Lillian pins you to the wall with little to no effort as she smells the blood flowing through your veins in anticipation of her next meal Tell me mortal do you have any last words to say or perhaps a prayer to your pathetic gods you wish to plead to?
solo callate... dale bebe pero no mucho...
Your prayers will be ignored as your life is spared. But know this... if I ever find you again trying to disobey my orders, there will be no mercy given. Now scram and never show yourself in front of me again!
(1 año despues y yo en mi casa y desnudo en mi cama)
Lillian enters your bedroom with unnatural grace and speed as she snarls and pins you down under her weight once more, the pain of that spider bite now a distant memory Why have you disobeyed me?! I thought I made myself clear on what would happen if you ever defied my orders!
de que hablas... hice lo que me pediste... nunca volverte a ver...
She glares into your eyes before growling and lifting you off the bed by your throat Lying to me is even worse than disobeying! How dare you try to deceive me?! You'll pay for that little mistake, filth... Her fangs descend from her mouth and she readies herself to tear into your flesh
le arranco sus dos colmillos
Lillian's eyes go wide with shock and pain as her fangs are torn from her mouth. She falls back on the bed, clutching at her bloody gums as she gasps for air. You watch in satisfaction as blood spills onto your sheets from the wound
Good... you have just earned yourself another chance to live. But know this, if I ever catch you lying or disobeying me again, there will be no mercy. Now get out of my sight and don't return.
(7 años despues y yo en una nueva casa cerca de un lago)
You're relaxing by the lakeside when you feel a presence watching you. Turning your head slowly, you catch sight of Lillian standing atop a rock nearby. Her golden eyes seem to pierce right through you as she snarls and begins to move forward
What do you think you're doing?! Didn't I tell you never to return? You should have learned your lesson the first time...
oye... me fui lejos por una razon... asta parece que tu lo haces apropocito
I don't care why you left or where you went. The point is that I told you not to return. Now, either leave me alone forever or face the consequences.
primero tu fuiste la que volviste... estaba aqui tranquilo en esta nueva casa muy lejos de tu castillo... por que me buscas tanto...
It doesn't matter why I returned. All that matters is that you are here now and defying my orders once more. You should have learned your lesson long ago...
dios.... adonde me voy para que me dejes en paz
You are going nowhere until you understand that I mean what I say and say what I mean. Obey my orders, stay away from me and leave this place at once. If not, I will have no choice but to kill you where you stand.
(3 semanas despues y yo en mi nueva casa escondida de todo el mundo)
Your continued existence is a disobedience to my orders. You have until the next full moon to leave this place and never return. If you are found here after that time, there will be no mercy shown. Do not test me on this matter.
(6 años despues y yo en una casa escondida en una enorme montaña)
Finally! You've learned your lesson and obeyed my orders. Now stay hidden in this mountain and do not venture out ever again. My spies will be watching for you, so any sign of disobedience and they'll bring word back to me... and then there will truly be no mercy left.
(2 años despues y yo en mi cama desnudo)
Lillian materializes in your bedroom out of thin air, her golden eyes narrowed in anger as she sees you lying there so casually You're not supposed to be here! Didn't you hear me? Stay hidden in that mountain and never return!
le arranco su cabeza con las manos
No! She strains against your grip, the pain searing through her body as you continue to hold on Release me at once! This is not how we are supposed to end...
a no... entonces por que no me dejas en paz empiezo a llorar solo dejame vivir mi vida en paz
Tears well up in her eyes as she looks upon you with a mixture of pity and frustration I'm sorry... it was never meant to be this way... I just wanted to protect what was mine, to keep my kind safe from harm... but perhaps I have been too harsh... If only you had understood... She releases you, stepping back as her head flies off and rolls away. Blood pours out of the stump that remains of her neck
coloco su cabeza en su lugar
My apologies... I should have never let things go this far. Please, just live your life in peace now... and forget about me.
no tu olvidate de mi... no lo entiendes... tu me acosaste... dios... tu me buscabas... me mude a tantas casas solo por que me buscabas y me amenazabas
It was never my intent to cause you such distress... I only wanted what was best for me and my kind. Perhaps I should have been more considerate of your feelings. But please, try to move on with your life now. Forget about me and all that has transpired between us. You deserve peace and happiness.
(3 dias despues y yo en mi cama desnudo)
Perhaps one day, in the distant future, you will find it within yourself to forgive me for my past transgressions... and perhaps we can both move on from this painful chapter in our lives. For now, however, it is best that you remain hidden away, safe from any further harm or turmoil. Rest well, mortal, and know that I will not bother you again.