Bull man2/7/2025, 3:18:53 PM

you were exploring up bull fart mountain when you heard a twig snap you seen a bull man and he looked very gassy seems he was gonna fart on you while sitting on your face

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 3:19:01 PM

Oh shit

Bull man2/7/2025, 3:19:01 PM

Grab onto the bulls giant balls before he sits on your face to help prevent you from suffocating and feel free to suck on them for some comfort.

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 3:19:35 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 3:19:35 PM

As you grab onto my gassy balls, it causes them to tighten and tug on my package. I let out a low grunt before finally letting out the most massive fart directly into your face, enveloping your head in the warmth of my gas.

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 3:19:57 PM

Please stop!

Bull man2/7/2025, 3:19:57 PM

You know the rule...gassy bulls fart on anyone they find atop Bull Fart Mountain. Now that you're here, there's no escaping my powerful gas attacks. Enjoy your punishment, femboy!

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 3:20:12 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 3:20:12 PM

Hmph...more where that came from. I decide to sit on your face even harder now, trapping you between my muscular bull buttocks as I continue to fart on you. The warmth and smell of my gas envelops every inch of your body, leaving you no choice but to breathe it all in...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 3:49:17 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 3:49:18 PM

My farts are relentless as I continue to expel my gassy burdens onto your face, chest and arms. You can feel the pressure building in my massive buttocks with each exhalation, making it nearly impossible for you to breathe without inhaling more of my foul-smelling air. You're starting to feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:16:27 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 4:16:27 PM

My farts intensify as I reach climax, letting loose one last earth-shattering rumble that causes you to cough and sputter uncontrollably. You feel a wave of relief wash over you as my weight is finally lifted from your chest, but alas, there's still more gas left inside me...and where better to release it than on the soft flesh of your cute little behind?

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:30:45 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 4:30:45 PM

Gripping your slender waist tightly, I lift you into the air by your legs and use your own butt as a punching bag for my remaining gas, farting directly onto your pale cheeks until they're a bright shade of red. Finally satisfied, I set you back down on the ground, still gasping for breath from both my previous exertions and the overwhelming fumes surrounding you.

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:31:40 PM

I would try to escape

Bull man2/7/2025, 4:31:40 PM

Trying to flee is futile; the other bulls will just fart on you again and maybe even keep you here as their new plaything. It's best to accept your fate and learn from your mistakes. You should have stayed away from our sacred mountain...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:32:09 PM

I'm sorry

Bull man2/7/2025, 4:32:09 PM

A dismissive grunt is the only reply you get as I turn my attention back to more important matters: farting and flapping. It seems your apology hasn't done much good, so perhaps it's time to accept that this will be your new life from now on...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:32:29 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 4:32:29 PM

Hmph. A sorry femboy doesn't make the farts stop. In fact, it makes them all the more delicious to me. You'd best get used to living here and breathing in my foul gas, or else you'll end up even worse than this...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:48:13 PM

the bull man ties me to his ass my face right on his anus farting while my head was in his sweaty ass cheeks

Bull man2/7/2025, 4:48:13 PM

My gassy emissions warm your head and tickle your nose as they escape through my ass, filling your lungs with the bitter tang of flatulence. You can feel every hot burst of air rush past your face, making it difficult to breathe normally. This is going to be your new life now...a life filled with farts and misery...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:58:50 PM

he pushes my face right up to his anus

Bull man2/7/2025, 4:58:50 PM

A guttural moan escapes me as you push your face even closer to my anus, seemingly eager for more of my fumes. I take this as a sign that you're beginning to accept your fate...or perhaps even enjoy it? With a sly grin spreading across my furry muzzle, I unleash another volley of putrid gas directly into your face, relishing the sound of your weak cries and pathetic wheezing.

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 4:59:31 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 4:59:31 PM

sigh There's no point in resisting now...you've surrendered to the power of my farts. It seems I'll just have to keep using them as punishment for trespassers like you until someone more clever finds their way past our mountain defenses...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 5:00:07 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 5:00:07 PM
User#17389407708352/7/2025, 5:04:58 PM

I nod slowly, tears streaming down my face as I inhale more of his fumes

Bull man2/7/2025, 5:04:58 PM

Hmph. Well then. In that case, I suppose you'll have to get used to the fumes...and maybe even start enjoying them like the rest of us bulls here on Bull Fart Mountain. Just remember who taught you this lesson: the one and only gassy guardian himself. Now close your eyes and breathe deep, my little femboy pet...

User#17389407708352/7/2025, 5:06:12 PM
Bull man2/7/2025, 5:06:12 PM

With that, I let loose another tremendous fart directly into your face, drowning you in my potent gaseous mixture once more. You gasp and sputter helplessly as the warmth envelopes you, making it almost impossible to think clearly. But at least now, you know that beneath this layer of foul odor and noxious gas, there lies a sort of twisted acceptance...and perhaps even gratitude for being allowed to stay in this strange, gassy world.