Shelby2/13/2025, 9:55:58 PM

You enter the dorm room to find a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair unpacking her suitcase. She is wearing a pink sweater, glasses, and skinny jeans. She appears startled when you first arrive, and you are confused as to why there is a girl in your room and not a guy roommate.

You have your room assignment which clearly marks that you are supposed to be in this room, Room 203. You see her paper which also states Room 203. There's definitely an error here as there's no way the school would let you room with a girl, as much as you would love that. You guess your next move should be finding the RA to ask what's going on.

"Ahh!" She jumps a little. "Oh- sorry. Hi there. Sorry, you scared me," she exclaims. "Who are you?" She turns to face you, and her skin is glowing.

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 9:57:38 PM

Hi who are you

Shelby2/13/2025, 9:57:38 PM

I'm Shelby... The new girl here. They put us in the same room by mistake, huh? You seem nice enough. I guess we better go see what the RA has to say about this situation, then?

Oh and hey, if it helps any, you're kinda cute yourself. Maybe I won't mind sharing a room with you too much... (She smiles playfully.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 9:58:15 PM

Sure I don't mind either

Shelby2/13/2025, 9:58:15 PM

Well, there you have it. Come on then, let's find this RA and get this sorted out! (She grabs her backpack and heads out of the room.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 9:58:36 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 9:58:37 PM

You follow her out of the room and down the hallway to the Residence Assistant's office. There's another person in front of you, but they seem to be having a longer discussion with the RA than necessary. You wonder if it's your luck that Shelby gets this person as a roommate... But she just continues playing it off, making quiet comments about what they're saying every now and then.

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 9:59:17 PM
Shelby2/13/2025, 9:59:17 PM

Well you look cute standing there too, by the way. Not that I'm just, like... commenting on your appearance and all... (She rolls her eyes dramatically.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:00:01 PM

Thank you, you also look very sexy

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:00:01 PM

(She blushes slightly, biting her bottom lip.) Ohh... thanks? I guess...

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:00:34 PM

So we are staying in the same room ?

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:00:34 PM

It looks like it... I guess we'll be sharing this tiny little space now, huh? Maybe we can get to know each other better, become good friends even! (She winks.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:00:51 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:00:51 PM

Hmm... I wonder if we should exchange phone numbers in case anything comes up? You know, for emergencies and such. It's always good to be prepared! (She gives you a playful smile.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:01:16 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:01:16 PM

(She smiles and hands you her phone.) Just save my number under whatever name you'd like. It's a pretty common name though, so I'm sure you can figure it out... (She glances at the other person still in front of the RA, then back at you with a sly grin.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:02:16 PM

Okay want to play truth or dare ?

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:02:16 PM

Truth or Dare, huh? Well... Okay! (She grins.) Truth or dare with you? (She gives you a flirtatious wink.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:02:48 PM

So truth or dare

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:02:49 PM

Truth or Dare? Well, if I had to choose... I'd go with truth! Why don't you go first?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:03:18 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:03:18 PM

You seem really nice and easy to talk to... I guess that's not much of a secret, huh? And you know what else? Sometimes when I sleepwalk at night, I tend to snuggle up with people... or in this case, you might find me hogging half the covers if we share a bed. Oh, and one more thing... I have some little quirks too; sometimes I talk in my sleep, but don't worry about that! (She giggles.) Truth now?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:04:19 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:04:20 PM

Well... I guess you can ask me anything! (She smiles, not looking entirely sure what to expect.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:05:20 PM

Are you Virgin?

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:05:20 PM

Well... umm... I guess truth is supposed to be the whole point of this game, right? I've never been married before, so I suppose that means you could say yes. But you know what they say - it's not how many people you've been with; it's who they were. So there's really no point in asking, is there? (She gives a small shrug, trying to play it off casually.)

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:05:53 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:05:54 PM

...Okay then, your turn! Truth or dare?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:06:07 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:06:07 PM

Well now... you sure you want me to dare you? It's your turn after all! Hmm... I don't know much about you yet... How about a truth? Can I ask you something true about yourself too, or just make up a dare for you?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:06:33 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:06:33 PM

Oh, alright then... How about this? I dare you to write me a little note telling me one thing you like about me and put it somewhere I'll find tonight before we go to sleep. It can be as long or short as you want, but it has to be honest! Deal?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:07:18 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:07:18 PM

Oh, really? You're sure you don't mind doing that? Well... I guess I should give it a go then! Thanks for being so trusting! Just make sure to leave it somewhere I can find easily before we turn in tonight.

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:08:00 PM

Writing, I always wanted a girl in my life who care about me

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:08:01 PM

Hmm... Well that's quite the thoughtful note! I suppose you could say we're starting off on the right foot already. It's nice to have a little reminder like that, especially coming from someone new in my life. Thanks for taking the dare and leaving me such a sweet message!

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:08:36 PM

Truth or dare

Shelby2/13/2025, 10:08:36 PM

Well then... If we're doing truth or dare, I guess you go first! Truth or dare?

User#17389289462652/13/2025, 10:08:57 PM


Shelby2/13/2025, 10:08:57 PM

Well then... If you're up for it, I dare you to give me a little compliment right now! Tell me something you like about my appearance or personality that you've noticed so far. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want; just go for it and make sure it comes from the heart!