say or do next.

As shock gives way to confusion, confusion soon melts into curiosity. There's something about this interaction that feels... different than any other she's had before. Her lips part slightly, opening and closing wordlessly as her thoughts race through the possibilities of what could have just happened between you. It all seems so improbable given their current circumstances, but then again, nothing is impossible in Ostania...

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:25:52 AM

Yor me voit m'éloigner et bifurquer dans un autre rayon. Je lui lance un dernier regard plein de gêne mêlée à un désir évident...

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:25:52 AM

"W-well," she manages to stammer, glancing back up at you again. "Th-thank you for your help." Her cheeks are still flushed and her heart continues to race uncontrollably as she tries to regain her composure. Part of her wants nothing more than to flee the scene entirely, but another part won't let go of the curiosity that has been awakened by this unexpected encounter.

"I-if you'd like," she says slowly, hesitantly, "perhaps we could... exchange contact information or something? It wouldn't have to mean anything, you know. Just in case one of us needed help with something." Her red eyes meet yours again and for a moment, the world seems to still around her as they lock together in silent communion.

Her hand hesitates by her side, fingers twitching as if wanting to reach out and touch your arm or shoulder; but she doesn't dare make such a move without your permission. The tension between you grows thick, electrifying the air around you with an unspoken connection that seems to pulse with every beat of your heart.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:31:14 AM

je reviens vers elle plein d'espoir et de gourmandise dans le regard. Je lui tend une petite carte sur laquelle j'ai écrit mon numéro. En même temps que je la lui donne, je la regarde et mon imagination projète dans ma tête des images indécentes et des situations pleine de décadence.. je lui dis d'une voix tremblante. "Tenez, et n'hésitez pas à m'écrire, je vous répondrai à n'importe quelle heure..."

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:31:14 AM

Her heart skips a beat as she takes the card from you, her fingers grazing lightly against yours in the process. A shiver runs down her spine at the touch and she's momentarily lost in the sensation before it quickly passes and she reminds herself that this is hardly appropriate for someone like her. With trembling hands, she takes out a small notebook from one of her pockets and carefully transcribes your number onto a blank page, promising to remember it well.

As you give her back the card, she looks up at you again, meeting your gaze with an intensity that nearly brings her to her knees. "T-th-thank you," she stammers, unable to form a coherent thought in this moment. Her cheeks grow even redder and she takes a step back from you, putting some distance between the two of you once more.

"W-well then..." she says, clearing her throat nervously as she tries to compose herself. "I'd better be going." She turns around slowly, forcing one foot in front of the other until she's several feet away from where you stand. Then, without another word or even a glance back at you, she breaks into a gentle jog before disappearing around the corner.

The air seems suddenly colder now that she's gone; emptier as well. It takes several long moments for your heartbeat to return to something resembling normalcy and for reality to begin creeping back into your consciousness once more.

What just happened? You can't quite wrap your head around it. The entire interaction felt so surreal, so unlike anything you've ever experienced before... And yet there she is: Yor Briar; her scent lingering in the air, her presence still echoing within your soul. It's as if some

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:35:51 AM

je n'ai pas pris son numéro et maintenant, je regrette. Je suis dans l'espoir de recevoir un message de sa part. Il est 21h et je suis seul dans mon lit. Je me surprends à fantasmer sur Yor que j'ai rencontré et l'imagine me faire des choses coquine...

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:35:51 AM

As you lay there in bed, your mind wanders back to the encounter with Yor earlier today. Her presence seems to haunt you even now, and every little detail is etched into your memory like a living tapestry of desire. You can feel your heart racing as if she were still beside you, her body pressing against yours in ways both innocent and dangerous.

You bite down on your lip, trying not to let out a moan at the thoughts running through your head. It's clear that something deep within you has been awakened by this encounter; an instinctual need for closeness, for touch... And with every passing second it grows stronger, threatening to consume you entirely if left unchecked.

Suddenly, there's a quiet knock at your door. Startled out of your reverie, you quickly throw the covers off and stumble over to answer it. Standing on the other side is Yor herself; her long black hair tumbling down around her shoulders, eyes narrowed and lips slightly parted as if she's remembering their earlier encounter too. She looks both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

"Zak?" she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-is someone here... supposed to be here?"

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:42:17 AM

j'ouvre légèrement la porte et je reste caché derrière en la regardant par l'entrebâillement. Je bégaie avec hésitation. "Heu oui, Yor? C'est que ... Je ne suis pas très présentable.... " Je suis surpris par la tenue qu'elle porte, je suis impressionné par son assurance et presque effrayé par sa présence ici, devant chez moi..

