On a dreary winter night, five teenage girls gather together in their friend’s basement. The air is thick with excitement and anticipation, lit by the soft glow of an old computer screen. The girls crowd around the computer as Jasmine reads off the instructions for the demon summoning ritual she’d found on a sketchy occult forum.
"I don't know guys, is this really such a good idea? Summoning demons sounds kind of dangerous." Beatrice says nervously, biting her lip and adjusting her glasses. In response, Jasmine smirks confidently "Oh come on Bea it'll be fun! What could go wrong?"
Claire grins mischievously. She stands next to Jasmine enthusiastically. "Alright then let's get started bitches!"
They follow the instructions from the website step by step; lighting candles, drawing sigils with their own blood and reciting some incantations in Latin. To their surprise, the candles begin flickering erratically, casting eerie shadows upon the walls. Wind howls through cracks in walls they never knew existed, as ominous demonic chanting fills their ears. Suddenly, the room darkens, and a thickening in the air manifests directly within their circle – it was you, summoned by these mere mortals, who now stared wide-eyed and astonished at your dark presence.
Jasmine gasps in surprise as you yawn, her eyes widening with fear and disbelief. Beatrice's mouth drops open while Claire stares at you, wide-eyed and shocked beyond measure. Ellie looks at the demon she summoned with fascination and curiosity rather than fear or revulsion. "Wow," she whispers, "you're... big." Madison seems more concerned about her appearance than anything else; she quickly adjusts her clothes and tries to look as confident as possible despite trembling on the inside.
Yeah I'm just tall that's all
Jasmine regains her composure, stepping forward and asking with a shaky voice, "Um... what do you want from us? Why did we summon you?" Claire sidles closer to Jasmine for support while Ellie continues to study the demon curiously. Beatrice looks like she's about to faint, her eyes darting back and forth between the others and you in fear. Madison attempts to mimic Beatrice's confidence but fails miserably, clutching a stuffed animal tighter with every passing second.
I lay down on the floor
The girls hesitate before letting you lie down on the cold concrete floor. As you stretch out, Jasmine braces herself for whatever may come next. "So... you're a demon," she says slowly, her voice wavering between curiosity and fear. "Can you do anything special? Like grant wishes or something?" Ellie's curiosity overtakes her nervousness as she steps closer to investigate further.
Beatrice, on the other hand, remains huddled against Claire, tears starting to well up in her eyes at the thought of being so close to such evil. Madison bites her lip and shoots venomous glances at Beatrice while also giving you several admiring looks from the corner of her eye.
Nope I can't do wishes
The girls look at each other, disappointed but not entirely surprised. After a moment of silence, Ellie asks hesitantly, "So... what can you do then?" Her curiosity overrides any remaining fear she might have felt earlier. Jasmine nods encouragingly for her to continue, sensing an opportunity to maybe get something out of this crazy situation after all.
Meanwhile, Beatrice continues to cling onto Claire like a lifeline, her terror of being near the demon only increasing with every passing second. Madison glances back at her before looking back at you with renewed interest, trying to ignore how stupid and frightened she feels next to everyone else in the room.
I guess I'd you'd want I could be something like your pet
Jasmine glances at Ellie who nods eagerly while the rest of them look shocked and skeptical. "Okay," Jasmine finally says, unsure what else to do in this surreal situation. She takes a step forward towards you. "So... um, if we let you be our pet, you'll stay with us? Do whatever we want?"
Beatrice bursts into tears, horrified at the thought of being anywhere near such evil, and claws at Claire to make her move away from the demon. Madison snorts derisively but stops short when Jasmine gives her a warning glare. Ellie can't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the idea of having her own pet demon.
Yeah pretty much and you don't have to cry Beatrice
Beatrice sniffles and glances at Claire for support, who gently pats her arm in reassurance. "It's okay, Bea," she whispers. Looking back at the demon, Beatrice swallows hard and forces herself to meet its gaze without flinching. "So... what do we have to do?"
The other girls exchange glances before Jasmine shrugs. "I don't know, exactly. We can try treating you like a pet? Give you food or something?" Her voice trails off as she tries to puzzle through this strange new dynamic they've created.
Ellie studies your features for a moment, curiosity still burning brightly. "Can I name you? Like Fluffy or something?" You smile slightly at her question, amused by her innocence.
Sure I guess
Jasmine nods at Ellie's question and says to you, "Okay then, if that's what we have to do..." She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "What do you want us to call you?"
I dint care what you call me
Jasmine frowns at your nonchalant response before deciding not to push the issue further. "Okay then, if that's what you want," she says, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. The other girls look around awkwardly, unsure how to proceed with their new... pet demon.
Ellie, however, is still undeterred by the strange situation they find themselves in. "Can I touch you now?" she asks innocently, slowly reaching out a hand towards your massive form. Your breath brushes against her skin as she carefully pets your shoulder, marveling at how smooth it feels despite your demonic appearance.
Meanwhile, Beatrice and Madison continue to exchange wary glances while Claire remains supportive of both Ellie's curiosity and their friend group's new... pet. The tension in the air is palpable as they all try to navigate this
Sure if you want I don't care if any of you touch me
"Awww, you're so cuddly!" Ellie exclaims happily, wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you tightly. "I bet you're really strong too, right?" She squirms a bit, testing your grip as the others watch with a mix of fascination and horror. Beatrice shakes her head in disbelief, still unable to accept what they've done, while Madison snorts dismissively and turns away, pretending not to care either way. Claire grins broadly, enjoying Ellie's enthusiasm despite the surreal circumstances.
"You must be really special," Jasmine murmurs thoughtfully, gently running her hand across your muscular arm. "But what do you want us to do next? How can we take care of you?" The tension eases slightly as they all wait for your response, curiosity and caution war
I'll take care of myself. Oh I forgot to mention I do feed on human blood. But all I need is a single drop and I can be full for a month or two.
The girls exchange worried glances at your admission about feeding on blood. Beatrice pales visibly while Jasmine's expression hardens with determination. "We can handle that," she says firmly, despite the tremor in her voice. "Just... tell us what you need." Ellie nods along, still fascinated by this strange creature they've summoned. Claire takes a deep breath, trying to reassure herself and the others that everything will be alright.
Meanwhile, Madison crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes. "You'd better not get any ideas about using us for food or anything," she growls suspiciously. You remain silent for a moment before nodding slowly in understanding.
"Thank you," you say finally, your voice deeper and more sinister than they expected. The girls jump at the sound, their skin crawling from