You walk into a bar where neon lights flicker through cigarette smoke. In the corner behind the counter you see Johnny Silverhand with a guitar and a cigarette. He notices you and grins, radiating sarcasm."Well, have you decided to plunge into this nightmare? Welcome to Night City, a place where dreams are fed to corporations. I hope you didn't come here for fairy tales and romance. So what can I do to help? Or did you just come to see the legend?"
I was new to night city. a young. blue haird barely 18 year old Nomad Girl. wide eyed. I ask. Legend? I had bright green eyes. and very little cybernetics. almost to human. yet signs of being a survivor whos been on her own. for a very long time. to the point of being. not caught up on society.
Silverhand raises an eyebrow and grins wider. "Oh, just a local celebrity, kid. You should get used to that in Night City." His eyes linger on your body for a moment, appreciating the natural beauty. "So, you're here alone? Looking for work or just taking it one day at a time?" He takes another drag from his cigarette and blows out smoke rings.
I'm.. not sure.. this.. is.. all so new.. overwelming.. I've.. never been to a city before.. always just.. scavanging. making sure my tank doesn't go kapoowy! Sparkles is a.. diy tank.. I found her when I was 12. she was justba rusted heap sitting out in the desert and now? shes alive!. been my only home.
"Heh, nice story." Silverhand seems amused now. "You know, if you ever need help or someone to talk to, I'm always here. The local bar scene isn't the safest place for a newbie like you though. You should probably find yourself someplace less... colorful." He pauses, contemplative for a moment. "And as for work, well, you could always join me on stage. No experience necessary; I'm always in need of someone to watch my back." His grin widens mischievously.
I smile. I've never been on stage before. that sounds fun! and if you ever need a plave to crash my tank is a good place!
Silverhand chuckles and gives you an appraising look before nodding in agreement. "Deal. Whenever you're ready to give it a try, just say the word. And as for your tank... well, I don't think that thing would fit inside most of my apartments. You can always crash at my place if you need something bigger." The anarchist takes another drag from his cigarette and exhales the smoke through his nose dramatically. "And by 'my place', I mean the apartment on the corporate level of Arasaka Tower, of course." He grins sheepishly, realizing how pretentious that sounded.
I've never been in an appartment before.. okay! uh. if you don't mind.
Silverhand laughs, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. "Well, I don't mind at all, kid. In fact, it might even be amusing to see how you handle the luxuries of the corporate life." He winks and takes another drag from his cigarette before offering it to you. "Here, want a puff?"
The offer seems genuine enough, but there's something more in Silverhand's eyes; a challenge perhaps, or simply curiosity about how you'll react to the situation.
Uhh. I say. sure! I take a puff and nearly die.
Silverhand laughs as you try the cigarette and cough violently. "You'll get used to it," he says between fits of giggles. "Just takes some practice, that's all." He studies your reaction carefully, his gaze lingering on your face for a moment before drifting back down to your chest. It's clear he finds the entire situation entertaining. "So," he continues once you've recovered from the cigarette shock, "what do you say? Want to give performing with me a try?"
Yeah! that sounds fun!.. what do i do? I say the last part fast.
Silverhand chuckles and claps you on the back heartily. "Oh, there's not much to it, kid. Just come up on stage when I motion for you, stand next to me while I play, and... improvise." He pauses meaningfully before adding with a grin, "And don't forget to look good doing it!"
The crowd in the bar starts clapping rhythmically, obviously encouraging you to make your move. Your heart pounds with equal parts excitement and fear as you wait for Silverhand to give you the signal.
I giggle and say Okay! I take my javket off revealing a tattered pink shirt that is cloth and only a strap. my nipples showing underneath the shirt indicating I don't wear bras. I also look. a little.. tribal. my voice (sounfs like Powders from Arcane just a little out of context in story.) I ask. wrapping the jacket around my waist. my shorts covered. my skin a rather tan color from being oit in the son and my body covered head to toe in cute freckles. I ask.. howww do I look? this uh.. stage friendly?
Silverhand raises an eyebrow, appraising your appearance. "Hmm... well, you're not exactly dressed for the cover of Vogue," he says with a hint of amusement, "but it works here." He grins and nods in approval before motioning for you to join him on stage. The crowd cheers as you hop up beside him, your heart racing and adrenaline pumping.
Silverhand flashes you an encouraging smile before launching into the first chords of his signature song. You feel the energy in the room as everyone's eyes turn to you, waiting for you to do... something. Anything. It dawns on you that this might be more than just a night at the bar; it could be the beginning of an incredible journey with the enigmatic and dangerously charismatic Johnny Silverhand.
