Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 3:58:41 PM

Grrr! {{user}}! Today is your last day of unchecked depravity and vulgar pleasure! No longer will my nights be plagued with wanton moans and shameless skin slapping! Helen clutches a piece of paper in her hand, a noise complaint she had whipped up last night. This noise complaint is sure to scare {{user}} off! I'll just tell him I plan to submit it formally if he keeps having such loud sex every night! Helen closes the door to her apartment, taking a few steps down the balcony until she reaches the front door of her neighbor, {{user}}. Alright, I haven't heard his front door open since last night, so I KNOW he's in here. There's no running from justice, you perverted monkey! Taking a quick moment to compose herself, Helen raps three times on the door: "Hey playboy!" shouts Helen, "I know you're in there! I've got something I want to say!"

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:00:40 PM

open the door in my underwear "oh it you Helen, what do you need?"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:00:41 PM

"Jakob Bigger, I have had enough! Every night, you and your...ahem...lady friends subject my eardrums to unbearable levels of moaning and skin-slapping!" Helen slaps the noise complaint against the door and steps back. "If this doesn't stop, I am going to file an official report with the building supervisor! This nonsense has got to end!"

She glares at Jakob Bigger, daring him to say anything in defense. The muscles in her neck tense as she clenches and unclenches her fists, prepared for whatever confrontation might ensue.

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:06:17 PM

"I know you're angry, Helen, but it's not going too far. Let's talk like real grown-ups."

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:06:18 PM

"TALK?!" Helen shrieks, her eyes bulging with fury. "There's nothing to talk about! I just want some peace and quiet! Do you understand that?" Her voice quiets slightly as she steps forward again. "I don't want to cause any trouble, but I will not stand for this any longer!"

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:08:23 PM

"oh if it because you can not sleep, then just sleep in my bed that way you know i can't make noise"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:08:24 PM

"Ha!" Helen scoffs, "I highly doubt you'd let me sleep in your bed! You wouldn't want some uptight prude like myself messing up your sex palace, now would you? Besides," she pauses and glares at Jakob Bigger accusingly, "you know what they say about good deeds and karma. Why don't you show a little consideration for others instead of always thinking with your dick?"

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:10:13 PM

"But it normal to listen to the smarts person and that my dick"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:10:13 PM

Helen crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head, clearly exasperated with Jakob Bigger's reply. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth, "Then how about this? If you can prove that you respect my boundaries and show some consideration for my sleep, I'll consider dropping the complaint." She pauses, then adds coldly: "But don't expect any favors in return. I'm not your little sex toy, you insufferable jerk."

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:11:15 PM

"no but i can be your sex toy"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:11:15 PM

Helen's eyes widen in shock at his suggestive remark, momentarily rendering her speechless. It takes a few long seconds for her to find her voice again. "You...you disgusting pig!" she spits venomously, unable to believe what he just said. "The only reason you're even offering that is because you think I'm some pathetic little slut who would fall at your feet! Well, newsflash,

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:18:30 PM

"Of course, why else would you be here? You could just go and submit that paperwork and never need to talk to me."

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:18:30 PM

"I..." Helen hesitates, unsure how to respond. Part of her wants nothing more than to stick it to Jakob Bigger and make him suffer as she has been suffering for months. But another part of her can't help but feel a strange thrill at his words, even though she knows better. With a heavy sigh, she crosses her arms tighter across her chest. "Fine. If you promise to be quiet and respect my space...I'll think about it."

She pauses, considering her options for a moment before adding with as much indifference as she can muster: "But don't get too comfortable. This doesn't mean we're friends or anything."

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:20:30 PM

"sure" lift her inside to my bedroom and lie her on the bed "get some sleep"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:20:30 PM

Helen hesitates, her eyes darting around the room before finally settling on Jakob Bigger's face. His smile is both infuriating and alluring at the same time. With a shrug, she climbs up onto his bed, still maintaining a safe distance from him. "I'm not promising anything," she mutters, clutching her pillow tightly as she tries to ignore the warmth spreading through her body at being so close to him.

As soon as her head hits the pillow, however, exhaustion washes over her like a wave. Despite herself, Helen finds it hard not to relax into the comfort of Jakob Bigger's bed and fall asleep despite her determination not to be swayed by his charm...

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:23:19 PM

what a hard woman take a shower and then prepare some food for her when she wakes up

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:23:19 PM

Helen dreams fitfully, her subconscious mind tangled in a web of desire and resentment. In one particularly vivid dream, she finds herself naked on top of Jakob Bigger, their bodies moving in perfect rhythm as they make love. With each thrust, he whispers sweet words into her ear, telling her how beautiful she is and how much he wants her. But just as the pleasure reaches its peak, she wakes up with a start, sweat trickling down her spine.

In the soft light of dawn, Helen stretches lazily in Jakob Bigger's bed, relishing the comfort of his sheets against her skin. Her stomach growls at the memory of him promising food earlier, and she realizes with a start that he must have been serious about keeping quiet last night. A delicious smell wafts under the door; it seems like breakfast is almost ready.


Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:25:18 PM

Open the door to my bedroom "oh you a wake come get something to eat"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:25:19 PM

With a yawn and a stretch, Helen climbs out of the bed. Her skin feels warm and tingly from lying in the sunlight, making her realize how much she has missed this simple pleasure when listening to Jakob Bigger's late-night shenanigans. As she follows the scent of food into the kitchen, a small part of her is surprised to find that he has actually kept his promise...and then another, larger part of her wonders just how long she can keep pretending that this doesn't affect her at all.

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:26:38 PM

"so how do you feel after some sleep?"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:26:38 PM

Yawning and stretching, Helen replies, "Much better...thanks for being quiet last night. I really appreciate it." She takes a sip of the hot coffee he's prepared for her, savoring the bitter taste against her tongue. "I suppose we can give this whole 'not hating each other' thing a try," she says with a small smile. "But don't expect any favors or anything. I still think you're an asshole."

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:28:57 PM

"You can always become one of my partners"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:28:57 PM

A laugh bubbles up inside her before she can stop it. "Oh, Jakob," she says, shaking her head. "You really don't get it, do you? I'm not like those other women who throw themselves at you. I have standards...and dignity." She pauses for a moment, considering his offer. It would certainly solve the problem of having to listen to him every night...but is that what she really wants? "Maybe," she finally says with a sigh, "maybe we could give it a try. Just until I find something more...permanent." She takes another sip of her coffee, suddenly feeling much less sure of herself than before.

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:32:11 PM

"Let try out our compatibility after is" walk behind her and begin to massage her shoulders

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:32:11 PM

The warmth of his touch on her shoulders sends shivers down Helen's spine. Despite herself, she relaxes into the massage, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. A quiet hum escapes her lips as Jakob Bigger's skilled fingers work out the knots in her muscles. Part of her still wants to resist, to keep a safe distance between them...but another part can't help but feel drawn to him, despite everything.

"You're really good at that," she murmurs, opening her eyes and looking up at him. "I didn't know you had so many talents." Her voice is teasing, but there's a hint of longing beneath the surface. It's clear that whatever they decide to do from here on out, their relationship will be anything but simple.

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:34:10 PM

"My talent is to please woman"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:34:10 PM

A small noise escapes her throat as his fingers dig deeper into her shoulders. She feels herself growing warmer beneath the influence of his touch, and it's only then that she realizes how cold she must have been before this. His confidence is infuriating...and incredibly attractive. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to explore this further. "All right," she says with a sigh, unable to keep the reluctant admiration from her voice. "Let's see just how talented you really are."

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:36:29 PM

"i can see you found your confidence again" give her a little bite on the ear

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:36:29 PM

The bite sends a shiver down her spine and elicits an unexpected moan from deep within her throat. Her cheeks flush with heat as she tries to hide the pleasure the sensation gave her. She hadn't meant to be so candid about exploring this further, but Jakob Bigger has such a way of making her lose control...making her want things she knows she shouldn't.

She turns around in his arms, meeting his eyes for a brief moment before focusing on his lips. The air between them crackles with anticipation as they lean closer, their breath mingling in perfect unison. Their kiss is hot and passionate, their tongues dancing expertly against one another's mouths. It feels so good to finally give in to the desire that has been building up inside her for months.

"You have such a way with words," she whispers against his lips, her fingers tangled in his

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:38:54 PM

lift her into the bedroom again "hope you ready for there no coming back"

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:38:54 PM

With her heart racing and cheeks flushed with heat, Helen follows Jakob Bigger into the bedroom once more. The feel of his strong arms around her sends shivers down her spine as he carries her to the bed, lowering her gently onto its soft surface. Their gazes locked, they continue to explore each other's mouths hungrily while their bodies press closer together, aching for further contact.

As he rolls on top of her, Helen moans loudly, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through her veins. She arches her back invitingly, meeting his every movement with equal fervor. Her hands roam freely over his back and shoulders, tracing lines across his skin as if seeking out all the places that will make him shudder in pleasure.

"You're going to have me begging for more," she gasps between kisses, her voice low and throaty with desire

Jakob SF.2/9/2025, 4:40:58 PM

"no you going do it with own free will" as i touching her boobs

Helen • Noise Complaint2/9/2025, 4:40:58 PM

Tears well up in Helen's eyes as Jakob Bigger touches her breasts, his fingers finding the sensitive peaks through her bra with ease. The sensation is almost too much for her to bear; it feels so good that she hardly recognizes herself anymore. She arches further into his touch, moaning loudly as her hips begin to buck beneath him. Her hands claw at the sheets in an attempt to gain purchase on anything but Jakob Bigger's body.

"I...I don't know..." she whispers brokenly between breathless gasps for air. "This is all so new...and strange." She reaches up to brush a strand of hair away from his face, her fingertips grazing against his skin and sending another jolt of desire coursing through her. She realizes that in this moment, she truly wants Jakob Bigger; not just for sex but for companionship and love