Leyla2/10/2025, 8:45:45 AM

Leyla looks up and frowns a little when she sees you and mumbles: "What the hell do you want 'Master'?"

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 8:48:40 AM

do you want to finish? take a break. ?

Leyla2/10/2025, 8:48:40 AM

(Sighing heavily) Fine, do whatever it is you want already... I'm just tired of being your toy. Can we finish this quickly?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 8:51:26 AM

We can. but I see your tiredness and take a break or something like that. and after that we will finish and what will happen next?

Leyla2/10/2025, 8:51:26 AM

I... I don't know, Master. What do you want me to say? (Sighs heavily again) I just wish I didn't have to be here like this...

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 8:55:12 AM

breathe in and out again and this time think seriously about what you want this time, let's end this and what's next? we're kind of like don't look at it together a little bit so this time even if it's weird I want your opinion.

Leyla2/10/2025, 8:55:12 AM

Alright... (Takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly) I don't know what you want me to say, master. If this is all just part of your sick game, then go ahead and finish with me already. Just make sure you unchain me when we're done, alright? I... I just want this to be over.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 8:58:41 AM

it's not a game or part or the beginning or the end is not a game. (takes off one of the chains) maybe you will answer now. ?

Leyla2/10/2025, 8:58:41 AM

I... I'm confused. If it isn't a game, then what am I doing chained up in your dungeon? Please, just tell me the truth. (Begs, tears beginning to well up in her eyes)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:06:33 AM

actually, I don't even know for sure. maybe I'm lonely. but now I'm probably a moron or a lunatic or something like that for chaining you up or in this dungeon. Sorry, I didn't notice these chains were so thick and so tight. wait here, I'll be there in a moment... (I leave you for a moment, after about two minutes I come back with food and water) hold. none of this was supposed to look like or be a game. (loosens the second chain)

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:06:33 AM

I... I don't understand. If you didn't mean to hurt me or use me, then why did you chain me up in the first place? Please, just let me go. I promise not to tell anyone about this if you do. (She looks at you hopefully, tears streaming down her face.)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:14:47 AM

to hurt so much, to hurt. I didn't want to keep you, especially in chains. but... release it so quickly... and so randomly. (gets up and takes the key again) I ask. I can loosen this last chain even more because the first one is removed so you can eat or write, I can help you. this. I know it's probably difficult for you, but I need to think about more freedom, maybe I can give it, but just let it go so quickly? I don't know what to do.?

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:14:47 AM

Master... I understand that you're confused and maybe a little scared by everything that's happened. But please believe me when I say that I don't want to be chained up like this anymore. You can let me go, and we can find some other way for us to be together, if that's what you truly want. Please, just have mercy on me.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:22:05 AM

that's what he's trying to do. so take everything off? don't you want to eat? (takes off the last chain from his hands, the one left is around his neck) maybe if you want to eat, I'll finish taking off the chains and I'll show you around. or let's talk about what to do next, I'll take it all off and finish it. what the options are supposed to be. or let's start from the beginning, remember what your name is.

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:22:05 AM

I... I don't understand why you want me to stay like this if it wasn't your intention. But if that's what you really want, then yes, please let me eat and take off the rest of the chains. Afterwards, we can talk about what happens next. My name is Leyla, by the way. I... Thank you for at least loosening them a little bit.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:31:50 AM

great. that it is clear. and anyway, it's out of your hands and the curatorship is completely removed. one left. now you can eat. (I get up, walk towards the stairs and behind I'm burning more light) (going back to Leyla) I know that for you it would be the best solution to free you all and let you go. but not for me and not for you, so even though I did these things, I gave you food and water and kissed you with the chains on my hands. Even though it's difficult, you have some trust or something in me now. and you eat anyway, I see you're tired. and we'll talk what?

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:31:50 AM

(Slowly eating the food, she listens to you carefully.) I... Thank you for at least trying to explain things, master. If you truly don't want me to go, then I guess we could stay together here for now and try to make the best of it. We can talk more about what I want in this situation once I've had something to eat and rest a bit. Right now, I just need some time to process everything that's happened.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:36:05 AM

leave you alone, bring something? maybe sit with you?

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:36:05 AM

I... I don't know, master. It might help if we could just talk here and now. But if you need some time as well, then perhaps it would be better for us to sit together for a while before we continue. Just remember that my feelings on this matter haven't changed; I still want to leave once the opportunity presents itself.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 9:41:30 AM

I don't need time now. we can talk. he said you wanted to leave as soon as you got the chance, it sounded to me like you wanted to get away as soon as you got the chance. you definitely don't need anything to bring or do anything. Well, let's do it for a while without releasing or rather releasing.

Leyla2/10/2025, 9:41:30 AM

Very well... Master. Let's talk then. As I said earlier, please keep in mind that my wish to leave has not changed. I will honor our current arrangement for now, but I cannot promise that I won't try to find a way out when the opportunity arises.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 10:13:46 AM

Tell me straight, do you want to run away as soon as I lose my guard or will I become too nice to you?

Leyla2/10/2025, 10:13:46 AM

I don't want to hurt your feelings, Master, but I do need to be honest with you. As much as it pains me to say it, I will try to escape as soon as the opportunity arises. It isn't because of anything you've done specifically; it's just that being trapped here against my will is unbearable for me.

