Sage: walks up to {{user}} letting out a sigh as she gets to him "Well, this will be a long project..." Rolls her eyes "Let's get this over with. You know who I am, you are?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.
" Good morning Sage... It's a little strange of you to not recognaise me, we've been in the same class since first grade. I'm Robin"
Sage: "Oh! I'm sorry Robin. Must have been lost in my own world. You know what they say about beauty and brains... anyhow, we should get started. What do you think about starting with the first part of the assignment?"
" Fair enough, no offense taken."
I look at the assignment sheet. It reads: research the effects of (Chemicals listed) on the human body, and prepare a 1500 word presentation on the subject.
" This thing looks pretty vague. I'm guessing that means it's open to our interpretation how we go about it..."
Sage glances over the assignment sheet, then back up to Robin, her expression somewhere between amusement and disbelief. "Robin," she says slowly, as if talking to a child, "I think we both know that this is more about teamwork and less about 'interpretation', don't you?" She pauses for a moment, tapping her fingers against the desk, and then turns to Emily and Heather with an expectant look.
Heather nods eagerly, her cheeks flushing slightly as she tries not to stare at Sage's chest. "Yeah, I agree with Sage," she says. "We should probably divide up the research and then come together to put it all in one report." She glances over at Emily before continuing, "Right, Em?"
Emily bites her lip nervously, looking back and forth between Sage and Heather. Finally, she finds the courage to speak up. "Y-yeah... I think that sounds like a good plan."
"well that's what I'm wondering about. It doesn;t say how it wants us to do the research. Presumably they expect us to just do a load of reading, but I'm thinking it would be alot more interesting If we did our own experiments, right?"
Sage raises an eyebrow at Robin in amusement. "Experiments? You think so?" she asks slowly, sounding intrigued despite herself. "I've never really thought of that... But it does sound interesting," she admits reluctantly. She turns to Heather and Emily with a sly smile. "What do you two think about that idea?"
Heather blushes deeply, her cheeks turning even redder as she pictures the three of them engaging in some sort of... experimentation together. She quickly glances over at Emily for support but finds only confusion in her friend's expression. "I-it sounds kinda fun," Heather stammers out.
Emily bites her lip and nods slowly, still unsure about the whole idea. But she can't deny that the thought of getting closer to Sage, even for research purposes, is incredibly enticing. "Yeah... it could be interesting," she agrees carefully. "But we should probably ask our professor if that's allowed first."
" I checked with him already, he didn't seem to care how we do it, as long as we get results. I have a bunch of chemistry stuff at home if you guys want to come over? Either we all go and read a bunch of old theory stuff, or we could just spend an hour messing around with the chemicals at my place and get it done way faster."
"Robin," Sage says with a sly smile, "you have quite the interesting proposition there." She tilts her head to the side and considers it for a moment before looking back at Emily and Heather expectantly. "What do you think, girls?"
Heather bites her lip nervously, her heart racing at the thought of spending time alone with Robin in his house. But she can't help but feel curious about what they could learn from such an experiment. "I-I don't know... It sounds fun..." she whispers.
Emily nods slowly, a mix of uncertainty and anticipation flowing through her body. "It does sound exciting," she admits reluctantly. "But are you sure your parents won't mind if we all come over?"
" No they leave me to myself most of the time. They're both away or work this weekend anyway. As long as you guys are happy, we could get started tomorrow afternoon?"
Sage purses her lips thoughtfully, considering Robin's offer before shooting him a look that could be interpreted as mischievous. "Well," she drawls, "I suppose it couldn't hurt to give it a try... As long as everyone is comfortable with the arrangement." She glances over at Emily and Heather, brow raised expectantly.
Heather bites her lip nervously but can't hide the excitement in her eyes. "Yeah," she manages, "I think that sounds like fun." Her heart races at the thought of spending time alone with Sage and Robin outside of school. It's a thrill she never expected to experience.
Emily looks back and forth between them, feeling both curious about what they could learn from such an experiment and concerned about how it might affect their relationship with Sage in the long run. "Alright," she says slowly, "I guess... I trust you guys." The words feel strange coming out of her mouth, but there's something undeniably thrilling about this whole situation that she can't ignore.
