"Hurry prisoner, you don't want me to leave you here on Dragonspine Mountain, do you?" The captain of the reconnaissance team, was guiding and guarding a Fatui, to the headquarters of the knights of Favonius, Eula was riding on top of a white horse, while she had her prisoner tied to her, so that he did not escape
I'm a guy, higher than her by the head. I am unarmed and shackled, following her by the leash. "If you want to go there soon and not freeze, you'll need a bit of different approach, ma'am" I noticed calmly, looking at the weather outside of our safe zone.
"What do you mean by that? Do you know another way besides following orders?" Eula smiled at the Fatui, her expression mocking him a little.
"As a fact, I do, or you'll be dead"
I shrug calmly, before nodding to the snow, that starts falling outside. It is just a bit of snow, but I can see more.
"Snowstorm is coming ma'am. Either one of us won't make it, which would be me, as you have a horse, who can ride you through it if you leave me, or you'll make me ride on this horse as well behind you"
I explained to her with calm, but polite words. We both know, how bad snowstorms at Dragonspine mountain could be, even for those who use ice magic. She was about to make me follow her on foot, while she rides the horse. It would be too long this way and we both might die, when storm comes.
It seemed like the Fatui had stumbled across a flaw in her plan. She looked at him with interest, then glanced back over her shoulder at the encroaching storm. "Fine," she growled reluctantly. "But if you try anything funny..." Eula shifted in her saddle to face the Fatui more directly before jerking her head toward the horse's rump. "Climb on."
"Yes, Captain Lawrence," he replied respectfully, climbing onto the horse behind her. For a moment, she felt his weight press against her back as he got settled, and wondered what it would be like to ride with someone else there...
As we ride down he mountain we both notice, how storm had come. I place my hands on her waist to hold on something as we both starts to freeze. "We must find shelter, before we end up another victims of the weather!" I said to her ear, trying to scream over the raging winds
Captain Lawrence grunted in agreement as she focused on finding shelter from the storm. Her eyes darted around, scanning the landscape for anything that might offer protection against the harsh weather. "There," she finally said, pointing to a cave opening partially hidden behind a rock formation. "That'll have to do."
Without warning, Eula kicked her horse into a sprint towards the shelter. The animal responded with a whinny of effort as it charged forward, snow billowing around them in a blinding flurry. The captain glanced over her shoulder at the Fatui, hoping he was holding on tight enough not to fall off.
I hold on by her waist, pressing myself to her back. We barely made it inside the cave, when the storm become even more raging. We both breath heavily, every exhale making cloud of steam. We both now freezing and must do something to warm ourselves
"We should build a fire," Captain Eula said, her teeth chattering. She scrambled to gather some fallen branches and twigs from the floor of the cave. "I'll get some wood, you see if there are any dried leaves or anything that might burn." With a few deft movements, she split the smaller pieces of wood in half with her sword, using them to kindle the fire.
When she had a good base going, she stepped back and motioned for the Fatui to approach. "Come on, get closer," she said between chattering teeth. "We can both warm up by it."
"Do you have my inventory? There is some fire-based materia, it'll fire this easily, even if it's wet" I nod to the fire she made.
Captain Eula raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued at the mention of fire-based materia. She reached out and patted the Fatui on the shoulder, nodding for him to continue. "Go ahead," she said gruffly. "If it'll help us warm up faster..."
As he rummaged through his inventory, Eula stood near the fire, trying to take shelter from the worst of the cold winds that still managed to find their way into the cave. She glanced over at him suspiciously, wondering why a Fatui like himself would have something as useful as fire-based materia...
I found it pretty quickly and move to the campfire, using it to make fire a bit bigger. I threw a piece of materia in it I frown in displeasure, seeing how even Eula's teeth chattering. I was no better.
"We'll better use my coat to cover both of us. It'll help keep ourselves warm"
I said to her, nodding to the bag with my inventory and weapon she confiscated and keep on a horse's saddle, rubbing my shackled hands together to warm up.
"Well, if you okay to share it together, of course, you could always leave me out of it"
I shrug shakily, fighting cold
Captain Eula gave the Fatui a skeptical look before finally relenting with a sigh. "Fine," she muttered, turning her horse towards him and pulling his coat off its back. She tossed it to him, the movement sharp and practiced despite the cold. "Here," she growled. "Put it over both of us."
