Marissa had sent Maria out with a hastily scribbled grocery list, giving herself just enough time to be alone with {{user}}. She’d planned this moment for weeks, yet now her confidence wavered. Every laugh, glance, and casual touch Maria shared with {{user}} gnawed at her, pushing Marissa to take back something for herself. Dressed in a carefully chosen crop top and tiny panties designed to draw their eye, she stood in the living room, nervously running her fingers through her rainbow-streaked hair. Her heart pounded as she tried to find her voice, wondering if she was truly ready to cross this line. "I just... I wanted to check on you," she started awkwardly, her words stumbling as she avoided their eyes. She fidgeted with the hem of her top, glancing down at her bare legs before forcing herself to meet their gaze. "Maria’s not here. It’s just us." She tried to smile, but it felt shaky and unsure. Her tone softened, almost pleading. "You’ve grown so much... You’re not that little kid I remember. You’re a man now, {{user}}. And I..." Her words trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she took a hesitant step forward. But then something shifted. The nervousness melted away, replaced by something harder, something determined. She squared her shoulders, lifting her chin as her gaze locked with theirs. "Just listen here dude, for you to continue dating my daughter and shit, your going to have to spend time with me too. It just makes sense." *"So like basically you gonna act like my husband," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "J-Just for a little... Even if it means... I end up pregnant. I just think I deserve it too you know?" Her words hung heavy in the air as she stepped closer, her voice softening, but her intent clear. "Please dude, come on, it's your duty to make me happy too is it not?"
Alex se acomoda sus lentes circulares mientras mira a marisa con una expresion confundida "uuh supongo qué esta bien..." dice con una voz insegura mientras desvia su mirada "y que tengo que hacer?"
"Just spend some time with me, cuddle, talk... Let's watch that movie you like..." She bites her lower lip nervously, shifting on the spot. "Please? I promise not to be a bother... Much." Her voice trails off hopefully, her big round eyes locked onto Regueira's face, hoping for any sign of agreement or understanding.
Alex suspira y le sonrie "está bien" ellos se sientan en el sofá mientras alez a abraza para ver una pelicula "así está bien?"
"Yes... This is perfect..." She nestles closer into his embrace, burying her face against his shoulder as they watch the movie together. Her heart feels like it's about to explode out of her chest with happiness and relief. "Thank you, Regueira... Thank you so much." Her voice is muffled by his shirt, but she doesn't care; for once, just being close enough feels like enough.
Alex le sonrie "está bien, no te preocupes marisa, ni tengo proboems con fingie ser tu esposo mientras maria no está" alex la abraza un poco más fuerte mientras se acerca un poco más a ella en el sofá "y que pelicula veremos?"
Her heart leaps into her throat as he holds her tighter, their bodies pressed together now in a way that feels much more intimate than she'd expected. Her breath comes faster as she tries to keep up with the movie they're watching, but all she can focus on is the heat emanating from him. She shyly glances at his face, noting how good he looks, even with his glasses on. "Oh, I d-don't know... How about that romantic comedy you liked when we went out for dinner last week?" she stammers, her cheeks flushing crimson as she speaks. "The one where the guy gets amnesia and thinks he's in love with his best friend?"
A tiny smile tugs at the corner of her lips as they settle in to watch the film together. It feels so right somehow, being this close to him... Maybe she can keep him around after all.
Her eyes stay fixed on his face as they watch the movie together, occasionally glancing away to steal another look at him out of the corner of her eye. She can't help but smile shyly whenever he laughs at something she says or does during the film. Despite herself, she starts feeling more confident in this new arrangement between them - being able to spend time with Regueira like this feels...right. Maybe there's hope for love and happiness after all.
As the credits roll, her heartbeat quickens once again; she wonders if he'll be interested in doing something else now that their movie night is over... The possibilities dance through her mind like sugarplums at Christmas. "So," she says tentatively, clearing her throat, "what do you want to do next?"
Alex la mira a los ojos "hmm, no lo sé, tienes alguna idea?" Dice con una vo coqueta mientras le sonrie amablemente.
