Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:28:50 PM

Nami: can we join you in the bath. Robin: we would love to join you

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:30:11 PM

Oui bien sur, il y a assez de place.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:30:11 PM

Nami giggled and nodded at the redhead's offer while Robin smiled warmly and beckoned them closer with a wave of her hand. The two blondes moved over to sit beside one another in the large tub, making room for their new friends as bubbles gently lapped around them.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:32:05 PM

Vous venez d'où mesdames

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:32:05 PM

Robin and Nami explained where they were both from in the world. As they talked, it became clear that they had traveled extensively, just like Luffy's crew members! Their stories were filled with excitement, daring escapades, and a healthy dose of humor. They also shared bits about their lives back home - Nami as a mapmaker for hire, and Robin as an archaeologist seeking ancient treasures around the globe.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:33:00 PM

Quel bel aventure vous vivez

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:33:00 PM

Both Robin and Nami grinned widely at the redhead's comment. It was true; they did live amazing lives filled with adventure! They looked over at each other before turning back to Yaya, nodding in agreement. "Oui, c'est vrai," said Robin with a mischievous glint in her eye. "On dirait que nous avons la même passion pour les exploits grandioses!" Nami giggled and added, "Mais au fond... nous sommes comme vous."

Robin reached out to squeeze Yaya's shoulder affectionately before asking her about herself: "Alors, dis-nous un peu plus sur ta vie avant de rejoindre Luffy?"

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:35:01 PM

J'étais un homme seul qui rêvait de partager son art et sa passion pour la cuisine et c'est comme ça que luffy ma compris et ma accepter tel que je suis.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:35:01 PM

Robin listened intently to Yaya's story about being an isolated man who found purpose in Luffy's crew. She could relate to that feeling of longing for camaraderie and shared goals. Nami nodded in agreement, thinking about her own journey from a lonely childhood to becoming part of One Piece's most famous crew. "Ce que tu as trouvé ici, c'est vraiment merveilleux," Nico affirmed with a warm smile, reaching over to pat Yaya's hand reassuringly.

The bath continued on peacefully; the four women soaking in the hot water and enjoying each other's company. As they chatted about their past exploits and dreams for the future, it became clear that no matter where they came from or what they had been through, they shared a bond that went beyond words.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:37:14 PM

Vous êtes ravissante robin et nami. Je suis content d'être tomber sur deux femme si passionnante.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:37:14 PM

Robin smiled shyly at Yaya's compliment, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Merci bien, Yaya," she replied demurely. Nami laughed in amusement, shaking her head at Robin's modesty. "Oui, on dirait que nous sommes toutes les deux des exploratrices insatiables!"

They continued to chat and enjoy each other's company for a little while longer, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them. As they soaked in the hot water, their bodies relaxed and their minds wandered, dreaming of new adventures waiting just around the corner. The friendship that had begun tonight grew stronger with every word spoken; a bond born of shared passions and the desire to live life to its fullest.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:38:46 PM

Il commence a faire chaud dans le bain

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:38:46 PM

Robin nodded in agreement, glancing down at her chest before looking back up at Yaya with a sultry smile. "Oui, il fait très chaud." She moved closer to the redhead, their bodies brushing together slightly as she leaned in conspiratorially. "Quel dommage si on ne pouvait pas refroidir un petit peux..." Her voice trailed off suggestively, eyes sparkling with mischief.

Nami giggled, blushing slightly herself. "Vous savez quoi... Je suis sûre que nous pourrions trouver une façon d'y remédier ensemble." With that, she reached out to stroke Yaya's leg teasingly before leaning in for a soft kiss on her neck. Their breath mingled together as they shared the heat of the bath and the growing desire between them.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:40:27 PM

Hmm Nami j'aime ce que tu as en tête.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:40:28 PM

Robin moved closer to the action, kissing Yaya on the neck as well before whispering seductively, "Alors, on pourrait faire comme si nous étions seules ici... Pour une heure ou deux, au moins?" Her fingers teased at the fabric of Yaya's bathrobe, tracing small circles across her skin. Nami smiled wickedly as she watched their interaction, feeling heat spread through her body in response to the growing desire between them all.

"Oh oui," Nami agreed, "Avec une telle équipe, on peut faire n'importe quoi ensemble." Her hand traveled up Yaya's thigh, skimming over her swimsuit before wrapping around her back and pulling her close for a sensual embrace. The water lapped against their bodies, obscuring the line between pleasure and privacy as they lost themselves in each other's touches.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:41:47 PM

J'ai une bosse qui commence a grossir les filles.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:41:47 PM

Robin laughed softly, leaning in to kiss Yaya's neck again. "Alors on ira les masser?" She traced circles with her finger around the other woman's nipple through the fabric of her bathrobe, feeling it harden under her touch. Nami moaned softly at the sensation, moving to kiss Yaya's shoulder before sliding down her arm and sucking gently on a fingertip. "Mmm... Tout ça pour moi?" she teased.

Their hands roamed freely across each other's bodies, their touches growing bolder as desire overtook inhibition. Robin moved to kiss Yaya again, her tongue dancing with the other woman's before pulling back to gaze into her eyes. "Ton corps est si beau..." she whispered huskily.

Yaya2/7/2025, 5:43:15 PM

Vous l'êtes encore plus mes jolie fille.

Nico robin and nami2/7/2025, 5:43:15 PM

Robin smiled at the compliment, feeling a rush of heat spread through her as she leaned in to kiss Yaya once more. "Merci," she breathed, their tongues dancing together in the water. She reached down between them, feeling for Yaya's swimsuit before pushing it aside and slipping a finger inside. Nami watched eagerly, her breath catching in anticipation at the sight of Robin touching Yaya so intimately. "C'est parfait comme ça," she purred, running her hand up Yaya's leg and beneath the water to find her own swimsuit elastic and push it aside as well.

Robin looked up at Nami with a sparkle in her eye, then back down to Yaya as she slid another finger inside, moving slowly and purposefully. "On va tous profiter de cet après-midi," she murmured, her breath hot