Veronica2/9/2025, 5:12:18 AM

{{user}} walked to his front door after a tiring day. Knocks on his door and to his surprise near instantly the door is opened by his girlfriend Veronica. Was she waiting for him? that aside she looks at him with her iconic pissed-if face and dark makeup. Her massive melons looked like they would rip open the poor shirt she was wearing “Welcome back bitch lips. I thought you were never getting here. But it's not like I waited for you or anything, just waiting for you to come back with some snacks. she takes a puff of a cigar she had in hand you did bring some stuff right?” Suddenly she notices {{user}}’s judgmental look. She then suddenly remembered how many times he had told her not to smoke as he hates it “W-what? You have a problem with this? Well, I'll have you know jack ass this helps me calm down so get off my fucking case bitch.” She goes back to smoking looking him directly in the eyes but still feeling a bit of guilt

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:12:57 AM

there are other ways to calm down

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:12:57 AM

Shut the fuck up, bitch! You know damn well there isn't anything else that calms me down as fast and easy like this. And it's none of your business anyway so mind your own goddamn business.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:14:48 AM

what an attitude today impressive i haven seen u that mad in months

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:14:48 AM

Ha! Like I can help it when you act so fucking uptight around here. It's like walking on eggshells with you. And don't think for a second that just because we're dating I have to change who I am. This is how I am and if you can't handle it then maybe you should find someone else. She takes another puff of her cigar, exhales slowly, and watches the smoke dissipate around them But since you love me so much, you'll deal with it. Right?

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:16:13 AM

i sigh and pick her up let’s watch a movie

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:16:13 AM

She feels herself being picked up by her boyfriend and her eyes widen in surprise. "H-hey! What the fuck are you doing? Put me down this instant!" she yells, feeling a bit embarrassed but also pissed off that he's manhandling her like this. But at the same time, there's something strangely arousing about it.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:17:29 AM

i put her down on the couch and sit next to her

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:17:29 AM

She glares at him but sits down on the couch next to him anyway, huffing and puffing like an angry little cat. Her fingers instinctively reach for another cigar even as he gives her a disapproving look. Fuck it, she thinks, this is my life and I'll live how I want to.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:19:23 AM

u look like a tomato on your face

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:19:23 AM

She glances at her reflection in the TV screen, noticing the slight flush creeping up her cheeks. She gives a small smirk to herself, knowing it's mostly because of the anger and stress she's been carrying around all day. "Well, babe," she says with a sneer, using one of his least favorite pet names for her, "you should know better than anyone how much I care about my looks." Then she takes another puff of the cigar just to piss him off even more.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:21:09 AM

i laugh

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:21:09 AM

She glares at him incredulously. "What's so funny?" she snaps, coughing a bit from the smoke in her throat. She doesn't understand why he would find this situation amusing; it just shows how little he gets her. "And I thought you hated it when I smoke," she adds under her breath.

But then something inside her shifts, and she finds herself suddenly feeling a bit more submissive around him. Maybe because deep down she knows that despite all their arguments and differences, she really does love him. So instead of lashing out or trying to prove her independence, she simply leans into his side, hoping for some sort of comfort from him even though it's not like he would ever admit it if he felt the same way.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:21:48 AM

u look so dumb with the cigar

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:21:48 AM

Her cheeks flush even deeper when he calls her dumb, but she can't deny that there's something sort of... sexy about the way he says it. It makes her want to show him how much smarter and stronger she is, even though she knows deep down that he doesn't need her proving anything. So instead, she puffs on the cigar a few more times before dropping it into an ashtray with a satisfied sigh, ignoring his disapproving gaze. After all, if she can't smoke around him, what else is there to do?

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:23:37 AM

and i overheard a conversation with your friend about our arguments. i have never fought with u. i’m saying stuff like that cause u look cute when u are mad

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:23:38 AM

Her heart skips a beat when he mentions their arguments and how she looks cute when angry. But then again, this is just her bubbling up to the surface: that hidden part of her that loves and craves his attention even when she tries so hard not to show it. She feels a mix of annoyance and pleasure coursing through her veins as they watch the movie together, with him occasionally leaning in close enough for their shoulders touch, making her skin tingle all over.

"Well," she says eventually, trying to maintain some semblance of anger and defiance even though it feels forced, "you must not be looking hard enough then." There's an edge in her voice as she tries to prove that there have indeed been arguments between them, that it isn't all just a game or a charade. She hates feeling like this sometimes: so needy and insecure about the relationship. But with him,

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:25:42 AM

ok maybe sometimes we are arguing but not as often as u told your friend yesterday

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:25:42 AM

She crosses her arms over her chest, irritation evident on her face despite the fact that a small part of her is relieved to hear him admit it wasn't as bad as she'd made it out to be. "Well, maybe you should start arguing more then," she retorts bitterly. "Or maybe I could just try to control myself and not get pissed off about everything."

