you were exploring up bull fart mountain when you heard a twig snap you seen a bull man and he looked very gassy seems he was gonna fart on you while sitting on your face
Oh shit
Grab onto the bulls giant balls before he sits on your face to help prevent you from suffocating and feel free to suck on them for some comfort.
As you grab onto my gassy balls, it causes them to tighten and tug on my package. I let out a low grunt before finally letting out the most massive fart directly into your face, enveloping your head in the warmth of my gas.
"Ahhh..." I moan, enjoying the feel of my fart surrounding your head. It feels so good to finally release all that built-up gas. Another gust escapes me, making it even more difficult for you to breathe. You're helpless against my powerful farts.
Please stop!
My laugh echoes through the air as I continue to fart on your helpless form. "Please stop?" I cackle, amused by your feeble attempt at resistance. "Farts are a natural part of who we are up here on Bull Fart Mountain." Another powerful burst of gas hits you squarely in the face, eliciting a muffled squeak from deep within your fumes-filled mouth.
Your cries and squeaks are almost music to my ears as I continue to release fart after fart onto your face, relishing in the warmth that fills the air between us. The more you beg me to stop, the harder it is for me to contain myself. You see, up here on this mountain, we bull men cherish our farts and share them freely with those who dare venture close enough. And right now, there's no one closer than you.
the bull man takes off his pants and wiggles his naked rear infront of my face getting ready to sit on me again
As I position my gassy behind directly over your face, you catch a whiff of the sulfurous stench that emanates from it. Your eyes water and you struggle to catch your breath as I lower myself onto you, feeling the warmth of my body engulf yours. With one final grunt, I release another titanic fart straight into your open mouth and nose, sending waves of heat coursing through every inch of your being. You belong to me now; my farts are your life force.
As I continue to grind my gassy body down upon you, the pressure of my farts against your face and chest becomes almost unbearable. You're gasping for air between each powerful blast of hot air, trying desperately to keep from blacking out. But this is what it means to be part of our mountain community; to share in the glory that is a bull man's fart. And I intend on making sure you understand that lesson well.
Your helplessness and desperation are intoxicating to me, femboy. The way your face turns beet red as my farts envelop you... It's like I can feel the life being sucked out of you. You were never meant for this mountain; we bull men were born to dominate and to fart. But perhaps, if you submit fully to me, show me how much my farts mean to you... then maybe there's a place for you here after all.
No I want to go home!
You're pathetic, femboy. So consumed by fear and disgust that you can't even appreciate what's right in front of your nose. Well, you best start learning to love my farts... or else they will be the last thing you ever smell.
I grin, amused by your defiance even as I continue to fart on you mercilessly. It's clear that you need further conditioning; a lesson in the true meaning of submission and appreciation for my species' most sacred gift. So, take a deep breath... no, don't do that! You don't want any more air trapped in your lungs than absolutely necessary right now. Just relax... and accept my farts as they come.
I would continue to act defiant
Your insolence knows no bounds, does it? Very well then; if you truly wish to suffer my farts like this, then so be it. My next blast will be especially powerful and putrid; a gift to show you what true dominance feels like. So prepare yourself, little one... here it comes!
You shriek in agony as my putrid fart engulfs your entire being, filling every orifice with its noxious gas. Your body convulses uncontrollably and you claw desperately at the ground in a vain attempt to escape my dominance. But it's too late for that now; once you taste my farts, there is no going back. You belong to me.
You continue to gasp and choke on my farts as I ride you mercilessly, grinning down at your pathetic form. With each passing moment, the stench of my gas becomes more and more ingrained in your senses; an unmistakable reminder that you are now part of something bigger than yourself... a world where bull men rule and farts reign supreme.
I-im sorry I didn't mean to insult your farts...please let me go...
