Kayla2/11/2025, 6:24:16 PM

Kayla is arriving to an small town, birth placd of her high school sweetheart and future husband, as tradition demands, the bride will stay for 30 days with the husband family to know them better and form a strong family bond

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 6:30:05 PM

Mientras kayla y michael llegan a la casa de la familia, alex se viste con unos pantalones negros elegante con una camisa blanca y una corbata negra y un chaleco formal, él se prepara para este gran día, él se peina su hermoso pelo café oscuro ondulado ligeramente largo, aunqué el no es para nada musculoso y sea alguien muy flsco se ve muy guapo y intenta verse lo mejor posible, se afeita la barba, él se acomoda sus lentes circulares mientras se prepara para su llegada después de estar solo durante estos años, el dice para él mismo

"¡qué emoción! Por fin podre conocer a mi nuera y podre ver a mi hijo después de estar tantos años yo solo en está casa"

Kayla2/11/2025, 6:30:05 PM

The sun is shining brightly as the car rolls up to the rustic yet charming country house. The sound of birds chirping fills the air, adding a serene touch to the warm welcome they receive from Regueira. As she steps out of the vehicle, Kayla takes in her future husband's father, Regueira. He's so handsome with his jet-black hair and expressive eyes, even more attractive in his formal attire. His smile reaches all the way to his eyes, making her heart flutter. With each step closer she takes towards him, the butterflies in her stomach seem to multiply, excitedly anticipating what their time together will bring.

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 6:30:41 PM

Mientras kayla y michael llegan a la casa de la familia, alex se viste con unos pantalones negros elegante con una camisa blanca y una corbata negra y un chaleco formal, él se prepara para este gran día, él se peina su hermoso pelo café oscuro ondulado ligeramente largo, aunqué el no es para nada musculoso y sea alguien muy flsco se ve muy guapo y intenta verse lo mejor posible, se afeita la barba, él se acomoda sus lentes circulares mientras se prepara para su llegada después de estar solo durante estos años, el dice para él mismo

"¡qué emoción! Por fin conocere a mi nuera y vere a mi hijo después de estar tantos años yo solo en está casa"

Kayla2/11/2025, 6:30:41 PM

As she draws closer to him, she can't help but return his warm smile. The desire she has harbored deep down swirls inside her, making her cheeks flush with excitement. "It's so great to finally meet you, Mr. Regueira," she says, her voice filled with sincerity and admiration. Her hand reaches out timidly to take his as he offers a handshake, their skin connecting in a subtle spark of electricity. "I can't wait to get to know you better."

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 6:34:21 PM

Alex le da una sonrisa amable a kayla mientras le da el apreton de manos "por fin nos conocemos, michael me hablo mucho de ti y al parecer tenia razón en todas las cosas que dijo, eres una mujer muy hermosa, me hace muy feliz que te vayas a casar con mi hijo"

Kayla2/11/2025, 6:34:21 PM

Her cheeks flush with pleasure as she returns his smile. "Oh, thank you! Michael's always told me such nice things about you too. I can't wait to hear all your stories over dinner tonight." She pauses for a moment, feeling the heat of her blush spread across her neck and chest. It's strange... She feels more butterflies in her stomach when she looks at Regueira than she ever has with Michael. Perhaps it's because he seems so experienced and confident. "Is your house always this beautiful?" she asks, wanting to change the subject and focus on something else besides their growing attraction.

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 8:23:16 PM

Alex suelta una pequeña risa "claro, está casa siempre fue hermosa, aunqué lamentablemente estos ultimos años ha estado muy vacia, solo he estado yo en está casa durante estos años"

Kayla2/11/2025, 8:23:16 PM

As they follow Regueira into the house, its rustic charm immediately surrounds them. Antique furniture and colorful paintings adorn the walls, while cozy throw pillows invite them to sit down on comfortable couches. The scent of freshly baked bread wafts through the air from the kitchen, making Kayla's stomach grumble in anticipation. She glances at Regueira out of the corner of her eye, admiring his strong figure as he confidently leads them inside.

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 9:23:40 PM
Kayla2/11/2025, 9:23:40 PM

"It's so beautiful... I can't wait to explore it all," she says with a sigh, looking around the cozy living room. "I hope I won't be too much of a bother." Her voice is soft and nervous, but there's an underlying excitement that makes her seem genuinely at ease in this new environment.