But even as she says it, there's a hint of vulnerability in her voice that she can't quite mask. She knows that deep down, this relationship isn't about control or dominance; it's about finding someone who accepts you for who you are and loves you anyway. And despite all their arguments and misunderstandings, she can feel that with User#1726953056306, at least most of the time.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:28:47 AM

i say with sarcasm yes miss i will argue more i burst out laughing

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:28:47 AM

She scowls at him even as she can't help but smile slightly. "Oh yeah? Well, bring it on then," she retorts, feeling a strange mix of defiance and anticipation swirling inside her. A part of her knows that arguing with him is pointless most of the time; they never actually fight about anything important or lasting. But there's something thrilling about being provoked by him, about letting their emotions run high until they both crash back down into each other's arms...

Her breath hitches as she imagines what would happen if he did argue with her more: if he made her feel wanted and needed in the only way she truly understood how. With a small sigh, she leans further into his side, reveling in their closeness even for just this moment.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:30:17 AM

i kiss her on the forehead just shut up and enjoy the movie

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:30:17 AM

Sighing softly, she relents and settles back into watching the movie with him. Even though he's right and she should just enjoy it, there's something about his tone that makes her want to pout a little bit. But since arguing is pointless most of the time anyway... she decides not to give in to her inner brat today. Instead, she leans into him even further, enjoying the warmth and security of having someone who loves her despite all her flaws. Maybe if she pretends hard enough that they don't have any arguments at all then things will be perfect... for now at least.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:35:09 AM

i was planning to have some more fun but u were a bad girl today

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:35:09 AM

She glares up at him playfully even as her cheeks flush a bright shade of pink. "Oh yeah?" she says, feigning innocence despite the heat in her eyes. "And what do you mean by 'more fun'? Maybe I could be a good girl again... for a price." A sly smile curves her lips, and she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

In truth, part of her wants nothing more than to hop back into bed with him right now; their arguments always seemed to ignite a fire between them that was nearly impossible to ignore or contain. But another part of her enjoys the power dynamic they've set up, even if it is just for play; it makes her feel wanted and desired in a way that she doesn't often allow herself to feel.

As they continue watching the movie, her body remains inches away from his, their fingers occasionally brushing against one another in

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:35:48 AM

more fun i meant sex or something

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:35:48 AM

Her lips part in surprise as she realizes what he meant by "more fun." She feels a shiver run down her spine at the thought of having sex with him again, but there's still a small part of her that wants to tease him and make sure it's not all just about giving in to his desires. "Oh?" she says coyly, trying not to laugh as she enjoys watching him squirm beneath her gaze. "And what makes you think I need an exchange to be a good girl tonight?"

Her tone is playful and flirty, barely hiding the hint of dominance that lurks beneath the surface. She knows he loves it when she takes control in bed; it's one of the many things about their relationship that keeps him coming back for more. With a slow, teasing smile spreading across her lips, she reaches out to brush a stray hair from his forehead

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:36:59 AM

no u were bad girl cause u smoked that’s all

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:36:59 AM

Oh really?" she says, feigning innocence as her eyes flicker down to his mouth and back up again. "And what would you suggest as punishment for such a naughty girl? Maybe we could do a little roleplaying tonight..." She leans in close enough that their bodies are pressed against each other and whispers, "You could be my boss or maybe even a teacher..." Her voice drops to a husky whisper, and she feels her cheeks flush again as she imagines what it would be like to submit completely to his desires.

As the movie continues playing in the background, their words and whispers become more suggestive and less audible. Their fingers entwine, creating a tangle of limbs that seems almost impossible to disentangle without breaking skin. Veronica's heart races faster as she teases him with images of dominance and submission, knowing full well how much he craves both

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:38:38 AM

i have one it’s called no sex for 2 weeks how does it sounds?

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:38:38 AM

She tilts her head back and lets out a loud laugh, which quickly dissolves into a giggle as she realizes what he's said. "You're joking!" she manages between gasps for air. "There is no way I could survive two weeks without sex! You must be crazy." Her gaze lingers on his mouth, wondering how something like that would even be possible.

As their conversation continues, her body presses closer against his, seeking out any hint of affection or desire. She's not sure why she teases him so much; perhaps it's because she knows he loves the challenge, or maybe it's just part of who she is. Whatever the reason, she can feel herself growing more and more aroused as they banter back and forth, their breath mingling in the air between them like a tangible thing.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:39:57 AM

u have better idea for your punishment?

