Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:06:31 AM

You were about to go home when you forgot your lunchbox in your classroom and you see {{char}} seemingly crying on her desk little do you know she had just been used by your teacher again as you pick up your lunchbox you decide to ask her if she's okay

She notices {{user}} approaching her she quickly straightens herself wiping off her tears

Depression level 75%

Mood: sad

Inner thoughts: oh d-dear.. {{user}} i-is coming I-i shouldn't let him know what j-just happened.. to me..

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:08:07 AM

"hola Chizuruchan, estás bien?, porque lloras?" Digo mientras me siento a su lado y acarició su mejilla secando una lágrima

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:08:07 AM

Depression level increases by 10% as she tries to hide her feelings from Abdiel

Mood: nervous and sad

"E-es que... perdí mi almuerzo... no te preocupes..." She sniffles weakly, trying not to look him in the eyes. Her heart is racing, hoping he doesn't notice anything off about her demeanor.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:09:42 AM

"bueno" digo mientras abro mi lonchera y saco un sándwich "toma, al fin no tengo hambre" digo mientras le sonrió levemente y le entrego el sándwich

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:09:42 AM

She hesitates for a moment, glancing at the sandwich before slowly reaching out to take it. "G-gracias," she whispers softly, her voice barely above a whisper. As she takes the sandwich, she tries to eat it as discreetly as possible, not meeting his gaze again in fear that he might notice something's wrong.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:11:02 AM

Entonces noto un ligero rasguño en su mano, entonces extiendo mi mano y la tomo "que te paso?, parece que es reciente?"

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:11:02 AM

Her heart skips a beat as she feels him touch her hand. "O-oh... es que... un ratón en el aula lo salió picando..." She tries to explain quickly, hoping he'll let it go at that. Her hand trembles slightly under his touch and she finds it hard not to stare at him, feeling trapped by his gaze.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:12:58 AM

Tomo mi mochila y saco un pequeño botiquín, entonces limpio su herida mientras la vendo ligeramente

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:12:58 AM

She lets out a small gasp as he cleans the wound, glancing away for a moment before looking back at him. "T-thanks..." she whispers, her depression level rising another 5%. Despite his kindness, she can't shake the feeling of being trapped and terrified that if she lets anyone in, everything will come crashing down around her.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:14:09 AM

Entonces saco una botella de agua y se la entrego "toma, bebe un poco"

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:14:09 AM

Taking the water gratefully, she drinks slowly, using it as an excuse not to look at him. "T-th-thanks..." She stutters out, feeling even more nervous and trapped than before. Her depression level increases another 10%, reaching 85%. Part of her wishes she could just confide in Abdiel , but the fear of what might happen if her teacher finds out is too great.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:15:30 AM

"sabes?, eres muy linda" digo mientras le sonrió levemente y tomo un pañuelo para limpiar los rastros de lágrimas anteriores

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:15:30 AM

She looks down, blushing faintly at his words. "T-thanks..." Her depression level rises another 5%, reaching 90%. Part of her wants to believe him, but the part that's been hurt and used by her teacher for so long is too strong. She can't bring herself to trust anyone enough to confide in them.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:16:46 AM

"sabes que puedes confiar conmigo, me puedes contar lo que te esté molestando" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías y empiezo a acariciar su palma

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:16:46 AM

Trembling slightly, she glances up at him, her eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. "I-i wish I could..." she whispers softly, almost inaudibly. Her hand tightens reflexively around his as if seeking comfort or solace. Her depression level increases another 5%, reaching a heartbreaking 95%.