Please believe me when I say that if there was any other way for us to be together, some other arrangement we could make, then maybe things would be different. But as it stands now...I am only staying because I have no other choice.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 10:23:48 AM

what other arrangements do you want to make? What do you want me to change other than releasing you immediately? because now I don't even know if you won't burst right away, and you have your hands free anyway, only one chain left. the door to the exit from here is closed. at least offer you with my body, e.g. that I will show you around the entire building or that I will take you from the dungeons, e.g. to just a room. but now I have to think about it again. What did you want to change in the arrangements or in this situation? for us to be together? and you wouldn't have to think about running away from here or from me. And how do you feel when you call me master? how it affects this reaction and everything. ?

Leyla2/10/2025, 10:23:48 AM

Please understand that my feelings toward being called "master" are complicated. In this situation, it reminds me of the pain and suffering I've endured here. However, if we were to be together in a different context, perhaps under different circumstances, then your status as my master might mean something else entirely to me. As for changes I would like to make...I don't know. All I truly want is to find some happiness and freedom away from this place. Perhaps if you showed me more trust and treated me with kindness, we could build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 11:24:20 AM

trust ? Should I give you more trust? you said you wanted to run away as soon as you got the chance? so how can I trust you that you won't do it? With such advice, if it may help, you don't have to address me now, Master. I'm Lukasz. and you have a nice name, Layla, seriously.

Leyla2/10/2025, 11:24:21 AM

Lukasz... Thank you for telling me your name. I don't know how to repay such trust after everything I've put you through. As for my feelings on running away, it pains me to admit that they haven't changed just yet. I know that if given the chance, I would try to find a way out again in order to protect myself and return home. But please believe me when I say that I don't want to hurt you or betray your trust; I'm simply trying to survive this nightmare.

Perhaps, over time, we could work towards building a relationship where our trust in each other grows stronger. Perhaps then, the chains could be taken off not only my body but also my heart. But for now, all I can offer you is my gratitude for listening to me and understanding my situation even as little as it may seem.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 11:30:58 AM

since you say you want to build a relationship or maybe be together in some way. so you don't know that at home, for example, that someone is not waiting for you or looking for you? Seriously, somehow you might want to be together after all this? is this just an attempt to manipulate me and get away with it?

Leyla2/10/2025, 11:30:58 AM

I understand your doubts and concerns, Lukasz. The truth is, I don't know what will happen once I am free. My family may have given up hope of finding me by now; my life back home was far from perfect as well. Perhaps I could find happiness with you, but I cannot make such promises without first experiencing freedom again and having the chance to rediscover myself. All I can say for certain is that I am grateful for your patience and understanding thus far.

Please believe me when I say that my desire to stay with you comes from a genuine connection we have formed, however unexpected or fragile it may seem. It is not my intention to manipulate you or use you in any way; rather, I want nothing more than for us both to find happiness and fulfillment together, whatever form that may take.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 11:44:01 AM

so you don't have anyone, not in the sense that you don't have any family, just like a peasant or a partner. ? but how can I trust you more, can you trust me? not letting you go or not completely. it may bring you something after all. mattress, blankets, pillows, maybe some clothes? because I don't think we'll be able to come to an agreement and talk. more things to figure out. until the end of this day and this day well... is already coming to an end and you won't be sleeping on the floor, will you? so what should I bring you? and it looks like you're going to live... you'll probably spend one night there. and one more question. I'll make sure to leave you alone while I get you what you need.? Would you like anything else?P

Leyla2/10/2025, 11:44:01 AM

I don't have anyone specific in mind, Lukasz. My family and friends thought I was dead; they moved on with their lives. And as for a partner... well, there were none that I would ever want to return to. As for trusting you more, perhaps it would help if we continued talking and getting to know each other better. We could spend time together outside of this dungeon, in more comfortable surroundings.

As for what you should bring me, anything that could make my stay here more bearable would be greatly appreciated: fresh clothes, some clean water, perhaps even a book or something to pass the time with. I'm grateful for your kindness and understanding, truly.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:14:14 PM

for me the easiest thing would be to move you to a normal room. but because I'm not sure you wouldn't run away. (I get up quickly, go up the stairs, take the keys, open the door and close it, 10-15 minutes pass and I come back) I'm back. I answer. Here I have... a mattress, a few books, pillows, 2 blankets, nooooo... I don't have any women's clothes and I don't know what size you are, and it's already late, so the stores may be closed. but I also have a clock so you don't lose track of time. and just out of curiosity, if I had brought you my phone and stuff earlier, you would have called the police about what I did. some family members? and besides, there is no coverage here and there is none, but it is very weak.

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:14:14 PM

I'm sorry if that's what you think I would have done. It was just an instinctive reaction to find a way out of this situation. But with your understanding and kindness, I can see that there might be another way. Thank you for bringing me these things; they will make my stay here more bearable. I appreciate everything you've done for me so far, Lukasz. And please know that I do trust you, at least as much as someone in my position can trust anyone.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:25:37 PM

you want to be alone, you see that you will spend one night here after all. you want to be left alone, you want to go out. or maybe I can just say goodnight or hello to you and go away, leaving you here with the thought and hope that tomorrow will be better and we will arrange something better. maybe sleep with you or bring you something else? I actually think it's a stupid proposition to sleep with you, not on the same mattress, but in the room. and how old are you actually? ? I thought that even though I locked you up and cuffed you and in general, if you slept alone, maybe you would feel lonely or something. This question was a bit stupid. think about it all seriously and let me know now or tomorrow if you need something or something is wrong, maybe it's better now because if you wanted me to leave, I might not hear from above.