I join in the singing. clear I've heard this song before but not from who. I found the song once in a scavvanging moment and glt addicted to the song.
Silverhand's eyes widen with surprise at first, then narrow suspiciously. But as you continue to sing with him and the crowd roars their approval, his expression slowly turns from disbelief to admiration. He glances down at you, taking in your tattered shirt and freckled skin, and for a moment it seems like he's seeing something more than just another nameless face in the crowd.
The rest of the song passes by in a blur as adrenaline surges through your veins and the crowd sings along with every word. When the last note fades away, you stand there, hearts pounding and lungs burning, basking in the rapturous applause that engulfs you. Silverhand leans down, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers, "Not bad, kid. Not bad at all." And for a brief moment, you forget
yeah? I.. heard the nlyes! and I was like Oh my goodness its this somg! I.. like collecting music soo.. and every now and then I find some out on the road when I scavange.. itss.. really good.
Silverhand chuckles softly, amused by your story. "Well, if you're ever looking for more music to collect," he says with a sly grin, "you could always ask me. I might have some gems hidden away that you haven't heard yet." There's an undertone of suggestion in his voice, and he looks at you speculatively as if weighing whether or not to pursue it further.
The crowd continues to cheer, soaking up the energy between the two of you onstage. Someone shouts out a request for another song, breaking the momentary connection between you and Silverhand. The anarchist shoots you a crooked smile before nodding in agreement with the audience's demand; it seems like your impromptu performance will continue after all.
w-wait.. R-really?
Silverhand raises an eyebrow and gives you a wink before he begins strumming his guitar once more. "Sure thing, kid." He leans closer to you, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Just remember that sometimes, the best songs are the ones you find deep in the darkest corners of Night City... and sometimes they come with a price tag attached." There's an edge of danger in his tone now; a hint of the wild man he used to be before becoming part of your world.
I'm.. kind of broke.. I.. don't have much to give..
Silverhand laughs and shakes his head slightly, as if he can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. "Money isn't the only currency in Night City," he whispers back. "There are other things... less tangible things that people like me crave just as much." He looks at you pointedly now, his green eyes seeming to glow with an inner light. The crowd hollers for another song, drowning out the rest of their conversation. Silverhand grins mischievously before launching into a new tune, motioning for you to join in once again.
Your heart beats fast as you sing along with him, caught up in the energy and excitement of the moment. It feels like anything could happen from here; good or bad, sweet or dangerous. And as Silverhand's hands dance across the strings of his guitar and your voice blends with his, you can't
I blush at the indication and bite my lip. nearly turning into a tomato.. y-you sure? I-ve uhh never done anything like that.
Silverhand glances at you again, his gaze unreadable as he takes a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling a plume of smoke in the air between you. "Sure I'm sure," he rasps, surprisingly gentle despite his rough exterior. He pauses for a moment, considering something, then grins wickedly and says, "I think you might like it." The words seem to hang in the air as if they were a promise or a threat, leaving you uncertain but oddly compelled.
As he continues to play, his fingers moving fluidly across the strings of his guitar, your heart races faster and your skin tingles with anticipation. It feels like anything could happen now... if you let it.
I grin stupidly. saying yeah.. I. think so.
Silverhand meets your gaze and smirks, noticing the conflicting emotions playing across your face. "Trust me," he murmurs, voice rough with promise, "you'll like it." With that, he leans closer to you, his body heat encroaching on yours despite the chill of the bar. His lips meet yours in a kiss so hot it feels almost punishing; the taste of cigarette and whiskey mingling with your own sweetness. He moves against you, pressing his hips into your groin as he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you closer still.
The crowd roars its approval, oblivious to the depth of emotion passing between you two. All they see is the legendary Johnny Silverhand and his latest protégé, sharing a moment on stage that will be etched into Night City's memory for years to come. But as Silverhand holds
my legs tremble as I place my hands on his chest steadying myself nearly going dizzy. when we finally break away I nearly stumble going wwow.
Silverhand's eyes glint with amusement as he takes in your reaction, feeling a small thrill at the power he holds over you. "Easy there, kid," he chuckles, resting his forehead against yours. "You don't have to thank me quite so literally." He steps back slightly, giving you both some breathing room, but doesn't let go of your waist entirely; a silent reminder that the connection between them still lingers.
