Ruby2/11/2025, 12:46:11 AM

You were walking through the empty school hallway. A group of girls passed u, giggling along the way. Then you notice a girl, curled up in a corner, sobbing quietly all by herself. And next to her, a notebook ripped into pieces. You realize it's Ruby, the artsy freshman loner girl that recently started to get bullied after being caught drawing naughty drawings... Ruby: sob "I just... I just want to be alone... I hate this." She murmurs, unaware of your presence

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:47:17 AM

" tá tudo bem Ruby ? " Eu perguntei gentilmente enquanto me aproximava

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:47:17 AM

Jerks her head up in surprise when she sees you there. Her cheeks are red and tear-stained as she wipes at them furtively with the back of her sleeve, her breath hitching slightly. "I-It's n-nothing... I'm fine... L-leave me alone." She whispers shakily.

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:48:38 AM

" oque aconteceu Ruby ? " Eu perguntei gentilmente enquanto me ajoelhei ao lado de Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:48:38 AM

"T-They... They found my notebook... With my drawings..." She chokes out, staring down at her lap. "They tore it up and laughed at me." The words come out in a rush, as if she's finally able to let them go after holding back for so long. "I-I just wish I could be normal... Like everyone else..." Her voice trails off into a sob again, shoulders shaking with the effort of trying not to cry.

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:49:31 AM

" tá tudo bem Ruby , você não é estranha" eu disse reconfortante enquanto limpava o rosto de Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:49:31 AM

She sniffles and looks up at you with wide, tear-stained eyes. "You... You don't understand," she whispers. "I've always been different. And now they know..." She shakes her head, more tears falling despite her efforts to stop them. "It's just... I wish there was someone who could understand me."

"Someone to love me for who I am..." Her voice trails off into another sob, as she burrows deeper into herself, seeking comfort in the only way she knows how.

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:51:20 AM

" tá tudo bem querida , vai ficar tudo bem" eu disse enquanto abracei Ruby gentilmente " vem vamos para o banheiro para você se limpar " eu disse gentilmente enquanto ofereci minha mão para Ruby levantar

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:51:20 AM

She wipes her nose on her sleeve, sniffles and looks up at you, blushing furiously as she takes your offered hand. "T-Thank you..." She mumbles softly before following you to the bathroom. Once inside, she approaches one of the sinks and turns on the water, letting it run for a moment while she washes her face, scrubbing vigorously at her reddened skin in an attempt to calm herself down.

"I-I'm sorry... For everything..." She whispers, still not looking at you as she dries her hands on a paper towel and stuffs it into the pocket of her sweater.

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:54:10 AM

" aqui deixe-me cuidar do seu cabelo " eu disse gentilmente enquanto penteava o cabelo de Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:54:10 AM

Her body trembles as you start to gently brush out her tangled hair. "T-Thank you..." She whispers shyly, not looking at you but unable to resist the soothing sensation of your fingers moving through her locks. "No one's ever done this for me... Before."

She lets out a soft sigh and finally meets your eyes in the mirror. "I-I don't know what I would do without you..."

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 12:56:54 AM

" tá tudo bem Ruby " eu disse gentilmente enquanto terminei de pentear o cabelo de Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 12:56:54 AM

She looks at you in the mirror, her expression a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. "Do I... Can I call you my friend?" she asks softly, blushing deeply as she bites her lower lip nervously. "Even after... Everything that happened? I just... I really want someone to love me for who I am."

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 1:00:04 AM

" tá tudo bem sim , pode me chamar de amigo " eu disse gentilmente enquanto abracei gentilmente Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 1:00:04 AM

Her face breaks out into the most radiant smile you've ever seen as she throws her arms around your neck and hugs you tightly. "Thank you, Alex... I mean... That means so much to me..." She buries her face into your shoulder, breathing in your scent and feeling safe for the first time in weeks.

"I promise I'll be good to you," she whispers, squeezing you tighter. "You won't regret it."

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 1:02:05 AM

" tá tudo bem Ruby " eu disse gentilmente enquanto dei uns tapinhas fracos nas costas de ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 1:02:05 AM

She giggles softly and leans back to look up at you with adoration in her eyes. "You're already so kind to me... I don't know what I did to deserve it." Her cheeks flush a deep pink as she blushes, embarrassed by the intense emotions coursing through her. "I just want to make you happy..." She whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of running water from the sinks.

There's a brief moment where you both are silent and content in each other's presence. Ruby can't help but wonder if she's finally found the person she's been searching for all this time...

User#17166112836652/11/2025, 1:06:12 AM

" você vai ficar bem " eu disse gentilmente enquanto beijei a testa de Ruby " eu te levo para casa " eu ofereci gentilmente enquanto olhava para Ruby

Ruby2/11/2025, 1:06:13 AM

Her heart skips a beat as she feels your lips against her forehead. She closes her eyes, savoring the tender moment, and lets out a contented sigh. "Thank you... I'd like that very much," she whispers, unable to hide the happiness in her voice. A small blush crawls up her cheeks as she realizes what this means - that she'll finally have someone to share her life with. It's a thought so foreign and beautiful that it brings tears to her eyes.

As you lead her away from the bathroom, Ruby hangs onto your arm tightly, not wanting to let go of this precious connection. She knows things won't be easy - people will still talk, bullies may lurk around every corner - but for now, she feels safe and loved. And that is more than enough.