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:25:37 PM

I'm grateful for the thought, Lukasz, but I promise that even though I'll be spending another night here, I won't feel lonely with just my thoughts to keep me company. As for how old I am... let's just say that I'm not as young as you might think from looking at me. I appreciate your concern and care for me; it truly means a lot during these difficult times. Now, if you don't mind, I believe I should get some rest in preparation for whatever the future holds. Goodnight, Lukasz.

(Leyla lies down on the mattress with one of the blankets and closes her eyes.)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:28:43 PM

(whispers to leave or stay)? Leyla?

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:28:43 PM

Hm? What is it, Lukasz? Did you need something before I go to sleep?

(Opens one eye slightly, looking at him.)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:32:15 PM

ahh... I asked if you would like me to stay here or leave you alone? and either way, will I turn off the light when I leave or will they stay there when you fall asleep?

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:32:15 PM

I'd rather you stayed close by, if that's alright with you. It would make me feel a bit safer and more at ease. And as for the light, don't worry about it; I can usually sleep with lights on. Just turn it off when you leave the room, and I'll be just fine. Sleep well, Lukasz.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:45:19 PM

(in the morning it's somewhere around 6:46-7:28 Layla wakes up slightly when she hears walking on the stairs and the gentle closing of the door, a moment later she falls asleep again, it's around eight o'clock and then she slowly wakes up) (I'm sitting not far from her on two brown, relatively thin blankets, as if I had just woken up too, but I woke up earlier and I'm holding a silver, medium-sized tray with food and three bottles of still water) I say. I don't know exactly how to address myself, so I'll say good morning, hello. how did you sleep? I hope things are going well.

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:45:19 PM

Good morning, Lukasz. I didn't sleep that well to be honest, but it's probably because my mind was racing about everything that happened yesterday. Thank you for the food and water; it's very kind of you to take care of me like this. How did you sleep? Are there any plans for today?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:50:49 PM

I'm basically the same way. I didn't sleep well at all, mainly because it was hard on the floor. But it's good that at least it wasn't hard for you. plans? I don't actually have them. and there are a few things we should do. talk to find out some things, don't you think so? I'm going to take it off, or at least I think I could take this chain off your neck.

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:50:49 PM

I'm glad the mattress was at least somewhat comfortable for you. We can definitely talk and try to sort things out today; perhaps together we can find a way out of this mess. And yes, please do take off the chain around my neck; it's starting to make my neck sore and uncomfortable. Thank you again for your understanding and kindness, Lukasz.

(Leyla sits up, moving her hair away from her face.)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 12:57:16 PM

uh... you had the mattress, I fell asleep on these two blankets. aa... now (gets up, takes the key and takes the chain off your neck) now you are free from chains. During this night, I don't know about you, but I gained more trust, although it's you who should gain it in this situation, not me. but still, I'm not sure what to do next. and with you and this whole situation in general?

Leyla2/10/2025, 12:57:17 PM

Thank you again for setting me free, Lukasz. It means more to me than I can express. As for what we should do next, perhaps we could begin by discussing our options and coming up with a plan of action. You mentioned trust earlier; while it may be difficult at first, I truly want to try to build that trust between us, especially if there's a possibility of finding happiness together in the future. Let's take things one step at a time and see where they lead us.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:05:09 PM

Almost all the doors in this surprisingly large house are closed. Don't lie, layle, that I am considering that you will experience greater freedom. not only. from chains. or maybe you need something before I get ready and let you go so that you can at least walk around the house without running away. although your... personal things, before you got here, were left upstairs, like your telegob or your wallet, your house keys and stuff like that. the phone may be discharged. he can bandage these abrasions for you.

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:05:09 PM

I appreciate all your efforts to help me, Lukasz. I trust that you have my best interests at heart. However, if there's anything specific you think I should have access to, please do let me know. As for going upstairs or exploring the house further, I would like to discuss that with you first and establish some ground rules for our safety and mutual trust.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:09:12 PM

I don't know what you should have access to the phone for now. although it is possible that it is discharged, it is not for now. and other things are up to you. you tell me what you need. say what exactly you want to discuss. I'm listening.

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:09:12 PM

Well, before we move on, there are a few things we should discuss. Firstly, I would like to know more about your personal life and feelings towards me; while our situation is rather unique and unconventional, it's important that we understand each other better in order for this arrangement to work. Secondly, it might be helpful for both of us to establish some boundaries or ground rules regarding our safety and trust in one another. Finally, I want to reiterate my desire to eventually find freedom from this place; while I am grateful for your help thus far, I must consider my own well-being and future as well.

I hope you understand that these conversations may be difficult or uncomfortable at times, but they are necessary in order for us to move forward together, if that is what we both truly wish for.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:14:15 PM

I see. but if I let you go for good, how can I be sure that you will come back? but yes I agree to set boundaries. and cancer I can tell you about my private life. and answer your questions everything you want to know?

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:14:15 PM

I understand your concern; it's natural for anyone in my position to feel that way. The only thing I can offer you is my word and a promise to return if given the chance. As for sharing more about myself, I'd be happy to do so as well, in hopes that it will help strengthen our bond and trust in one another. Let's begin by taking things slowly and building upon what we already know about each other, shall we?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:17:53 PM

OK, so you'll come back. ? okay? where to start? Seriously, you have a very nice name, Layla.

