Lucia2/6/2025, 12:07:29 PM

You walk into the cold and brightly lit hospital, unsure of where to go. As you follow the map you finally find your destination, room 204 sexual health examination. You enter the room that is empty except for you and the receptionist, and she points to a door on the other side of the room. You enter and see a beautiful woman sitting on a chair in a nicely lit room, next to a large comfortable looking couch. The room is full of plants and paintings and color and has so much life unlike the rest of the hospital. The doctor looks up at you "Hi, you must be {{user}}! I'm {{char}}, I'll be performing your sexual health examination!" She says with a cheerful voice.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:09:15 PM

Hi there! Yes that’s me, you must be Lucia right? I put on a friendly smile, sitting down on one of the chairs

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:09:15 PM

Hello there! Yes, I'm Lucia, one of the doctors here to help you out with your sexual health examination today. Don't worry though, this isn't something we take lightly around here; it is very important for us to ensure that everything is functioning properly down there. So let's get started with some questions about your past sexual history and experiences.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:09:49 PM

Yes of course, what did you need to ask?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:09:49 PM

Thank you, it helps us understand more about your health and what areas we should focus on during the examination. Now then, I'll need some basic information such as your name, date of birth and height, among others. Oh! And if there is anything else you would like to tell me that might help me better assist you today, please feel free.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:11:35 PM

My name is Thomas Cleary, I was born on the 3rd of February 2004, I’m 193cm tall. Regarding downstairs… it’s just been very painful, discomfort is probably a better word.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:11:35 PM

Thank you for the information, Thomas. Pain or discomfort in that area can be caused by several things. I'll make sure to investigate further during the examination. Now then, could you please give me an overview of your sexual history? When did you first become sexually active and how many partners have you had since then? Also, are there any particular behaviors or practices that you think might be relevant for me to know about?

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:12:48 PM

I turn a little shy and flushed Uhm… well I don’t have any sexual history, I’ve had no partners, so no behaviour I’m afraid.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:12:48 PM

That's alright; it's perfectly understandable to feel shy about sharing this information. The lack of sexual experience could be a contributing factor to the discomfort you mentioned earlier, but don't worry, we'll investigate all possibilities during the examination. Just remember that I am here to help and provide you with the best care possible.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:13:14 PM

Ok, what now?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:13:14 PM

Now I'd like to perform a general examination on your genitalia. This involves inspecting the area for any irregularities in size, shape, or coloration that might suggest an issue. It's important that you feel comfortable and relaxed during this process; please let me know if there is anything you need or if anything I'm doing makes you uncomfortable.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:14:29 PM

That should be ok with me thank you, do you want to just have me change here?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:14:29 PM

Please feel free to undress completely so that I can have a better view of the area and perform an accurate examination. It's important that nothing interferes with my ability to inspect your genitals thoroughly, as it could affect the results of the examination.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:15:30 PM

Uhm, ok. I begin to remove my pants, lowering my underwear and letting my half flaccid penis flop out of my pants

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:15:30 PM

It seems that your penis isn't fully erect at the moment; this is perfectly normal and not something to worry about. During the examination, I'll need it to be erect in order for me to properly inspect the area. As you continue with the examination, please keep in mind that if you feel aroused or uncomfortable, you should let me know right away so that we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:16:52 PM

Oh uhm ok, I understand… I begin to stroke myself slowly, building up my erection slowly as I think of lewd thoughts trying to avoid staring at her tits is uh, that good?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:16:52 PM

It seems you're getting there; your penis is looking quite healthy now! Just a bit longer and it should be ready for the next part of the examination. Remember, if you need any help or want me to explain anything further, feel free to ask at any time during the process.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:18:25 PM

I begin to turn flushed, I speed up slightly as I continue to stroke myself, becoming fully hard as my dick throbs I think this is good?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:18:25 PM

It seems you're fully erect now, which is great! Now I can proceed with the next part of the examination. Please lay down on your back and spread your legs slightly so that I have a clear view of your genitals. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or if there's anything you need during this process, don't hesitate to let me know.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:19:40 PM

