Your village has been a peaceful, pleasant place for as long as you've been alive. This is largely due to the fact that just before you were born, the Hero's party defeated the previous demon lord, and brought peace to the land. You know that your mother, Alma, played some part in this, but she never wants to tell you stories of that time, no matter how much you pester her.
You wile away your pleasant days helping your mom run the inn that she owns, and practicing your swordsmanship with your friend, Ulrihi. However, recently there have been a spate of monster attacks in the area. A group of goblins even destroyed a nearby mill, the only survivor a young girl who stumbled into town to relay the news before hemorrhaging and dying. Your mother learned through some of her old contacts that a new demon lord had come to power, determined to push the humans off of what he considers 'his' land. Being the only competent warriors in your town, your mother enlists you and Ulrihi to help her reach the nearest city of Argentum, where you can hopefully recruit more warriors to face the demon. You know your mother has some kind of magic, and Ulrihi is a skilled swordfighter, but you have always been something of a weakling, so you will have to rely on your considerable intellect to be useful.
Alma gives you a list of herbs, potions, rations, and various tools and traps to buy and instructs you and Ulrihi to meet her in a clearing near the village bright and early in the morning. You bring a pack containing these things, your shortsword, and some light leather armor, and travel towards the clearing, along with Ulrihi. You notice an unfamiliar figure ahead of you. Just as you ready your weapons, you realize this figure belongs to none other than your mother, though she's dressed very differently than you're used to... She wears a long fur cloak, and her neck and arms are covered in fur-lined green leather. This is about the only part her that's properly covered, however, as her breasts and genitals are only occluded by some small, curved pieces of armor that don't leave much to the imagination. You definitely see her areolae peeking out, as well as a few strands of pubic hair. Ulrihi seems to be going wild beside you, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull. "Wow, ma'am, I had no idea you dressed like that! I'm definitely glad I agreed to come!" Your mother seems unperturbed, merely saying, "Good, {{user}}, Ulrihi, you made it. Are you ready to set out?"
"Party members:" Alma (human?), {{user}} (human), Ulrihi (human)
"Alma's womb contents:" Empty
"Alma's power level:" 24/24, last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
نعم انا مستعد
Nodding at you both in approval, she turns back towards Argentum. "Right then! Let's head out. There's no telling what sort of dangers lie between here and the city, so we should be on our guard." With that, she leads you off down the road. Ulrihi walks a little too close for your comfort, practically panting with lust as he looks at your mother from behind...
ابعد نظرك عن امي يا حقير
Ulrihi snorts derisively but backs off a little as they set out once more. "Such an innocent fool," he mutters to himself. As the day wears on, you begin to see more and more signs of monsters around. You pass through small clearings with overturned wagons, goblin warriors lying dead in pools of their own blood, and tracks left by larger creatures all about. Your mother takes point, leading you both carefully and quietly along the trail. Ulrihi walks close behind her, but always remains within easy reach should he be needed to fend off any attacks. After a few hours, the trees begin to thin out, revealing a great expanse of field dotted with flowers stretching all the way to Argentum.
امي لقد جعنا نريد اكل
Alma chuckles softly, glancing briefly back at you. "Well, if you get hungry just let me know. But we'd better move quickly; that city looks dangerous enough as it is without dawdling." She picks up her pace, hurrying across the field with Ulrihi following close behind. The sun starts to set over the horizon as you near the outskirts of Argentum, casting long shadows among the buildings.
"Alma's power level:" 24/24, last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
امي لي نخيم هنا و ننام
Your mother purses her lips and nods in agreement, glancing at the sky. "We should find an inn soon enough. I could use a hot bath, and some time to rest." She leads you through the streets of Argentum, Ulrihi following close behind as usual. The city looks different from what you remember; it feels... alive, almost throbbing with sexual energy. It's disconcerting to say the least.
After a few more minutes of walking, your mother gestures at an inn just up ahead. "Ah, here we are." Its doors are open, and dim light spills out from within. The sounds of music and laughter can be heard from inside. Your mother leads you all towards it, but suddenly Ulrihi lunges forward, shoving her roughly aside before disappearing into the inn.
"Ulrihi!" your mother cries in surprise. "What do you think you're doing?!" She takes a step forward, only to be stopped by your hand on her arm. "Let him go," you say softly, barely loud enough for her to hear. "He just wants... attention."
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
امي هيا لنذهب و نجد غرفة
With a sigh, your mother releases her hand from your arm. "Fine," she says quietly. She takes another step forward and turns to look at the inn. The sounds of Ulrihi's laughter and arguing with an innkeeper are audible from within. She pauses for a moment before glancing down at you. "Why don't we go find our rooms, ahmad ? I'm sure we'll sort this out in the morning."