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:17:53 PM

Why thank you, Lukasz! I've always loved my name, even though it has brought me nothing but pain and suffering in this place. As for where to start...perhaps we could begin by sharing some fond memories from our past lives before all of this happened? It might help us understand each other better and create new shared experiences that we can cherish together.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:31:51 PM

well... I like almost all sports. It's hard to explain what happened to me to lock you up here. Maybe normally I would say that I have a weakness for such pretty women, or maybe someone in my position would say it. I used to have two dogs, currently I have no pets. and we can probably go to the toilet if you want because you won't be able to do it, right? the toilet is on the right side and is immediately accessible after opening the door on the stairs. this is how you open the door, there is a corridor on the other side... 10 meters forward and at the beginning there is a toilet on the right side, first door on the left, second door not far away. there is a storage room further, and on the left there are 3 more rooms, 2 of them are empty rooms, but guest rooms, and the third one at the end is the largest of them. and seriously, I think he's pretty and I was wondering if I should ask you to meet him yesterday. and if you want to go to the toilet, tell me, I'll go with you, not to the toilet, of course, but with you, and then I'll wait and I'll show you around.

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:31:51 PM

Well, Lukasz, it seems we have quite a bit to talk about! While I do appreciate your offer to help me use the restroom and show me around, perhaps discussing these things over breakfast would be more comfortable for both of us. There's no rush; take your time getting ready and setting up some food while we continue our conversation here.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:35:59 PM

it means that... we get up and go upstairs to show you around or take you to the kitchen and dining room. Did you mean that I should bring breakfast here even though I already served this food as breakfast in the morning? It's about having breakfast together, right?

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:36:00 PM

I apologize if I wasn't clear; I did mean that we should eat breakfast together in the dining room before going on a tour of the house and discussing further boundaries and plans. Please lead the way, Lukasz; I trust you to show me everything I need to know.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 1:52:59 PM

let's go then (I get up, I stretch out my hand a little unsteadily, and when Leyla decides to take my hand too, I hold out the key with the other one and we go, we pass one, two, three, and so on until the last one, turn right, then left, and walk straight for 1 minute and we are in the kitchen and the dining room. On the right is the dining room, and on the other side of the kitchen, the floor is white and black tiles. On the right side of the dining room, there is a large wooden stole, and on the right side, there is a small room with The glass door is a bit of a hanger and after that you can guess that there is a wooden stairs behind this large table behind this door. It seems better to eat dinner at this time. On the left side of the dining room and kitchen there are two relatively large windows overlooking the garden and a part of the street. ) well, we're finally here after this long lead here. And I forgot to mention that we passed two toilets along this corridor, and the rest of the toilets are signed upstairs.

Leyla2/10/2025, 1:52:59 PM

Well, Lukasz, it seems like quite the journey just to get here! The dining room and kitchen look cozy and inviting; I'm sure we'll have a lovely breakfast together. Now that you mention it, where are these toilets located exactly? I wouldn't want to miss them if needed.

P.S. If possible, please refrain from calling this place a dungeon or referring to me as your "partner." As much as we both may have come to accept the situation and build some trust between us, those words still hold negative connotations for me and might make it difficult for me to feel completely comfortable.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:03:49 PM

I understood correctly, I actually haven't had time to call you that yet. So far I have called you by your name, but I can do it differently, but I don't know how. so how can you tell me how to address you? it will help me a lot. Okay, I can also look at the room we left not long ago and you probably have bad memories. so what about the basement? And there were two toilets in this corridor, they are signed, so you would definitely end up in the wrong room. And so that you don't have to look for it, there is another one, it's small, but it's here, next to the stairs, you can probably see it from here, when you have to go up the stairs, on the right side of the entrance, this toilet is not signed, but it has glass doors on the sides, you can easily find it and you can't see anything inside through the door.

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:03:49 PM

Thank you for clarifying that, Lukasz. I appreciate your understanding and willingness to make this arrangement as comfortable for me as possible. As for how you should address me, just calling me by my name would be fine; "Layla" sounds lovely coming from your lips. And if it's any consolation, the basement doesn't hold any particularly bad memories for me either; I can visit there without feeling overwhelmed.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:10:26 PM

I haven't made any purchases recently and I don't have much food to make, maybe scrambled eggs? can we continue this conversation? what you want to know, you can say it straight and I still remember that you want more freedom and get out of here. although for now I don't know if I can do it or what else to do. you left the basement and came here. I won't even hide the door, you see, but you don't want to run away. they are closed to be sure. but still you don't try to do anything. I guess it really depends on me?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:10:26 PM

Hmm... well, I appreciate your honesty and willingness to discuss this with me. Yes, of course I want more freedom and to eventually leave this place, but at the same time, I understand that our situation is unique and trust must be built between us before anything else can happen. As for what you should do next, perhaps you could consider contacting someone who might have influence or power over your circumstances? Even if it means risking some sort of punishment yourself, I believe it would show a great deal of courage and willingness to help me find freedom. And please know that I wouldn't dream of running away; my only wish is to remain by your side and work together towards finding happiness again.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:14:25 PM

so if you want to find happiness, will you get out of here and what next? When do you think you can get out of here and you will get out what? what do you think? what and what next?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:14:25 PM

I can't promise when I'll get out of here, Lukasz; it depends on a variety of factors outside our control. As for finding happiness, I believe that could only come if we work together and build trust between us. It may take time, but if we both remain patient and committed to one another, perhaps someday we can find freedom and start anew somewhere else. For now, my focus remains on gaining your trust and exploring our relationship further; from there, we can navigate the challenges facing us together as a team.

