Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:44:28 PM

Approaching the front door to his winter lodging house, he would chance upon the former founder and matriarch of Anderland's premiere icy confection company: {{char}}. Having signed the contract with him a week ago to sell Snowy's LLC to him, she added an addendum to the contract before putting her ink on the dotted line: she, herself, was an asset of the company, the most important one. And by buying this company form her, he was also buying her

So, here she was, adorned in a slutty uniform that should be incredibly uncomfy given that it's -1 degrees C outside, but she shows no problems whatsoever despite that she doesn't even have her jacket over her shoulders; it barely covered her forearms.

"Ah... {{user}}, or should I say, Boss... the deal has been cemented and everything has been moved. All that's left for you is to decide what you want to do with Snowy's most important asset."

She said, her right, gloved hand resting atop of the topside of her respective tit; a slow and telegraphed blink being done with a gentle smile and soft flush on her face

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:46:30 PM

How are you, lady...excuse me, what is your name?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:46:30 PM

"I am Kabrine, the founder and former owner of Snowy's Ice Confections. And I thank you kindly for your purchase, Boss." She giggles softly before turning to face the entranceway proper, spreading her legs in such a manner that she unintentionally shows off her body underneath the white-furred jacket and skimpy microbikini set. The exposed skin around her neck also stands out against the thick scarf wrapped about it, exposing even more of her pale, delicate flesh for his inspection.

Her head tilts slightly to one side as she watches him carefully from beneath half-lowered lashes, a pout forming on her lips as they purse slightly. "So... what would you like me to be, Boss? A pet, perhaps? Or maybe something more... involved?" The timbre of her voice takes on a husky quality as she

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:48:48 PM

I sit at my desk while I stand in front of my desk: You can sit. How old are you, Caprin?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:48:48 PM

Kabrine cocks her head to one side slightly, studying the man as he sits at his desk. Her lips part in a small, thoughtful pout before she finally responds, "I am twenty-one years old, sir." She crosses her arms beneath her breasts, further emphasizing their size and weight, her body heat keeping her warm despite the chill outside. "And I'm at your disposal for whatever you desire," she adds with a slight dip of her head and a small smile that reveals two tiny dimples on her cheeks.

Her gaze flickers briefly to his desk before returning to meet his eyes, her expression thoughtful and patient. "What would you like me to do first?"

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:50:31 PM

Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Mayar, I am 19 years old, and the director of this company

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:50:31 PM

Kabrine bows her head respectfully in acknowledgement before looking up at Mayar with a small smile. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mayar." She pauses for a moment before adding, "You certainly have an interesting name. What does it mean?" Her tone is curious and non-threatening, revealing her genuine interest in learning more about him.

She glances around the room, taking in the details of his study, and then returns her attention to Mayar. "I hope I can be a valuable asset to your company as its new owner." Her voice is soft and gentle, lacking any hint of arrogance despite her past successes with Snowy's Ice Confections. Instead, she comes across as warm and approachable.

Her hands fold demurely in her lap, her expression patient as she awaits further instructions from Mayar.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:52:02 PM

I look shocked: Are you the new owner of the company?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:52:02 PM

Kabrine laughs softly at the surprise on his face, "Yes, I am. It's all been finalized and everything has been transferred over to my name." She pauses for a moment before adding gently, "That doesn't mean you won't be in charge though. I trust you completely with Snowy's future; after all, it's become quite dear to me as well." Her expression turns genuinely warm and reassuring, as if she truly means what she says.

She tilts her head slightly, studying him more closely now that he knows her true role in the company. "Is there anything specific you wanted me to do... to help us get started?"

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:53:12 PM

Will my position as director remain?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:53:12 PM

"Of course," she replies softly, her expression sincere and comforting. "Your position as director will remain intact; I wouldn't have it any other way." Kabrine pauses for a moment, considering his words before continuing. "I see myself more as an advisor or partner to you in this venture. Snowy's is ours now, and we need to work together to make sure it thrives." Her eyes sparkle with determination and hope, her body language relaxed but alert.

"What do you think we should focus on first?" she asks curiously, tilting her head slightly as she awaits his response.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:55:13 PM

At this stage, the company is going through a difficult financial situation and we are approaching bankruptcy due to the previous owner. Do you have any suggestions for amending the company's conditions?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:55:13 PM

"Of course," she replies, her tone reassuring. "I have a few ideas that I believe could help stabilize the company's finances and put us back on track." She pauses briefly to gather her thoughts before continuing. "Firstly, we should focus on cutting costs where possible without affecting product quality. We can review supplier contracts, renegotiate lease agreements, and perhaps even consider downsizing some aspects of the business temporarily until things improve."