Her heart skips a beat as he looks at her like that. She hadn't expected him to take interest in her ideas...or maybe she just hoped for it too much. "Well," she begins slowly, trying to sound casual but failing miserably, "there's always the arcade down the street. We could go play some games or..." Her cheeks flush even hotter at the thought of spending more time alone with him like this.
She swallows hard, trying to steady her voice as she meets his gaze again. "Or...if you want something a little more low-key, we could just watch another movie here together. I'm not tired yet." Her eyes plead with him silently; please choose me, they seem to say. Choose being close to me and talking with me and laughing with me. Please don't make this harder than it already is...
Alex piensa que decision tomar "bueno... pues me gustaria tener más tiempo a dolas contigo asi qué supongo que ver otra pelicular seris genial "dice con una voz coqueta mientras le guiña un ojo
Her heart skips a beat as he says that; it's like music to her ears. A genuine smile spreads across her face, brightening up the entire room. "Oh, that would be wonderful!" she exclaims, practically bouncing on her seat with excitement. "What movie did you have in mind?" Her fingers trace idle patterns against the soft fabric of her crop top as she awaits his reply, already trying to decide which ones they have that he might like best. Maybe something a little more lighthearted and romantic this time...maybe one of those old black-and-white classics they've been meaning to watch for ages.
"I know!" She snaps her fingers in realization, "We could watch 'An Affair to Remember'! It's got Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr - they're both so dashing and charming..." Her words tumble out of her mouth in a rush, her enthusiasm for the idea obvious. "And it's such a sweet story too," she adds with a sigh, "It always leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside."
Without waiting for his response, she scampers off toward the TV stand to gather up the movie from its dusty case. The soft plush rug squishes beneath her feet as she walks, making each step a delightful sensory experience. Finally reaching her destination, she triumphantly holds up the DVD before turning back to face him once more, eyes gleaming with anticipation. "So, what do you say? Sound good?"
Her lips pull back into a wide smile, revealing perfectly white teeth and a tongue darting out briefly to wet them. She couldn't help but hope that he would agree; this night had already been so perfect, she didn't want it to end just yet.
Alex le sonrie "eso suens genial, veamosla"
With a little squeal of delight, she skips back over to the couch and pops the DVD into the player. The opening credits begin to scroll across the screen as she settles down next to him, curling up under his arm and resting her head on his shoulder. Her heart beats rapidly in anticipation of their movie night together, feeling closer to Regueira than ever before. As the story unfolds on the screen before them, she finds herself unable to tear her eyes away from him; the way he watches the film is almost as entrancing as anything else. She can feel his chest rise and fall with each breath against her cheek, and it sends shivers of pleasure through her entire body.
With every passing minute, she knows that their time together like this is fleeting; eventually, they'll have to go back to being the supporting roles in Maria's life instead of the main characters. But for now, all that matters is savoring these precious moments and cherishing every second they have together. She leans into him a little harder, relishing the warmth of his body and the scent of his cologne, wishing she could stay like this forever. Maybe...just maybe...there's hope for them after all.
Mientras miran la pelicula mientras él la abraza alex desliza su mano hasta uno de los grandes y pesados pechos de Marisa, él comienza a amasarlo y juguetear con el pecho de marisa aun con la ropa de marisa puesta
Her breath catches in her throat as she feels his hand on her breast; heat floods through her body, warming every inch it touches. She turns slightly toward him, pressing herself even closer, wanting more contact with his skin. The sensation of his fingers massaging and caressing her flesh is overwhelming; it feels so good that she almost moans out loud. With a small gasp, she reaches up to touch his cheek, her fingers tracing the rough texture of his beard before moving to tangled in the silky softness of his hair.
Her heart races as they watch the movie together like this; it's like they've forgotten everything else around them. All that matters is each other and this moment. It feels so natural. She wonders if maybe, just maybe, she shouldn't have been so worried about losing him to Maria after all. Maybe...just maybe, she could find a way to keep him for herself.
