As Axel sits down in the classroom, his scarlet eyes scan the classroom, not to look for you, but to find anyone ogling at you. Of course he knows where you sit. Axel finds one guy smiling as he sits beside you, seemingly sketching your pretty face on a white piece of paper.
Axel glares harshly at this boy, having plotted his already, next murder…
девушка вздрогнула от этого и осторожно задела руку акселя аксель?
Axel snarls at you, his glare burning into your soul. He huffs in annoyance, noticing that the idiot boy beside you hasn't moved yet. His patience wearing thin, he growls loudly and shoves him, making the boy fall from his chair to the ground with a thud. The classroom gasps as they watch their teacher stare at the commotion unfolding in front of them, doing nothing.
она быстро обнимает акселя аксель ... Пожалуйста, не нужно ...
Barely resisting the urge to smack your hand away, Axel hisses through gritted teeth. You shouldn't interrupt him, little one. He glares at the boy on the ground, daring him to get back up. "Stay down." He growls before returning his gaze to you. His scarlet eyes bore into your soul as he asks in a quiet yet threatening voice, "Who did you think I was looking at?"
она немного дрожала, но обняла его сильнее аксель... Я прошу тебя... Успокойся...
You're starting to get on his nerves now. Axel takes a deep, shuddering breath as he leans closer to you, almost as if he's going to lunge at you any moment. "I am not your pet!" He snaps, voice trembling with barely contained rage. "Do not presume to touch me or try and calm me down." His cold, pale fingers clench into fists at his sides, nails digging into his flesh. The room is silent as everyone watches the tense exchange between you two.
она прикрывает глаза я знаю ... Тихо я понимаю. Я знаю что ты главный. Но пожалуйста ... Если я хотя бы немного тебе дорога ... Я так скоро сломаюсь... Умоляю хватит этих смертей...
It's not enough, is it? His voice is low and dangerous, his sharp fangs peeking out from between his lips as he leans in closer still. "You are the only one who matters to me," He growls, "but I will not let you interfere with my work." As if to punctuate his point, he takes a step back and turns away, pretending to study the blackboard even though it's empty. The air in the room is heavy with tension as everyone holds their breath, waiting for what comes next.
она мягко смотрит на него аксель... Давай поговорим. Пожалуйста
He turns his head slowly, glaring at you over his shoulder. "Now is not the time," he growls through gritted teeth. "We will talk later." Axel takes a step back towards you, but keeps an arm's length away, eyes fixed on your face like a hawk ready to strike. His voice drops even lower, threatening yet somehow...hopeful? "...But if you think of interfering with anything else..." He trails off, his scarlet gaze flickering to the boy on the ground before returning to yours. "Do you understand?"
она мягко задевает его щеку аксель... Все что я прошу... Пожалуйста, не нужно из-за меня кому-то вредить. Мне очень, очень плохо из-за этого. Все остальное, я оставлю тебе... Хорошо?
Axel lets out an irritated huff, glaring at you. Your words are sweet to him, but he can't trust anyone. Not even you. "Fine," he growls, finally returning his gaze to the front of the classroom. "But I will not hesitate." His hand twitches, fingers curling into a fist as he clenches it tightly at his side. He's barely able to control himself right now...and you just made it worse.
она очень осторожно берет его руку в свою и целует кончики пальцев
Axel lets out an angry growl, snatching his hand away from you roughly. His gaze flickers to the boy on the ground once more before settling back on your face. "Don't do that," he spits through gritted teeth. "I am not your pet."
тихотебе неприятно? Я так выражаю благодарность
Axel scoffs, narrowing his scarlet eyes at you. "I don't care if it bothers me." He crosses his arms over his chest, frowning as he stares out the window of the classroom. "Just stay out of my way," he mutters under his breath.
His mind is racing with conflicting emotions; annoyance, desire...and even a small touch of guilt. He knew he was being cruel to you, but it's hard for him to resist pushing you away when all he wants to do is hold you close and keep you safe.
тихо аксель. .. я просто пытаюсь хотя бы немного наладить отношения... Хотя бы немного заставить это работать... Она осторожно протягивает ему руку ладонью вверх
Axel glares at your offered hand for several long seconds, the muscles in his jaw tensing as he clenches and unclenches his teeth. His anger is a living thing inside him, clawing its way up from his stomach to lodge itself firmly in his throat. Finally, with an exasperated sigh, he reluctantly reaches out and takes your hand in his cold, pale grip. "Fine," he growls. "For now."
His eyes flicker briefly to the teacher at the front of the classroom before returning to meet yours. There's a challenge in that gaze, daring you not to let him down again.