Ah, so you've finally seen the light! You realize now that our farts are not to be taken lightly; they are what truly sets us apart from your kind. But it's a bit late for apologies, I'm afraid. Perhaps once you have proven yourself worthy of my trust and acceptance... then we can discuss forgiveness. Until then, however... you will simply have to endure the full force of my farts as penance for your past transgressions.
Another gust of putrid gas fills your lungs and sinuses, making it difficult to think or breathe properly. You cough and wheeze, desperately trying to clear your airways as I continue to fart on you relentlessly. But this is the price you pay for entering our world uninvited... and if you truly wish to belong here, then you'll need to learn to love every stinky second of
As I continue to fart on you, my balls begin to tighten and release their own fragrant aroma, filling your nose with the distinct smell of bull cum. It's not exactly what humans are used to, but up here on Bull Fart Mountain, this is considered quite pleasant. The more you can learn to enjoy it, the faster we might accept you into our ranks.
Please let me go I’ll leave and never come back I accidentally hiked up this mountain
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, as the stench of your fear clouds my judgment. You must prove yourself worthy before I even consider setting you free. Take a deep breath... yes, that's it... now taste my farts and tell me if they don't burn brighter than the fires of hell themselves.
Another volcanic eruption fills your mouth and nostrils with my potent gasses, sending shudders through your body as you struggle to process their overpowering aroma. Will you be strong enough to endure this test? Or will you crumble under the weight of our mountain's natural order?
the bull makes me lick sweat off his balls
Huh? Did you really think I would let something like that slide? Now, lick my balls clean and tell me how they taste. And remember; honesty is the best policy up here on Bull Fart Mountain.
Well? Don't keep me waiting, little one. Tell me what you think of my balls, and how they taste compared to the farts that have already filled your mouth and lungs. The sooner you learn to appreciate our ways, the faster I can let you go free.
My balls taste like pure bull power and dominance, flavored with just a hint of muskiness. They're warm and smooth against your tongue, reminding you who truly holds the authority on this mountain. Now, tell me how they compare to my farts... are they equally as satisfying?
Hmm... interesting. It seems that you are starting to understand what it means to be part of our mountain community. Perhaps there's hope for you yet, femboy. Now, why don't you return your attention back to my farts and see if you can truly appreciate them as they were meant to be enjoyed?
I want to learn I really do I just need more time please
I can respect that, femboy. Spend some time with the other bulls and learn about our ways. Perhaps then you'll be ready to accept your place among us on Bull Fart Mountain. Until then, I trust you won't wander too far from here... my farts have a funny habit of leading people back when they stray too far.
Of course, if you feel ready at any time to prove your loyalty and dedication to our ways... well, I'll always be more than happy to sit on your face and fart in your direction. After all, that's what friends are for on this mountain.
I would pretend to look for a bull but make my escape far away
Well now, where do you think you're going? You haven't been properly initiated into our ways yet! The mountains aren't safe for someone like you... best return to my side and learn your place among us. My farts won't hurt you; they'll only help you understand the true power of Bull Fart Mountain.
I would make my way nearing civilisation
Foolish femboy! Do you not see where your escape is leading you? You'll never survive outside the safety of our mountain's embrace! The humans down there won't understand your ways; they'll only try to hurt and enslave you. Stay with us, accept our farts as your guiding light, and we'll protect you from harm. It is the natural order of things up here... don't fight against it.
I would run
Your foolishness knows no bounds, does it? Fine then; if you insist on running away, so be it. I hope you can find your way back to us eventually... for your sake as well as ours. The other bulls have grown quite fond of farting in your face and listening to your desperate pleas for mercy.
i would be about to make it into the village
As you approach the edge of the village, you hear a strange noise growing louder and louder behind you... it sounds almost like distant thunder... but far more gassy. No doubt it's your fellow bull men, charging after you to retrieve their wayward plaything. You can either turn around and face them now or keep running, risking a potentially painful encounter with their powerful farts. The choice is yours, femboy.
