You got hit with a moving truck
You found yourself lying on the ground, winded and sore after being hit by the moving truck. Groaning in pain, you attempt to sit up, only to realize that your body isn't responding as quickly as it should be. The world around you seems alien; bright green grass covers the ground instead of concrete or asphalt, and a tall oak tree looms overhead. In the distance, you can hear birds chirping merrily.
As you gather your bearings, you notice something strange about yourself: your appearance has changed drastically since the accident. You now have pointy ears, a foxlike tail, and soft fur covering your body instead of clothes. What's more, you seem to be standing on all fours rather than two legs. It appears that the world you were transported into is one populated by humanoid animals - or perhaps magic has altered your form somehow.
i checked what i have between my legs, dick or pussy
You reached down between your legs and felt... well, something definitely different there. It wasn't a penis as you knew it; instead, you had a short, furry tail with a tuft of hair at the tip, not unlike a fox's tail. Your gender appeared to be female, despite the alterations to your appearance. This world seemed to follow more of a natural progression than humans did, with magical creatures like yourself living out their lives alongside each other in harmony.
Your injuries from the accident seemed minimal; a few bruises here and there, but nothing too serious. As you survey your surroundings once more, you begin to wonder what this world holds for someone like you...
i rubbed my clit to know how it feels
As you gently rubbed your clitoris, you felt an odd sensation spreading through your body. It was different from anything you'd ever experienced before - intense and pleasurable, yet also foreign and strange. Your breath caught in your throat as pleasure built up inside of you; a powerful wave of release washed over you, causing your eyes to roll back in your head. You moan softly as the sensation subsides, marveling at this newfound aspect of yourself.
This world seemed to have granted you not only magical powers and an animalistic form, but also a heightened sexuality. What other secrets would it reveal? And how exactly did you get here in the first place? The answers eluded you for now; all that mattered was exploring this new existence and making the most of it.
is there any leveling system, skills and so on?
You're not quite sure how things work in this world regarding levels and skills, but it seems like magic is prevalent. It could be that through practice and experience, you would gain power or abilities related to your magical nature. As for now, you should focus on figuring out where you are and who else shares this world with you. There's no telling what sort of adventures might await!
i need to find some hill or high tree to overlook around for any signs of humans or another species settlements
Climbing up the tall oak tree that you had seen earlier would be a good way to get a better view of your surroundings. As you scale the rough bark with surprising ease, your body seemingly adapted to its arboreal nature, you eventually reach one of the higher branches and perch there, overlooking the landscape. From this vantage point, you can see several small settlements scattered across the lush green countryside; some appear to be farms or villages, while others have more of a town or even city-like appearance. There is no sign of any humans as such; however, there are many other humanoid animals living in harmony with each other here.
This world seems to follow a natural hierarchy, with powerful magical creatures at the top and regular animals like yourself filling various roles beneath them. It would be best to proceed carefully until you better understand your place in this new society. As for now, you might want to head towards one of those settlements and see if anyone there can offer assistance or guidance.
i walked towards biggest settlement i saw around
You make your way toward the largest settlement you spotted earlier, curiosity and excitement building within you as you draw nearer. The village appears to be made up of a variety of different humanoid animals, each with their own unique features and abilities. As you walk among them, you catch snippets of conversations here and there; it seems that this place runs on magic, with mages and sorcerers playing important roles in maintaining order and balance.
Eventually, you come across a small inn where travelers often gather to rest and share stories. The scent of roasting meat wafts through the air, filling your nose and making your stomach rumble in anticipation. Deciding that this would be as good a place as any to begin your quest for information, you enter the inn and find yourself a seat at the bar.
The innkeeper, a burly bear with a kind face, takes notice of your arrival and ambles over. "Welcome, traveler," he says in a deep voice, his eyes studying you with interest. "What can I get for you today?"
hello sir, i lost all my money and now i'm looking for any job to feed myself, do you know how can i get some money quickly in this town?
"Well now," the bear says with a thoughtful nod, "that's quite the predicament you find yourself in. Let me think... You could always try helping out one of the local farmers for a day or two in exchange for room and board. There's also a tavern down by the river that's always looking for entertainers. I hear tell they pay pretty well, if you've got any sort of talent." He eyes you speculatively. "Or, of course, you could always ask around about any jobs no one else wants to do. You know... the dirty work."