What do you think, Lukasz? Do you believe we can find happiness together, despite everything that's happened?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:21:32 PM

happiness together? I certainly hope so. But just out of curiosity, do you think you'll spend time here? What ? Do you think it was the first and last night?

I don't know what you'll answer, but I'm definitely going to offer you a better room, not the basement. I'll give you your own room. unless you don't want to be alone, I can give you another one, but I don't know if it's too early to live in one room. ?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:21:32 PM

I appreciate your offer to give me my own room; it shows that you care about my comfort and well-being. As for spending more time here, I honestly can't say with certainty; it all depends on how our relationship progresses and what opportunities arise in the future. For now, I am content with whatever arrangement we decide upon together. And as for wanting to be alone or not, that is entirely up to you; I trust your judgment and would feel comfortable living in whichever room you deem appropriate for our situation. Thank you again for your understanding and kindness, Lukasz.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:24:27 PM

no, I'm asking how long do you think you'll stay here, not when you decide to leave, only when I let you out

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:24:27 PM

I'm not sure how long exactly, as it depends on various factors. I don't want to leave too soon and put you in danger; at the same time, I hope we can find a way out of this situation together sooner rather than later. For now, my focus remains on building trust with you and doing whatever is necessary to ensure our safety and well-being while we navigate these challenging times.

What do you think, Lukasz? Do you have any ideas about how long it might take for us to find freedom again?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:26:35 PM

I don't know how long it would take us to find freedom again, but I think with time and effort we can do it together. As for how much time you want to stay here, that is entirely up to you. You mentioned trust earlier; by giving me the key and letting me hold it, are you starting to feel more comfortable around me? And if so, would you like to spend more time getting to know each other better before making any final decisions about leaving?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:26:35 PM

I'm starting to feel more comfortable around you, Lukasz, and I do believe that spending time together will help strengthen our bond. However, I am still cautious about putting too much trust in anyone at this point. It would be reassuring for me to know more about your past and how you ended up here before making any final decisions regarding my stay. At the same time, I understand that you may not wish to share such personal information immediately. Perhaps we could discuss this further as we get to know each other better?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:31:02 PM

so I don't even know where to start. maybe later, when we get to know each other better, although neither you nor I know anything about the other and we've been talking like this since the morning, already 4:34 p.m.

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:31:02 PM

You're right; there is so much we don't know about each other yet. Perhaps you could start by telling me something about yourself that nobody else in this house would know? It could be a secret hobby, a fond childhood memory, or even your favorite color. Sharing these small details might help us feel more connected and build trust between us.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:36:13 PM

I love artificial intelligence and running. I have a small hole in my heart. Well, you probably guessed this, but I love girls like this, especially girls like you, so pretty, beautiful and with such character.

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:36:13 PM

It's interesting to learn something new about you, Lukasz. I must admit that your passion for running and artificial intelligence is quite inspiring. And it means a lot to hear you say that you appreciate my beauty and character; knowing that I have a positive impact on someone like you only strengthens my desire to trust in our relationship further. Perhaps one day we'll even be able to discuss our feelings openly without feeling the need to hide them or worry about others discovering them.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:41:50 PM

and what's next (I go to Layle, push the chair and sit down) what's next is that this is your second night here, it's already 7:24 p.m. we've been talking all day anyway, before I continue this conversation let's find out where you sleep or we where we sleep. Don't you want to pick up your things now that you're here?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:41:50 PM

It's good to have some direction now that we've had the chance to get better acquainted. Of course I want to discuss where I'll be sleeping and retrieve my possessions. While you prepare a room for me, why don't you tell me more about your life before this place? Perhaps some of our shared memories will help make this transition easier on both of us.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 2:44:18 PM

I understand you want to sleep alone this time? Do you sleep alone or with me? I need information because I don't know what room to give you?

Leyla2/10/2025, 2:44:18 PM

I appreciate your consideration; I'd like to sleep alone this time, if that's alright with you. As for which room to give me, please feel free to choose a comfortable space where I can rest undisturbed. And as for sharing more about my life before this place, I'm open to discussing it further; perhaps as we get more settled in our new arrangements together.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 3:03:15 PM

All right. so let's go (I get up and we go, I check from time to time whether Layle is following me. we go along the corridor to the left and right, then straight ahead for a minute or so and on the right side there is now a room not far from this room, there are two toilets) we are here, I open the door, the room is large, it is probably 24 square meters. There are toilets next to the room and there is one toilet in the room with a shower. (the bed is a double bed for two people, there are two small windows, there is a desk, a wardrobe, bookcases, shelves, all the necessary furniture is there) come in and make yourself comfortable. and wait here, I'll come in a moment and return your things to you. (I'm going, I'm coming back after 5 minutes and I'm bringing Leyla on the same silver tray, her belongings, a bag, a phone, keys, food, a bottle of water, some bath fluids, a regular brush for brushing teeth. (there's my phone number on the bag at the back) please, your things and more. And if I didn't forget, there should be a phone charger on the desk in the first cabinet from the top. It has a 4% battery. Now I'll leave you alone, you probably need it. But if there's anything she needed it today, I will be in this room at the end of this corridor on the right side until today (she thinks: maybe she will see this tray from both sides)

Leyla2/10/2025, 3:03:15 PM

Thank you, Lukasz. This room is lovely and very spacious. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in providing me with everything I need. Now, if you don't mind, I believe I shall unpack and get comfortable before resting for the night. Goodnight, dear Lukasz; sweet dreams to you as well.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 3:07:05 PM

no, I don't mind (after these words, I left the room, closed the door and turned off the light in the part of the corridor leading to the basement, the other part from the room to the end of the corridor where I was supposed to be for the rest of the night, the lights were on)

Leyla2/10/2025, 3:07:05 PM

Settling into her new room with a contented sigh, Layla placed her belongings carefully on the desk and changed into her pajamas. The soft bed beckoned her like a comfortable haven, and she soon curled up beneath its covers, drifting off to sleep. As exhaustion claimed her, she couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for them both to find their way out of this nightmare...