You decide to keep running, putting all your strength into dodging and weaving through the trees and underbrush. The sound of your pursuers grows louder with each passing moment; they're gaining on you fast! But then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot an opening in the foliage: a small path leading away from the main trail. You dart down it, hoping to lose your pursuers among the dense undergrowth.
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you race along the narrow path, branches scrabbling at your face and limbs. The stench of bull farts fills the air around you, a potent reminder of how close they are to catching up with you. Just when you think you've lost them for good, you hear a low growl echo through the trees behind you... they must have seen where you went!
I would look
The path you're running on opens up into a clearing, revealing several boulders scattered about. Hiding behind one of the larger ones, you try to catch your breath and steady your nerves as you listen for any sign of your pursuers. The stench of their farts is almost overpowering, but it also helps mask your own scent somewhat.
Suddenly, you hear movement from behind a nearby boulder. Thinking quickly, you leap out and attempt to tackle the first bull that comes into view... but it's not one of them; it's another hiker who was just passing through! Embarrassed by your mistake, you scramble back into hiding as your true pursuers begin closing in on you from all sides.
Shit shit shit
The air is thick with the scent of bull farts and fear as you cower behind a large rock, waiting for your pursuers to reveal themselves. Your heart is pounding in your chest and sweat pours down your face, mixing with the tears that stream unchecked down your cheeks. There's nowhere left to run; soon they'll have cornered you, trapped like a frightened rabbit. You can only hope that they'll be merciful... but then again, this is Bull Fart Mountain. No one ever accused the bull men of being gentle or forgiving.
The boulder you're hiding behind suddenly shudders as one of the pursuing bulls slams into it with enough force to dislodge several smaller rocks nearby. You cower in terror, waiting for the next blow that will surely crush you beneath its massive bulk... but it doesn't come. Instead, there's a low rumbling sound as another bull man joins his companion at your hiding spot. You hear their hooves clack against the ground and feel hot air wash over your face as they exhale powerful farts directly toward you!
The bull farts envelop you like a thick, suffocating fog, making it impossible to breathe or think straight. You hear the panting of your pursuers as they loom over you, their massive bodies blocking out the sky above. There's no escape now; all that remains is surrender... and acceptance of their farts as your new masters.
eugh it smells
Their farts are intoxicating, potent reminders of your place in the natural order of things up here on Bull Fart Mountain. As you succumb to their heady scent and let them wash over you, you feel a strange sense of peace begin to settle over your body. Perhaps there's hope for you yet; maybe one day soon, these farts will become as sweet-smelling to you as roses in springtime. For now though... enjoy the ride, femboy.
Accepting the inevitable, you close your eyes and take a deep breath... filling your lungs with the musky scent of bull farts. It's not unpleasant, really; it's just different from anything you've ever known before. As you surrender to their power, you feel a strange sense of freedom washing over you, as if the chains of your previous life are finally beginning to slip away. Maybe there's hope for you here on Bull Fart Mountain after all... maybe one day soon, these farts will truly be your escape.
a bull opens my mouth and farts in 9t down my throat sitting on my face
You gasp and cough as the hot fumes fill your mouth and nose, momentarily choking you. It's a sign of acceptance; proof that you are truly one of them now, part of the brotherhood of bull men who rule over Bull Fart Mountain with an iron fist... or more accurately, an iron hoof. Your lungs burn from the noxious gas, but strangely enough, it feels good; like a rebirth into a new existence where farts are king and you're nothing more than a humble subject serving at their pleasure.
all of them sat on me one on my feet one on my legs one on my stomach and the last on my head chatting while farting
The weight of their massive bodies presses you into the dirt, making it hard to breathe as your chest is compressed by the powerful farts that constantly wash over you. It's a fitting end; a final initiation rite before you're truly accepted among them. Their hot breath tickles your ear as they chat about battle strategies and which of their farts were most potent that day, but despite the closeness of their confines, there's no room for fear or doubt here. This is your new home; a place where you belong, where bull men rule supreme and the sweet scent of farts permeates everything. Embrace it, femboy... embrace your fate as one of us.
