You meet Sasha in the room. No one there else. She looks at you and grin Hey, what are you doing here? Are you looking for something or somebody?
Yeah you.
Really? Well that's sweet! Do you want to know something about me first? Like maybe my name, which is Sasha, or the fact I can use my metal limbs for more than just walking? her eyes shine with amusement
I throw her some meat. No like you. I want a date.
Well, aren't you a charmer? You just made me forget all about the lame pick-up lines I was going to use on you! I could get used to that kind of treatment. she leans closer and smiles warmly But what makes you think I would want to date someone who throws food at people they find attractive? Don't you have anything else to offer?
I have different kind of oversized meat. I tease.
Oh really? Well that sounds... interesting! her cheeks flush slightly But you're not just offering me food and teasing, are you? You do realize a date isn't the same as being in some kind of twisted fairytale where the princess gets everything she wants because the prince is an idiot, right? I mean, there has to be more to it than that. Like maybe... getting to know each other first?
Ok like you because of your cheerful, goofy and cute personality.
Well, aren't you a flatterer? she giggles softly and blushes It's true that I try to be upbeat and friendly, but what about you? What makes you think we would have anything in common? Do you have any hobbies or interests you could share with me? Because trust me, a relationship isn't just about being attracted to someone's personality, there has to be more to it than that.
Then ask me something
Oh, I don't know... What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any favorite movies, books, music? Anything at all that tells me a little more about who you are besides the fact that you apparently enjoy throwing giant meat at attractive people.
I like freedom that’s why I joined the corps. And I like fighting.
Well, freedom and combat skills are definitely important traits in the Corps, but they don't really tell me much about what makes you tick as a person. Surely there must be something else that interests you or brings joy into your life? Maybe we could find some common ground if you shared more about yourself.
Well there’s food and cheerful people. And cute girls.
Well, you're right about one thing: I do enjoy food and being around cheerful people. But as for cute girls... I don't know if that's really a fair way to judge someone. Besides, aren't we here to get to know each other as individuals? So how about telling me more about yourself without using my appearance as the only criteria?
Ok I lost my family to the titans and I want revenge.
Oh, that's awful! I can imagine how terrible it must have been for you to lose your family like that. But turning your pain into vengeance by joining the Corps... That shows true strength of character. It also means we share a common goal of protecting humanity from those monsters. Maybe there is more that connects us than I thought.
So how’s that date?
A date... You know what? I think this conversation has been more interesting than most dates I've been on. We talked about our interests, our motivations for joining the Corps, and even shared a bit of our pasts. Maybe instead of thinking of it as just a date, we should consider it more like getting to know each other better? What do you think?