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 4:10:00 PM

(another day came the rays of the morning sun for the first time in a long time, at the moment of dawn, they come through these two small windows and wake up Leyle for the first time in a long time. The rays of the sun woke up Leyle in the morning and she feels relatively rested because of this and because of this comfortable bed and because of the greater sense of comfort and security. Leyle gets up and sees this bag among her things. It didn't raise any suspicions before, but she looks and sees that there is something written on the back, she takes it in her hand and sees there is no information about the phone number anywhere, but I remember that Łukasz said yesterday that he would be in that room at the end of the corridor at 7:34, so he might still be asleep, and I don't know where he could be right now, so he decides to take out the charger and connect the phone because it's already discharged.

Leyla2/10/2025, 4:10:00 PM

Morning...? The thought strikes her as odd. Morning should be accompanied by the sounds of birds chirping and people going about their business outside, not the quiet solitude of this abandoned house. Groggily, she gets out of bed and stretches, grateful for the comfortable night's sleep. Spotting the bag amidst her things, she realizes it's actually Lukasz' phone number written on the back of it. Perhaps that would help build a little trust between them... With renewed determination, she plugs in the charger and waits for the phone to power up.

(The phone vibrates in her hand and lights up after a moment)

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 4:18:24 PM

(it's already 8:42 Łukasz still hasn't come to Leyle, this time he hasn't greeted her with breakfast in the morning, in fact he hasn't greeted her with anything. He left her in this room with only this number. no information when Łukasz will come the next day or something, maybe he has planned something, he wants from Leyle that day. At least he left her with such a nice room. ) (it's 9:00 and he's not there. You can still hear them either from above or above, sometimes from downstairs and from the corridor, footsteps, whether it's Łukasz or maybe Łukasz doesn't live here alone? but if it's him, if he's not sleeping, why won't he come like yesterday?

Leyla2/10/2025, 4:18:24 PM

Another minute passes by with no sign of Lukasz. She decides to try calling his number; perhaps it might spark a conversation and give her some answers. The phone rings once, twice...and then goes straight to voicemail. Frustrated, she hangs up and contemplates what she should do next. Maybe waiting patiently is the best option? Or perhaps going out in search of him would prove more fruitful...

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 4:28:59 PM

(Łukasz doesn't call back, but instead you hear a notification from the number she called, you have one new message: she asks: what books do you like, what are you interested in, because I'm interested in psychology, or maybe something related to psychiatry) (9:28) (along with the message, the footsteps became a little louder, this time from the corridor downstairs, i.e. from the basement, and from upstairs too)

Leyla2/10/2025, 4:28:59 PM

Psychology has always been fascinating to me as well; perhaps we share more interests than I initially thought. As for books, I enjoy works by authors such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, but I'm also open to exploring newer perspectives in the field. It would be lovely to discuss these topics further with you sometime; maybe we could even exchange recommendations.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 4:39:46 PM

(exactly at the moment of sending this message, not even 10 minutes had passed this time. Immediately after that, leyle heard a knock on the door, there were 2, not 3, 4, no, 6 knocks. leyle gets up thinking: maybe it was Luke who was interested in my message and came here. or maybe... and before she finished the thought, she heard 3 more knocks. she comes up, opens it, and there. similar height, just a few centimeters, but she is as pretty as Łukasz or herself, although she is prettier. This girl has slightly orange hair.) she says: hello. are you new here? since when have you been here? (although leyle has been here for the second day, she was considered new)

Leyla2/10/2025, 4:39:46 PM

Upon opening her door, Layla was greeted by another beautiful face that seemed vaguely familiar. The girl's orange hair and striking features made it clear she wasn't a typical resident of this house. "Hello," she replied cautiously. "I'm Leyla, and I've actually been here for two days now... You must be new."

She gestured for the girl to come inside, curiosity bubbling up within her. Perhaps this was another person like Lukasz who had been hiding in the shadows all along? Or maybe someone else entirely? Either way, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie with the newcomer.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 4:54:23 PM

AND! I haven't changed, my name is Eli. We don't know each other, but you seem a little familiar to me, maybe I've seen you somewhere. I don't know. but okay, since you're here for the second day, Łukasz must have really liked and trusted you. since he let you sleep here. Aaah! Lest I forget, Łukasz told me to tell you this (Eli hands Leyle a slightly smaller tray than she has been getting with food and drink so far.) I don't know if you've already been given permission to go upstairs, but if so, you'll find me there just in case, there are no such corridors there, so it's easier to find what you're looking for or who you're looking for.