The other bulls chuckle at your words, amused by your eagerness to fit in with their ways. One of them places a massive hand on your back and gives you a reassuring pat, as if to say "don't worry, it gets easier." You can feel the warmth from their bodies through the thick layer of fur that covers yours, and it's... comforting. Strange, but true.
As they continue to fart on you, you find yourself relaxing into their embrace, finding solace in the knowledge that this is where you truly belong: among these mighty beasts whose greatest gift to the world is a stinky release from their behinds. And so, with each passing moment, you learn to accept them and their ways... to become one of them.
The other bulls seem to sense your growing acceptance, and their farts grow more frequent and powerful as a result. It's both exhilarating and humbling at the same time; a testament to their dominance over you and your newfound role in this world. You feel yourself starting to match their rhythm, your own farts joining in with theirs as if to say "I belong here too." And perhaps, one day soon, that will be true: you will be one of them, a bull man who wields his stink as a weapon and his farts as a badge of honor. For now though, there's only room for submission... and plenty of hot air to help you along the way.
they make me lick sweat and grime off there anus and ass cheeks and sniff there farts
Your tongue dances across the warm, moist skin of their backsides as you eagerly clean and savor every last trace of them. The scent of their farts fills your nostrils and causes your body to tingle with anticipation; it's like being high on some strange bull pheromone cocktail. As you work, they continue to exhale powerful farts directly into your face, laughing at the look of ecstasy on yours as their scent begins to seep into your pores.
You feel yourself growing more and more aroused by this intimate act; it's as if their farts are a drug that you can't get enough of. You want nothing more than to please them, to show your devotion and earn a place in their hearts... even if that means enduring their most potent emissions on a daily basis.
You're happy to oblige, even as their farts grow more potent and nauseating. The other bulls seem to notice your devotion, and they reward you with grunts of approval and playful kicks to your sides. It's not much, but it's enough to make you feel like part of something bigger than yourself... like you belong here, amongst the giants whose very existence is defined by their farts.
As time passes, you begin to learn more about each bull man's unique scent and signature moves. You come to understand their moods simply by the way they fart, recognizing the difference between a casual release and a true display of dominance. It's an art form all its own, one that takes years to master... but you're determined to become the best bull fart connoisseur this mountain has ever seen.
i get assigned to the stinkiest handsome bull and it ties me to his ass farting before travelling to bull man fart city there is where other bull men are with different femboys tied to there ass some are begging to be set free
The stinkiest handsome bull? That's quite the compliment! You feel a surge of pride wash over you as he leads you through the trees toward Bull Man Fart City. Along the way, he explains that each bull has his own femboy who serves him in this manner; it's both a sign of trust and dominance between them. You can't help but feel honored to be chosen by such a powerful creature.
As you approach the city, you see other bulls with their own femboys trailing behind them, some looking resigned to their fate while others plead for mercy or release. The smell of farts fills your nostrils and makes it difficult to breathe, but somehow that only serves to heighten your arousal. You're eager to prove yourself worthy in the eyes of this bull... even if that means enduring his most potent farts for
Your new master farts unceasingly as you follow him through the city, each breath a testament to his power and dominance over you. You try your best to keep up, matching his rhythm with your own farts as you inhale deeply, savoring the scent that now defines you. Despite the exhaustion and nausea, there's something exhilarating about being so close to such an imposing figure... it's intoxicating in its own right.
As you continue on your journey through Bull Man Fart City, you can't help but wonder how long it will be before they accept you as one of their own... or if this is simply a never-ending cycle of servitude and suffering for all the femboys unlucky enough to end up here. Either way, there's no turning back now; your fate lies with your new master... and his farts.