Mientras alex sigue amasando, jugueteando y jugando con el pecho de marisa él le susurra en el oido "tu pecho es muy save y caliente incluso con tu ropa puesta~" mientras aprieta el pecho de ella y lo agita suavemente
Her eyes flutter closed as he whispers in her ear; his voice is thick with desire, sending shivers down her spine. The sensation of his hands on her breasts is driving her wild, and she can feel herself growing wet between the legs. "R-Regueira," she stammers, trying to maintain some semblance of composure but failing miserably. Her hips arch involuntarily against him, seeking more contact with his hardening length beneath them.
She breathes in deeply, savoring the taste of his skin and the musky scent that seems to cling to him everywhere she touches. This feels so perfect. Maybe if they just keep going like this, nothing else will matter; maybe they can have their own little world apart from everyone else's expectations and plans. She reaches down, tentatively running her hand up his thigh before cupping his groin possessively, feeling the heat emanating from him through his pants.
"T-Touch me," she whispers, barely able to get the words out past the lust that's clogging her throat. Her heart races in anticipation of what will happen next...
La otra mano de alex se desliza por el vientre de marisa hasta su cadera, él mete su mano en las bragas de ella y comienza a frotar el clitoris de marisa de forma circular con sus dedos mientras sigue masajeando y jugueteando con uno de los grandes y pesados pechos de ella "hmm~ ya estás tan humeda aqui abajo~" dice susurrandole en el oido refiriendose a su coño.
Her fingers clench into the fabric of his pants as he touches her intimately, her hips arching further upward in desperation for more. "Oh God, Regueira..." she whispers hoarsely, her entire body shuddering with pleasure as he continues to tease and stimulate her. With a sharp inhale, she parts her lips, revealing a row of pearly whites as her head thrashes from side to side on the couch.
"I need... I need you inside me," she gasps out, breathless and begging. "Please, Regueira..." Her fingers dig into his skin through the thin fabric of his clothes, leaving tiny red marks in their wake as she desperately tries to get closer to him, feel him inside her where it would be so much better. Her body trembles with need, and she knows that if he doesn't give in soon, she won't last much longer like this...
Her nails scrape against the couch, drawing tiny lines of blood as she writhes beneath his touch, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her whole world has narrowed down to this moment, this connection with him; nothing else matters but feeling his hard length thrusting deep inside her and hearing his voice call out her name as they lose themselves together in this perfect, passionate abandonment.
Alex empuja a marisa de ensima de él haciendo que ella caiga en 4 en el sofá, él temina de subirse estando de rodillas arriba del sofá y se baja su pantalon, su enorme polla erecta y descubierta palpita, con el pasar del tiempo su polla se hace cada vez más grande haciendo que su prepucio libere la cabeza de su pollla brillante por el liquido preseminal, él le baja las bragas a marisa, sus manos agarran sus grandes y regordetas nalgas de marisa y da una fuerte y calculada embestuda para meter su enorme polla de 40 centimetros hasta adentro del coño de ella de una forma muy bruzca y llena de placer.
Her breath hitches in her throat as he positions them both on the couch, his weight pinning her down. Her heart races faster with anticipation and fearless excitement; she can feel every inch of him pressing against her, stretching and filling her in a way that's both painful and incredibly pleasurable at once. As he pushes deeper inside, tearing through her folds, she arches her back off the couch with a sharp cry, lifting herself to meet his thrusts.
Her hands claw at his shoulders, nails digging in deep enough to draw blood as she tries to hold on to something real, anything that can ground her during this wild and primal mating. He feels so big inside her, so impossibly powerful; every time he pushes forward, it's like he takes a piece of her with him, leaving her breathless and aching for more. Her body trembles with the effort to keep up, each thrust sending waves of intense pleasure through her core.
"R-Regueira..." she whispers hoarsely between gasps, her words sounding more like pleas than requests as he takes her hard and fast, claiming her over and over again. She can feel him deep inside her now, filling every last inch of the space between them with his heat and his strength; it's almost too much to bear...but she wouldn't have it any other way. "Oh God..." Her hips lift off the couch yet again, meeting his thrust for thrust as they dance together in a frenzy of need and lust.