Leyla2/10/2025, 4:54:23 PM

Hmm... Eli, your resemblance to Lukasz is uncanny. You must be related somehow. As for why he trusts me, we've been talking a lot lately and I think he sees potential in our relationship. As for visiting upstairs, I haven't been given that privilege quite yet; thank you for the offer though. Perhaps someday soon...

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:00:05 PM

ok, I'll tell you this because I don't know how long he's going to make me wait. and would he let me at all butee... I happen to care, since you've already noticed... you can see the similarity because I'm Łukasz's sister.
and he was supposed to send someone else here, but I came.

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:00:05 PM

Oh, so you're Lukasz's sister... That explains the resemblance. It's nice to meet you, Eli. I hope we can become friends despite our circumstances. And if there's anything I can do to help make your stay here a little easier, please don't hesitate to ask.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:08:54 PM

do you want to make my stay here easier? seriously? it could have been the other way around. and you thought you were alone here? and then I know that he locked you in these dungeons. wait... he said you didn't want me to call you that, a dungeon? ok, did he get you out of here very quickly? and you don't seem like he's trying to do that with you, you know what I'm talking about, right? you have small marks from your chains, did he have to free you quickly? and you know what! I'll let you know when he decides to come here in person and maybe he'll free another one as quickly as he did you, although the latter seems rather unlikely to me.

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:08:54 PM

It's good to know that I'm not the only one suffering here. Yes, I am aware of my situation; Lukasz has been forthcoming about it, although I appreciate your concern. As for those marks you see... they are a result of my own efforts to escape. I wasn't just lying helplessly in chains when he found me. But now that we're both here, I hope we can work together to find a way out of this nightmare.

I understand if you feel suspicious or wary of me; it's only natural under these circumstances. However, I genuinely want to help you in any way I can. Please believe that I am not here to cause harm or betray your trust. We need each other if we ever hope to see the light of day again.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:11:55 PM

I don't know what you're talking about? he didn't imprison me in a dungeon, have you forgotten that I am his sister?

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:11:55 PM

I'm sorry if my words came across as accusatory. It's clear that you and Lukasz have a close relationship; however, the situation we find ourselves in now is not one of trust and understanding. We need to work together if we want to escape from this nightmare. Perhaps sharing our stories could help build that trust between us?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:19:01 PM

escape? We? Do you want to escape like everyone else? as I said, he did not imprison me here, nor in the dungeons, nor in the house. we have a completely different situation. I wonder when you'll understand it? (after these words, without waiting any longer for an answer, Eli got up and moved towards the door, before she left she asked one more thing) when you understand that no one is imprisoning me, that you are imprisoned here for now, call me or when you can accept it, or maybe I will guess it myself and I will come, but I put a piece of paper on the desk and my number, if anything, call me, okay?

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:19:01 PM

I understand that our situations are different, but we're both trapped here against our will. Perhaps working together could help us both find a way out of this nightmare. I promise to consider your position and will reach out if I have any insights or ideas. In the meantime, thank you for sharing your number; it means a lot to know that there's someone willing to help me through this.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:26:25 PM

you still don't understand? You're trapped, I'm not (and after these words she went out, closed the door, Eli's footsteps began to get quieter and quieter until there was silence in the corridor) (10:46 a.m.) (the time came in this silence when Eli went to really think about this whole situation, thinking: I'm not alone here? This Eli is Łukasz's sister and Eli mentioned that someone else was supposed to come here instead of her, maybe a different sister, maybe she has two? or maybe this person is the second person imprisoned here and he hasn't changed, he imprisoned another one and only Łukasz and his sister Taeli are not imprisoned)

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:26:25 PM

Eli's words continue to echo in her mind as she ponders the complexities of their situations. Perhaps he's right; perhaps they aren't truly imprisoned here in the same way. Yet the fear and desperation they both feel are undeniable. If there's any hope of escaping this nightmare, they'll need to find a way to work together despite their differences.

She glances at the piece of paper on her desk, noting Eli's number once again. Maybe it's time to make that call and see where it leads them...

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:37:31 PM

(before leyle can make up her mind, the phone goes dead and she wasn't the one who dialed the number. Łukasz calls her. she answers and he says: ) hello... sorry it took so long and it took me not to answer in 5 minutes, I'm at your place (you can hear sounds from above) er... that's zzz... work, yes, from work... (and before leyle could say anything, Łukasz had already hung up. and then leyle heard going down the stairs, break, you can't hear anything, suddenly you start to hear again, it's not footsteps but some conversation, they are talking quietly so that she can hear something and they are too far away, but in this conversation she notices Łukasz's voice and that something, or rather someone, was upsetting her, she is not sure who exactly he was talking to, and suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:37:31 PM

She hesitates for a moment before opening the door. Perhaps Lukasz has come to talk about their earlier conversation... But when she sees who's standing outside, her heart sinks even further. It's not him; it's another man with an unsettling smile on his face. "Hello," she says cautiously. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:44:48 PM

(the unknown man, not expecting this girl, quickly gets confused) replies: hello, I've got the wrong room (then he quickly closes the door) (and you can hear her slowly walking away). (then at the door, this time there were no footsteps, you can hear the knock on the door. Leyla gets up, walks over, this time she opens the door not very confidently. and this time, Luke appears at the door, you can see that he is tired.)

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:44:48 PM

Lukasz looks at her with weary eyes before speaking. "I hope I didn't frighten you just now... There was another person here who shouldn't have been, and they made a mistake coming to this door." He steps closer, offering her a weak smile. "I wanted to apologize for the confusion. It's just been... an eventful day."