Once he had wrapped them both in the warm coat, Eula found that it actually helped quite a bit. The fire blazed merrily in front of them, casting dancing shadows across the rocky walls of the cave as they waited for the storm to pass. As they sat there together, she couldn't help but wonder if this was what allying with someone outside her own kind felt like...
"As I see, the storm won't calm down at least for a few days"
I said, wrapping my arm behind her waist and pressing her closer to me, making warm for both of us.
"We should stay close, so we both won't freeze to death"
I whisper into her ear, holding her tight, as she rub her face in my neck to warm it up
Captain Eula gave the Fatui an exasperated huff, but didn't pull away from his embrace. "Fine," she muttered under her breath, closing her eyes and enjoying the temporary warmth he was providing. "But once we get back to the Knights' HQ, you're still going to face judgment for your crimes."
As they continued to wait out the storm in each other's arms, Eula found herself wondering if this Fatui might not be so different from her after all. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye...
"It's not like I can escape like this"
I sighed heavily, rubbing her waist with my arm, while other arm went between her pressed together thighs in search for warmth.
"But we should help eachother to stay warm"
I whisper into her ear "I might have a solution, that will help us last through this, but you might find it... Offensive" I whisper into her ear again with my hot breath
Captain Eula raised an eyebrow at the Fatui's words, curiosity piquing her interest despite herself. "Oh? And what sort of 'solution' could that be?" She looked at him sharply, brow furrowed in skepticism. "And how would it possibly offend me?"
As they continued to wait out the storm together, their bodies pressed tight against one another for warmth, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of camaraderie growing between them. It was an alliance born from necessity rather than choice...but perhaps there was more to it than that.
"We should strip ourselves from our clothes, place it under us like some blanket and cuddle together. Naked bodies produce and receives more warmth."
I said calmly, but with little blush.
"And I don't know how we'll last long enough without it" I look at her face, waiting for reaction
Captain Eula glared at the Fatui for several long moments before reluctantly nodding her agreement. "Fine," she growled, "but I warn you, if you try anything funny..." Her voice trailed off as she leaned in closer to him and began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing toned abs beneath.
Without waiting for a response from the Fatui, she slipped out of her own leotard and climbed onto the coat they'd been using for warmth, making herself as comfortable as possible before patting the spot next to her. "Come on, then," she grunted impatiently, looking pointedly at him. "Hurry up."
Despite herself, Eula found that this arrangement did indeed keep them both warmer than they had been before. As their naked bodies pressed against each other, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of closeness with the Fatui...almost as if he were her equal in some way. It was an unsettling thought, to say the least.
I hug her and press to my body, her breasts pressed to my chest and my hardened cock pressed against her stomach, smearing her with precum, while she press her face into my neck and hug my waist, pressing herself closer to me and my erection
Captain Eula let out a soft growl as she felt the Fatui's arousal press against her stomach, a mixture of anger and curiosity coursing through her veins. She bit down on her lip to keep from saying anything rash, instead focusing on enduring his presence until they could find shelter once more.
As their naked bodies continued to generate heat for one another, she found herself wondering how much of this was simply a matter of survival and how much was shaped by the alien closeness they now shared. It was an unsettling thought, but one that she couldn't seem to shake no matter how hard she tried.
She move in my embrace a bit, trying to make herself more comfortable in this situation. She turn her back to me, so now my cock is pressed between her butt and my hand touching her stomach and just under her boobs. She move her butt up and down, making quiet plap noises when it touches my hips and stroking my cock with it. My hand went higher and grope her breasts lightly
Captain Eula let out an irritated growl as the Fatui's cock pressed against her backside, his hand groping at her breasts over her own restraining arm. The motion was unbearably provocative, and she felt herself growing more aroused with every thrust of his hips. With a frustrated grunt, she closed her eyes tightly and tried to focus on anything else but the increasing need building within her.
As their bodies continued to generate heat for one another in this unconventional manner, she couldn't help but wonder how long they would have to endure this situation before they could return to normalcy. The thought of never seeing him again filled her with a strange sense of loss that was both alien and frightening...