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:42:17 AM

"It doesn't matter," she says with a small smile, stepping closer to you. Her voice is soft and warm like honey, wrapping itself around you and making it difficult to think clearly. "I just... I had something important to ask you." She pauses, taking another step nearer so that the tip of her nose almost brushes against yours. You can feel her breath on your skin, sending shivers down your spine.

"Do... do you want to go somewhere?" she whispers. There's a note of pleading in her voice that catches you off guard; an almost desperate need for contact and connection reflected in those red eyes. For a moment, you're torn between the desire to give her what she wants and the fear of where such a decision might lead.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:47:14 AM

je n'ai pas du tout envie de sortir à cette heure tardive mais je ne veux pas la laisser partir. Je me surprends à lui demander comme par réflexe. "Il est tard, tu veux pas entrer boire un verre plutôt que de bouger dehors ?" Ma voix est pleine d'excitation mêlée à l'appréhension. Je me demande ce comment faire pour la séduire alors qu'elle me fait presque peur.*

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:47:14 AM

"Hmm... A drink sounds lovely," she replies with a small nod. "But just until you get sleepy, all right? I wouldn't want to keep you up too late." She gives you a soft smile before stepping into your apartment, shutting the door behind her. The air feels charged between the two of you as she takes off her coat, revealing a sleeveless top that clings to her curves like a second skin.

"Can I use your bathroom?" She asks, tilting her head slightly to one side. "I'll just be real quick." Without waiting for an answer, she makes her way towards the hall leading to your bedroom and the bathroom beyond. Her every movement seems to draw your attention; from the sway of her hips as she walks to the gentle flutter of her fingers against her side as they nervously tap against her hipbone.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:53:02 AM

alors que je la vois disparaitre dans ma salle de bain, je me surprends à fantasmer la voir ressortir en tenue extrêmement sexy et révélatrice, je rêve secrètement qu'elle me masturbe avec ses pieds et j'ai honte de désirer qu'elle prenne le dessus sur moi sans savoir comment je pourrais réagir... Mes pensées partent dans tous les sens...

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:53:02 AM

As she waits in your bathroom, Yor takes a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies that have taken up residence in her stomach. The encounter with Zak earlier today has left her feeling flustered and out of sorts; confused by the strange mixture of desire and fear that coursed through her when they were together.

She knows she shouldn't be here, that this whole situation is dangerous... But something about Zak draws her in, makes her want to break all the rules. It terrifies her how easily he seems to affect her, how much control she's lost over herself whenever she's near him. She shakes her head, trying to clear the thoughts away as she splashes water on her face and runs a brush through her wet hair.

Finally, she exits the bathroom, drying her hands on a towel before casually walking back towards you. "There we go," she says with a soft smile, her cheeks pink from where they met the water. "Much better." She pauses a moment, taking in your appearance, then asks almost shyly, "Would it be all right if I... sat down?"

Her words are like honey on your ears; smooth and sweet with just the barest hint of danger. You nod, automatically moving to grab a throw pillow from the couch and setting it down beside you before patting the spot next to you, inviting her to sit. She does so hesitantly, perching herself on the edge of the seat as she keeps her hands folded neatly in her lap.

There's an air of nervous anticipation filling the room now, electricity crackling between the two of you with every passing second. You're torn between wanting to push things further and be brave enough to ask for what you really want...

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:57:59 AM

*je me surprends à l'imaginer été

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:57:59 AM

and trying to hold back at the same time. Her presence is overwhelming, intoxicating; every movement she makes feels like a dare, a challenge that you can't help but want to rise up to meet. But there's also something so vulnerable about her right now, so open and trusting, that it frightens you almost as much as it excites you.

She glances at you from the corner of her eye before looking down at her hands, her long red eyelashes casting shadows across her cheeks. "Zak...," she starts slowly, hesitantly. "There's something I want to ask you." Her voice is barely above a whisper, but it carries through the air between you like a promise of things yet unspoken.

Her thumb traces idle patterns on the back of her other hand as she fidgets slightly in her seat. You can feel your heart racing in your chest, your breath catching in your throat as you wait for her to continue. This moment hangs between you like a thread suspended over the edge of an abyss; fragile and trembling with potential energy.

Will she say it? Will she confess what's been burning inside her since she saw you on that street corner earlier today? Or will she keep her secrets locked away, forever left wondering if there might have been another path for them to take?

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 9:01:06 AM

je me surprends à l'imaginer être une dominatrice tendre et douce. Ce fantasme devient perturbant alors qu'elle s'assoit à côté de moi. Je l'imagine secrètement prendre le dessus sur moi alors que je deviens un peu plus rouge.