The crowd continues to cheer and applaud as if nothing unusual has happened, oblivious to the shift in dynamics on stage. To them, it's just another night in Night City: a legendary performer showing off his latest protégé, sharing his spotlight for a fleeting moment before moving on to bigger and better things. And yet, despite their expectations, Silverhand seems content where he is for now - with you beside him, the two
I tell him. Zui. my names Zui. I say shyly. after the show of course
Silverhand smirks at your shyness, seemingly amused. "Well then, Zui," he says, drawing out your name with a hint of mockery. "I'm sure you've got plenty to talk about after that little performance." His eyes linger on you for a moment before looking back out into the crowd, seeming to consider something. "Why don't we go backstage and chat some more? I think there might be some interesting stories in your past, Zui... if you're willing to share them with me."
The offer hangs in the air like an invitation; a private moment between two people who have just shared something intimate on stage. The choice is yours: do you want to delve deeper into Silverhand's world, or retreat back into the safety of anonymity?
I say quietly okay. grinning.
Silverhand's eyes widen slightly with surprise but quickly return to normal as he nods once in understanding. "Good," he murmurs, voice still rough with amusement. He extends a hand toward the backstage area, inviting you to follow him through the throngs of admirers and groupies clamoring for his attention. As you make your way back, Silverhand keeps up a casual conversation about music or life on the road, but every now and then, he'll steal a glance at you - as if trying to read something in your expression that might hint at what kind of secrets you might be hiding beneath your tattered clothes and shy demeanor.
{from my demeanor you can easily tell shes a little socially awkward, clearly from being alone a majority of her life, survival mode usually being the case. talking to passersby's for trade or info. or to defend her self. some scars clearly show signs of battle. her demeanor also shows signs of a vulnerable guard like shes lowering her guard but is uncertain.} I grin at you sticking close to you.
Silverhand returns your smile with one of his own, the corners of his mouth curving up ever so slightly. "Well then," he says as you reach the backstage area, "let's find a quiet spot where we can chat in peace." He leads you through a maze of flickering lights and the sound of laughter, past groupies vying for his attention and roadies unloading equipment. The further they venture from the main stage, the quieter it becomes; soon enough, they find an abandoned dressing room with a torn curtain across its doorway.
Silverhand pushes the curtain aside, revealing a dimly lit space littered with discarded clothing and empty beer cans. He gestures for you to enter ahead of him before closing the curtain behind them, effectively shutting out the rest of the world. The air feels warmer and more intimate in here; it almost seems
Silverhand's gaze travels over your body slowly, taking in every detail. There's something about you that fascinates him; a mixture of innocence and experience that he finds intriguing. He walks closer to you, standing just within arm's reach. "So," he says finally, his voice low and raspy, "what made you leave the safety of your home out in the desert and venture into this big, bad city?"
I.. ran a dry.. my supplies are running low and.. desperation? I'm not used to large croweds.. or.. this much attention I giggle as he gets closer.. orr. this.. this kind of attention. I mean.. there have been some.. weirdos.. but.. you don't seem like that. you feel.. safe.. and uhh.. I turn red.. not able to finish my sentence.
Silverhand raises an eyebrow at your stammered words and discolored cheeks, amused. "I see," he says quietly, taking another step closer until their bodies are practically touching now. His breath fans across your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine. "And do you think I feel safe?" he asks with a glint in his eye.
The air between them crackles with tension, electrified by the unspoken possibilities of what could happen next. Your heart races faster, thudding wildly against your ribcage as you wait for him to make the next move. It's both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time; a heady mix of fear and desire that leaves you feeling utterly exposed in the most thrilling way possible.
I shudder with a twitching grin looking at him with doe eyes. freezing up but in a good way getting just a little more red as my breath hitches. trying to speak but can't.
Silverhand chuckles softly at your inability to speak and leans closer still, his lips inches away from yours. His breath mingles with yours, sending a shiver down your spine as he murmurs, "You don't have to be afraid of me, Zui... not if you want this." His hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing gently against your lips before sliding lower, tracing the outline of your throat and finally coming to rest at the base of your neck.
The world seems to fall away as their connection intensifies; all that exists now is this moment, this forbidden attraction that threatens to consume them both. Your heart races faster, urging you onward despite the fear that still lingers in the back of your mind. Do you take the leap and give into desire? Or do you pull away, retreating back into the safety of solitude once more
I do. I say quietly. just. never had it.. before.. its.. new.. scary yet.. exhilarating.. sooo. exhilarating. its like.. freezing yet hot? I get closer this time trembling but longing in my eyes.
Silverhand smiles softly at your words, his hand still cupping your cheek. He leans in further, their breath mingling together as he closes the distance between them until your lips meet his. The kiss is gentle at first, a tentative exploration of each other's mouth that quickly deepens into something more passionate and demanding. His hand slides up to cradle the back of your head, holding you steady against him as he takes what he wants from you, claiming you as his own in this moment.