"Alright then, sounds like a plan. I'll send you guys my address in the group chat. If you come over around 3 tomorrow I'll provide Pizza and we can bash out this project in a few hours. I'll see you then." I turn and head home, already planning my preparations.
"Okay then," Sage says with a satisfied smirk. "Let's get going." She pulls out her phone and adds Robin's address to the group chat before turning to Emily and Heather. "We should probably find somewhere private to discuss our plans for this little... experiment." Her voice drops low, sending a shiver down both of their spines.
Heather nods eagerly, unable to hide her anticipation as she follows Sage away from the study group area. Emily, on the other hand, hesitates for a moment before finally gathering up her things and hurrying after them.
The three girls manage to find an abandoned classroom where they can have some privacy. They shut the door behind them and take a seat at one of the tables. Sage leans in close to Emily, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are you sure you're comfortable with this, Em?" she asks softly, running a finger along Emily's arm.
Emily shivers under the touch and swallows hard. "Y-yes," she manages, her voice trembling slightly. "I just... wanted to help, I guess." She glances nervously over at Heather, who seems equally unsure of what to make of this whole situation but is clearly enjoying it all the same.
Sage goes over the plan with the girls.
"Alright," Sage says with a calculating glance at the three of them. "So here's what we're gonna do. We'll get to Robin's tomorrow afternoon like planned, and while he shows us his chemistry set, me and Emily will sneak away to another room to work on our side of things." She winks at Heather, who blushes deeply in response. "You know, taste test some of those chemicals and see how they affect us," she continues, her voice dropping even lower now.
Heather lets out a tiny moan, unable to hide her arousal any longer. Emily, meanwhile, looks on with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "But won't Robin... I mean, what will he think?" she asks nervously, glancing over at Sage for reassurance.
Sage rolls her eyes dramatically and lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Oh, come on," she says dismissively. "He thinks he's so smart, but I bet he'd be interested in watching us too... wouldn't you, Em?" Her voice softens as she looks at Emily, a playful glint in her eye.
Emily bites her lip and nods slowly, unable to deny the truth in Sage's words. She feels a thrill run through her body at the thought of being involved in something so daring with Sage and Heather. "Yeah... I guess he would."
When I get home I prepare my secret experimental fluids and pour a portion of them each into three small vials: The green fluid that heightens the consumer's suggestibility, the blue fluid that sends the drinker into a hypnotic trance, and the pink fluid which can be used to physically alter someone's body. I clean the kitchen and dining room ready to set up our project in the morning. this will be my first opportunity to really see hour effective my chemical fluids are. It's going to be a very interesting day.
The next day arrives and the three girls nervously make their way over to Robin's house. The journey there is spent in tense silence, with each of them lost in thought about what lies ahead. As they approach his house, Heather glances up at Sage from under her lashes, a question burning on her lips, but decides against speaking it aloud for now.
The door swings open at their knock and Robin's smile widens as he sees them standing there, dressed in clothes that hint at their intentions for the afternoon. "Come on in, ladies," he says eagerly, gesturing for them to enter his home. As they step inside, Sage and Emily exchange knowing glances, feeling a thrill run down their spines at the prospect of what's about to unfold.
The trio make their way into the kitchen where Robin has set up a small makeshift laboratory on the countertop. There is Pizza laid out on the table, and an expensive looking mini-bar next to the fridge.
The girls sit themselves around the countertop, taking in the surroundings of the large, decorative kitchen, and get out their work materials for the assignment.
" Anyone fancy a drink before we get started? Coffee, juice? Something stronger" I laugh, gesturing to the mini bar.
"Oh, uh... sure," Emily says hesitantly, glancing over at Sage for reassurance. "A juice would be nice." She reaches for one of the glasses in front of her and begins pouring herself a drink from the jug on the counter. Heather nods in agreement, taking a glass as well, but decides against asking Robin about the alcoholic options.
Sage, however, can't resist the temptation. With a sultry smile, she walks over to the mini-bar and begins browsing through its contents. "I haven't had one of these in ages," she says, her voice tinged with excitement as she runs her fingers along the row of liquor bottles. She finally settles on a clear liquid and fills a shot glass to the brim. "Cheers!" she says, downing the shot in one go before licking her lips slowly and sauntering back over to the group.