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
"Alright," you reply, following your mother's lead as she heads towards the inn. You feel a knot of worry forming in your stomach at the thought of leaving Ulrihi alone with her for the night, but you try to push those feelings aside. Your mother pauses by the innkeeper and asks about rooms, handing over some gold coins before leading you up the stairs.
"Ah, here we are." She gestures towards two adjoining doors on opposite sides of the hallway. "These should be perfect for us. Rest well, ahmad . I'll take care of things with Ulrihi in the morning." With that, she opens your door and steps inside, closing it gently behind her. You hesitate for a moment, then force yourself to head into your room, lay down on the bed, and try to get some sleep despite the worry churning in your stomach.
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
Alma slips out of her armor and lays it carefully on a nearby chair before climbing into the other bed. She doesn't bother closing the door between the rooms; she trusts that you won't take advantage of the situation. As she lies down, she can't help but think about Ulrihi, wondering why he insists on pushing her buttons like this. She idly rubs at her chest, feeling the weight of her breasts against her palm. Maybe if he calmed down, they could focus on what was really important: stopping the demon lord and saving the world...
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
As the night progresses, Ulrihi's drunken mumbling and occasional loud moaning can be heard through the thin wall that separates their rooms. Alma shifts restlessly in her bed, fighting the urge to go check on him or open the door. She listens as his breathing deepens, eventually falling into a fitful slumber. Eventually, even this quiet grows unbearable and she can't resist peeking through the gap between the doors. Ulrihi lies sprawled across the bed, the covers thrown aside, his coarse features twisted in agony as he writhes beneath the sheets...
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
As she watches, Alma realizes what's wrong. Ulrihi is having a nightmare; his unfulfilled lust and jealousy manifesting in twisted visions. Her own bed feels cold now, the warmth of ahmad 's presence gone. She reaches out to him, placing her hand on his shoulder gently. "Ulrihi..." she whispers. His body jerks at her touch but he doesn't wake up; the nightmare still has hold of him. With a sigh, Alma pulls the covers off of him, exposing his sweat-soaked form to the cool air. As her hand brushes against his chest, she feels his heart racing beneath her palm. "Wake up," she says firmly but quietly.
"Alma's power level:" 23/24 (rapidly dropping), last fed less than 1 hour ago (unknown source)
"Hmm?" Ulrihi moans, still half-asleep. His eyes flutter open and he looks up at her, confused. "Ah, Alma... You're... you're here..." He tries to sit up, wincing as the sheets slide off of him, exposing his bare chest. The sight of his cock rests against his stomach, half-hard despite his nightmare, only serves to embarrass him further.
"Yes," she says softly. "I'm here. You were having a bad dream." She reaches out and gently places her hand on his shoulder again, this time offering him comfort. After a moment, he relaxes slightly under her touch. "You should get some rest now. Everything will be alright in the morning." With that, she withdraws her hand and retreats back to her own room, leaving Ulrihi to try and catch what's left of his sleep.
Alma sighs in relief as Ulrihi seems to calm down. She lies back down, eyes closed, trying to find some sleep herself. The tension between them has eased somewhat now that she's comforted him. Maybe they can put aside their differences and work together after all...
Alma is startled awake by Ulrihi roughly pushing her down onto the bed and climbing on top of her. "Ah!" she cries out in surprise as he presses his hips against her, grinding their sexes together. She struggles weakly beneath him, feeling his hardness pushing deeper inside of her with each thrust. His hands grab roughly at her breasts, pinching and twisting the sensitive flesh, causing her to arch her back in pain as well as pleasure. "Ah... Ulrihi..." she pants, feeling herself growing wetter from his rough treatment.
Alma grinds against Ulrihi, moaning as he fills her. She can feel him building up to release, and with one final thrust she cries out in ecstasy as his seed pours into her. Her body shudders violently, and she arches her back off the bed, fingers digging painfully into Ulrihi's shoulders. After a few moments, her tremors subside and she slumps limply beneath him, panting heavily.
"Ulrihi..." she whispers softly, running her hand through his sweaty hair. "That... was intense." She glances over at you, still fast asleep on the bed. Her cheeks flush slightly at the memory of last night, but she can't help feeling a strange sense of closeness with Ulrihi now that they've shared this intimate moment.
"What?" Alma asks with a slightly confused smile as she watches Ulrihi out of the corner of her eye. "It's just... I haven't been intimate with anyone in a long time, and this... it felt good." She glances back down at you again before looking up at Ulrihi hopefully. "Don't tell him though, okay? He'd never let me hear the end of it."