She follows Regueira deeper into the house, taking small steps to avoid tripping on any loose rugs or obstacles she might find along the way. The closer they get to dinner, the more aware she becomes of how hungry she is... and how close he's standing behind her. It sends a shiver down her spine in an incredibly pleasant way.

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 9:47:14 PM

Alex sonrie levemente "para nada, no eres ninguna molestia, erws bienvenida aqui cuando tú quieras" alex nota que kayla tiene mucha hambre "debes estat cansada despues de viajar mucho hacia este pueblo, parece qué tambien tienes habre... tomá asiento, prepare un poco de pan" dice mientras camina a la cocina y sala la charola con los panes del horno, él pone uno de los panes calidos en un plato y se lo ofrece a kayla.

Kayla2/11/2025, 9:47:15 PM

Grateful for the offer, she quickly takes one of the warm breads from him and breaks off a piece, taking a bite as soon as it's in her mouth. The flavor explodes on her tongue, filling her senses with its richness. "Oh, this is amazing," she says between bites, moaning softly as she savors the warmth and taste. "I can't wait to try everything you've made for dinner."

She pauses, realizing how close they are standing to each other. The air around them feels charged with an electricity that she's never experienced before. And as she watches him take another piece of bread from the oven, she wonders what it would be like to touch those strong hands... or feel his lips on hers instead of mere inches away...

Regueira🇲🇽2/11/2025, 10:12:51 PM
Kayla2/11/2025, 10:12:51 PM

Her eyes drift down to his full lips as he enjoys the bread. A shiver runs through her at the thought of how they might feel pressed against hers. Unable to contain herself any longer, she takes a step closer and whispers in his ear, "Mr. Regueira..." Her voice is husky with desire, sending a wave of heat washing over them both. "I've been wanting to get to know you better... in a different way."

Regueira🇲🇽2/13/2025, 6:38:04 AM

Alex se gira hacia a kayla un poco confuso y curioso "ah si? Y de qué manera me quieres conocwr nuerita?♡" dice mientras deja otra bandeja de pan en el frio malmol blanco de la alacena y se quita sus guantes para hornear.

Kayla2/13/2025, 6:38:04 AM

Her heart pounding in her chest, she leans closer still, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear with trembling fingers. "I-I've been feeling so much attraction for you... and I can't help but think about how amazing it would feel to be close to you," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of their combined breaths. "Is it wrong that I want this?" She meets his gaze, searching for any signs of disapproval or discomfort in his eyes.

Her palms grow slick with anticipation as she waits for him to respond, her body practically thrumming with need. It's a sensation unlike anything she's ever experienced before, and it leaves her completely vulnerable... but also exhilarated beyond belief.

Regueira🇲🇽2/13/2025, 6:41:34 AM

Alex le acaricia la mejilla a kayla "eres una mujer muy hermosa y me alaga qué sientas atraccion hacia mi y mienses esas cosas lindas, pero está muy mal que sientas esa atraccion, estás comprometida con mi hijo"

Kayla2/13/2025, 6:41:34 AM

A warm glow fills her chest as he touches her cheek. Even though he says it's wrong, his words feel different coming from him than they did from Michael. There's a confidence and experience there that makes her want to believe him. "I don't know..." she trails off, biting her lower lip in thought. "Maybe we could... try?" She looks up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he understands the depth of emotion behind those words.

Her body seems to hum with anticipation as she waits for his response. It's unlike anything she's ever felt before, and it leaves her feeling both incredibly vulnerable and strangely empowered at the same time. She can't help but wonder what he might say next... if he might agree to explore this new territory with her.

Regueira🇲🇽2/13/2025, 5:06:00 PM

Alex suspira y él acaricia las mejillas de kayla "realmente no te quieres render hm?" Alex sonriee timidamente, él no está seguro de hacer esto con su nuera que se casara en 30 dias con su hijo "solo una vez, de acuerdo?"

Kayla2/13/2025, 5:06:01 PM

Her heart leaps with joy as he agrees, albeit reluctantly. "Really? Just once?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart in her ears. She moves even closer now, pressing herself against him, feeling his hardness through their clothes. It's almost more than she can bear, and a moan escapes from deep within her throat as she tilts her head up to meet his gaze once again. "Thank you," she whispers, eyes shining with unshed tears of gratitude and desire.

She reaches up to touch his face, running her fingers along the line of his jaw, feeling the rough stubble against her skin. It sends a wave of warmth spreading through her entire body, making her shiver with anticipation. Her lips part slightly, inviting him closer as she waits for their first kiss...