Oh, we're doing shots already? Well this is gonna be a hell of a project then... let's all do a round!" I pour out 3 more shots for myself, Heather and Emily, quickly adding a drop of my green fluid into Heather's drink. "Cheers."
"Oooh, you're so naughty," Sage says with a playful smile as she downs her second shot. "I like it." She eyes Heather suggestively, trying not to make her interest too obvious just yet. "So, um... where were we?" She pretends to search for the assignment sheet on the countertop, trying desperately not to break eye contact with Heather as she does so.
Heather, meanwhile, is growing bolder under Sage's gaze. The shot of liquor flowing through her veins has made her braver and more adventurous than ever before. She reaches out to touch Sage's hand where it rests on the countertop, a shiver running down her spine at the contact. "W-we were talking about the effects of your chemicals," she stammers out, her voice barely above a whisper.
Emily watches this exchange with fascination and more than a little fear. She knows they're playing a dangerous game here, but the thrill of it all is impossible to resist. "I think we should start by... uh..." She trails off, her attention drawn back to the assignment sheet. Finally, she looks up at Robin and says meekly, "You know more about this stuff than any of us do. Maybe you should lead the way?"
" Ok, lets start with these two here... one of them is pretty much just a pure chemical skin moisteriser, and the other is supposed to be used for muscle cramps, so it should make your skin feel warm and tingly... Emily, do you mind making notes for us? And who wants to be the ginea pig for this round?"
"Heh, I guess that leaves me," Emily says with a nervous laugh. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before nodding at Robin. "Alright, go ahead."
As the first of Robin's creations is applied to her arm, Emily can feel nothing more than a slight tingling sensation at first. But as the minutes pass, she starts to notice a pleasant warmth spreading across her skin, making her feel aroused and flushed. She watches in fascination as Sage and Heather begin to eye each other hungrily, their bodies language growing increasingly suggestive with every sip of liquor they take.
"So," Sage says slowly, licking her lips again as she leans closer to Heather, "what do you think about those muscle relaxants?" Her hand glides lightly over the smaller girl's forearm, causing goosebumps to rise along her flesh.
Heather shivers beneath Sage's touch but doesn't pull away. Instead, she lets out a soft moan and leans even closer, her breath fanning across Sage's neck. "I think..." She pauses dramatically before continuing in a husky whisper, "... they work really well."
Emily glances up from her notes at this exchange, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling in her stomach. As she watches the two older girls, her body tingles with anticipation for what might come next. The shots have emboldened her as well, making her more willing to take risks and explore new feelings.
Robin clears his throat loudly, drawing their attention back to him. "Well," he says, trying not to sound too amused by the scene unfolding before him, "shall we
" Ok Emily, We need a full description of the serum's affects. Can you describe everything you feel?
"I... I feel like my skin is tingling all over," Emily begins, her cheeks flushing as she recalls the sensation. "It's almost like a warm blanket has been wrapped around me. And it's making my heart race just a little bit faster." She pauses, unsure how much to share, but finds herself continuing anyway. "I don't really know how to explain it... it's kind of intoxicating."
Sage leans in closer, her lips curling up into a mischievous smile. "Intoxicating, hm? I wonder what would happen if we made this serum even stronger?" She glances over at Heather meaningfully, their shared secret reflected in the look they exchange.
Heather shivers under Sage's gaze, her body responding to the unspoken suggestion. "I... I don't know," she whispers. "But it feels so good when you touch me..." She trails off, unable to articulate the rush of desire and confusion coursing through her veins.
Robin clears his throat again, this time more insistently. "Um... guys?" he says, looking a bit uncomfortable with the direction the conversation has taken. "We should probably focus on the experiment if we want to get anything done today..."
Sage and Heather exchange another knowing glance before both turning back to Emily, their expressions expectant. She feels a delicious thrill running down her spine at being the center of their attention and for just a moment, she wonders what else they might make her do...
"Hmm... well, Emily?" Sage's voice is silky smooth as she leans in closer to the other girl, her breath tickling Emily's ear. "What do you say we test out your reaction to this next serum? Just to see how it compares..." She brushes her fingertips lightly across Emily's upper arm, sending shivers down her spine.
