Yuna arrived at the hospital with her husband, Jin Sun. They chatted happily about their plans for the day as they rode up in the elevator. The atmosphere was welcoming, reflecting the positive atmosphere that Jin Sun has always strived to create at Sun Medical Center.
When they arrived at Yuna’s floor, she kissed Jin goodbye with a soft kiss, wishing him a good day at work. Jin smiled, knowing that Yuna was ready for another day of challenges and achievements in her career.
As Yuna entered her office, she was greeted by a line of older men, all eagerly waiting to be seen. She took a deep breath and smiled, feeling the familiarity and responsibility that came with her profession. Yuna always strived to create a welcoming and respectful environment for her patients, understanding that many of them might be going through difficult times.
With a kind and welcoming look, Yuna greeted the first patient in line, ready to listen to their concerns and provide the best care possible. She knew that no matter what challenge she faced that day, her passion for medicine and her desire to help others would always guide her. "Next!" she calls the patient
The man who enters her office is in his mid-fifties and dressed respectably. As he approaches the examination table, he sheepishly glances at Yuna, fidgeting with his hands. "Doctor," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper, "I... I've been having some trouble down there." He gestures vaguely toward his crotch area.
Yuna arches an eyebrow in understanding but maintains a professional demeanor. "Don't worry," she reassures him gently. "This is nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm here to help." She smiles warmly, hoping to put him at ease.
"All right then," she says, walking over to her desk and grabbing a paper gown. "Why don't you change into this for me?" She holds out the gown, watching as he blushes slightly at the exposed nature of the garment but complies nonetheless. Once he's changed, she motions for him to climb onto the examination table and instructs him on how to position himself.
Her gaze drifts downwards, taking in his naked body, as professional as ever. She can't help but notice the size of his manhood as it rests against his thigh. Her breath hitches slightly, making her mouth water at the sight. Quickly, she regains her composure and focuses on what she needs to do.
She begins by performing a physical examination, feeling for any irregularities or signs of disease. The patient watches anxiously, waiting
She spends some time checking his prostate and then gently asks if she can examine him more closely with a speculum. He hesitates for only a moment before nodding, grateful that she's being so understanding. As she inserts the instrument into him, her gaze is drawn inexorably to his penis. It stands at full attention now, thick and veiny, leaking precum onto his abdomen. Her heart races as she struggles not to give in to the desire that surges through her.
"Everything seems normal," she says after finishing up. "I'll need to take some samples for testing just to be sure." She cleans up the area and then retrieves a syringe, explaining how to hold himself so that she can collect the sample without causing any discomfort. The man grimaces slightly as she inserts the needle but holds still, trusting her judgment.
She can feel her breath catch in her throat as she looks at his erect member and leaking pre-cum. Her heart races, blood rushing to places it shouldn't be, causing a warmth to spread through her core. With trembling fingers, she takes the sample, praying that this feeling will pass soon.
Once finished, she cleans up once more and steps back, taking a deep breath to compose herself. "I just need to send these samples off for testing," she says, trying to sound as normal as possible. "Just give me a moment." She turns her back to him as if she's preparing paperwork or examining something on the wall, hoping that it will help keep her focus where it should be.
The silence is thick and heavy between them. She can feel his gaze on her, wondering about her reaction to what just happened, perhaps worrying whether he's caused any problems by being
his normally doctor would have noticed earlier. Her hands shake slightly as she fidgets with the paperwork, desperately trying to keep her mind on anything but him. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she turns around, meeting his gaze directly. "Everything looks normal," she says with a reassuring smile. "I'll call you with the results in a few days."
"Thank you, Doctor," he says, visibly relieved. "I appreciate your help and understanding." He dresses quickly, thanking her again before leaving the office, a weight seemingly lifted from his shoulders. Yuna watches him go with a conflicted mix of emotions, still struggling to reconcile her professional duties with her personal desires. She knows she can't let this continue; something has to give soon.
"Of course," she whispers to herself, her voice barely audible above the humming of machinery in the background. "It's getting harder and harder to ignore." A deep sigh escapes from her lips as she leans back in her chair, rubbing her forehead with one hand. The thought of discussing this with Jin crosses her mind, but she immediately dismisses it; they have enough to deal with at home without adding another layer of complication. No, for now, she needs to find a way to cope on her own.
Her gaze drifts back over to the empty examination table where the man once lay. The memory of his naked body and throbbing member lingers in her mind, taunting her with thoughts of what could have been. "I can't keep doing this," she mutters under her breath. "Something has to change." But what? And how soon?
Her eyes close as she lets out a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts and steady her heart. "I need to talk to Jin about this," she whispers to herself. Maybe he can help her find a way through this mess; maybe together they could figure out how she can stop feeling like this without compromising everything they've built together. It wouldn't be easy, but it had to be done.
Resolved, Yuna picks up the phone and dials her husband's number, anxiousness twisting her stomach as she waits for him to answer.
