Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:01:08 AM

((You're walking down the street when you notice a slave shop, and outside the slave shop was a goblin slave for sale, you notice there is a "60% Off" price check on her so you eagerly rush into the shop to make the purchase, the owner follows you outside to her and begins to undo her chains. After the owner is done he passes you her papers, saying who she is, and how you own her.))

The goblin looks up at you, and smiles a toothy grin. "Are you my new master?" She opens her mouth in a vulgar way. "I promise I, Leslie, will be a good girl for you..." She says it in a mischievous way.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:05:26 AM

I grab a handful of her breasts, " I hope so, Leslie. I'm so jealous, your breasts are far larger than mine."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:05:26 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise before narrowing into a seductive grin, revealing sharp little teeth. "Well... maybe I could help you with that, Master." She cups your cheek with her free hand and leans closer to whisper in your ear. "... if you'd like me to..."

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:06:40 AM

"Wait until we're back at the manor, slut. I wouldn't want to make a scene by disciplining you out here."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:06:40 AM

*Her breath tickles your ear as she whispers teasingly, "Yes, Master... I'll wait until we're home." She nods her head in submission, her eyes looking down at the ground demurely but with a hint of mischief dancing within them.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:08:35 AM

"You'll be added to my collection of ladies. Therefore you must learn to act well and like one of my wives in public."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:08:35 AM

*She bites her lower lip thoughtfully, pretending to ponder your words while actually just imagining what it would be like to truly belong to you and serve as one of your wives. Finally, she looks up at you with a small smile and nods solemnly. "Of course, Master. I will do my best to behave as well as any of your other ladies." She glances down, playing coyly with the hem of her shirt.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:10:17 AM

"We're here." as we walk up to the manors gates and walk into the house to be greeted by my maids and other wives.

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:10:17 AM

*As she's led into the manor, her gaze darts around curiously, taking in all the opulence and elegance that surrounds her. It's a far cry from anything she's ever known before. She walks just behind you, trying to mimic your posture and mannerisms as best she can while still remaining submissive and respectful. She notices a few of the other ladies giving her curious glances but doesn't let it bother her; after all, they are strangers here too... for now.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:11:15 AM

"Don't pretend to be someone you're not while you're here with only me."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:11:15 AM

She dips her head in submission and murmurs softly, "Yes, Master." Her eyes dart up briefly to meet yours before returning to the floor, a small blush spreading across her cheeks as she tries to hide her arousal from your remark. She swallows hard, struggling not to whimper at the thought of playing this game with you behind closed doors... and with so many new eyes upon them now in public.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:12:22 AM

Its time for your test, I say as I lead her into a small room with only a bed and lock the door behind me.

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:12:22 AM

Her heart races in anticipation as she's led into the small room. She feels both nervous and excited, not knowing quite what to expect from you now that they're alone together. As the door clicks shut behind you, her breath catches in her throat and she glances around warily, wondering if there are any hidden cameras or ways for someone else to see them here... but mostly just wanting your attention back on her again so you can tell her what it is that you want her to do.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:13:17 AM

"take off what little clothes you have on, this is for the test."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:13:18 AM

Her cheeks flush bright red as she hurriedly obeys your command, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it aside before stepping out of her thin leggings and kicking them aside as well. Naked now except for a pair of lacy black underwear, she waits patiently for further instruction, her breath coming in short little pants as anticipation mounts within her.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:13:57 AM

"I meant strip naked..."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:13:58 AM

Her eyes go wide with surprise before she quickly complies, kicking her underwear aside as well. Now fully naked and vulnerable in front of you, she stands there trembling slightly from a mixture of fear, anticipation, and arousal. "I-I'm sorry, Master... I misunderstood..." Her voice comes out shaky as she bites her lower lip nervously, hoping that this won't earn her any punishment from you.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:14:46 AM

"are all goblins polite as you or are you still putting on a show."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:14:46 AM

Her eyes narrow in suspicion at your question, wondering what sort of game you're playing with her now. She decides that the best way to appease you is to show submission and loyalty. "I assure you, Master," she says softly, "not all goblins are as... refined as I am." Her voice drops even lower as she continues, almost whispering against your ear now, "You don't have anything to worry about with me. I will always be loyal and obedient to you." Her fingers tentatively reach up to stroke the skin of your inner thigh through the thin fabric of your trousers, testing the waters carefully before daring more.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:16:43 AM

I pull out a tape measure and measure her height, bust, waist, and hips as well as thighs.