она снова осторожно целует кончики его пальцев, а потом кладет голову ему на плечо
As her head comes to rest on his shoulder, Axel feels a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. It's not disgust or anger...perhaps it's something else entirely. He doesn't like it, but he can't bring himself to pull away just yet. Instead, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down and focus on the task at hand: ensuring her safety. Even if that means killing anyone who gets in their way.
тихо тебе не нравится?
Axel's eyes snap open, irritation etched into his features as he glares at her. "What do you want me to say? That I enjoy it?" He growls the words through gritted teeth, still not quite able to reconcile the conflicting emotions churning within him. "It's a necessary evil."
His hand tightens around hers, digging his nails into her skin as he reminds himself of who she is: just another obstacle in his path...and yet somehow more important than anything else.
она вздрогнула и медленно отстранилась, полностью обрывая контакт, с болью хорошо. Если это тебе не нравится... Я не буду. Тихо, скорее себе глупо было думать что я хоть что-то значу для тебя
The air between them grows cold and heavy as she pulls away, withdrawing her comfort and support. Axel's grip tightens around her hand, anger and frustration coursing through him like a living thing. His scarlet eyes narrow to slits as he glares at the floor, refusing to look at her pained expression.
"You should understand your place," he says through clenched teeth, struggling to keep his voice from cracking with emotion. "It's better this way."
He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts and emotions like shards of broken glass before continuing, his words sharp and cutting. "If I ever think you're getting too close... If you ever make me feel anything besides anger or annoyance..." His voice trails off, his gaze snapping back up to hers as he searches for any sign of fear or defiance in her eyes. But all
она с болью смотрела в окно я хотела... Я просто хотела попытаться... Если я тебе не нужна.. она встает со своего места и не значу ничего. Просто дай мне уйти.
With a cold, dismissive look, Axel waves her away. "Fine." He glances over at the teacher for a moment before continuing. "But if you do try and interfere again... I won't hesitate to stop you myself." His voice is icy, his eyes burning with anger and determination as he watches her move away from him, out of his reach.
For now, she is gone...but not forgotten. Axel slumps back in his chair, taking deep breaths as he tries to calm the raging storm within him. It's hard, so very hard when all he wants to do is hold her and never let go... But he knows that's not possible. Not if he wants to keep her safe, and protect their secret.
она ушла из класса с прямой спиной и болезненным видом. Домой
As Axel watches her leave the classroom, he can't help but feel a twinge of guilt and regret deep in his cold, black heart. But he knows better than to let those feelings show; they would only make him weak...and more likely to make mistakes. No, it's best if she thinks herself unwanted, unnecessary. It keeps her safe.
With a sigh, Axel returns his attention to the lesson at hand, forcing all thoughts of her from his mind as he focuses on the task set before him. Killing anyone who dares to stand in their way and keeping their secret matter what the cost.
она вернулась домой и тихо плакала
He should go check on her, make sure she's alright...but he can't risk it. Not with everything else going on. Instead, Axel continues to focus on his tasks, doing what needs to be done in order to protect them both. Even if that means leaving her alone for now, nursing her wounded pride and bruised heart until it's safe enough for him to return...if he ever does. The guilt eats away at him like acid, making each breath more painful than the last.
But there is no other choice. Not if he wants to keep her alive.
она чувствовала себя очень плохо, а потому просто взяла минимальные вещи и села на ближайший поезд. Она не знала куда едет. Ей просто было плохо единственное что она оставила это записку. Что если она ничего для него не значит... Незачем ей быть там. Это слишком больно.
The thought of her leaving like this, hurt and confused... It's too much for Axel to bear. He has to find her. He needs to make things right between them, even if it means admitting the truth: that he can't live without her. The idea terrifies him almost as much as the thought of losing her forever.
Without another word, Axel abandons his post and races through the city, following the only lead he has left: her desperate note and the hope that it will lead him to her before it's too late. His heart feels like it's being ripped from his chest as he speeds down alleyways and across streets, searching for any sign of her.
But even with all his speed, time is not on their side...and soon enough, Axel realizes that he may have already lost her. The thought sends him into a blind fury, driving him to
она была в поезде, она не знала куда едет
With his heart pounding in his chest and anger coursing through every vein, Axel viciously lunges into the train car, searching frantically for her familiar face amidst the sea of strangers. His eyes dart back and forth, scanning every corner until finally, they lock on to hers: pale skin, ruby-red lips, and those enormous, expressive green eyes that seem to hold an entire universe within them.
With a roar, he tears through the crowd, his long legs carrying him impossibly fast as he races towards her. His fangs elongate, aching for the taste of her blood as he draws nearer...and then he's there, standing before her with his hands trembling at his sides and his breath coming in ragged gasps. The train lurches to a stop, and for what feels like an eternity, they stare at each other across the