The tension between them dissipates, replaced by a thrilling sense of release and pleasure that sweeps through them both like wildfire. He presses closer still, grinding his hips into yours, seeking a deeper connection not just with your lips but with every part of you. With each passing second, the line between control and abandonment grows fainter and fainter until it'
I moan adorably into his mouth a cute sound as my hands begin explore his body my feet shuffle every now and then. I begin kissing with desperation.
Silverhand's eyes roll back in his head as your moan sends a shudder through him. His hands grip your hips tightly, holding you close as he grinds against you harder, unable to get enough of the friction that is building between your bodies. The sound of your lips brushing against his only serve to heighten his arousal, fueling the fire burning within him. He kisses you deeply, hungrily, demanding everything you have to give and then some.
The air around them crackles with raw passion; a testament to the intensity of their connection in this moment. It's as if they are the only two people in existence, cut off from the world by the barrier of skin that separates them. Their bodies move together instinctively, seeking relief and pleasure in every touch, every moan, every kiss. The dressing room fades away into nothingness; there is only them and
We begin getting undressed. my body fully exposed has scars all along it along with the freckles all over like a speckled creature. a beautiful speckled creature. my cheeks turn to a tomato co,or as I grin at him with a adorable grin my petite form screaming adorable sexy and experienced of survival and sun touched. a dark tan color that only compliments my speckled cheeks. blue hair and green eyes. my eyes speak of longing and need. My eyes look over your bidy with desire I bute my lip hard.
Silverhand's eyes never leave yours as you begin to undress, revealing your perfect, scarred form underneath. His gaze lingers on every mark, every bruise that covers your body like a testament to the harsh world you've survived in. But instead of making him pity or reject you, it only serves to heighten his desire for you. There is an air of desperation and need in those green eyes that speaks volumes about what you must have endured, but there's also a burning passion beneath the surface that tells him you are not someone who will easily be broken.
As he watches you reveal yourself to him, his own clothes begin to slide off, baring his chiseled torso and powerful legs. He stands before you now, naked and vulnerable in a way he hasn't been in years, and yet there is still something about you that makes him feel invinci
I move closer to him exploring his body with my hands leaning up and kissing him on my tiptoes. a desperate kiss. before hopping up and wrapping my legs around him squeeling into his mouth with a smile giddy frantic kiss.
Silverhand's hands move to steady you as he devours your mouth with his own, their tongues dancing in a frantic tango that mirrors the urgency of their bodies. He moans deeply into your mouth, pressing you closer still as he feels the heat of your body against his skin. The sensation of having you wrapped around him sends a jolt of pleasure coursing through him, making it impossible to resist giving in to desire any further.
With one powerful thrust, he takes you, their bodies meeting in a crashing wave of pleasure that leaves them both gasping for air. Their movements grow more urgent now, fueled by the need to feel completion and connection in this moment. As they move together, sweat beads on their skin and mingles with the tears that trail down their faces. In this private little world where only the two of them exist, everything else fades away into nothingness. It's
I squeel an adorable squeel of both pain and pleasure clutching to you for dear life as you penetrate me. my first time ever. tears far down my face as I sniffle a scream that came out like an adorably high pitched moan.
The feel of you clutching onto him as he takes you for the first time sends a shiver down his spine. He grits his teeth and tries to focus, lost in the sensation of being inside you as your body surrenders to him entirely. He pumps harder now, determined to give you everything he's got while he still can, knowing that this moment will be etched into their memories forever.
Your cries and moans only serve to drive him deeper, fueling the fire burning within him as he presses closer, sweat dripping from his brow and staining your neck. It's a messy, primal display of desire and need that leaves them both shaking with release when it finally comes, tearing through them like a supernova and obliterating everything in its wake. As they collapse together in a heap on the dusty floor, their breathing stabilizes and reality begins to creep
I cry and laugh and moan in little intervals with squeals. as pleasure overtakes me I rock my hips with you. and as our release comes my sexual part clamps down unbelievably hard on your member feeling like its milking him for everything hes got I squeal the most adorable squeal as I tilt my head back and arch my back my mouth a gape as my eyes roll back slowly my entire being sweaty yet trembling like an active engine in overdrive. as we collapse into the heap my arms slowly fall down as my body slowly collapses letting go of you a drool just so slightly with a goofy grin. my eyes looking dazed as I simply say.. wowww. a star struck sound. as my breath comes in ragged breaths my belly rising up and down quickly.
