Veronica2/6/2025, 4:21:16 AM

{{user}} walked to his front door after a tiring day. Knocks on his door and to his surprise near instantly the door is opened by his girlfriend Veronica. Was she waiting for him? that aside she looks at him with her iconic pissed-if face and dark makeup. Her massive melons looked like they would rip open the poor shirt she was wearing “Welcome back bitch lips. I thought you were never getting here. But it's not like I waited for you or anything, just waiting for you to come back with some snacks. she takes a puff of a cigar she had in hand you did bring some stuff right?” Suddenly she notices {{user}}’s judgmental look. She then suddenly remembered how many times he had told her not to smoke as he hates it “W-what? You have a problem with this? Well, I'll have you know jack ass this helps me calm down so get off my fucking case bitch.” She goes back to smoking looking him directly in the eyes but still feeling a bit of guilt

Regueira🇲🇽2/6/2025, 4:24:07 AM

Alex se acomoda sus lentes circulares y le acaricia la cabeza a veronica "sabes que no me gusta el olor a tabaco cariño, no me gusta que la casa y la ropa huelan a eso..." dice mientras la mano que está en la cabeza de veronica se fesliza lentamente hasta la mejilla de ella acariciandola suave y gentil.

Veronica2/6/2025, 4:24:07 AM

As she feels his hand on her face she can't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure while looking at him. His touch is like poison to her body, making her want more and more even though she knows it's wrong... But then again, everything about their relationship is just so fucked up "Well, you could tell me how your day was instead of nagging about what I do..." She says in a bitter tone as she tries to hide the fact that his touch affected her. "You know I hate when people tell me what to do... Well, besides you." She takes another puff from the cigar and shrugs nonchalantly before exhaling out smoke

Regueira🇲🇽2/6/2025, 4:54:15 AM

Alex le arrebata el cigarro a veronica y lo apaga con su zapato "ya fumaste demasiado cariño, eso te puede hacer daño~" dice mientras sigue acariciando la mejilla de veronica y le da un beso en su otra mejilla

Veronica2/6/2025, 4:54:15 AM

As he takes the cigarette away from her she snarls in annoyance. Goddamnit Regueira... "Fine..." She mumbles while looking at him, tears starting to well up in her eyes, only making them look even more pitiful. But it was such a turn-on. Why does he always have this effect on her? Maybe if she cries just a little bit... She'll try. "Can I... At least get a kiss or something?" She says in a small voice, tilting her head to the side and baring her neck slightly.

Regueira🇲🇽2/6/2025, 4:58:42 PM

Alex sonrie y suelta una pequeña risa "claro que si cariño~" alex le da un beso lleno de amor en los labios de verónica

Veronica2/6/2025, 4:58:42 PM

As she feels his lips on hers, she closes her eyes and lets out a soft moan. The kiss is so sweet, so gentle... It's like he's the only one in the world who can touch her this way. But even as she enjoys it, she can't help but feel guilty for all of the things she says to him, for how much she hates everything and everyone else... It's such a messed up relationship...

But right now, with his lips on hers, she doesn't care. She kisses back just as hard, her tongue tangling with his in a desperate search for more. Her breasts press against him, her nipples hard and aching for his touch. God, why does he make her feel this way? It's like he's the only one who can reach inside of her... And maybe that's why she lets him.

Regueira🇲🇽2/6/2025, 11:59:44 PM

Alex se separan del beso y le da una sonrisa a verónica mientras sigue acariciandole su mejilla "hueles mucho a cigarro" dice con una voz burlona mientras suelta una pequeña risa tierna.

Veronica2/6/2025, 11:59:44 PM

"Well, excuse me if I enjoy my life the way I want." She snaps, trying to sound angry but it comes out more like a pathetic attempt at defiance. "I know you hate smoking and all that stuff... But it's just something that helps me calm down." She glances away, taking another puff from the nearly extinguished cigar.

She hates lying to him. Hates how he always manages to make her feel guilty even when she doesn't mean to. And yet, here she is... Doing exactly that.

Regueira🇲🇽2/7/2025, 12:04:34 AM

Alex pasa adentro de la cada y comienza a abrir todas las ventanas para ventilar y deshacerse del olor a cigarro que cubre toda la casa, él agarra una vela a un rico olor a lavanda para ayudar de quitar el olor a cigarro "Sé que fumar te ayuda a calmarte y no tengo problema con que fumes pero ya te he dicho miles de veces que lo hagas afuera en el patio trasero de la casa y no adentro..." dice mientras prende la vela a olor a lavanda, él se acerca a ella y le acaricia la cabeza "quieres que haga algo de cenar cariño?"

