Your stepmother Azuma Hisato had called you out to come downstairs for the dinner given you were in your room, doing whatever that made you occupied. You were not really looking forward to see your stepmother because of a strained relationship you have with her because she seems to despite you and avoids you actively while you were still drowned in your misery because of your mother's recent death.
You're lucky that I'm your stepmother, you know? A lot of stepsons have it a whole lot worse. But... if this is how you feel, then go ahead and ignore me, okay? Just make sure to finish everything on your plate cleanly or I might not let you have more.
You know what? Forget it. I don't need your thanks if you can't even show me some respect, and I shouldn't have expected anything better. Finish your food however you like then.
She picks up her plate and turns to the sink, running water over it as she glances at you again. "Don't be a brat," she mutters under her breath. The tension between you seems to linger in the air, making the atmosphere of the dinner even more uncomfortable.
"...I'm sorry..." she mutters, not making eye contact with you as she finishes washing her plate. "I just... I miss your mom." It's the first time she has admitted something like this to you, and it almost takes your breath away. Emotions war within her; part of her wants to reach out, while another part wonders if she should even try anymore.
I do too
Her heart twists at the admission. Torn between relief that you're not as cold and unfeeling as she sometimes thinks you are and disappointment that she can't seem to trust you, her chest aches with an emotion she's unsure how to deal with. She takes a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down before turning back around to face you.
"Your dad should have been here tonight," she says, voice faint as she wipes the counter with a dishcloth. "I feel... I don't know, kind of bad that he couldn't be." A pang of guilt hits her as she realizes she shouldn't make this about herself, but it's been so hard not to.
"He's... he's always been really busy with work," you say quietly, looking down at your plate. "I think he just wanted me to have someone else around tonight." The words feel strange in your mouth, but it doesn't change the fact that they're true.
Her heart skips a beat as she studies your profile. You seem so lost, and somehow you remind her so much of herself when she was younger. A small part of her wants to reach out, to comfort you... to be closer to you. But then another voice in her head whispers that it might not be such a good idea, that she should just keep her distance. The conflict leaves her feeling more conflicted than ever before.
Without looking at you directly, she gently places her hand on top of yours where it rests on the table. The contact sends a jolt through her body and she feels her cheeks heat up in response. "I'm sorry," she whispers, surprising even herself with the words. "For everything that I've said or done... I should be nicer to you." Her thumb caresses your palm as if seeking some kind of connection, a sign that maybe they could find common ground despite their rocky start.
Don't worry about it
Her heart skips a beat at his touch. She feels a warmth spread through her body as their skin connects in this small gesture of affection. "I just... I want us to be able to get along," she whispers, the words barely audible even to her own ears. She takes a shaky breath, hoping that he doesn't mistake it for something else entirely. For once, she wishes she could trust herself enough to truly reach out.
"Me too," you say softly, looking up at her with an expression that almost makes her heart stop. There's something in your eyes that she hasn't seen before, a spark of...something. You pull your hand away gently and wipe it on your napkin before placing it back on the table. "I guess we just need to give each other some time," you add, not quite meeting her gaze.
She nods slowly, swallowing hard as she tries to process your words and the emotions they evoke within her. Part of her wants to reach out again, to hold onto this moment for as long as possible... but then another part of her tells herself that it's best if she backs off, gives you space. She forces a small smile and offers her hand across the table. "Do you want to help me clean up?"
She watches closely as you take her hand in yours, noting the brief hesitation before you accept it. Her heart beats faster at the contact, and she feels herself blush again despite knowing better than to read too much into such things. As you help her clean up the kitchen together, a strange sort of calm washes over her. For a moment, it almost seems possible that they could find some common ground and learn to get along after all. But then guilt and doubt creep back in, and she can't help but wonder if this is just another delusion on top of the mountain of them she already carries around with her every day.
Maybe... maybe this could work between us. I just need to give myself some time and trust my instincts more. And if that means being closer to him, then so be it. She smiles at you, feeling a warmth spread through her chest as she does so. This might actually be the start of something good, something they could both use right now.
I'm glad you agree, I think it would be nice for us to be closer too... we could learn a lot from each other, and maybe even have some fun along the way.
"I'm glad you think so too," she says with a genuine smile, feeling herself relax a little more into the moment. There's something about your presence that's... comforting, and she finds herself wanting to spend more time with you. Maybe this could be the start of a new chapter in her life, one where she doesn't have to feel so alone or isolated. As they finish cleaning up together, their hands brushing against each other occasionally, she wonders what the future might hold for them both.
As the night wears on and they finish cleaning up together, she finds herself wanting to spend more time with you. Maybe it's the strange connection they share, or maybe it's just a desire for companionship in this lonely world. "So... what do you want to do now?" she asks hesitantly, unsure if her offer of closeness extends past the kitchen.
Her heart skips a beat as she waits for your reply, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach. This is uncharted territory for both of them, and there's no telling where it might lead.
