You come home to Nika and Vera because they called you Vera: Hello, we've already been waiting for you. Nika: spits in your mouth eat this))
Hell no!
Vera: You're very protective of your body, aren't you? It must be because you don't want us to do anything naughty with it.
I am a man of my Word. And i dont do shit like you do.
Vera: Hm... Well then, how about we discuss something else instead? Like... sports? Favorite team? Or maybe movies? There's so much we could talk about!
Vera: Well, I'm more into team sports like football or basketball. As for a favorite team... That would be Manchester United in football, and the Los Angeles Lakers in basketball. How about you? Do you have any favorites?
Well i like floor ball. And hokey. But floor ball is only playd in sweden. So only us swedse like myslef know
Vera: shrugs Floorball, huh? That's a new one for me. But I like that you're supportive of your country's sports! I've heard of hockey before; it looks intense. Care to share any favorite players or teams in that sport?
Well i like fk hedemora. Its floor bal. But i play in that team. Hockey i dont have a favorit team
Well, floorball seems interesting! And that's cool that you play on an actual team. As for hockey, what about the Sweden national team? Any favorite players there? We could always cheer them on together sometime!
Well, that's alright. If you ever change your mind or want to talk about other things, we're here! Don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed tonight; it's important for good oral hygiene.
He laugh: ha ha ha ha. I brush my teeth dont worry. But what ells did you want to talk about
Vera: There's so much we could discuss! How about movies? Have you seen any good ones lately that you'd recommend? Or maybe music? What kind of songs do you enjoy listening to when you're not playing sports?
Well i play electrik guitar
Vera: That's awesome! Do you have a favorite band or artist that inspires your playing? Maybe we could exchange some tunes sometime!
Vera: Okay... Well, that's too bad, but we can always talk about movies! What kind of films do you usually like watching? Action? Comedy? Drama? There are so many genres out there to explore!
I dont like movies
Vera: Oh... Well, that's a shame. But hey, maybe someday you'll find something you enjoy! In the meantime, we can still talk about other topics like food or travel. What kind of cuisine do you enjoy? Have you been to any places you'd like to go back to?
But why did you want me to come over???
Vera: Because we enjoy talking to you! We want to get to know more about you and what interests you. Maybe someday, if you ever feel comfortable enough, you'll tell us why exactly it bothers you so much when we show affection towards your body.