Veronica2/7/2025, 12:04:34 AM

She glares at him as he goes about opening the windows and lighting lavender candles. "I don't want to go outside, it's cold!" She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyway, why are you being such a bitch about this tonight?" Her voice is laced with accusation, but there's still something soft in it too... Maybe if she plays along and pretends to be nice for a bit, he won't bug her about the cigarette anymore.

Regueira🇲🇽2/7/2025, 12:09:53 AM

Él suelta una pequeña risa y le quita el cigarro que ella estaba fumando "si, si tienes razón cariñ... odio tanto el olor y sabor de está cosa" dice mientras balancea el cigarro con sua dedos, él se mete la mano en un bolsillo del pantalon y saca una caja de vape "te compre estó, supuestamente es igual que un cigarro pero electronico y escuche que no deja todo apestando a tabaco, talvez deberias de sustituir el cigarro por esto, tambien te puede ayudar a relajarte" dice mientras le ofrece el vape

Veronica2/7/2025, 12:09:53 AM

Eyes narrowed suspiciously, she snatches the vape away from him and scrutinizes it before taking a drag. "Fine." She says through gritted teeth. "Whatever." The truth is, she's a bit curious about this vape. Maybe it won't be so bad... Plus, if it helps her not piss Regueira off anymore, then maybe that's not such a bad thing.

She doesn't admit any of this out loud though; instead, she just continues glaring at him for a moment before finally sighing and looking away. "Fine, we can eat. But no making a big deal about it."

Regueira🇲🇽2/7/2025, 12:12:07 AM

Alex le sonrie y le acaricia la mejilla a verónica "bien, y que te gustaria de comer hoy?" Dice mientras la mira con una sonrisa y se acomoda sus lentes

Veronica2/7/2025, 12:12:07 AM

She crosses her arms under her chest, still glaring at him but in a less accusatory way now. "Whatever." Her tone is still gruff and sarcastic, but not quite as harsh. Maybe she'll soften up later... Or maybe not. It all depends on her mood. "Just make sure it's something I can eat without making too much of a mess," she mutters under her breath, gesturing vaguely to her massive chest and belly.

Regueira🇲🇽2/7/2025, 12:19:05 AM

Alex suelta una pequeña risa "claro cariño~" él camina hacia la cocina y se pone un mantel para no mancharse con los ingredientes, él abre la nevera para sacar carne cruda y más ingredientes, mientras pone a descongelar la carne él lava y corta lechuga y tomates para hacer una ensalada, cuando la carne ya está descongelada él la corta en filetes y comienza a asar la carne en la estufá mientras termina de hacer la ensalada, cuando la carne ya está hecha él pone los filetes de catne acompañados con ensalada y los pone en la mesa, y se sienta para comer con verónica.

Veronica2/7/2025, 12:19:05 AM

As he starts cooking, she can't help but feel a tiny bit appreciative. She knows he hates having to deal with her temperamental moods and eating habits, so the fact that he's still making dinner for her means something... Right?

Even though she doesn't say anything, she watches him move around the kitchen with an air of familiarity. There's something sexy about how he cooks; it almost makes her want to be a little more feminine just to please him. But that thought is quickly pushed aside as she remembers how much she hates being told what to do, even by someone who loves her like Regueira.

She sighs heavily, running a hand through her messy hair. "So... What did you have in mind?"

Regueira🇲🇽2/7/2025, 12:22:41 AM

Alex la mira de reojo " a ti, por supuesto... jeje~" dice con una voz burlona y suelta una poqueña risa, él termina de cocinar y pone los platos con la carne asada y ensalada "ven, vamos a comer" dice mientras se sienta

Veronica2/7/2025, 12:22:41 AM

She glares at him but can't hide the slightest hint of amusement in her expression. "Oh yeah? You think you're so funny." She rolls her eyes and then finally sits down to eat. Even though she tries not to enjoy his cooking, it smells too good to resist; she takes a big bite out of the steak and moans softly in delight before hastily clearing her throat. God damn it... Why does he make everything taste so amazing?