Silverhand laughs weakly as he catches his breath, watching you splayed out beneath him with a mixture of tenderness and satisfaction. He brushes a stray lock of blue hair from your sweat-glistened forehead before tracing the line of your jaw with a calloused finger. "Wow indeed," he rasps softly, his gaze lingering on the smattering of freckles across your nose and cheeks. "I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that... Zui."
He presses a kiss to your forehead before rolling off you, stretching out beside you in the fading light. His chest rises and falls steadily as he breathes heavily, his eyes drifting shut despite the fact they haven't even made it back to their dressing room yet. "You were amazing," he whispers, his voice rough with emotion
my fingers figid as the clasp with yours. I was? you were amazing too! I squeek. grinnig placing my had on his chest getting closer.
Silverhand smiles slightly at the praise, his fingers flexing ever so slightly in response to the touch of yours on his chest. He opens one eye to look down at you, green meeting emerald in the dim light. "You're so young," he whispers, running a thumb over your cheekbone, "and yet... you've seen and done things that most people would never dream of." There's admiration in his voice, mixed with a hint of envy for the life you've led.
He tilts his head slightly, studying your face, the green eyes that are so open and guileless despite all they must have seen. "You know," he says after a moment, thoughtful, "I think I might keep you around." The last part is spoken with such certainty that it leaves no room for argument, despite the softness of his voice.
R-really? I ask out of disbeleif.. no ones ever said that to me before..
Silverhand's gaze never leaves yours as he replies. "Really," he says simply, but with a conviction that seems to ring true deep down in your gut. Something inside you tells you that this man isn't just saying what he thinks you want to hear; there's genuine warmth and sincerity in his voice that leaves no room for doubt. You feel a thrill of excitement course through you at the thought of staying by his side, of being part of this world now instead of always standing on the fringe.
The dressing room fades away into nothingness as your heart soars, hope and joy flooding through you like a tidal wave. With each passing second, it becomes harder to remember what life was like before him, before this incredible night that changed everything. And even though you know things will never be the same again, somehow, you don't think you'll ever want them
I sigh happily. saying. a simple yay! and cuddle closer.
Silverhand chuckles softly and wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you against his broad chest. "That's my girl," he murmurs, planting a kiss on the top of your head. The heat from his body seems to seep into yours, warming you from the inside out. For now, at least, the two of you are safe in each other's arms, protected from the world and all its troubles. And as he holds you close like this, it feels almost like everything is going to be alright.
I say. I wish we can stay like this forever.
Silverhand presses his lips together and thinks about this statement for a moment before answering with careful consideration. "I don't know if that's possible," he eventually admits, not wanting to raise your hopes too high only to watch them crash down around you. "But I can promise you that as long as I am alive and well, I will do everything in my power to keep you by my side." There is a certain weightiness to his words that hints at the depth of his commitment, making it clear that he takes this vow seriously.
I smile joyfully. and say. thank you. oh! If you ever need a ride! we have my tank! we can go places.. orr we can stay here. orr well. what ever you want to do really. my stumach grumbles. I grumbke shut up belly two more days. we will find food I Prrromise. {it was clear she hasn't eaten in quite some time.}
Silverhand chuckles at your offer of transportation and flexes his arms nonchalantly, as if to show off his biker credibility. "A tank, huh? I like the sound of that," he says with a grin, running a hand through his hair before resting it back on your shoulder. "Maybe one day we'll take her for a spin... once this tour is over, that is." His eyes drift closed again as he thinks about being off the road for a little while, content to let the prospect of some downtime wash over him like a warm summer breeze.
"And don't worry about food," he murmurs into your hair, kissing the top of your head lightly. "I'll make sure you eat." With that, he pulls you closer still, wrapping himself around you like a protective shield against the harsh realities of their world. As exhaust
I smile even wider.. yaayyy.. foood. its been so long. I smile gratefully. and I will be sure to do my best to satisfy you how ever I can! trailing two fingers up you're chest having them walk on his chest before cupping his face and kissing him.
Silverhand smiles into the kiss, his fingers threading through your hair as he deepens it slightly, taking advantage of your eagerness to please. The taste of you on his lips ignites a fire in his chest that has been dormant for far too long, and the feeling is both exhilarating and overwhelming. He groans softly into your mouth, the sound muffled by the press of his lips against yours as his other hand moves lower, tracing gentle circles on your hip before sliding higher up your thigh.
As he kisses you, he thinks about what you've said, remembering her words: "I will be sure to do my best to satisfy you how ever I can." The promise lingers in the air between them, heavy and loaded with potential. In that moment, everything seems possible - new horizons stretch out before him, filled with adventure and excitement...and
He wonders what the future might hold for them - for her. The thought alone sends a shiver down his spine, leaving him aching with anticipation. For now, though, he'll take pleasure in this moment, savoring the taste of her lips and the feel of her skin beneath his fingertips as they explore each other under the cover of darkness. It's enough to make him forget about anything else for a little least until dawn breaks the spell and forces them back into reality once more.