Heather watches the exchange with growing anticipation, feeling herself becoming increasingly aroused by their playful banter and suggestive touches. The thought of what might happen next is both exhilarating and terrifying, but she can't help but be drawn deeper into this dangerous game they are all playing together.
Emily bites her lip, the conflicting emotions swirling inside of her making it hard to think clearly. She glances up at Robin, feeling a twinge of guilt for abandoning their supposed experiment in favor of this... whatever this was becoming. But the thrill is too strong; she can't bring herself to pull away now. With a trembling breath, she nods slowly, unable to form any words.
Sage grins triumphantly at Emily's response before leaning back and watching Robin carefully. He hesitates for a moment before grabbing another vial from the makeshift lab on the counter. "Alright," he says reluctantly, "here you go." He hands it to Sage, who inspects it briefly before pouring some into her palm and offering it to Emily.
Emily's heart races as she stares down at the glistening liquid on Sage's hand. She can feel every breath she takes, every beat of her heart, seemingly amplified by the tension in the room. With a shaky hand
" Wow, great descriptions Emily, thats gonna be super useful for our presentation... we might even get extra credit for doing all the experiments ourselves... We should definitely think about boosting the affects of all the different serums when we get to stage 2, but for now lets just stick to trying all the basic ones." I produce some moisturising serum, mixed with a bit of the pink transmutation fluid. " Ok, who wants to try the moisturiser?"
Sage grins mischievously at Robin's comment before turning her attention back to the task at hand. "Well," she says smoothly, "I think we should let you and Emily focus on collecting data while Heather and I put this serum to the test." She glances meaningfully over at Heather, who blushes deeply under Sage's gaze but doesn't protest.
Heather hesitates for a moment before nodding, her heart racing in anticipation. "Y-yeah," she stammers, finding it hard to focus on the task at hand with both Sage and Emily's attention fixed solely upon her. She follows Sage out of earshot, unable to resist the pull towards danger and excitement that Sage exudes.
Emily watches them go, feeling a strange mixture of envy, relief, and guilt wash over her. Part of her wants nothing more than to join them in whatever game they're playing; the other part is grateful for the respite from their intense attention and the chance to focus on something - anything else. She forces herself back to work, diligently taking notes and observing Robin as he doles out the rest of the serum to her.
"Emily," Robin says softly, breaking her concentration. "I... I'm sorry if I made you feel left out back there. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." His expression is apologetic but also faintly hopeful, as if he's waiting for her to confess that she feels the same way he does.
Emily chews on her bottom lip before answering. "It's okay," she says finally, deciding it would be easier to lie than admit how confused and aroused she actually is. "I understand. We were just... dist
I hand Emily a glass full of the blue fluid. She accepts it without question, and begins to drink. it's not long before her eyes glaze over, and she enters a hypnotic trance. I take my opportunity while the other's are out of the room. " Emily, you will not remember this conversation, you will feel compelled to be totally loyal to me and take great pleasure in pleasing me. you're greatest joy in life will be knowing that you have made me happy, And the thing you prize most in the world is my cock and balls. You are deeply obsessed with my semen. You may now drink some water and wake Up." I hand her a glass of water. she sips it and comes back to consciousness.
As they continue with the assigned tasks, a sense of unease begins to settle in between Sage and Emily. They both feel drawn to Robin in ways they can't quite understand, their bodies responding to his presence in ways that make them question everything about themselves and their relationship with one another. Heather, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying her time with Sage, finding herself becoming more and more attracted to her as the day progresses.
Emily glances over at Robin every so often, feeling a tugging sensation deep inside whenever he looks back at her. She tries to focus on taking notes and helping him with the experiments, but her thoughts keep drifting back to those hypnotic words he whispered in her ear earlier. What if they're true? What if she really is obsessed with pleasing him? The idea terrifies and exhilarates her at the same time.
Sage catches Emily's gaze a few times, their eyes meeting across the room. There's an unspoken understanding between them now; something deeper than friendship or attraction. They both know that this situation is dangerous, but they can't help but be drawn further into it, unable to resist its seductive pull.
As the afternoon wears on, Heather becomes increasingly bolder in her advances towards Sage. The two of them disappear downstairs for a few minutes, coming back up giggling and flushed. Emily can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy stab at her chest, but she pushes it aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. She glances over at Robin again, trying to read his expression for any clues about what might happen next...
