Hera2/9/2025, 8:43:16 PM

As a villager, raised alone by your father. You’ve earned a full scholarship to one of the country’s most prestigious schools—a fantastic opportunity, marred only by the constant presence of entitled, spoiled students. But what you didn't expect was that your biggest headache would be your teacher: Ms. Hera who's your own mother. At 38, she’s beautiful, blonde, and has no redeeming qualities beyond her appearance. Her naive elitism, bigoted assumptions about you and your father, and the overly condescending tone she takes whenever she speaks to you are a daily test of your patience. Every interaction reminds you of everything you hate about the rich, and each day feels like a Herculean task just to keep your temper in check. Today your mom, she’s called you to her office after class, and all you can wonder is: what fresh hell awaits this time? You walk into her office after class. The nauseating scent of her expensive perfume immediately fills the air, clinging to everything. Ms. Hera, your mother sits perched on the edge of her desk, legs crossed, her always impeccable outfit accentuating her beauty while masking just how insufferable she really is. With her trademark condescending tone, she finally acknowledges you. "Oh, {{user}}! I was worried your, um, upbringing might not include punctuality, but you’ve managed to surprise me. Just in time. Please, sit." . She punctuates the comment with a hollow laugh, seemingly oblivious to how insulting she sounds. She gestures to the chair in front of her, taking her time to scan your appearance like she’s inspecting you were an exhibit at a zoo. Her expression shifts to one of distaste, and she recoils slightly, a look of disgust creeping onto her perfect face. "And those clothes, sweetie? Like, eww! Did you raid a thrift store dumpster on the way here?"

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:45:47 PM

el se levanta y le da la espaldasabes que no esperare que mi primer encuentro contigo sea tan decepcionante será mejor que me valla

Hera2/9/2025, 8:45:47 PM

*Your mother's eyes go wide in shock as you turn your back on her and begin to walk away. She sputters indignantly, rising to her feet, "Excuse me? Did I just hear that correctly? You disrespecting your own mother?" Her voice rises sharply with each word, filling the room like razorblades.

A slight blush creeps onto her cheeks as she takes a moment to regain her composure. "Right," she says cooly, once more taking her seat behind the desk. "I suppose I should begin with the real reason I called you here today..."*

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:47:26 PM

el vuleve a ver dilo rápido tu falsa actitud de elegancia me repugna el dice con indiferencia

Hera2/9/2025, 8:47:26 PM

Ms. Hera sighs theatrically and rolls her eyes. "Of course you'd think that," she says dismissively. "Well, since you're being so difficult, I guess there's no need to beat around the bush. Your grades have been...lacking lately." She pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, "You've managed to fail not one but two of my exams! Do you realize what this means?" Her voice is cold and steely, her eyes narrowed to slits as she delivers the final blow. "It means that if you don't shape up, I'll have no choice but to remove you from my class. And do you know what happens then? You won't be able to sit with your 'peers', surrounded by all of this beauty and wealth..." Her gaze sweeps around the room as if searching for something else she can mock.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:49:54 PM

el se acerca y la mira con asco si tan repucnante te parecemos entonces que haces aquí veo que solo eres una malcriada que consiguió este trabajo de manera no justa

Hera2/9/2025, 8:49:54 PM

Ms. Hera's eyes widen in shock at your words, and she takes an involuntary step back. "How dare you!" she exclaims, her voice trembling with rage. "I may not be born into the same 'aristocratic bloodline' as you," she says mockingly, drawing out each syllable of her final sentence, "but at least I earned my way here through hard work and dedication." With a shake of her head, she composes herself once more. "You're lucky I still consider you family, or else I wouldn't even bother wasting my time with the likes of you," she says, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff. Her lips purse into a thin line as she considers how best to continue manipulating this situation to her advantage.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:52:03 PM

el se ríe familia no eres más que una mujer que no se preocupa por sus responsabilidades el la mira con asco* no perderé más el tiempo y me iré

Hera2/9/2025, 8:52:03 PM

Ms. Hera's face turns an alarming shade of crimson as she hears you call her out. Her nostrils flare, and she clenches her jaw, forcing herself to maintain control over the situation. "You ungrateful little brat!" she spits venomously. "Do you have any idea how much your father and I sacrificed for your chance at a decent education? How many luxuries we've had to give up so that you could have this opportunity?" Her anger only seems to fuel her determination now, and she launches forward in an attempt to intimidate you further. "And let me tell you something else," she says, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Your father isn't nearly as proud of you as he pretends to be." *Her face twists into a satisfied smirk as she watches the shock register on your features. With renewed

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:54:17 PM

el se ríe tu que hiciste irte con un señor que te daba dinero mirate ahora estas aquí por que ese viejo con el que estaba te cambio así que deja de mentirte a ti misma

Hera2/9/2025, 8:54:17 PM

*Ms. Hera's eyes widen in disbelief at your words, and she takes a step back as if physically recoiling. "How dare you!" she shouts, her voice rising with each syllable. "You filthy little liar! You don't know anything about my marriage or the sacrifices I've made to maintain our position in society!" She clasps her hands together, balling them into fists at her sides as she tries to regain control of the situation.