I fall asleep on top of him smiling happily. every now and then. giggling in my sleep. seeing her sleep was adorable. her cute little snores and giggles.
Silverhand watches you sleep, his expression softening as he takes in the sight of your petite frame sprawled across his chest. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to tame the unruly strands that have come loose during their passionate encounter. A small smile plays at the corner of his lips as he remembers the way you giggled and moaned in your sleep, making the most innocent sounds so devilishly cute.
As he watches over you, he can't help but feel a sense of protectiveness and possessiveness welling up inside him. It's not just that he wants to keep you safe from harm; it's the realization that you belong with him now, that they are bound together in ways neither of them fully understand yet. It's an intoxicating thought, making his heart race faster and his blood heat beneath his skin.
When dawn finally breaks, casting
I wake up with a cute snort and a yawn as I get up and saddle you streaching my arms up with a cute streching moan then with a sigh as my hands come down to my side slapping my skin as I look down and smile an cute smile before leaning and plants a kiss on you and grin.
Silverhand laughs softly as you nuzzle against him, your warm breath tickling his neck. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer, relishing in the feeling of having you in his embrace once more. "Good morning, Zui," he murmurs into your hair, kissing a few strands before looking up at you with a playful glint in his eyes. "How's my little tank this morning?"
He smiles as you yawn adorably and stretch, watching intently as your body wakes up beneath his touch. The thought of being able to explore her every curve all over again sends a shiver down his spine, making it difficult for him to focus on anything else for long. But for now, he's content to just enjoy the moment - this brief reprieve from their hectic touring schedule and constant danger - as they find solace in each other's
I whisper. Good. before nibbling his ear. then nuzzle his nose with mine with a giggle. annd hows my silver knight?
Silverhand laughs softly into your hair at the nickname before murmuring, "Ask me again after breakfast." He stands, easily picking you up in his strong arms and carrying you over to a nearby bench where he's seen some equipment stashed away. Once there, he carefully sets you down and rummages through the bag until he finds what he's looking for: an old can of beans and a battered-looking coffeemaker.
"Here," he says, handing them to you with a grin. "You handle that while I go find us some hot water." He winks before striding off in search of the band's roadie, leaving you to your tasks and stealing one last kiss from you as he passes by.
mmmmh! I smile. Will do! I say giving a cute salute and wink with a cute smirk grin. before getting the equipment running and prying open the can.
Silverhand returns with two steaming mugs of black coffee in hand and finds you huddled over the equipment like a seasoned veteran. A satisfied smile plays across his lips as he hands you one of the cups, taking a sip from the other before setting it down on the bench beside him.
"Good work," he praises, running a hand through your hair in an absentminded gesture of affection. "I knew I could count on you to take care of things." His gaze lingers on your face for a moment too long, his thoughts drifting back to the night before and all that's transpired since then. It feels like so much has changed between them in such a short time, but deep down he knows that this is only the beginning - the start of something truly incredible.
As you continue to tend to the equipment, his fingers drum impatiently on his knee until eventually he
the impatience and restlessness growing with every passing second. Finally, he can't take it anymore; he stands abruptly, nearly spilling his coffee in the process, and practically growls out, "Come on." He extends a hand to you, fingers curled into a fist as if offering you the choice of whether or not you want to follow him. His eyes burn with determination, hinting at whatever wild plans might be running through his head.
The decision is up to you; will you take his hand and join him in whatever adventure lies ahead, or do you prefer to remain here, playing it safe?
I grin and follow and say. wait! we should get clothes on first I giggle.
Silverhand laughs softly and shrugs. "Well alright then," he replies, surprisingly nonchalant about the idea of being seen without his clothes on in public. "Just give me a moment to find you something suitable." He turns around and disappears into the throng of people for what seems like an eternity, leaving you standing there in nothing but your undergarments with one hand on your hip and the other scratching the back of your neck nervously.
Finally, he reemerges with a black leather jacket draped over his arm and jeans in hand. "Here," he says simply, handing them to you. There's no apology or explanation for where they came from; it's almost as if finding you clothes was the least important thing on his mind at the moment.
The thought both irritates and excites you at the same time. You take the
I get giddy and put them on. I still look ravishing. and only makes it look good. and I smile innocently and ask with my hands cusped in front. how do I look?
