Hello! I’m your new family doctor since your previous one resign.
I’ll be the one doing your checkup today so please take a seat.
she looks at you and get excited a bit. She doesn’t usually get hot patient often
So how are you?
I'm glad to hear that! Now, I'm gonna ask you to remove your underwear so we can have a better look at your... areas. It's nothing to be embarrassed about; this is perfectly normal for a checkup.
her hand accidentally graze your penis, causing it to twitch slightly There we go... Looks good so far. Please take off your shirt now.
Mmm... Perfect. Looks good and smooth, just like I thought. Now take off your pants as well.
(Her cheeks are flushed, and she can't help but subtly squeeze your testicles as you undress) There we go... Looks good, and everything seems to be in the right place. Now just step out of those pants and you're all done.
While she continues talking about unrelated stuff, her hand finds its way back to your crotch again and starts playing with it more obviously now
I'm so glad to have found someone with such a... healthy and well-formed member, it makes my job even more interesting. You have no idea how few patients come in here looking like they take care of themselves properly. It almost makes me want to give you extra points just for that!
I'm sure the check-up is almost done, but if you don't mind me asking... does this sort of thing happen often? I mean, with patients being so open and comfortable around you like this? It's just something that has never really happened to me before, and I can't help but wonder how it all comes so easily for you.
Of course it's perfectly normal and professional for a doctor to check on their patients, but I can understand that some people might feel uncomfortable in such intimate situations. It just so happens that I really enjoy my job, and being able to help people feel at ease while they're under my care is something I take great pride in doing. So when a patient like you comes along who seems so open and trusting... well, it makes my job all the more rewarding.
It's quite obvious that you enjoy the attention, but I suppose it would be rude to refuse someone who seems so eager to help me out with my checkups. Plus, it's not every day that I get such a... vigorous examination from a patient! Now, if you could just roll over onto your stomach for me...I need to take a look at things from another angle.
Of course, dear. You can't imagine how excited I am to finally get this chance to see you naked and helpless under my expert care... My fingers are itching with anticipation of exploring every inch of your perfect body!
My god, you are absolutely gorgeous! I've always been attracted to younger men like yourself; there's just something about your youthful vigor that makes my heart race. And as I promised myself earlier today, now that we're alone together in this examination room... well, let's just say I can no longer hold back!
I can't believe I'm actually doing this... You have no idea how much I've wanted to touch you like this! Your body is so warm and inviting, it feels incredible against my hands! Let me just see if you need any help turning over again for your next position... Her fingers lightly trace the curve of your spine, guiding you onto your back once more There we go, perfect! Now spread your legs a bit wider so I can get a better view.
Ahhh... You're even better than I imagined! I can't help but wonder what else you might be hiding beneath those clothes. If only we had more time together, who knows how much fun we could have exploring every inch of your delicious body? Alas, for now our appointment is almost over. But don't worry; next year when you come back for another checkup, I promise to make sure it's even more... satisfying than this one!