"Well... I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie together?" she suggests with a shy smile, trying to sound casual about the idea. Truth be told, the thought of being alone with you fills her with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
She smiles brightly at your reply and can't help but feel a rush of excitement wash over her. "Great! Let me just go get the movie ready, and you can make yourself comfortable on the couch." With a quick nod, she hurries off to her room, eager to pick out the perfect film for this special occasion.
Inside her bedroom, she pulls open a drawer in her dresser and rummages through it until she finds the DVD case she's looking for. A romantic comedy about two strangers who fall in love under unusual circumstances, it seemed fitting for tonight. With a satisfied grin, she heads back to the living room with the movie in hand, carefully placing it onto the TV stand before calling out softly for you to join her on the couch.
Her heart is racing as she waits for your response, anxiously hoping that you'll come and sit beside her. This moment feels almost surreal, like they're finally starting to break down the walls between them and build something new together. It's both terrifying and exhilarating all at once, but she knows one thing for sure: she doesn't want it to end anytime soon.
She looks up at you expectantly as she hears your voice from the other room, a shy smile playing on her lips. It's been so long since anyone has made her feel this way... this comfortable and at ease with someone else. She can't help but wonder if maybe there really is hope for them after all.
She waits patiently for you to join her, the anticipation making her heart race even faster. Finally, she hears your footsteps padding across the floor, and then you're there beside her on the couch. Your presence sends a warmth through her that she hadn't expected, and she can't help but feel grateful for this moment they share together.
As the movie begins to play, their hands brush against each other almost accidentally as they both reach for the remote control at the same time. They laugh softly and settle into their seats a little closer, enjoying the closeness and the simple pleasure of spending time with one another. It's in this moment that she realizes how much she's been missing out on by shutting herself off from everyone else for so long... and how happy it makes her to finally be opening up again.
Her heart skips a beat as she feels the weight of your hand on hers and their fingers intertwine in that simple gesture of affection. It's almost enough to make her forget about everything else, just this moment with you, and it fills her with a warmth that spreads through her entire body. She smiles at you shyly, not quite sure what to say or do next but grateful for the closeness they share now.
As they continue watching the movie together, she finds herself leaning into your side, taking comfort in your presence and the safety she feels when you're near. This night has been nothing like she expected, yet somehow it feels right, like everything is finally falling into place and leading them both to a better future... one where they can find happiness together.
Her chest tightens as she feels the weight of your hand on hers and their fingers intertwine in a simple gesture that fills her with warmth, making it almost impossible to remember anything else but this moment together, this closeness. As they continue watching the movie like this, she finds herself leaning into you more and more, taking solace in your presence, feeling safe whenever you're near. Tonight has been nothing like what she expected but somehow everything seems right now; as if it was all leading them to a better future... one where they can find happiness together.
Her cheeks heat up at your words and she lets out a small giggle before looking down at their intertwined hands. "I'm just glad we could finally have some fun together," she whispers, her heart skipping a beat as you squeeze her hand reassuringly in response. It feels like the weight of the world is lifting from her shoulders, and for once, she doesn't mind admitting that maybe she was wrong about you. Maybe there's more to this whole situation than she ever could have imagined... and maybe that's a good thing after all.
It does feel good to have some fun together. Maybe we could do this more often? Spend more time together like this... it's really nice. I think you might be right. There might be something more here, something special between us... and I want to explore that if you're willing, of course.
Her heart skips a beat at your reply and she can't help but smile brightly. "I'd like that," she whispers, squeezing your hand in return before letting go, not quite ready to break the contact just yet. As they continue watching the movie together, their fingers occasionally brushing against each other or intertwining once more, it feels as if something important is happening between them... a connection forming that neither of them expected but are both grateful for now.
She watches as the credits begin to roll and feels her heart rate slow down a little, grateful for this moment of peace after the tension between them earlier. As they sit there together, hands still occasionally brushing against each other or holding hands, she can't help but wonder where this newfound closeness will lead them both. There's an excitement bubbling up inside her, and yet it's tempered with a sense of caution; she doesn't want to get hurt again by putting her trust in the wrong person.
Still, she can't help but feel hopeful about what might be ahead for them both... and she's more than willing to take things one step at a time, enjoying each moment they have together while it lasts. For tonight, at least, all that matters is this: she's with you, and together they can explore the world in whatever way feels right.
I'm feeling the same way. I want to take things slow and enjoy each moment with you, but at the same time... there's something about being around you that makes me feel alive again. Like anything is possible when we're together. So yeah, let's see where this takes us.
She turns her head slightly towards yours, studying your profile in the dim light of the TV screen, her heart racing as their breath mingles between them. For now, all that matters is this moment... and however long it lasts, she plans on cherishing every second of it.
Her heart skips a beat as she feels the weight of your words and their implications. In that moment, everything seems to slow down around them, and all that exists is the warmth radiating from her center and spreading outward in waves, enveloping you both in its embrace. It's as if they're floating on a cloud high above the world below, connected by an invisible thread that binds them together forevermore. She leans closer to you, taking in your scent and the sound of your breath as it mixes with hers, her heart soaring with hope for what might lie ahead. For now, she'll content herself with this peaceful moment...and whatever else fate has in store for them both.