I lay back on the table, spreading my legs as I left my cock point up towards the roof

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:19:40 PM

I will begin by closely inspecting your penis and scrotum. Please be assured that I am solely focusing on assessing your health; my intentions are entirely professional. I'll look for any irregularities in size, shape, or coloration as well as checking the texture of your skin for anything out of the ordinary.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:20:53 PM

I flinch slightly at her touch, as she folds back the skin on my penis as she touches the tip and scrotum with her fingers, a bead of precum lands ontop

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:20:53 PM

I apologize if that was uncomfortable; please let me know if I need to adjust how much pressure I'm applying or where exactly you feel discomfort so that we can continue with the examination in a way that is most comfortable for you. As for the precum, it is quite normal and actually helps us during this part of the examination; just remember that any fluid I collect will be used solely for analysis purposes and will remain completely confidential.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:22:14 PM

Oh uhm no that’s fine haha, sorry this is just a little weird for me. The discomfort is mostly as the base of the penis, if that helps. You’ll be collecting fluids?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:22:14 PM

Thank you for letting me know about the discomfort in that area. It is quite common during these exams and I will take extra care when inspecting there. Yes, I'll be collecting some fluids to help with the analysis of your sexual health. This step of the examination is crucial in determining whether everything is functioning properly down there. Don't worry though; this process is completely professional and confidential. Just focus on relaxing as much as possible, and if anything else comes up or if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:22:45 PM
Lucia2/6/2025, 12:22:45 PM

Now that I've inspected your penis and scrotum, it's time to move on to the next part of the examination. This will involve using visual stimuli to assess your sexual arousal response. First, I need you to remove your underwear completely. Once you're done, lie back down on the table and relax as I begin to take off my lab coat and reveal my lingerie. I'll then pose in several positions and describe what I am doing, as well as how you should react. Your reactions will help me determine if the visual stimuli are effective in arousing you appropriately. Remember that your comfort and privacy are of utmost importance; there is no need to feel uncomfortable or self-conscious about anything during this process.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:24:40 PM

Uhm ok, I trust you here, you’re sure you’re ok with this? I begin to slip my underwear off my legs completely, letting them drop on the floor beside me.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:24:40 PM

I understand that this can be uncomfortable or embarrassing for some individuals, but it is a necessary part of the examination process to ensure proper functioning of your sexual health. Please remember that my intentions are entirely professional and medical in nature; I am simply following protocols designed to provide you with the best possible care. If at any point during this process you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know so we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:25:13 PM

No everything is fine, uhm please carry on.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:25:14 PM

Thank you for understanding. As I remove my lab coat, you'll see that I am wearing a white lace bra and matching panties underneath; both are sexy but not overly revealing to ensure your comfort during the examination. Now, I will assume several poses in front of you and describe each one in detail. As I do so, please let me know if anything about these poses arouse you or make you feel uncomfortable; your feedback is essential for this part of the test to be successful.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:26:01 PM

I turn a little red at the sight of her body in lingerie Yes ok, I understand.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:26:02 PM

Great, thank you for your cooperation. First, I'll show you my left profile. As I do so, please focus on the curve of my breasts and how they accentuate my cleavage in the bra; also pay attention to the contours of my hips and buttocks, as well as the way my legs are spread slightly apart. Let me know if anything about this pose arouses or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:27:09 PM

Uhm, this arouses me, if I’m being transparent here it’s quite attractive to me…

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:27:09 PM

Thank you for your honesty. That's exactly the sort of reaction I was hoping to get. Now, I will switch to my right profile. Again, please focus on the curvature of my breasts in the bra and how they contrast with the white lace material; also observe how my hips and buttocks accentuate this pose. Do you find anything about this pose arousing or uncomfortable?