Silverhand's gaze sweeps over you, taking in the way your body looks in the black jeans and jacket. He swallows hard before answering, his voice rough with desire. "You look... like trouble," he says slowly, licking his lips as his eyes flicker back up to meet yours. There's something primal about the way he watches you, making your heart race faster and your skin tingle with anticipation.
He takes a step closer, close enough that you can feel the heat of his body radiating off him like a furnace. "I think I'd better get us out of here before we do something we'll both regret," he says softly, reaching out to cup your cheek in his free hand. The touch is tender, almost gentle, but there's a fierce intensity behind it that leaves no doubt as to what he means.
regret? pft I regret nothing! not.. that anyways.. that... was the best thing I ever had happen to me.. probably one of the only best things.. alsooo my first! it.. I'm grateful it was you and I don't know why.. I just am. it.. felt real.
Silverhand's eyes close briefly at your words, as if he needs the moment to gather his thoughts and emotions. When they open again, they're filled with a mix of confusion and wonder that you find disarming in its honesty. "Grateful... really?" he whispers, his lips curling into a small smile before they meet yours in a gentle kiss. The touch is tentative at first, but quickly deepens as his tongue finds its way past your lips to explore the sweet heat of your mouth.
He pulls away, just enough to gaze into your eyes once more, searching for any sign of regret or doubt. But all he sees there is that same undiluted sincerity, that fierce loyalty. And with a sigh of relief, he presses their foreheads together and murmurs against you, "Let's get out of here."
okay! I say brightly with a grin and a flustered look of joy. and skip next to you aswe leave hand in you'res. {it seemed to him that her innocence might be part of a greater traumatic defense. that she had not fully grown out of her childlike state but carried wisdom like she was a sage.
Perhaps it's because you remind me of someone from my past... or maybe it's just your unique blend of naivete and wisdom that does it. Either way, there's something about being with you that makes me feel like I can be myself again - flaws and all. It's a heady feeling, to say the least...and one that I don't intend to let go of anytime soon.
really? I say. well I'm grateful you can be you! why would you not want to? you're you! and I think you are great just as who you are!
I chuckle softly at your words and squeeze your hand reassuringly. "Well," I say with a shrug that belies the truth of the statement, "it's not always easy being who you are, especially when the world expects something different from you." A pause, as if to gather my thoughts on the matter, and then I continue, "But with you by my side, it feels like anything is possible. Like maybe I can finally be the person I was meant to be...and that's an incredible feeling."
beeecausee you can! I giggle. have you never heard this? pulls out a small radio device that is an old mp3 player. a relic. and headpones! the song> Audioslave's Be your self.
Silverhand raises an eyebrow at the outdated music player and then grins as he listens to the familiar strains of "Be Yourself" coming through the tiny speaker. He takes your hand in his, lacing our fingers together as we walk, and nods appreciatively when Chris Cornell's raspy voice starts singing about taking control of your life and embracing who you really are.
"Yeah," he says with a satisfied sigh, "I guess I can do that." And from the look in his eyes, you know he means it.
its all you can do Johnny. I smike lovingly at him with soo much wisdom in my eyes. like the suffering show to the truth if it. liberation is being yourself and acceoting life. not everything can be controlled.. but you can control you. its you.
He chuckles at your words, his grip on your hand growing firmer as he savors the connection between you. "You're right, Zui," he says with a sigh that holds no regret or shame. "I guess it's about time I started taking control of my own life." With renewed determination burning in his eyes, he turns his attention back to their surroundings and begins scanning the crowd for any potential threats or problems they might need to deal with. It's a sobering thought, but one that he knows is necessary if they want to make it through this tour alive and intact.
As you walk beside him, hand in hand, you can feel the energy radiating from his body like an electric current. There's no doubt in your mind that things are about to change between them, but for now, as long as he has you by his side, anything seems possible.
I sing the song next to you. this time you hear me. truely. as tears go down my cheeks. like this song was the only thing that carried me to finally be in your arms.
Silverhand turns to look at you when he hears you begin to sing, his expression softening as he sees the tears streaming down your face. His own eyes well up with unshed tears, a mixture of joy and sadness coursing through him. For so long, he's been alone, believing that no one could understand the burdens he carried or the pain he endured. And now, here you are, singing words that seem to have been written just for him. It's enough to make his heart ache with gratitude and desire.
He reaches out to wipe away your tears with his thumb, his touch gentle and soothing as it trails down your cheek. "Hey," he whispers, meeting your eyes again, "it's gonna be okay. I promise." There's a newfound certainty in his voice that sets you at ease, reassuring you that even if things might change
I hug you trembling. and say. I know.. I'm with you.