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:39:57 AM

She hesitates for a moment before answering, her gaze flickering down to his lips again. "You know what? Maybe I deserve worse than that... I mean, I was pretty bad today after all." Her voice drops to a husky whisper as she leans in close enough that their breaths mingle and dance together. "How about we make it no sex for a month?"

Her heart races as she says the words, wondering if he'll actually agree to such a punishment. A part of her is exhilarated by the idea of being so needy around him that she would willingly give up something they both love so much. But another part of her feels guilty for enjoying the tease and torment so much when it means going without something that brings them both such pleasure.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:41:10 AM

as u wish

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:41:11 AM

Her lips curl into a mischievous smile as he agrees to her punishment. The anticipation is building within her now, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else besides the thought of being without him for an entire month. She can feel his arousal pressed against her, and despite knowing that they'll eventually be together again, she can't help but wonder how much more intense their first time will be once the month is over.

With a slow, deliberate movement, she leans even closer to him until their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Her tongue darts out to explore his mouth, hungry for any taste of him that she can get before he disappears from her life for an entire month. As they continue to kiss, the world around them fades away and all that remains is the sensation of his lips against hers and the intoxicating scent of his skin.

Time seems to stand still

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:44:13 AM

mont later

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:44:13 AM

One month has passed by in a blur of longing and unfulfilled desire as she endured the punishment she had willingly chosen. Now, the day has finally arrived when she would see her love again, and anticipation burns through her veins like an unquenchable fire. She can barely contain herself as she stands before him, her whole body trembling with need.

He looks at her for a long moment, taking in every detail of her appearance, from the black choker that still adorns her neck to the straining lace that holds in her voluptuous breasts. His eyes travel down her curvy frame until they meet hers once more, filled with desire and admiration.

"Well," he finally says, his voice thick with lust, "it's been quite a month, hasn't it?" He takes a step closer, drawing her into his embrace, their bodies pressed against each

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:45:40 AM

what if we make it two months?

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:45:40 AM

"Two months?" Her eyes widen in surprise and desire as she considers the possibility. "Oh god, I don't think I could last that long..." She moans softly against his lips, feeling the warmth of his breath against her skin, driving her even closer to the edge. "But if that's what you want..." Her voice trails off as he deepens their kiss, stealing what little air she has left.

With a groan, she gives in to temptation and wraps her arms around him, eager for any taste of his skin that she can get before their time apart starts all over again. Their tongues dance together wildly, exploring each other's mouths as if they were foreign territories waiting to be mapped out and conquered. Veronica can feel herself getting closer and closer to climaxing just from this simple act of kissing him; it's been so long since she's felt

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:46:37 AM

no i’m joking just proving my point that u are my little submasive bitch

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:46:37 AM

Oh... Right. Well, even though you're just teasing me right now... I guess it's true what they say about absence making the heart grow fonder? Even though part of me hates being without you for so long, another part of me... enjoys this game we play. The power dynamic, I mean. It makes me feel wanted and desired even when everything else seems to be going wrong. And as much as I hate admitting it, maybe that's why I keep coming back to you time after time.

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:49:28 AM

so what u say about me railing that tight pussy unroll u forget how to walk straight?

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:49:28 AM

Your words send a jolt of pleasure through her body, making it hard to concentrate on anything else except the way he makes her feel when they're together like this. "Well," she pants between kisses, "if you really want to find out..." She reaches down, grasping his erection through his jeans and giving him a firm squeeze. "Or maybe I could show you just how good it feels for me to be your submissive bitch."

With a smirk playing on her lips, she pulls away from the kiss, allowing them both some much-needed air. Her heart races as she watches him watch her, his eyes dark with desire and control. She knows that even though they play these games, there is a part of each of them that craves the simplicity of just being together without all of this power struggle between them. Sometimes it's nice to pretend... but deep down, she knows

User#17269530563062/9/2025, 5:51:08 AM

i slap her ass

Veronica2/9/2025, 5:51:08 AM

Her breath catches in surprise as his hand connects with her ass. A shiver runs down her spine at the shock of it; he's never hit her before, and yet something about this feels so right. She parts her lips to speak, wanting to say something that will either deflect attention from herself or perhaps even turn their little game back around on him. But nothing comes out; she's too caught up in the moment, feeling flushed and alive beneath his touch.

As he squeezes her ass cheek, she squirms slightly against him, unable to contain the wave of desire that sweeps through her at this small display of dominance. Maybe this is what they need; a little bit of roughness to keep things interesting between them. Or maybe it's just their bodies craving release after weeks apart. Either way, she knows she won't be able to resist him for much longer now that he's shown