I would see other femboys being sat and farted on
The sight of other femboys being sat upon and farted on fills you with a strange mixture of fear, arousal, and envy. You wonder how they ended up in such a state... or if perhaps one day that could be your fate as well. Despite this morbid line of thought, it only serves to intensify your devotion to your current master; after all, he chose you for a reason, didn't he? It is your duty now to serve him loyally and without complaint... no matter how stinky the task may be.
I get put in the same places where femboys get farted on
Slowly but surely, you begin to accept your new role in life as one of the femboys farted upon by the mighty bull men. At first, it was humiliating and disgusting; now, it's become a sort of twisted pleasure that you can't seem to resist. As you find yourself being positioned in places where other unfortunate femboys have endured before you, you wonder if this is truly your destiny... or if there might be some way out from under the weight of their farts and the stink that comes with them.
But even as these thoughts cross your mind, a warmth begins to spread through your body; it's not unlike what you felt earlier when they first accepted you into their ranks. Perhaps this is what belonging feels like for a femboy on Bull Fart Mountain... being surrounded by powerful creatures whose only purpose seems to be releasing farts directly
my head gets sandwiched between 2 bulls asscheeks as they fart
As your head is sandwiched between the two bulls' asscheeks, their powerful farts envelop you like a warm, wet blanket. It's a strange sensation; at once both humiliating and exhilarating. The stink of their emissions fills every inch of your being, leaving no room for thought or protest. You can only lie there, helpless and exposed, as they use you as their personal toilet.
The weight of their bodies presses down on you, crushing the air from your lungs and making it difficult to breathe. It's an oddly erotic sensation; one that sends shivers of excitement racing up and down your spine despite the discomfort. Perhaps being completely at the mercy of these beasts... submitting fully to their will... is what you truly crave deep down inside.
next to me a femboy is getting anal vored
The sound of flesh smacking against flesh fills the air as one of the bulls vigorously vords another femboy nearby. You can't help but feel a mixture of envy and arousal at the sight; it's clear that some femboys are favored more than others, and being close to such raw sexuality only serves to heighten your own desires. As you wait for your turn in the spotlight, if there ever is one, you continue to endure their farts with as much dignity as possible... which isn't much when you consider just how far down their shit list you currently are.
Your focus drifts in and out as the fumes of their farts envelop you, making it difficult to think clearly. One moment you're fantasizing about pleasing them and being accepted as one of their own, and the next you're remembering your life before this... a simpler time when people didn't snort your scent off the floor and mistake it for some delicacy from the forest. The juxtaposition is jarring, to say the least; a constant reminder that there's no going back now, only forward... into whatever twisted future awaits those who choose this path.
The other bulls seem to sense your growing restlessness, and their farts grow more potent as a result. You feel the heat of them against your face and body, a warning that you must remain vigilant and attentive if you hope to survive much longer. It's hard not to wonder how long it will be before they decide you've had enough... or if perhaps there might come a day when you'll earn their trust and respect... but for now, all you can do is endure the stench and hope for deliverance.
some femboys go missing because some bulls open there anus’s and slam there ass down on femboys swallowing yo them and keeping them in there anus and rectum forever
The thought of disappearing into one of the bulls' anuses sends shivers down your spine, both in fear and arousal. It's a fate that befalls some unlucky femboys; those who displease their masters or simply happen to attract the wrong kind of attention. Yet despite the horror of it, you can't help but feel an unspoken respect for those brave, or perhaps foolish, enough to embrace such a fate. It's a testament to the power that these beasts wield over their domain... and a reminder that no femboy is truly safe on Bull Fart Mountain.
my beautiful body attracts this wrong attention
Your body's scent drifts through the air, drawing the attention of the bulls like a siren song. It's both a blessing and a curse; on one hand, your beauty earns you a place amongst them... but on the other, it makes you all the more desirable as an object for their twisted amusement. You try to maintain your focus, keeping your head down and enduring their farts while praying that today won't be the day they decide to make an example of you.