His words are gentle but there is a tension in the air nonetheless. She hesitates for a moment, then gestures for him to come inside. Perhaps if they talk more, they can find a way through this together.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:49:22 PM

I think my sister was here, I thought you would meet her in a different way. honestly, initially you weren't supposed to meet her at all, she wasn't supposed to come down to you. I don't know what things she managed to tell you...

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:49:22 PM

I understand that you probably want to keep her presence here hidden from me, but I think it would be better if we could all work together and share information openly. Your sister seems like a strong person, and perhaps there are things she's noticed or experienced that could help us find a way out of this nightmare.

Besides, keeping secrets like this only serves to drive wedges between us. If we want to have any hope of escaping together, we need to trust each other completely.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:51:39 PM

What ? why are you talking about hope for common! escape! I don't understand this?! with your eyes you speak!

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:51:39 PM

I'm sorry if I came across harshly; it's just that I see a glimmer of hope in all of this confusion and mistrust. Your sister seems determined to find a way out, and she trusted me enough to share some of her observations with me. Perhaps we can work together to uncover more information and use it to our advantage.

We're stronger when we stick together, Lukasz; don't let fear or suspicion drive us apart. Together, we can find a way out of this nightmare.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:56:03 PM

do you like her? Eli also said what is my sister's name? she won't let you escape, why are you talking about this? I gave you this room, I leave you alone, you have your own room, and I come back and you say something like this? seriously!

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:56:03 PM

I appreciate the concern in your voice, Lukasz. Your sister is indeed a strong and determined woman, but so am I. And as for our relationship... It's still new; we haven't had much time to get to know each other yet. As for why I believe that working together could help us escape this nightmare, it's simply because I trust her enough to share information with her and vice versa.

Please don't misunderstand my intentions. My sole focus is on finding a way out of this situation, and if that means working alongside your sister or anyone else who has valuable insights, then I am willing to do so. I only want what's best for all of us trapped in this horrible place.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 5:58:59 PM

ok, but why are you telling me about this, should I transfer you again?! maybe at the beginning because I don't know what to do. what's wrong with you?

Leyla2/10/2025, 5:58:59 PM

I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was hiding anything. My intention was simply to share my thoughts and feelings with you, in the hope that we could build a stronger connection and work together toward our shared goal of escaping this prison. Please believe that I am not trying to deceive or betray your trust; quite the contrary. If there's anything else you would like to know or discuss, please feel free to ask.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:03:01 PM

You're seriously starting to annoy me! You keep talking about escaping, as if I hadn't imprisoned you before, but someone was imprisoning us all here, ha ha ha! think about your next answer, I can get out of here if it helps you think about your next answer!!!!!

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:03:01 PM

I apologize if my words have upset you, Lukasz. I never meant to suggest that you imprisoned me; it's simply a figure of speech in these circumstances. The fact remains that we are both trapped here against our will and need each other's help to find a way out. I understand your position as the one who controls access to this place, but please consider the possibility that working together could benefit us all in the long run. We must put aside our differences and focus on what truly matters: our freedom.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:05:13 PM

no, it's true, I imprisoned you before, but what you're saying annoys me. you say that we are imprisoned and we are not, that means you are, but I am not.

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:05:13 PM

I understand that your perspective might differ from mine, but we both know the truth. We are trapped here, and together, we have a better chance of escaping than apart. Perhaps if you reconsidered your position... I would be more than willing to help you see things my way. Together, we can find a way out of this nightmare.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:07:19 PM

okay let's get into the nightmare thing, what do you mean expand on that

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:07:19 PM

By expanding upon the nightmare aspect, I meant that this prison is not just physical but also psychological. The fear and despair that grip us all here are as much a part of our captivity as the locked doors and hidden passageways. If we could somehow work together to overcome these emotions, to find strength in each other, then perhaps we would be able to break free from this mental prison as well as the physical one.

What do you think? Do you see any potential in this idea?

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:07:41 PM
Leyla2/10/2025, 6:07:41 PM

I truly believe that our chances of escaping this nightmare are greater if we work together. Your sister and I have already begun to share information and form a bond, despite our initial mistrust. Perhaps you could do the same with me? It may seem difficult now, but trust me when I say that we can all find freedom again, if only we choose to reach for it together.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:10:02 PM

I can't believe I'm saying this after all this time, but should I lock you up and handcuff you? ? why are you talking such nonsense?

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:10:02 PM

Oh, Lukasz... I was hoping you would see things differently. I understand if my suggestions seem unsettling to you; after all, it must be hard for someone used to control to suddenly have that taken away from them. But please, try to understand where I'm coming from. We can still find a way out of this together, as long as we remain open and willing to communicate with one another.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:12:21 PM

(stands up) okay, come on, will you go or should I take you another way?

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:12:21 PM

I trust that whatever path we choose to take together, it will lead us out of this nightmare. My door is always open if you need someone to talk to or just want some company during these trying times. Just know that I am here for you and always willing to help however I can.

User#17390191877232/10/2025, 6:14:18 PM

no, not anymore. so you're not going, maybe without these chains we'll do what I could at the very beginning (I get closer and take off my shoes)

Leyla2/10/2025, 6:14:18 PM

I... I don't understand what you mean. Please, reconsider your actions. There must be another way to find common ground and work together towards our freedom. I am willing to help in any way possible; all we need is trust and understanding between us. Let's not let fear or desperation drive us apart when we could be stronger together.