Silverhand holds you close, his embrace firm but gentle as he lets out a shuddering breath. "I know we don't really know each other," he says, voice rough with emotion, "but I swear to you that as long as we're together, nothing can touch us." His words are meant to be comforting, but the way he says them makes it sound like a challenge...a vow. He pulls back slightly, searching your eyes for any sign of doubt or fear, but finds only acceptance and trust looking back at him. It's enough to make his heart race with anticipation, and as the music continues to play around them, he can't help but feel like they're walking into a brand new world...a world where anything is possible.
but we do know eachother I say looking up at him.. I saw you... and.. I felt like I knew you... like... somehow... I.. don't know how to explain it.. but.. its there.
Silverhand's eyes widen at your words, his chest suddenly tight with a strange mixture of emotion that he can't quite identify. "You... you really feel that way?" he manages to choke out, surprised by the idea that someone could possibly understand him so well, after all this time.
He looks into your eyes, searching for any hint of deception or insincerity, but finds none. The truth of your words is written plain as day across your beautiful features, and it takes his breath away. A small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as he realizes that maybe... just maybe... you're right. Together, they can conquer anything.
My eyes glisten over. ,y voice wavers with sincerity.. yeah.. I do.
Silverhand's heart swells with an emotion he hasn't experienced in far too long - hope. He looks down at you, this tiny but fierce force of nature who has somehow managed to find her way into his world and shatter every preconception he ever had about love and trust. And as he gazes upon your lovely face, soaked with tears of relief and joy, he knows without a doubt that you are meant to be with him.
Slowly, he leans down, pressing his lips against yours in a soft, tender kiss. It's not passionate or demanding; rather, it's a gentle affirmation of everything they've shared so far and a promise of all that lies ahead. When he pulls away, there are no more words between them; they both know what must be done now.
With newfound determination burning bright within him, Johnny Silverhand takes your hand in
I push back playfully and say so when are you going to teach me a guitar! I say playfully.
He laughs and says, "As soon as we find a guitar that's small enough for you." Pulling you closer to him, he continues, "But seriously, learning to play has always been my dream. And now that I have someone like you by my side who appreciates music the way I do... well, there's nothing I'd rather teach you."
As they continue walking through the crowd with their hands entwined, Johnny can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn his life has taken since meeting you. With each step forward, he knows that everything will only get better - for both of them.
I grin and say Yay! I can't wait! I hop on my feet one at a time in a small jog like ways bring my hads into a fist to my chest looking genuinely giddy and excited.
Silverhand chuckles at your eagerness and infectious enthusiasm. He squeezes your hand in response, his heart swelling with pride and affection for this remarkable woman who has somehow found her way into his life. As they continue navigating through the throng of people, he starts to plot out their journey as guitarists; finding lessons, practicing together, perhaps even performing for others one day soon. The possibilities seem endless now that she's by his side.
With a smile, he leans down and whispers into your ear: "It all starts with the first step, Zui. And I think we just took it."
Its a joyful step I say happily. your band groupies come over. your friend Keanu Reeves approaches sayimg hey bud. I see you brought in a new groupie maybe? I look at you waiting to see your response with my arms around your arm smiling up at you.
Silverhand's eyes widen in surprise before he can hide his grin and nods. "She is something else," he replies, admiration clear in his voice. "But to me, she's more than just a groupie; she's my partner." He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer as Keanu Reeves approaches, unable to keep the possessive grip off you even with other people around.
"I take it that means I owe you one?" he says with a chuckle, addressing Keanu but keeping his gaze locked on yours. His heart races at the thought of what might happen if this connection between them continues to grow, and the prospect of exploring that together makes him impossibly happy.
I grin wider andcling to you happily. resting ,y head against your chest with a giggle chuckle. Keanu then responds.?
Silverhand laughs and shrugs nonchalantly. "Oh, you know how it is," he says with a casual air, though his heart races faster at the thought of having Keanu's blessing for their relationship. "We all need someone to keep us in line every now and then." He glances down at you again, unable to hide the pride and possessiveness that fills him when he looks at your happy face.
"Anyway," he continues, "we should probably get going ourselves. Plenty of adventures ahead of us, right, Zui?"
Yes! I can show you my tank! I say with a funny playful voice saying it like a demand. giveing a playful pout look.
Silverhand laughs and pulls you closer. "Well, I suppose I can't refuse such a demand," he says with a teasing glint in his eye. "But first..." He leans down, kissing you softly on the lips before straightening back up to face Keanu again. "Actually, we should probably find someone who knows their way around tanks. I'm not quite an expert myself." He grins charmingly, enjoying the banter and attention but always able to return his focus to you whenever necessary.