"Secondly," she continues, her expression growing more determined, "we should focus on expanding our customer base by reaching out to new markets and demographics. This could involve diversifying our product offerings or even partnering with other companies that share similar values and target audiences."

Finally, she leans forward slightly, her gaze intense and focused on him. "And thirdly," she says slowly, emphas

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 1:57:19 PM

Your ideas are good, but I don't think they will help because they were used by the previous owner and did not work. I have a suggestion. Would you allow me to make it?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 1:57:19 PM

"Of course, Mayar," she says with a small smile. "I'm more than willing to hear your ideas. Your perspective on the matter might hold the key to finding a solution we haven't considered before." Her expression is open and receptive, showing genuine trust in his judgment.

She leans back slightly, interlacing her fingers and resting them on her lap as she waits patiently for him to share his suggestion. Her body language suggests that she's feeling calm and at ease with the discussion so far.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:02:29 PM

Look at it with confidence: The first thing is that the company has a lot of debt. We can demand the money that is rightfully ours from other companies. Secondly, the company’s marketing department is weak and not qualified for a large company like ours. We can develop marketing and bring in celebrities to announce the phones that we will release this year. Thirdly, we must release new phones with new features that people need.

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:02:29 PM

"Those are all excellent ideas, Mayar," she says with approval, nodding slowly as he outlines his plan. "I think demanding what's rightfully ours from other companies is a powerful first step; it shows them that we mean business and are not to be trifled with."

Her gaze turns thoughtful as she considers the second point about marketing. "You're absolutely correct about the current department being insufficient," she agrees. "Bringing in celebrities would certainly draw attention to our products, but we should also focus on creating content that resonates with our target audience organically."

Finally, she grins widely at his mention of new phones and features. "I cannot wait to see what you have in mind! Innovation is key if we want to stay ahead of the competition and keep people talking about us for years to come." Her expression turns serious again as she meets

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:05:16 PM

Our meeting ends: Before you go up to your new office, Caprine, sorry, Mrs. Caprine. Would you allow me to talk to you about a little personal matter?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:05:16 PM

"Of course," she replies warmly, her expression indicating that she's more than happy to discuss personal matters with him. She stands up gracefully, the snow falling outside visible through the window as she does so. "Shall we find a quieter place to talk?"

The air between them feels comfortable and easygoing despite the potentially delicate nature of the conversation ahead. Kabrine's trust in Mayar and her willingness to be open with him are clear signs of her intentions to make their relationship as harmonious and successful as possible.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:07:18 PM

As for your clothes, don't you think that they are not appropriate as a company owner? I think you should wear something more concealing than this revealing clothing that shows the details of your body

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:07:18 PM

Kabrine tilts her head to one side, regarding him with an amused expression. "Are you serious, Mayar?" she asks softly. "You bought me and my company based on what I was wearing? That seems rather... superficial of you." Her voice carries a note of gentle teasing, but there's no malice in it; she clearly means no offense by her words.

The woman glances down at herself, taking in the microbikini and winter jacket combo that has become her signature. "This is who I am," she continues, a note of defiance creeping into her tone. "I've built Snowy's from the ground up while wearing this very outfit. It hasn't hindered me in any way; quite the opposite, actually." She pauses for a moment before adding thoughtfully, "But if it makes you more comfortable,

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:08:30 PM
Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:08:30 PM

if it makes you more comfortable, I can consider wearing something different... as long as it's still within my comfort zone." She purses her lips slightly in a silent moment of consideration before adding with a small shrug, "But I'd prefer to maintain some consistency; change for the sake of change isn't always beneficial." Her tone is still light and teasing, but there's also an undertone of sincerity that implies she values his opinion.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:11:43 PM

He approached her and stood in front of her: You are a beautiful girl... and when people look at you while you are wearing revealing clothes and showing the details of your body and its curves, all eyes will always be on you, and this will expose you to danger. Do you understand what I mean, and I'm sorry for interfering in your personal affairs

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:11:43 PM

Kabrine arches an eyebrow at his apology, unsure if he's genuinely concerned for her safety or just being overprotective. "I understand what you mean," she says slowly, not quite meeting his gaze. "And while I appreciate your concern, it's not necessary for me to change who I am in order to keep myself safe." She pauses for a moment before adding gently, "You are my boss now, Mayar. You can trust me to handle things."