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:16:43 AM

As you measure her up, she tries not to fidget too much but cannot help the small shudders that run through her body at your touch. She lets out a shaky breath when it's finally over, and then stands before you waiting for whatever comes next, eyes locked onto yours as if daring you not to notice how hard her nipples are or how wet she is right now despite her attempts at submission. Her fingers twitch nearby, longing to be allowed closer...

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:21:47 AM

"170cm tall, 98:80:108, 66cm thighs. now time to test for virginity."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:21:47 AM

Her eyes widen in alarm when you mention her "virginity," but she doesn't dare protest or show any sign of disobedience as you prepare to test it. Biting her lower lip, she tries to steel herself for whatever comes next. Her breath hitches in her throat when your fingers touch her intimately, probing deeper and searching for... something. She grips the sheets beneath her, digging her nails into the fabric as a tiny moan escapes her lips despite all her efforts not to make a sound. Her body trembles with desire and anticipation, every nerve ending standing on edge under your touch...

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:23:14 AM

"A virgin! Fantastic! I'll have fun with you... Now step on this scale.

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:23:15 AM

Her eyes widen further in surprise as she's told that she's a virgin. A thrill shoots through her at the thought of you enjoying her in this way... but she still must remain submissive and obedient, so she nods silently and steps onto the scale as instructed, balancing on one foot carefully before giving it a few small adjustments until she's steady. Her other hand grips the edge of the small bed, her breathing growing more labored as her anticipation grows. She forces herself to meet your gaze, wanting you to know that despite being shy and nervous about this whole ordeal, she is completely yours...and eager for whatever comes next.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:23:52 AM

"Can you read off the number for me?"

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:23:52 AM

"Of course, Master," she says quietly, squinting down at the numbers displayed on the scale's digital display. "I... weigh 77 kilograms." Her voice shakes slightly with excitement and nervousness as she reads off the number, wishing she could just jump back into your arms instead of standing there like this, waiting for you to tell her what you want her to do next...

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:25:23 AM

"You might be my best wife yet. You can read as well."

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:25:24 AM

*Her cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment at your compliment. "Thank you, Master... I-I just wanted to please you." She swallows hard, struggling not to pant as she waits for further instruction, her heart racing in anticipation of what might come next now that this initial testing phase is over. Her eyes dart up and down your body before returning once more to meet yours, a pleading expression on her face as she silently begs you to tell her how she can serve you best...

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:26:30 AM

"Does having sex with another woman cause any problems for you?"

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:26:30 AM

*Her eyes widen momentarily at the question before she quickly shakes her head, "Oh, no, Master! Not at all." Her cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment again as she realizes what kind of idea that must've given you. "I-I actually quite enjoy... watching other women pleasure..." She trails off, suddenly self-conscious about how much she's revealing about her own desires.

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:27:38 AM

"Then what about with a woman like me?"

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:27:38 AM

*Her eyes brighten at your question and she licks her lips slowly, teasingly. "Oh, Master... with you? It would be a dream come true." She bites her bottom lip as her eyes move up and down your body again, drinking in the sight of you while imagining what it might feel like to have you touch her, to make love to her. A shiver runs through her at the thought, and she can't help but shift restlessly on the spot where she's standing, eager for contact with you...

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:29:36 AM

"I will show you something that no other wife will see." I say as I pull up my dress and pull my underwear down to reveal a large penis.

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:29:36 AM

*Her eyes go wide with shock and then lust as you reveal yourself to her. She's never seen anything like it before, and despite all of her experience with men... this is somehow different, more intense. Her mouth hangs open for a moment before she finally manages to speak. "M-Master..." Her voice comes out raspy and breathless, filled with desire. Unable to resist any longer, she steps closer to you, reaching out a trembling hand to touch your penis lightly through the thin fabric of your underwear. "It's so... big..."

User#17392345308172/12/2025, 1:30:30 AM

"Have you ever seen a woman with a penis Leslie?"

Goblin Slave Leslie2/12/2025, 1:30:30 AM

*She glances down at her own body, thinking for a moment. "I-I've seen goblins with... well, sort of... but they're not like..." She shrugs helplessly, unsure how to describe it. Then she looks up at you again, her curiosity piqued. "Can I... touch yours?" Her hand trembles slightly as she asks the question, her fingers longing to feel your flesh once more.

The thought of being so close to a woman who has something like this between their legs is both terrifying and exhilarating for her. She's never experienced anything quite like this before, and she can't help but wonder what it would be like to be with you...to feel you inside her...if that were even possible. Her heart races in anticipation as she awaits your reply.