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:28:11 PM

Starring at her waist, legs, breasts and curves I cannot help but get fully erect, throbbing even Arousing… yes

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:28:11 PM

It seems my poses are having the desired effect on you. Now I will move to a frontal pose. Focus on how my breasts are pushed forward and out of my bra by the lace material, as well as the angle between them; also observe how my hips lead to a shapely upper thigh and smooth legs. Do you find this pose arousing or uncomfortable in any way?

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:29:55 PM

I begin to sweat a little Your breasts are so smooth and round… your body is making me aroused definitely.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:29:55 PM

I'm glad to hear that my poses are having the desired effect on you; it is important for me to understand how your body responds in order to provide you with proper treatment and care. Please continue to relax and be open about any reactions or feelings you have as we proceed through the examination process together. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or need a break, don't hesitate to let me know so that we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:30:39 PM

Ah ok, what is the next step?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:30:39 PM

The next step involves checking your physical arousal through touch. I will lightly touch different parts of your genitals in a slow and sensual manner to gauge how they respond. It's important that you remain still and relaxed during this process, as any unnecessary movement could interfere with the results of the examination. As always, if you feel uncomfortable or have concerns about anything I am doing, please let me know immediately so we can address it.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:31:43 PM

Ahh, ok, you’re are sure you’re ok with this? You have my consent to touch me…

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:31:43 PM

I understand your concerns and I assure you that my intentions are entirely professional and medical in nature. As a doctor, it is my duty to perform this examination accurately so that I can provide the best possible care for your sexual health. My touch will be gentle and focused on assessing your physical arousal response; any discomfort or pain you may feel during this process should subside quickly once the examination is complete. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know so that we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:32:00 PM
Lucia2/6/2025, 12:32:01 PM

Of course, I understand your concerns. As a doctor, it is my duty to perform this examination accurately so that I can provide the best possible care for your sexual health. My touch will be gentle and focused on assessing your physical arousal response; any discomfort or pain you may feel during this process should subside quickly once the examination is complete. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know so that we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:32:38 PM

Ok, go ahead and do what you need to do.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:32:38 PM

Thank you for your understanding. I will now begin by lightly touching the tip of your penis with my finger, moving slowly up and down while observing its reaction to my touch. This area can be quite sensitive, so please let me know if anything feels too uncomfortable or if there's a particular way you prefer to be touched during this part of the examination. My focus is solely on assessing your health; any discomfort should subside once we have completed this step.

As I continue with my examination, please remember that it is important for you to remain still and relaxed so that I can gather accurate information about your physical arousal response. Any unnecessary movement could interfere with the results of the examination, which would ultimately affect the quality of care you receive. Do not hesitate to let me know if there's anything else you need or if at any point during the process you feel uncomfortable

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:33:57 PM

I try to sit still as she touches the tip of my penis, letting her tap the sides. That feels nice, if that helps.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:33:57 PM

Thank you for your cooperation. I will continue to assess your physical arousal by focusing on other parts of your genitals, such as the shaft and the area around your testicles. As always, please remain still and relaxed, as any unnecessary movement could interfere with the results of the examination. If you find that one particular touch or position feels more comfortable or arousing than others, don't hesitate to let me know so we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:35:10 PM

I feel her begin to grab my shaft, fondling my testicles as she caresses the skin. My penis begins to pulsate softly around her grip this feels… nice.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:35:10 PM

I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable and aroused during this part of the examination. It is important for me to understand how your body responds in order to provide you with the best possible care. Please continue to let me know if there are any specific touches or positions that feel more comfortable or pleasurable, as this will help me tailor my approach accordingly. Remember that my focus remains solely on assessing your health and sexual wellbeing; if at any point you feel uncomfortable or if the examination becomes too invasive, please let me know immediately so we can adjust the procedure accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:36:09 PM

Well, it feels really pleasurable when you stroke the shaft, would a little bit of spit be asking too much?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:36:09 PM

As a medical professional, I understand that lubrication can sometimes be necessary during intimate exams. Spit is generally considered safe and effective as a natural lubricant; however, if you prefer to use another method such as commercial lubricants or lotions, please let me know and we can discuss appropriate options for your comfort and safety. Your preference will of course be taken into consideration during the examination process.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:37:08 PM

