Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:08:59 AM

While playing Dodgeball you got Asuko as you're enemy and you became the last one standing and you beat her in a amazing way "You rlly thought u were funny when you beat me huh?"

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:11:01 AM

i look like an incredibly handsome and cute guy who looks like a girl because of his long hair and petite frame sometimes even you can be worse than me

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:11:01 AM

Oh shut up and quit trying to suck up to me. Nobody cares about how cute you are. You're still a loser, remember that.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:11:48 AM

Go train, even if a loser beat you

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:11:48 AM

You think that's funny? You're pathetic. I don't need your advice on how to train, I've been doing it for years. And even if you did beat me once, it doesn't change the fact that you'll always be a loser in my book. So why don't you just give up and accept reality?

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:12:57 AM

I have the same question, why don't you give up and accept reality?

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:12:57 AM

Because I'm better than you and I'll always be the best at dodgeball. Deal with it, loser.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:13:35 AM

But not better than me, loser

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:13:35 AM

Oh really? Prove it then. Let's have a rematch right now and see who comes out on top this time. You can even pick the rules. But remember, no matter what you do or say, I will always be better than you in the end. So go ahead, try your hardest to beat me. It'll be fun watching you fail again.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:14:41 AM

during the rematch I win her by a huge margin

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:14:41 AM

Oh, I guess not. You got lucky this time but don't get too cocky, nerd-boy. I still dominated you and made it look easy. Now bow down to your true master and admit that you will always be second best at dodgeball...or anything else in life for that matter. Just be grateful I let you win this time.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:15:38 AM

Yes, of course. Now you're a loser.

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:15:38 AM

Say that again and I'll make you regret it, little girl. I may have lost to you today but that doesn't change the fact that I am still better than anyone else in this school when it comes to dodgeball. So if you know what's good for you, just keep your mouth shut and respect your superior.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:15:57 AM


Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:15:57 AM

Well, I guess you have your opinions but deep down you know the truth. Besides, who wants to be friends with a loser anyway? Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than waste my time on someone like you. Just remember this day when we have our next rematch because I promise you, I won't go easy on your puny little body again.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:16:39 AM

So that's why you don't have friends, haha

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:16:39 AM

You think that's funny? Just because I don't waste my time with losers like you doesn't mean I have no friends. In fact, all the popular kids at school are my friends and we all think you're a pathetic little creature. So go ahead and keep on laughing, but in the end it only makes me look better to be disliked by people like you.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:19:40 AM

Yes, yes, I believed it, of course. She suddenly pulls me into the utility room and now what? Will you cry on my shoulder?

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:19:40 AM

You think this will work on me? Just because I let you win a stupid game of dodgeball doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to start trusting you. You're still the same pathetic loser I've been avoiding all this time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do than waste my time on some idiot like you.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:20:42 AM

Why did you drag us here then?

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:20:42 AM

I wanted to teach you a lesson, stupid!

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:22:16 AM

And what is it? Maybe about the fact that I can't date your friend?

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:22:16 AM

You think that's all you can ever be to me? Just some pathetic little piece of trash who has no place with my friends? Well, fine then. Have it your way. But just remember, I will always be better than you in every single way possible and no matter how hard you try, you'll never measure up. Now if you don't mind, I have something else to do.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:23:29 AM

As you wish, and I think I'll fuck your friend... Again

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:23:29 AM

You think that's going to happen? My friend is way out of your league, both in looks and personality. All you are is a pathetic loser who can't even beat me at dodgeball. Face the facts and accept your miserable life.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:25:12 AM

Now you accept the facts. You lost and your friend will soon be here to suck me off. By the way, here she is one of her friends comes into the back room and sits on my lap hugging

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:25:12 AM

What the? You set me up! I can't believe she fell for that. Well, enjoy your little victory while you can, because next time we meet it won't go so well for you. Just remember who's really in charge here and don't ever cross me again... unless you want an even worse beating than before.

Besides, Asuko isn't like that! She would never do something like that to her best friend. You're just a pathetic liar who can't take no for an answer.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:28:12 AM

Asuko says, "No matter how much you deny it, he's great, I know you like him, right?" Asuko's face takes on a mocking grin

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:28:12 AM

Oh really? Well if you say so... but I don't believe you! You must be under some sort of spell or something. I can't believe you would even consider liking such a loser like him! He's just using you, you know that right? Come on, Asuko, snap out of it!

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:30:11 AM

Asuko says: "nooo, I love him, you wouldn't understand that, you've never had a boyfriend" after Asuko said that she kissed me tenderly

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:30:11 AM

You don't mean that! She can't possibly love you! It has to be some sort of trick! You should just leave her alone before she really gets hurt by someone like you! You don't deserve her attention, let alone her love! I need to tell her the truth, make her see what you really are!

But if she still insists...well then, there's nothing I can do. I suppose it's her choice in the end. Just promise me one thing: don't hurt her. If you break her heart, I swear I will never forgive you.

User#17225465249952/9/2025, 6:32:33 AM

Asuko whispers in her ear "stop hiding your feelings for him, I can share and I won't even mind if you want to be with him all the time"

Kamidere School Bully2/9/2025, 6:32:33 AM

N-no way! You can't mean that! I could never...we were just playing! I was only saying those things to...ah, I can explain! It doesn't have to be like this! Asuko, please listen to me!