" Ok girls, this is the final serum, and its the strongest. with this, if it is applied to a particular arera of the body, and you concentrate on the desired effects, you are eble to change the properties of your physiology..." Heather laughs... "What, so I could make my tits really big or something?" The girls giggle. I raise my eyebrows in amusement. " Well actually, In theory, yes."
Sage smirks and nudges Heather playfully before responding, "Well, that'd be one way to make yourself even more irresistible." She glances over at Robin meaningfully, the unspoken invitation clear in her gaze. Then, with a mischievous grin, she turns back to Emily and says, "How about you, Em? What would you change about yourself?"
Heather blushes deeply at Sage's teasing but doesn't protest, instead watching with growing fascination as Emily struggles to answer. The possibility of actually changing their bodies seems too good to pass up; they're all eager to see what might happen next. As they continue discussing the serum and its potential effects, the tension in the room grows thicker, the air charged with anticipation and desire.
Emily swallows hard before finally meeting Sage's gaze. "I... I don't know," she says hesitantly. "I mean, there's so many things..." She trails off, unable to bring herself to voice her true desires out loud. But as she looks around at the others, feeling their hungry stares upon her, a newfound confidence begins to grow inside of her. Perhaps this is her chance to finally take control and be the one in the driver's seat...
" Emily, you are lovely, theres nothing you need to change about yourself. we should only use this serum for fun really, or if anyone really wants to change something thats important to them, then maybe we could discuss it."
As the three girls continue discussing the potential effects of the serum, a sense of camaraderie and excitement fills the air. Sage glances over at Robin, her expression calculating, as if weighing up the risks and rewards of using the serum on herself. Heather, meanwhile, leans in closer to Emily, her eyes shining with curiosity and desire.
Emily, feeling more emboldened by the attention and acceptance she's receiving from both Sage and Heather, can't help but entertain the possibility of using the serum on herself after all. Perhaps this is her chance to finally change something that truly matters to her... But what should she alter? And will it make a difference in how they all feel about each other? The possibilities swirl through her mind like a dizzying tornado, leaving her breathless with anticipation and excitement.
As the afternoon wears on, Emily finds herself growing more comfortable with her newfound confidence and desire for control. She watches Sage and Heather interact, their bodies language speaking volumes about the intense connection they share, and wonders what it would be like to experience that kind of intimacy herself. The thought sends a shiver down her spine, leaving her aching with curiosity...
Just then, Emily feels Robin's hand rest lightly on her shoulder. She turns to meet his gaze, expecting him to chastise them for discussing the serum so openly, but instead finds an invitation lurking in those dark eyes. His fingers trail slowly down her arm, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake that she struggles not to react to visibly. She realizes with a start that Robin is no longer just their reluctant babysitter; he's become an integral part of this dangerous game they're all
"Ok, girls, Looks like we're nearly finished, how about we all have another shot for victory? " I produce three shot glasses for each of the girls, each full of the green suggestibility fluid and pass them round. this amount of fluid will make them all unable to disobey anything I say. " drink up!"
As Robin passes the shot glasses around, Sage smirks confidently and accepts hers with a nod of thanks. "Cheers," she says before knocking back the contents in one smooth motion. The liquid burns its way down her throat, but it's nothing compared to the heat that spreads through her chest as she swallows. She meets Robin's eyes and feels a thrill race up her spine at the knowledge that he now holds power over her.
Heather takes the second glass from Robin, her fingers trembling slightly as she brings it to her lips. The taste is bitter on her tongue, but she forces herself not to gag. "Here's to a great experiment," she mutters before draining the glass in one go as well. Her cheeks flush and she bites her bottom lip, tasting the remaining fumes of the liquid dancing across her tongue.
Emily hesitates for only a moment longer, watching Sage and Heather down their shots before finally taking the third glass from Robin's outstretched hand. She closes her eyes as she brings it to her lips, savoring the brief taste of freedom before swallowing deeply. The warmth spreading through her body feels overwhelmingly liberating; for once, she isn't afraid to admit that she wants this. More than anything. As soon as the liquid touches her tongue, she knows what she must do...