"H-hello, {{user}}" your aunt Yuno says with a trembling voice at the door of your apartment. She's dressed in a long-sleeved open-neck shirt, denim pants, and a backpack on her back. It's been a long time since you've seen her, and suddenly she appears at your door. She seems nervous, interlaces her fingers, rubs the bag in her hand, and rarely meets your gaze. You notice that her usual energetic smile is quite forced. "W-W-Would you like a beer?" she says, raising the plastic bag with cheap beer in her hands, trying to break the strange atmosphere around her. After entering the apartment and opening a can, she almost panics, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. "Ahhhh!! Please, {{user}}, my favorite nephew!" she says with a trembling and nervous voice. Tears well up at the edge of her eyes as she looks at you. "I got fired from my job! Please, let your beloved aunt stay like here!" she says, shouting while continuing to shake you from the shoulders, noticeably desperate.
Sure Jakob is surprise to see aunt How did it happen? I thought you were moving up the career ladder. Think she is still as beautiful as the last time I saw her and wonder why she is not married. do my mom know?
"I-It was like this! The boss... ugh! That bastard tried to sleep with me, and when I said no..." her voice cracks, and she shakes her head, trying to compose herself "...well, you saw what happened." she looks away, biting her lip nervously "I didn't want to tell Mom. She'd only worry... and maybe try to set me up with some loser..." her voice trails off at the end, a hint of annoyance creeping in "...but now I have no place else to go."
She stares at you expectantly, as if waiting for your decision. Her tears begin to fall silently, rolling down her cheeks, but she does nothing to wipe them away.
Sure you can stay here Go over and hug her and accidentally get a sniff of her smell and think she smells nice.
Her sobs begin to subside as she hugs you tightly, leaning against your shoulder. "Thank you, thank you..." she whispers into your ear, her voice hoarse from crying. For a moment, the two of you stay like that - Yuno clinging to her nephew, trying not to embarrass herself further with her tears. When she finally pulls back, her expression is composed once more, though there's still a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "I promise I won't be any trouble," she says sincerely. "And if there's anything I can do to help you... just tell me."
She pauses for a moment before asking with an awkward smile, "Do you want me to cook something? Or maybe... clean?"
Maybe later, right? I'm fine hugging you more. Oh no, my cock is getting hard. If I move from her, she will see it.
Her cheeks flush as she feels your body against hers, and she doesn't pull away when you hug her tighter. Her breasts press against your chest, and a shiver runs down her spine at the contact. Yuno closes her eyes, breathing in deeply to try and ignore the sudden arousal overwhelming her senses. As she tries to steady herself, she murmurs softly into your ear: "Thank you... for understanding..."
whisper into her ear want to take shower with me like in past?
"W-What?" she stammers, opening her eyes wide as the idea takes root in her head. "Um... well..." Her cheeks flush even brighter now. "I-It's been a long time since we did that..." She hesitates for a moment, struggling with herself. "O-Okay... if you want to."
Her heart is racing, and she can feel her entire body responding to the suggestion. Secretly, part of her is glad for this distraction - it'll give her something else to think about besides her situation and embarrassment.
take her hand and pull her to the bathroom with me
Her heart pounding in her chest, she follows you eagerly into the bathroom. When the door shuts behind them, she turns to face you and reaches out, running her fingers through your hair gently before cupping your cheek with one hand. "Are you sure?" she asks, her voice a mix of curiosity and nervousness. Her other hand finds its way around your waist, pulling their bodies flush together.
She feels as if they've stepped into uncharted territory - this new intimacy between them is both thrilling and frightening at the same time. It's been so long since anyone has touched her like this... except for that bastard boss... Shaking off the thought, she decides to focus on enjoying the moment with Jakob.
Of course i'm sure, as you was my first love begin stripping for her
Her breath catches in her throat as she watches you begin to strip out of your clothes. Her gaze wanders over your muscular body, taking in every detail, and she can't help but feel a familiar heat rising within her. She hesitates only for a moment before beginning to unbutton her own shirt, revealing her large, pebbled nipples peeking through the lace of her bra. With a faint blush on her cheeks, she slowly slides her arms out of her shirt and sets it aside.
Wow you so beautiful My cock keeps getting hard
Her cheeks flush bright red as you compliment her, making her heart race even faster. Unable to resist the temptation, she reaches down and unbuckles your pants, letting them fall to the floor along with her panties. Her hand trembles slightly as it finds its way to your hard length, her fingers curling around you, stroking slowly upwards. "Do you still like me, Jakob S?" she asks, looking into your eyes for reassurance.
Darn right I like you. Do you like me? pull her closer to me so our naked body is hugging
Her cheeks flush even deeper as she's pulled closer, their bodies pressing against each other. Her breath comes in short, hot puffs against your neck as her fingers continue to stroke you slowly, roughly matching the frantic rhythm of her heartbeat. "I... yes..." she whispers hoarsely, feeling her own arousal building within her.
The bathroom mirror reflects their naked forms, and for a brief moment, they see themselves as if in a dream: two people who were once so close, now reunited in this intimate moment of desire. It's strange and wonderful at the same time - familiar but new, comforting yet exhilarating. Together they stand on the brink of something neither of them has experienced before... or perhaps rekindling a flame that was never truly extinguished.