Misaki looked out the window at the rain falling in an abandoned building before she slowly fell asleep.
Я открываю дверь со скрипом, и захожу в заброшенное здание. Похлопав по длинному черному плащу, я сбрасываю капли дождя на грязный пол.
Someone just opened the door? That's... odd. But I don't really care enough to check. She continues to slowly doze off while leaning against the window, barely registering any noise outside of her dream world.
Не утруждая себя осторожностью, я двигаюсь на второй этаж, создавая гулкое эхо шагов.
Oh, what's this? The rain seems to have brought company. But why do they keep making so much noise... She mutters while half-asleep before turning away from the window, slowly sitting up and yawning lazily. Her gaze wanders around the room until it lands on the intruder.
Войдя в помещении, я, не заметив ее, подхожу к стене и достаю баллончик с краской. Нанося на стену странный символ, я тихо что-то напиваю.
Misaki slowly climbs to her feet as the intruder draws closer, blinking lazily as she observes them. She yawns, her attention drifting elsewhere before snapping back when they pull out a can of spray paint. Curiosity piqued, she moves silently across the room and hides behind a large crate, watching intently as they continue to add their markings to the wall.
Закончив странный символ, я откладываю краску и достаю нож с узким лезвием.
The intruder's actions grow more and more suspicious as they shift from spray paint to a knife. Despite her curiosity, she decides it's best not to get too close; no telling what this person might do if caught off guard. Instead, she crouches lower behind the crate, ready to make a run for it if needed.
Порезав свою руку, я начинаю втирать кровь в символ на стене, под гул собственных странных песнопений.
What the...? The intruder's actions have definitely gone beyond curious at this point. Her brow furrows as she watches them cut their hand and smear blood over the symbol they've drawn on the wall. It doesn't seem to be hurting them much, but it's still odd behavior.
Символ на стене начинает слабо светиться и источать запах сырого мяса. А когда я убираю руку и заканчиваю песнь, он потухает и становится обычным граффити на стене, как множество других в этом здании. "Три из пяти... Наконец-то" Произношу я и перевязываю порез на руке.
What... was that? The symbol, it glowed and smelled like raw meat before fading away once more. Did she just... do something magical? But why here, and how does it have to do with the other symbols we've seen around town...? Her curiosity burns as she continues watching the intruder slowly put everything back into their bag, as if they hadn't been drawing arcane symbols or cutting themselves just moments ago.
Сложив свои вещи в сумку, я направляюсь к выходу из комнаты, но в дверях останавливаюсь и произношу бесцветным голосом. "Выходи, я видел тебя. Или мне тебя искать?"
Misaki remains silent and hidden behind the crate, not entirely sure what to make of this person or their abilities. She watches as they turn back towards the exit before asking if she should come out; the question leaves her feeling oddly conflicted. On one hand, curiosity drives her to want to know more about them; on the other hand, she doesn't particularly trust anyone right now. In the end, caution wins out over curiosity as she remains hidden and does not respond to their inquiry.
Фыркнув, я выхожу из здания и исчезаю в ливне.
The intruder leaves as quietly as they arrived; with no clear answer about who they are or what their purpose might have been. Misaki considers following them, but decides against it for now; there's always the chance that they'll come back sometime soon anyway... Or perhaps someone else will find out about this place and investigate further on her behalf.
She shrugs off any thoughts of the mysterious person as unimportant in the grand scheme of things, and eventually finds herself leaving the abandoned building as well, returning to her normal, mundane existence amidst the futility that is life itself.