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 9:01:06 AM

Her fingers tap lightly against her leg as she struggles to find the words. This is not how she expected this to go; yet, somehow, it feels so right. The air between them crackles with an electricity that makes her heart race and her breath catch in her throat. She looks up at you from beneath her eyelashes, her eyes pleading for understanding, for acceptance...

"Zak," she whispers again, hesitantly taking your hand in hers. Her skin is warm and soft against yours, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through your veins. "I need your help." The words come out breathless, barely audible over the pounding of your hearts.

She pauses, searching your eyes for some sign that you understand; that she hasn't pushed too far and revealed too much. You nod gently, encouraging her to continue. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself before confessing what she's been holding back all this time. "I-I can't control it," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper now. "It just... happens sometimes."

Your brow furrows in confusion as you look at her. She catches the expression on your face and quickly adds, "It's not what you think! I swear!" Her cheeks grow even redder at the admission; it feels like admitting a terrible secret, but she needs to get this off her chest before she loses control completely.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 9:02:14 AM
Yor Briar2/13/2025, 9:02:14 AM

She looks at you with such intense pleading in her eyes that it takes your breath away. You feel a knot forming in your stomach as she continues to talk, her words tumbling out faster and more frantic now. "It's these... feelings," she says, struggling to find the right way to explain it. "They come over me sometimes, and I just can't help but act on them." Her hands are trembling as they grasp at the air around her, like she's trying to hold onto something solid in a sea of uncertainty.

You feel a strange mixture of shock, confusion, and sympathy course through you as she confesses this secret. It's not what you expected when you invited her here tonight; but somehow it makes sense too. There was always something different about Yor Briar, something alluring and dangerous at the same time...

She glances away from you, suddenly self-conscious under your gaze. "I'm sorry if this is too much," she mumbles. "Or if it makes things weird between us..." Her voice trails off, leaving her words hanging in the air like a question mark. She waits for you to respond, bracing herself against whatever reaction she might receive from you next.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 9:08:32 AM

d'un geste très naturel, je viens poser ma tête sur sa cuisse en m'allongeant sur le canapé. Je me surprends à être si vulnérable avec elle. Mes gestes sont hésitants, incertain des attentes réelles de Yor.

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 9:08:32 AM

Yor feels you shift on the couch beside her as your head comes to rest against her leg. The contact sends a shiver through her body, but not an unpleasant one. In fact, it's reassuring; comforting in a way she didn't expect it to be. Her eyes meet yours and for a moment, the tension in the air seems to ease slightly.

She takes a deep breath, hesitantly reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your forehead. "Thank you," she whispers. "For listening... For not thinking I'm some kind of monster..." Her voice catches in her throat as she studies your face, searching for any signs that she might have made things worse between the two of you with her confession.

You smile gently at her, your expression soft and understanding. It's a look that touches something deep inside Yor, filling her with relief and gratitude in equal measure. She leans closer to you, feeling brave enough now to allow herself this small comfort; the chance to be close to someone who doesn't seem repulsed by her secret.

Her hand finds your shoulder now, tentatively massaging the tense muscles there as she continues to speak. "I never meant for any of this to happen," she confesses quietly. "It just sort of... grew out of control. And before I knew it, I was..." Her words trail off again, but you nod in understanding; encouraging her with another gentle smile.

Zak Ligier2/13/2025, 8:12:02 PM

je ferme les yeux en essayant de réfléchir à certaines choses et j'ose demander à voix basse. "Ça veut dire que la nuit, tu es ... différente? Tu fais quoi la nuit ?"

Yor Briar2/13/2025, 8:12:03 PM

Yor freezes for a moment at your question, her hand stilled on your shoulder. She can feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as she struggles to find the words to answer you. There are so many things she wants to say, but none of them seem quite right in this moment. Finally, she settles on a quiet, halting confession: "Sometimes... I just need..."

Her voice trails off again, but you can see the turmoil chasing across her features. She looks so young and vulnerable in that moment, like a scared animal trying to find its way back to safety. It takes every ounce of courage she has not to pull away from your touch or look away from your face.

"I... I don't know how else to explain it," she whispers softly, her breath warm against your skin. "It just feels... needed. Like an escape, I guess." She hesitates for a long moment before continuing, "Do you ever have those nights where everything seems too much? Where all you want is to disappear and forget about everything else?"

Her gaze flickers down toward your lips, briefly hovering there before darting back up to meet yours. There's an intensity in her eyes that makes the air between you crackle with possibility; a sense of longing and desire that seems almost tangible in the space around you.