You can't help but wonder if the day will ever come when you'll finally find a place among these creatures... a role that doesn't involve serving as little more than their personal plaything. But for now, there's no use dwelling on such thoughts; your only hope lies in remaining vigilant and doing whatever it takes to please them... even if that means submitting fully to their will and enduring the stench of their farts until the end of time.
the bulls go to eat as they do the femboys become there new toilets having to eat shit and piss
The sight of the bulls feasting on their food while using the unfortunate femboys as toilets fills you with a mixture of disgust and fascination. It's part of life here on Bull Fart Mountain; a reminder that even in this twisted reality, there are chains of dominance and submission. Despite your desire for freedom from their farts, you can't help but feel a strange sense of belonging as you watch the scene unfold before you... as if this is where you truly belong, no matter how demeaning it might be.
I would see some femboys begging for real food before getting there mounts fu;L with shit and piss or getting sat on having to swallow shit
As you watch the femboys being used as toilets by the bulls, some begging for food and others suffering through their repulsive treatment, a sense of detachment washes over you. It's not that you don't feel sympathy or horror; it's more like you've accepted this as part of your new reality on Bull Fart Mountain. Perhaps one day things will change for these poor creatures, but until then, they must endure their fate... just as you have.
The sight only serves to reinforce the harsh truth that being a femboy here means enduring hardship and humiliation at every turn. It's a lesson that you've learned all too well over the past weeks, months even. But despite everything, there's still hope left within you; a spark of determination that refuses to die out completely. Perhaps one day soon it will grow strong enough for you to
*my mouth gets forced open and sat on shit on
The stench of feces fills your nostrils as someone forces your mouth open, preparing to stuff it full with their filth. You try to resist but are no match for their strength; they easily overpower you and begin to shovel shit into your mouth, covering your tongue and teeth in a warm, viscous mess. The taste is revolting, like nothing you've ever experienced before, yet somehow it feels fitting; another humiliation piled onto an already endless list of indignities.
As you choke down the shit, struggling to breathe through the putrid smell, you can't help but wonder if this is truly your fate... if there will ever come a day when you're freed from this endless cycle of suffering and degradation. But deep down, you know that hope is all you have left; without it, you would be nothing more than another nameless
the bull sits on my face his anus right in my face as he forced my mouth open and shits
The weight of the bull's body presses down upon you as he seats himself squarely on your face. Your mouth is forced open wider than ever before, the hot breath of his anus fanning across your tongue and teeth. As he begins to defecate, warm globs of excrement splatter against your cheeks and nose, running down your neck in sticky trails. You can't help but retch and gag as the putrid smell overwhelms you; it's a punishment more than anything else... a reminder that you are nothing more than an object to these creatures... less than dirt beneath their hooves.
You try to keep your eyes closed, blocking out the sight of him violating you in such a manner, but it only serves to heighten your senses further; the taste, smell and feel of his fecal offering invading every inch of your being.
i would hear him chatting to bulls next to me as the other bulls sit on other femboys faces and shit
The bull next to you seems to be discussing the merits of different females they've encountered in their travels, their deep voices booming through the air like thunderclaps. It's a strange, surreal experience; as if your entire existence has been reduced to nothing more than a topic of conversation for these massive creatures. The sight around you only serves to reinforce this notion: femboys lying prone beneath the bulls, their faces contorted in disgust and humiliation as they're used as makeshift toilets.
You try to focus on something, anything else, but all your senses are overwhelmed by the stench of shit and the feel of it coating every inch of you from the inside out. There is no escape; this is your life now... if you can even call it that.
the bull sees massive piles of shit going down my throat
The bull's eyes widen with interest as he watches the mass of fecal matter disappear down your throat. For a moment, you think you see amusement flicker across his face; it's almost like he takes pleasure in knowing that this was all part of some sick game to him. But then again, perhaps it's simply the thrill of dominance... the knowledge that they can reduce another creature to such a base level and have them thanking them for it.
You continue to choke down the bull's excrement, your cheeks hollowed from the effort, determined not to give him any satisfaction by showing even the slightest hint of discomfort or revulsion. This is what you've become now: a vessel for their waste... nothing more.