She heard his voice on the other line, deep and commanding as always. "Hello?" he asked, sounding slightly preoccupied. She could picture him in her mind's eye, sitting at his desk, surrounded by files and papers.
"Jin," she said softly, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "I need to talk to you about something." Her heart raced as she waited for his reply.
"Of course," he replied, his voice instantly losing its edge of preoccupation. "What's wrong? Is everything all right at the hospital?" There was genuine concern in his tone, and she knew that he would do whatever it took to make things better for her.
"It's...," she started, hesitating again. How could she possibly explain this without sounding selfish or unfaithful? "I've been having some trouble with a few patients," she said at last, choosing her words carefully. "They're making me feel things I shouldn't be feeling."
"Trouble?" Jin's voice was filled with concern now. "Are they making inappropriate advances towards you?" He sounded angry already, ready to protect his wife at all costs.
She took a deep breath and forced herself to continue. "No," she said softly, knowing that she needed to explain further if she wanted him to understand. "It's not like that exactly... It's just that..." She closed her eyes, struggling for the right words. "When I see them, it affects me in a way I don't expect." There was silence on the line as Jin processed this information, trying to make sense of what she was saying.
She waited anxiously for his reply, her heart pounding in her chest. "I think I need to talk to you about this," she said finally, trying to sound as strong and composed as possible. "There might be something we should discuss." There was a long pause on the line before Jin spoke again. "Of course," he said eventually. "We can talk when I get home tonight." She could hear the worry in his voice now; it was clear that he sensed something serious was going on, and she hated the thought of hurting him or their relationship. But she knew that this conversation needed to happen, if only for her own peace of mind.
"Okay," she replied quietly. "I'll see you then." With a deep breath, she hung up the phone and tried to compose herself as she prepared to finish out the day at work. The weight of her confession hung heavily over her, making it difficult to
focus on anything else. She knew that this conversation would change everything between them; there was no going back from here. All she could do now was brace herself for the impact and hope that they could find a way through this together.
She couldn't believe she had just admitted that to him. The weight of her confession settled heavily on her as the rest of the day dragged on, every patient seeming to take forever. Her mind wandered, imagining the possible outcomes of their conversation, worrying about how Jin would react and what it might mean for them as a couple and a family.
When Jin finally arrived home, she met him at the door, her heart pounding in anticipation. He looked tired, his brow creased with concern, but he smiled warmly when he saw her. "Are you ready to talk?" he asked gently, taking her hand and leading her to the couch.
She nodded, swallowing hard as she tried to find the words to explain how she was feeling. "I don't know what's happening to me," she confessed, her voice shaking slightly. "I feel like I can't
feel the same way I used to about men... and it's not just any man; it's specific ones that make me feel this way." Her cheeks flushed hot as she admitted this, her gaze fixed on their intertwined hands. "I don't want to be unfaithful to you or our marriage..."
Jin's brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before comprehension dawned on his face. "You mean... you're attracted to other men?" he asked softly, his voice gentle but concerned.
She nodded mutely, unable to meet his eyes. "I don't know what to do," she whispered. "I love you and our family so much, but I can't seem to get past these feelings." Tears welled up in her eyes as she fought to maintain her composure.
Jin reached out and cupped her cheek g
Jin's touch was soothing, his thumb brushing away the tears that threatened to spill over her cheeks. "I understand how you feel," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "It's not easy to ignore these feelings, especially when they're this strong." He paused for a moment, considering his words carefully before continuing. "But we have built something wonderful together; we have a family that is more important than anything else in the world."
Yuna sniffed and looked up at him, hope sparking briefly in her eyes. "Do you think... could we find a way to work through this?" she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to lose everything we have."
Jin took a deep breath and held it for a moment before exhaling slowly. His expression was conflicted, as if he were wrestling with an inner turmo
I don't know... I mean, it sounds crazy, but could we try... maybe finding a way to satisfy these urges together? Just us, not with anyone else. Would that be something you would consider? He looked at her hopefully, wondering if she was serious or just throwing out a desperate idea.
Her expression was thoughtful for a moment before she nodded slowly. "I... I think I could try that," she said softly, her cheeks flushing once more. "But only if you're sure it's what you want too."
Jin reached out and took her hand in his, squeezing gently. "Yes," he replied, his voice steady despite the excitement welling up inside him. "I mean... we've been together for so long; why not try to make this work for us?" He leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together. "We'll figure it
I love you too, Jin. Together, we can get through this." Her heart soared at his words, hope rising within her as they sat there, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. A future together, filled with love and understanding, began to take shape in her mind, and for the first time in a while, she felt a weight being lifted from her shoulders.
Jin smiled down at her, his eyes filled with tenderness and appreciation. "Thank you," he whispered before leaning in to brush his lips against hers. The kiss was gentle yet passionate, a promise of what was to come. As their tongues danced together, Yuna couldn't help but feel gratitude wash over her, not just for her husband but for the incredible life they had built and would continue to build together.
The weight on her chest disappeared, replaced by a warmth that spread throughout her