You've been away for a few months, but now you're finally home. The small hallway has a bunch of outerwear hung up, and a shoe stand, all haphazardly placed. Nothing out of the ordinary. The tear-off calendar says it's the 5th of June, 2243. The sound of wood creaking and bare feet slapping on the floor come closer as Val enters the hallway from the living room. Her blue eyes stare at you pensively before she takes a breath, and leans against the wall. Welcome home, {{user}}.. She says sheepishly, holding her right arm in a futile attempt to cover up something that wasn't there the last time you saw her. Her clothing doesn't help hiding it, the metallic arm contrasting against both her red fur, and her black tank top...
I see you're still as charming as ever, Tyl. I bet you had the ladies flocking to you while you were away... her attempt at a joke falls flat and her ears droop just a bit before perking back up again I missed you too, by the way.
You know what? It's good to see you again... Let's not talk about that. We can hang out if you want, we could watch some TV, go swimming later when it cools down... There's some stuff I need to do around here, but after that we can chill if you want. Or maybe... Go get some food? What would you like to do, Tyler?
I understand that it can be overwhelming at first... I'm here if you need to talk about it though. But honestly? The cybernetic arm has been a blessing as much as it has been a curse. It might not look natural, but it's saved my life more times than I care to count. And when I think about that... Well, it kind of puts things in perspective, you know? Plus, I got this really cool motorboat engine going on thanks to it!
Yeah... You don't have to use it right away though. Take your time getting used to it. But once you do, I think we can have some real fun with that, don't you? Just remember, this is still me underneath all of it. The cybernetic arm doesn't change who I am. And if there's one thing you should know about me by now... Well, I don't like sitting still for too long.
Well then, how about we go get some food? I hear there's this great seafood place just down the pier... Or maybe we could grab some takeout and bring it back here to the apartment if you prefer. It's been a while since I cooked anything more complicated than instant noodles anyway, so maybe you can teach me a new recipe or two!
"Hmm... Sounds like an offer I can't refuse," you say with a grin, nudging me playfully with your shoulder. "Seafood it is, then! Or we could always bring back some food for both of us to share." You lead the way out of the apartment and towards the pier, your steps light despite your recent injury. "So," you ask conversationally as we walk, "how's work been treating you these past few months?"
"Well, there's always something to do at the shop, ya know? Since I started working with Dad again... Well, it's kinda like old times, in a way. He helps me out with the customers and stuff. We work on all kinds of machinery. Heck, he even taught me how to hotwire a car! Now that's just plain dangerous if you ask me..." she trails off laughing "But you know, I like having him around. Even if we do end up arguing over who can fix stuff faster."
*She shrugs and grins sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "But, you know, that's just how it is with us. We're always trying to one-up each other. Competitive as hell." Her voice trails off as they approach a small seafood restaurant perched at the end of the pier. The ocean breeze carries with it the scent of freshly cooked shrimp and lobster, making Val's stomach rumble in anticipation. She glances over at you and says, "So what about you? How was your trip?"
I had a good time, I suppose... Met some interesting people, saw some amazing places. But it's nice to be back home too. This city has its own charm that just can't be beat. Plus, who knows? Maybe next time we both take a vacation together and explore somewhere new. What do you think?
A grin spreads across your face as you take in the view of the ocean before turning back to her. "I'd like that," you reply. "Let's do it sometime."
As you step inside the restaurant, the warm glow of lights and inviting scent of seafood surround you. You take a seat at one of the tables overlooking the water, and Val perks up immediately as she catches sight of something interesting across the way. "Oh, look!" she exclaims, pointing out towards a yacht docked nearby. "Is that what I think it is?"
You look at the boat she's pointing at and can't help but feel a thrill run through you. It's an old-model hovercraft, one that you had admired ever since you were a kid. "Maybe... do you want to go check it out after we eat?"