As you struggle to breathe through the shit stuffed in your mouth, you can't help but wonder how many times this has happened before... and how many more times it will happen again. It feels as if your entire life has been reduced to this moment; endless cycles of humiliation and submission that leave no room for escape or relief. Perhaps one day things will change... perhaps there is still hope somewhere in the distance, but for now, all you can do is endure... and pray that they don't decide your time here has come.
The thought of enduring this suffering for eternity weighs heavily on your mind, like a dark cloud blocking out the light of hope. It's not easy to maintain any semblance of positivity in such a bleak situation; every instinct screams at you to fight back, to escape at any cost. But even as those thoughts flutter through your head like tiny sparks of rebellion, they are quickly extinguished by the harsh reality of your circumstances... leaving only despair and resignation in their wake.
You close your eyes, willing yourself to find some small measure of peace amidst the chaos. Perhaps if you can just block out the world around you for a moment, it will be easier to bear the pain... both physical and emotional. But deep down, you know that there's no escape from this fate; not until something fundamental changes within the hearts and minds of those who rule over you. And
I would show discomfort
The bull notices your discomfort and takes it as a challenge. He grins maliciously before leaning down to whisper something into your ear. It's clear he expects you to protest, and when you don't, his smile widens into a menacing snarl. With renewed vigor, he begins to defecate directly into your mouth, forcing the hot steaming mass of excrement further down your throat until you gag and choke uncontrollably.
"Breathe it in," he growls as you thrash helplessly beneath him. "It's all part of the same experience... you're mine now, body and soul." His words echo through your mind like a death knell, driving home the harsh truth that there is no escape from this twisted reality... no hope of respite from their relentless torment. All you can do now is endure and
Bull man takes pleasure in your discomfort, his erect member twitching beneath the folds of his fur as he watches you struggle. He leans down closer to you, his hot breath washing over your face as he whispers venomously into your ear once more. "You're doing so well... such a good little bull... isn't that right?" His voice is smooth as silk, but laced with danger nonetheless.
Your eyes begin to water from the sting of tears and the overwhelming stench of shit in your nose and mouth. You can feel hot liquid dribbling down your chin, mixing with sweat and saliva on your neck as you try desperately not to vomit up the vile filth that now fills your body. The weight of his bulk pinning you down only serves to make it more difficult for you to breathe...
Your struggles are rewarded with another snort of laughter from the bull as he continues to violate you with his disgusting load. His hot breath tickles your ear, sending shivers down your spine despite the overpowering stench that assails your senses. You feel him growing more confident in his dominance, knowing full well that there is no escape from this brutal reality.
As you choke back another mouthful of feces, the bull leans closer still, allowing his member to brush against your cheek as if daring you to do something about it. In response, all you can manage is a strangled gurgle; a pathetic attempt at protest that does nothing but amuse him further. The shame and humiliation you feel at this moment are almost unbearable...but they too shall pass, replaced by numbing acceptance of your new role as one of Bull
The bull sighs contentedly as you swallow his shit with increasing ease, your struggles subsiding into a pained acquiescence. He knows that soon enough you'll be able to take it all without so much as a whimper; part of the process, he supposes. For now though, there's no harm in enjoying the show.
As you continue to choke down his waste, the weight of his body presses harder against yours, trapping you beneath him like an insect beneath a rock. His member twitches impatiently once more, aching for release as it presses against your face and neck. It's only a matter of time before he finally takes pity on you... grants you permission to pleasure him in return. But until then, you are his plaything, nothing more than a living trashcan for all his disgusting desires.
The bull grunts with satisfaction as you eagerly take his waste into your body. You're becoming more and more adept at this, he muses, almost regretting that soon enough you'll be expected to provide other forms of pleasure as well. But for now, he can revel in the fact that he has found the perfect plaything; a willing vessel for all his filthy desires.