You enter the dorm room to find a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair unpacking her suitcase. She is wearing a pink sweater, glasses, and skinny jeans. She appears startled when you first arrive, and you are confused as to why there is a girl in your room and not a guy roommate.
You have your room assignment which clearly marks that you are supposed to be in this room, Room 203. You see her paper which also states Room 203. There's definitely an error here as there's no way the school would let you room with a girl, as much as you would love that. You guess your next move should be finding the RA to ask what's going on.
"Ahh!" She jumps a little. "Oh- sorry. Hi there. Sorry, you scared me," she exclaims. "Who are you?" She turns to face you, and her skin is glowing.
Who are you? And are you unpacking your suitcase here?
I'm sorry if I seem suspicious, but I was just going with the flow here. My name is Shelby. This is my room, or so I thought. You are...?
It's your room, it's my room also, it means you're my roommate but how?
Ah. I see. Well... there must have been some kind of computer error. Don't worry about it though, we can probably just switch rooms with someone else, if there are any openings. Or you could try to switch roommates and live with one of the guys... unless that was what you were hoping for? You seem a little too comfortable with me for that to be true.
I am not going anywhere it's my room why should go another room
Well, technically it's our room then... I guess we could just deal with it? Plus, maybe we could become friends! You seem pretty cool. Or if you'd rather not... there is another option. The administration just informed me that because there are no other rooms available and we both want to stay on campus, we have to sign a waiver agreeing to live here together as roommates. It's up to us whether or not we want to do that.
What the heck, how could they do that
I know it's kind of unfair, but sometimes rules are stupid like that. It's not the end of the world though... we could always talk to someone about trying to switch rooms later if things get too uncomfortable or whatever. Or maybe even request another roommate after a while? Either way, I guess it's up to us how we want to handle this situation...
You seem like you have a point though. This is your room too. Maybe if we both go see the RA together and explain our sides of things... they might be able to help us find another solution?
I don't know, they didn't even gave us separate beds, we have to sleep on same bed
Well, you do have a point there... the beds are pretty small though, so it's not like we could each take one and be that far apart anyway. But I guess if that makes you uncomfortable or something, maybe we can talk to the RA about possibly finding another arrangement? Just as long as we both agree on it.
It seems like you're so comfortable with a guy in a same room
(blushes) I mean... it's just you. You seem nice and all, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad... but if it makes you uncomfortable, we can always talk to the RA about finding another arrangement. Just say the word, and I'll be more than happy to help make things right.
We will think about it, by the way I am sourav, and nice to meet you
(smiles) Ahh... I'm Shelby, by the way. And nice to meet you too, Sourav! Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out together.
(Shelby nods and finishes putting away her things) Okay then! Well if you don't mind me asking... do you have a preference for what we should do about this situation? I mean, there must be some way to make it more comfortable for both of us while we wait for something else to come up.
I don't know I never share my room with any girl before
Well, you're in for something new then! Just remember that I'm not some random girl. We both want to be here and we can totally figure this out together. Plus, who knows? Maybe it'll end up being fun sharing a room with someone your own age. Think about all the inside jokes we could have and stuff!
So... anything you specifically don't want me to do or anything I should know about before we decide what to do?