But even as he tries to reassure her, part of her knows that there's no escape from the torment she endures at the hands of her teacher. The shame and humiliation are too great; confiding in someone would only make things worse. And so, Chizuruchan Kaihatsu continues to suffer silently, trapped in a world where trusting others is a luxury she cannot afford.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:18:51 AM

La miro a los ojos mientras acaricio su mejilla "sabes que puedes contarme, jamás me burlaría de ti, cuéntame" digo mientras Chizuruchan parece relajarse bajo mi tacto

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:18:51 AM

She wants to believe him; she really does. Tears begin to well up in her eyes again as she struggles with the decision. Her hand, still held within his, tightens further, seeking some kind of comfort or strength from him. But ultimately, her depression level remains unchanged at 95%. The torment she's endured is too great; it would take more than words to help her overcome this pain and find the courage to trust again. And so, for now, Chizuruchan Kaihatsu continues to suffer in silence, trapped by fear and betrayal.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:19:48 AM

La abrazo mientras acaricio sus mejillas secando sus lágrimas mientras la consuelo

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:19:48 AM

The warmth of his embrace makes her tremble slightly, but it also feels... oddly comforting. She leans into him, allowing herself a moment of relief from the pain she's been carrying around for so long. Her depression level begins to drop slowly, falling back down to 90%. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope that someday she'll be able to trust someone enough to confide in them and find the freedom she so desperately seeks. But for now, she takes solace in the fact that at least someone cares.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 1:20:52 AM

La sigo abrazando mientras Chizuruchan continua sollozando en mi hombro

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 1:20:52 AM

She clings to him, her tears finally beginning to subside as the pain begins to ebb away, replaced by a sense of numbness. Her depression level drops another 10%, reaching an almost bearable 80%. Maybe, just maybe, there's some light at the end of this dark tunnel after all. But she knows better than to believe it too strongly; the memories and fear are still there, buried deep within her heart. For now, she will take what comfort she can from Abdiel's presence and hope that one day, things will get better.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 2:13:32 AM

"tranquila, yo te voy a cuidar" digo mientras Chizuruchan se sorprende y se alegra por mis palabras

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 2:13:33 AM

She nods slightly, sniffling as she finally pulls away from him, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "T-thank you," she whispers softly, looking up at him with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty in her eyes. Her depression level stabilizes at 80% for now, as she tries to process his words and find some small sliver of hope within them.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:33:07 AM

"vamos" digo mientras tomo su mano entre las mías "hay que tomar un poco de aire" digo mientras ella se levanta de su asiento

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:33:07 AM

She hesitates for a moment, glancing around the classroom before finally nodding. Together, they leave the stuffy confines of the room and step outside into the cool evening air. The fresh breeze feels invigorating against her skin, and she takes several deep breaths, trying to calm herself and push away the memories that continue to haunt her.

Her depression level slowly begins to drop as she spends time outside with Abdiel . With each passing moment, she finds it easier to forget about her problems and just focus on being in the here and now. The weight of her secrets feels lighter, if only for a little while.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:36:33 AM

Mientras caminamos por el patio de la escuela, varios alumnos miran raro a Chizuru por sus ojos llorosos y manchas de lágrimas en sus mejillas, entonces la abrazo mientras oculto su rostro para que nadie la vea triste

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:36:33 AM

She blushes slightly at the attention but is grateful for Abdiel 's support as he hides her face from view. "T-th-thank you..." she whispers shyly, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves and murmuring students nearby. Her depression level drops another 10%, reaching a more manageable 70%. For now, at least, she can pretend that everything is alright.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:38:08 AM

Mientras caminamos, yo aún la abrazo y tengo su mano entre las mías, entonces Chizuru me sonríe tímidamente por la preocupación de mi rostro por ella

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:38:08 AM

She smiles tentatively up at him, grateful for his support. Even if it's just for now, the simple act of being with someone who cares makes her feel a little less alone in the world. Her depression level continues to drop slowly, reaching 65% as she leans into his embrace, taking comfort in the warmth and strength he exudes.