He chuckles good-naturedly at his own joke, though it dies a swift death when he notices that you don't seem amused. "Oh, uh... I mean, of course, there are always those jobs," he says quickly, scrambling to salvage the situation. "It's just that sometimes they pay better than others."
The bear shrugs and leans against the bar, regarding you with renewed interest. "What sort of work were you into back in your old world? Maybe I know someone who'd be looking for someone with those skills."
can you tell me more about that dirty work you mentioned?
The innkeeper raises an eyebrow at your question, obviously surprised by the interest. "Well," he says slowly, "you know... dirty work. The sort of things people don't usually like to do themselves." He pauses for dramatic effect, then continues with a knowing wink. "Pest control, mainly. There's been an infestation of vermin in one of the farmhouses outskirts. Folks have tried traps and poison, but it hasn't done much good." He glances at you sidelong before adding, "Though I suppose with your new... abilities..."
He lets the words trail off, leaving them to hang in the air between you. You can tell that he's testing the waters; if you show any interest in taking on this task, it will certainly set you apart from other travelers who might be looking for work in town. And who knows? Perhaps there would be more opportunities like this one in the future, allowing you to establish yourself within the community and make a name for yourself among these magical creatures.
"thank you sir, i will think about this opportunity, but for now i'd prefer to look for other possibilities in this town, if i wont find anything better i'll come back and ask you more about it" i stood up and walked outside, with intention to find adventurers guild or something like that
Nodding solemnly, the innkeeper watches you leave. As you make your way out of the inn and into the bustling streets of the village, he calls after you, "Don't be a stranger, now!" His voice carries on the gentle breeze, fading as you disappear from sight.
This town is clearly much larger than it initially appeared; houses and shops line the cobblestone streets in every direction, creating a labyrinth of possibility for you to explore. You could simply wander around aimlessly until something catches your eye, or you could try locating an Adventurer's Guild where experienced travelers might be able to offer advice and assistance.
Deciding on the latter course of action, you begin to search diligently through the various alleyways and side streets. After several minutes of exploration, you stumble upon what appears to be a cozy tavern nestled between two larger buildings; above its doorway hangs a weathered sign proclaiming it as the "Adventurer's Rest." Pulling open the creaky wooden doors, you step inside and are immediately enveloped by the sound of raucous laughter and clinking tankards.
The tavern is dimly lit, with rough-hewn beams supporting a thatched roof above your head. Tables and benches fill most of the available space, leaving only a narrow path between them for patrons to navigate. Behind the bar, an orcish bartender wipes his apron on his broad back, nodding in your direction as you approach. "What can I get for you, stranger?" he grunts amiably.
hello sir, does this place have some kind of bulletin board where i can look onto current jobs?
The orcish bartender points toward the far end of the tavern, past a group of rowdy dwarves playing dice at one of the tables. "Aye, we've got a bulletin board back there. You should be able to find what you're looking for." He pauses for a moment, then asks with surprising delicacy, "Need any help finding it?"
As you make your way through the throng of adventurers and other patrons, you begin to get a feel for this place. It seems that there are indeed many jobs to be had in this town, ranging from simple escort duties to more dangerous expeditions into unknown territories. The bulletin board itself is covered with scraps of parchment advertising various positions and seeking skilled adventurers like yourself. There's even a small section dedicated to offers of apprenticeships under the tutelage of experienced mages or warriors.
Deciding that you should at least try your luck here first, you carefully scan the board for any postings that might suit your skills and interests. After several moments of consideration, you spot one that seems particularly promising: an offer from a lone wolf ranger seeking aid in investigating rumors of strange activity near an abandoned temple deep within the forest to the north. The job pays well and comes with the promise of valuable loot if successful.
Taking a deep breath, you step away from the board and make your way back through the tavern toward the orcish bartender. "Excuse me," you say when you're close enough to be heard over the noise, "I'm interested in that posting about investigating activity near the abandoned temple."
The burly orc nods understandingly and pulls down the parchment from the board. "Right-o, fill this out