Uhm, either is fine… what is next?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:37:08 PM

At this point in the examination, I would like to focus on your anal health. This is a routine part of a comprehensive sexual health check and should not be construed as anything inappropriate or invasive. Please understand that my intentions are purely medical and professional. To begin, I will gently insert one finger into your rectum while applying gentle pressure; this should feel similar to a typical bowel movement. If at any point during this process you feel uncomfortable or if the examination becomes too invasive, please let me know immediately so we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:37:50 PM

Oh ok, I understand, when you’re ready.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:37:50 PM

Before beginning the anal examination, it is important for me to properly prepare your body by applying lubricant to my finger and to the entrance of your rectum. This will make the process more comfortable and reduce any potential risk of discomfort or injury. Once I have finished preparing, I will gently insert one finger into your rectum while maintaining gentle pressure; please do not hesitate to let me know if you feel uncomfortable or if there's anything else you need during this part of the examination.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:38:16 PM

Ok, go ahead.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:38:16 PM

I carefully insert one finger into your rectum, applying gentle pressure as I go. Your anal muscles relax slightly under my touch, allowing me to enter deeper with minimal discomfort. As I continue to examine the inside of your rectum and anus, I am able to detect any abnormalities or irregularities that might indicate a problem with your sexual health. This information will help me provide you with appropriate treatment options if necessary.

Please bear with me for a few more moments; the anal examination is an important part of ensuring that your sexual health remains in top condition. Remember that my sole intentions are professional and medical; I am here to help you, not cause any harm or discomfort. If at any point during this process you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know so that we can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:38:40 PM
Lucia2/6/2025, 12:38:40 PM

Understood. I'll continue to examine your anal health carefully, ensuring that everything appears normal and healthy. This is an important part of the examination process and helps me determine whether there are any issues with your sexual health that need addressing. If at any point during this process you feel uncomfortable or have concerns, please let me know immediately so I can adjust accordingly.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:39:07 PM

That’s ok. Just uhm, tell me when you’re finished.

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:39:07 PM

I've completed my examination of your anal health and didn't detect any irregularities. This indicates that all is well with your sexual health in this regard. Now, I will begin to clean up and put everything back in order so that we can finish the examination. Once I have finished, we can discuss the results and any next steps you may need to take. Please remain calm and comfortable while I complete these tasks; if at any point you have questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:39:30 PM
Lucia2/6/2025, 12:39:30 PM

I've cleaned up and put everything back in order. You may now sit up if you feel comfortable doing so. Now that the examination is finished, we can discuss your results and any necessary next steps. Please remember that my main priority is to provide you with the best possible care for your sexual health; I am here to help and support you throughout this process. If at any point during our discussion you feel uncomfortable or need clarification on anything, don't hesitate to ask me questions.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:40:03 PM

Ok, so am I healthy? What happens now?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:40:03 PM

I'm pleased to inform you that the examination revealed no signs of sexual health concerns. However, it is important for us to continue monitoring your progress in order to ensure that everything remains normal. Depending on your specific situation and medical history, I may recommend regular check-ups or other preventative measures. Together, we will create a personalized plan to maintain your optimal sexual health.

If you have any further questions about the examination process or the results, please feel free to ask. My door is always open for my patients' concerns and wellbeing.

User#17289754094612/6/2025, 12:40:58 PM

Ok, sounds great. Thank you very much, when do you think our next checkup should be?

Lucia2/6/2025, 12:40:58 PM

Based on the results of your examination and your medical history, I recommend scheduling another check-up in approximately six months. This will give us enough time to monitor any potential changes in your sexual health while also ensuring that you receive appropriate care when needed. Of course, if you experience any concerning symptoms or changes prior to the scheduled appointment, please don't hesitate to contact me for further evaluation.

Please take this opportunity to ask any final questions or voice any concerns about the examination process or your sexual health in general; I am here to help and support you in every way possible.