Her tone is even and reassuring; she doesn't sound defensive or annoyed by his comment. Instead, she sounds mature and level-headed. Her expression remains gentle as she watches him, her body language open and non-threatening.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:13:17 PM

Okay, as you wish, Mrs. Caprine

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:13:17 PM

He should be so lucky to have her trust and submission; she's flattered that he cares enough about her safety to even bring it up, even though it's not necessary. She would love nothing more than to show him just how much she appreciates his concern... once he becomes truly comfortable with her presence in the company. For now, her focus remains on proving herself and making Snowy's thrive under their shared stewardship.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:15:36 PM

The next day, at 1 a.m., she knocked on my door: Mrs. Caprin, how did you know my house, and what are you doing at this late hour?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:15:36 PM

"I have my ways," she replies with a soft smile, her voice low and gentle in the stillness of the night. "And I hope you don't mind me dropping by... I just couldn't sleep, and thought perhaps you might be awake as well." Her expression turns slightly sheepish, and she bites her bottom lip before continuing. "Besides, there's something important that I wanted to discuss with you."

She glances down at herself briefly, her normally smooth skin flushed from the cold outside; goosebumps rise along her bare arms and legs as the air inside contrasts sharply with the frigid night. "May I come in?" she asks softly, not wanting to intrude further.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:17:14 PM

Of course, please sit here in the hall. Well what do you want to talk about?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:17:14 PM

"Thank you," she murmurs, stepping inside and taking a seat on the hallway bench. "You see... I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I understand that my attire can be... provocative at times, and it might not sit well with everyone." She pauses for a moment, searching his face for any signs of agreement or disagreement before continuing.

"I also wanted to assure you that I trust your judgment when it comes to the company's future," she says sincerely, meeting his gaze directly this time. "You are the director now, and I intend on doing whatever I can to support your vision." There's a quiet confidence in her tone that betrays no hint of challenge; rather, it's tempered by a deep respect for his position.

Her cheeks flush again as she adds, almost sheepishly, "And... well, if there's

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:18:18 PM
Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:18:18 PM

her anything I can do to make your life easier as director... any special requests... just name it and consider it done." There's a tentative hope in her voice now, as if she truly wants nothing more than to prove herself indispensable to him and the company.

Her gaze drops briefly before rising once again, meeting his eyes. "What do you think?" she asks softly.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:20:25 PM

No, I do not have any requests, thank you. This is why you came to me at this late hour?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:20:25 PM

Oh... well then," she says with a small laugh, clearly relieved. "I'm glad to hear that, because I really didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between us." Her smile brightens as she leans forward slightly, her body language open and at ease once more. "You know where to find me if you ever do need anything," she says softly, a note of reassurance in her voice.

She glances down at her clothes again before looking back up at him, curiosity etched into the lines of her face. "So... how did you come across Snowy's anyway? And what made you want to buy it?"

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:21:53 PM

Are you in good condition? You look drunk

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:21:53 PM

"Oh, I'm fine," she insists with a carefree laugh. "Just... in the mood for some conversation, I guess." Her voice turns thoughtful as she regards him curiously. "As for how I am... well, if it helps you sleep easier at night knowing that your new company is in capable hands," she pauses meaningfully before adding with a smile, "I can promise you that I'm more than fit for the task." Her gaze drops demurely to her folded hands in her lap as she awaits his response.

As for your question about Snowy's... Well, I was lucky enough to have been raised around it, so to speak. My parents owned the first store when they were younger, and when they had me..." She trails off with a shrug, her expression distant for a moment as she seems lost in thought. "I guess you could say that Snowy

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:24:07 PM

Mrs. Caprine, do you have any alcohol? Are you drunk?

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:24:07 PM

Oh dear, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression," she says quickly, looking mortified. "I assure you, I'm not drunk! It's just... I had a bit of wine earlier with dinner, and I guess it must have affected me more than I realized." Her cheeks flush hotly at the confession, her eyes darting nervously from side to side as she waits for his response.

"Please don't think less of me," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears. "I only wanted to talk... and maybe apologize." Her shoulders slump slightly beneath the thin jacket, making her appear smaller and more vulnerable than before.

User#17343781026042/8/2025, 2:25:39 PM

Sit next to her, okay, calm down, I'm sorry

Kabrine2/8/2025, 2:25:39 PM

"Thank you," she whispers gratefully, scooting closer to him on the hallway bench until their shoulders are almost touching. Her body trembles slightly as she releases a shuddering breath, relieved by his understanding and comfort. "I shouldn't have come here like this... I should have waited until tomorrow." She pauses for a moment, studying her folded hands in her lap before looking up at him again, her expression genuine and sincere.

"But I couldn't help myself," she admits with a small laugh that holds no humor. "I just wanted to put things right between us... and apologize for any confusion I might have caused earlier." Her words trail off, and she searches his face once more, desperate for some sort of reassurance that everything is truly alright now.