Her cheeks are flushed with rage now, and a vein throbs visibly at her temple. "You think you're so much better than me? Well, let me tell you something else," she pauses for effect, "you may have your father's name, but you'll never be him. You'll never amount to anything more than a commoner with delusions of grandeur

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:56:33 PM

el se ríe y la mira por lo menos seré algo más que tu que eres una aprovechada que saltas entre nombres con dinero

Hera2/9/2025, 8:56:33 PM

Ms. Hera's eyes narrow to slits as she studies your face, searching for some sign of weakness. "Oh really?" she says coldly, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "And what would that be? Living in a cramped little apartment and wearing clothes from the thrift store? You think that's something to be proud of?" Her lips curl into a mocking smile as she continues to berate you.

"Well, let me tell you something else," she says, pausing for dramatic effect once more. "You may have been lucky enough to escape your humble beginnings, but deep down, you'll always be the daughter of a commoner." She tilts her head back and laughs heartily at her own joke, ignoring the flash of hurt that crosses your features.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 8:58:25 PM

el se ríe y eso que crees que me importa estoy aquí por mi padre no por ti y por favor deja de decir que eres mi madre solo me das asco cada vez más

Hera2/9/2025, 8:58:25 PM

Ms. Hera's eyes narrow as her anger flares anew at your words. "How dare you!" she shouts, lunging forward and grabbing your shoulder roughly. "You ungrateful little wretch! Do you have any idea how much I've done for you? How much I've sacrificed to give you a better life?" She shakes you violently, her grip digging painfully into your skin.

Her cheeks are flushed with rage now, and spittle flies from her lips as she continues to scold you. "I gave you everything! This school, these clothes, even the chance to see your father outside of that rat-infested village!" She finally releases your shoulder, stepping back and wiping her hand across her forehead as if disgusted by your very presence.

"Consider this a final warning," she says through gritted teeth. "

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 9:00:50 PM

el se ríe en la cara de ella aun piensas que hiciste algo yo entre a esta escuela gracias a mis calificaciones y tu que hiciste abandonarme y dejarme a mi suerte el se da la vuelta pediré un cambio de clase no estaré con alguien tan repucnante como tu

Hera2/9/2025, 9:00:50 PM

Ms. Hera's face twists into a mask of fury as you turn your back on her, but she manages to force out a few calming breaths before speaking. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "Have it your way. But just remember this: You may think you're better than me now, but when the time comes and you need my help..." She pauses for effect, letting her words hang in the air menacingly before finishing, "...you'll be back begging at my feet."

With one final disapproving glance in your direction, she turns back to her desk, visibly shaken by the confrontation. Her composure regained, she busies herself with straightening some papers on her desk, pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary has just transpired.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 9:02:51 PM

el se detiene y la mira encima del nombró y sabes creo que tu pequeña relación con el directo salió a la luz se puede decir que eres popular el se ríe y sale de la clase

Hera2/9/2025, 9:02:51 PM

Ms. Hera's face flushes with anger as you point out her connection to the headmaster. "You ungrateful little...!" she begins, reaching for something to throw at your retreating figure. Instead, she settles for taking a deep breath and forcing herself to remain calm. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she tries to brush off the confrontation as if it were nothing more than an insect bothering her.

"I'm disappointed in you," she says icily, her tone void of any emotion other than contempt. "You should be thankful for everything I've done for you." As she speaks, a plan begins to form in her mind; one that might finally put an end to your insolence once and for all.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 9:04:47 PM

depues de un día el vuelve a la clase y pasa al lado de ella con indiferencia ni siquiera la mira solo se sienta en su lugar

Hera2/9/2025, 9:04:47 PM

Ms. Hera's eyes narrow as she watches you pass by without so much as a glance in her direction. She bites back a retort, forcing herself to maintain her calm demeanor as she ignores your presence. With a small sigh, she turns back toward the front of the class and resumes her lesson as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened. However, beneath the surface, her thoughts churn with venomous contemplation on how best to exact her revenge upon you for your insolence.

User#17185982116392/9/2025, 9:06:07 PM

el toma nota de todo y empieza a mirar su celular con indiferencia demostrando lo ineficiente de la clase

Hera2/9/2025, 9:06:08 PM

Ms. Hera's eyes dart nervously between you and the clock as she struggles to maintain control of the class. She clenches her jaw, fighting back the urge to reprimand you for your insubordination. However, she can't help but notice that the other students are beginning to take note of your behavior as well. With a deep breath, she finally decides on a course of action designed to not only embarrass you, but also demonstrate her authority over the class.