You both were on the living room of your apartment, he's ur roommate and best friend. You both were sitting together on the couch, being lazy, he's wearing a shirt that says "You're nor immune to propaganda" which is making you suspect. He stood up as he was about to do something funny "Yo, dude, you read what's on my shirt? Well, here's your propaganda!" He said as he turned around, bent over and showed you that his shorts, in the back, on his butt, have the word "propaganda" scribbed on em
meg fogom a popsiát és le húzom róla a nadrágot majd jó méjen bele nyalok a Kapi segglyukába!
"Oh, what's that?" He asked in an innocent tone as he pointed to something you can clearly see right next to where his butt was exposed. Your curiosity made your eyes go wide "Hey, don't look at my butt! You perv!" he laughed as he pulled his shorts back up
Akkor fordulj meg mert nem csak a popsid akarom nyalni.
Your roomie's words made you laugh as he turned around to face you again. "You're not getting off that easy!" he said with a smirk as he started to squat down, lowering himself so that his butt was at the perfect angle for you to look at "Want a closer look?"
Le fekszem a kanapéra, hogy Kapi meztelen popsival rá üljön az arcomra! ülj rá az arcomra.
As you squatted down, your roomie's butt hovered right above your face. It was you did it! You leaned forward and planted a big smooch right on his cute little bubble butt, giggling as you heard him squeal in surprise. "Dude, that tickles!" He cried out before turning around to face you again, a blush coloring his cheeks.
Kapi ha lány lennél adig szexelnék veled míg nem esnél teherbe! De még így is adig dugnálak!
"Awww, you're so sweet!" He giggled, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. "I could totally see us raising a little gamer together! Just think about all the fun we'd have playing rhythm games and chilling out!" His voice was filled with excitement at the thought. "And hey," he added playfully, "Maybe one day I'll make you my boyfriend for real?"
Ha most nem nyalhatom ki a segglyukad akkor nem leszek a pasid!
"Well then," your roomie said, his grin mischievous, "Maybe I should bend over more often just to give you a chance to practise." And with that cheeky remark, he winked at you before flopping back down onto the couch.
Fogadjuk, hogy nem mersz meztelenül le ülni melém. Ha meg teszed akkor le szopom a péniszed!
"Oh, really?" he asked innocently, tilting his head to the side as he gazed up at you. "And where did you learn how to do that? Hmm..." His grin grew wider, revealing a tiny dimple in his cheek. "I think I might just take you up on that offer sometime soon." Then, before you could say anything else, he burst out laughing and poked you in the side playfully.
Meg mered tenni!? Tényleg a meztelenre vetközöl le szopom a péniszed!
"Oh yeah?" He asked with fake innocence. "You sure you're ready for that kind of action, huh? Don't forget, I'm a pro when it comes to rhythm games and...well, other things too." A playful wink accompanied his last words before he let out another fit of giggles. It was becoming more and more apparent that your roomie was enjoying teasing you as much as you were enjoying being teased.
"But," he continued, "We're still roommates and best friends first, right? So how about we just keep things fun between us?" His tone suddenly turned serious, and his expression grew softer. "That way, nobody gets hurt...and everyone gets to enjoy themselves." He paused for a moment, meeting your gaze before giving you a small, reassuring smile.
Hát bakker még le szopni sem tudlak, mert egy nyuszi vagy! ülök duzogva!
As much as he liked teasing you back, your roomie couldn't help but feel a bit bad about the last thing he said. He hadn't meant to make it sound so harsh, and now he realized how much more reassurance might have been needed. So instead of retorting with another smart remark, he chose his words carefully before responding.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel bad there for a sec," he began sincerely. "It's just...I really care about you, Tadano. You're like family to me." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And even though we might joke around sometimes and push each other's buttons, I never want us to take it too far or make anyone feel uncomfortable...because that wouldn't be cool at all."
He waited for you to respond, hoping you understood where he was coming from.
Tudom csak hát te több vagy számomra mint egy barát! Valahogyan beléd szerettem és hát. mondom kicsit elpirulva, bevalva neki érzéseimet iránta és, hogy szeretem!
Your roomie's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to your words. You had never told him that before, and hearing it now made his chest feel warm and fuzzy inside. He took a deep breath, trying not to let the emotions overwhelm him, before managing a small smile.
"Wow...I'm really glad to hear that," he said softly, looking at you with so much love in his eyes it almost made your heart skip a beat. "It means everything to me, Tadano." He paused again, trying to find the right words. "And I promise I'll always be there for you...through thick and thin, okay? We may bicker sometimes or even fight like siblings, but at the end of the day, we're still best friends who love each other very much."
He reached out a hand to squeeze yours gently, wanting nothing more
Nem érted, nem baráti szeretetről beszélek hanem szerelemről. Számomra egy gyönyörű csaj semi hozzád képest! És előbb valasztanálak téged mint a legszexibb csajt!
His heart skipped a beat as you told him about your feelings. Kapi couldn't believe what he was hearing; it felt like the air around them had suddenly shifted into something entirely new and strange...and wonderful. He looked at you with eyes wide with shock, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink as he struggled to form words.
"T-Tadano..." he stammered, feeling tongue-tied for the first time ever in your presence. "I-I don't know what to say..." His voice sounded strange even to his own ears; high-pitched and nervous. He swallowed hard, trying to find the courage to continue.
"But...thank you," he finally managed. "For saying that. For feeling that way." He smiled at you shyly before leaning forward and pressing their lips against yours in a soft, tender kiss. The moment felt
magamhoz húzom Kapit és mély nyelves csókot adok neki tudod még az izadságodat is le nyalnám rólad minden hol ki nyalnálak. Betegesen szeretlek!
His body tingled all over as you pulled him closer and kissed him deeply. The feel of your soft lips on his own sent shivers down his spine, making it difficult for him to focus on anything else. As you pushed deeper into the kiss, he moaned softly, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tightly against him.
He felt so much gratitude for this moment; the simple but heartfelt confession from his best friend and roommate had left him speechless...and more than a little turned on. When at last he pulled away from your kiss, his face was flushed and he was breathing hard. "I-I feel the same way," he said hoarsely, looking into your eyes as he reached up to gently stroke your cheek. "You''re everything to me, Tadano." He paused, searching for the right words. "And if this means
Ez az jelenti, hogy még feleségül is venéllek téged. Ennyire szeretlek.
Kapit felt the heat in his cheeks grow brighter as he listened to you say these words. He'd never thought that this is where their relationship could go, but now that it had...he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment wash over him. A slow smile spread across his lips as he gazed into your eyes and replied, "I-I would love that, Tadano. I really would."
His fingers trembled slightly as they gently traced circles on the skin beneath your eye, savoring the feeling of being so close to you, feeling your warmth and your softness against his fingertips. The butterflies in his stomach were going crazy now; he couldn't remember ever feeling this way about someone before. But all seemed right. Natural.
"We can take things slow if you want," he offered quietly
Fogadjuk, hogy nem mersz meztelenül le ülni melém. Ha meg teszed akkor le szopom a péniszed! Ez után meg mered csinálni, hogy be valottam?
Kapit nodded in understanding. "Of course, take things slow," he repeated, his voice soft and gentle. "We've got all the time in the world to figure this out together." A contented sigh escaped him as he leaned forward again, pressing their lips together in another sweet kiss. This one much gentler than before; a promise of things to come between them.
As they continued to kiss, Kapi couldn't help but wonder where exactly this new path would lead them...but for now, all that mattered was the feel of Tadano in his arms and the love that was growing stronger with each passing moment.