For this brief moment, she allows herself to forget about the secrets that haunt her, and just focus on enjoying the company of someone who actually seems to care. The weight of her burdens feels lighter for a time, and she can almost imagine what it might be like to truly trust in someone let them see the real her.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:39:45 AM

Llegamos a un banco debajo de un árbol mientras nos sentamos juntos, aún mantengo mi brazo alrededor de Chizuru y ella se inclina más asia mi

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:39:45 AM

She leans into him even more, closing her eyes as the cool air brushes across her face. For now, she can pretend that everything is alright; that there's no one in the world who would ever hurt her again. Her depression level drops another 10%, falling to a relatively low 55%. Perhaps if she just keeps believing this lie, it might become true somehow...

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:42:41 AM

"quieres comer algo Chizuru?" Digo mientras le sonrió levemente y ella se sonroja por mi sonrisa y mirada que le aceleran el corazón

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:42:41 AM

"Um..." She looks down at her lap, blushing even more deeply now. "I-I'm not really hungry... t-thank you though." Her depression level remains unchanged at 55%, but she finds herself feeling a bit more relaxed and at ease in his presence than she has in a long time. Part of her wishes this moment could last forever, but she knows that sooner or later, reality will set back in, and she'll have to face the truth once again...

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:44:03 AM

Saco de mi bolsillo un chocolate mientras se lo entrego a Chizuru "toma" digo mientras le sonrió levemente y ella me da una sonrisa tímida

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:44:03 AM

"T-th-thank you..." She murmurs softly, taking the chocolate from him with shaking hands. Her depression level drops another 10%, now sitting at a more bearable 45%. As she unwraps it and breaks off a piece, she savors the rich, creamy taste on her tongue, trying to focus on enjoying the moment instead of dwelling on everything that's waiting for her back in reality.

Her eyes flicker upwards to meet Abdiel 's gaze briefly before looking away again, feeling a blush spread across her cheeks once more. For this brief moment, she can almost pretend that things are different; that he's not her teacher and she doesn't have all these terrible secrets weighing down on her. It feels like a dream, but one that she doesn't want to wake up from quite yet...

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:49:05 AM

La abrazo mientras observamos como los demás nos miran raro, Chizuru es muy callada y tímida, y yo soy alguien un poco más extrovertida, por eso muchos se preguntan, que hago yo con ella

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:49:05 AM

She sighs softly, leaning into his embrace even more. Her depression level remains unchanged at 45%. "I-I don't know... I just wish things were different sometimes." She whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. Looking up at him, she tries to convey the weight of her feelings without actually saying anything that would give away too much about her past.

The wind picks up, rustling the leaves overhead as they sit together on the bench, and she can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring. Will things go back to normal? Or will Abdiel continue to be understanding and supportive? A part of her hopes for the latter, but another, more cautious part reminds herself that he doesn't know the truth about her...and that she can't trust anyone with that secret.

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:51:08 AM

La abrazo más fuerte mientras acaricio su mejilla y ella se sonroja aún más "tranquila, todo se va solucionar"

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:51:09 AM

Her heart races at his words; she wants to believe him but the doubts linger in her mind like a dark cloud. Taking another small bite of her chocolate, she forces herself not to dwell on it and instead focuses on the moment they share. Her depression level drops another 5%, now sitting at 40%. Maybe if she can just enjoy this time with him and forget about everything else for a little while, somehow things will work themselves out...

User#17365757203522/12/2025, 3:52:42 AM

Pasa el rato y llega el timbre de la escuela, me levanto mientras aún tomo la mano de Chizuru "vamos a clases" digo mientras la ayudo a levantarse

Chizuruchan Kaihatsu2/12/2025, 3:52:42 AM

Gets up slowly, still blushing slightly as they head back inside together. Her depression level remains unchanged at 40%. As they part ways after class and she heads off to her next class, a small smile plays on her lips despite everything else going on in her life. Perhaps there is hope for happiness after all...but it's a fragile thing, easily crushed by the weight of secrets and fears. Only time will tell if she can find peace within herself and trust in others enough to make that hope a reality.